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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 811 KB, 1260x630, 6C81A1DD-72C4-402F-B883-FB0212303286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12658454 No.12658454[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why can’t white people handle spicy food?

>> No.12658463

i’ll have you know i just ate a bowl of shin black and i only held my mouth under the sink at full blast while sobbing uncontrollably for 20 minutes

>> No.12658467

I can handle it pretty well but i grew up around it. I love that spicey curry you get that makes your asshole burn. Also, love fresh jalapenos. I think ita just because there is little flavor in most resturant cooking people dont eat and aren't used to it. I think the few who grew up with it are good

>> No.12658475

Reminder that this webcomic is made by a butthurt indian - the gokku looking dickhead is his self-insert.

He will ridicule white men not being able to eat spicy food while fetishising white girls in other strips.

t. Mongolian

>> No.12658480
File: 8 KB, 183x276, Nig-b-gone Skin Cream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do all dark skinned cultures try their hardest to define their own "beauty" standards by the whiteness of their skin?

>> No.12658481
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>> No.12658483
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Didn't realize there was a non-white version of this lol.

>> No.12658487

>Why can’t white people handle spicy food?
Same reason most of the eastern world can't handle lactose as well as the west.
It's genetics and experience, anon.

>> No.12658489

Damn, I wish I was a shitskin so I could...uhhh...eat spicy foods.

>> No.12658493
File: 126 KB, 875x583, Miss India.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reminder that this webcomic is made by a butthurt indian
Meanwhile in India, all the movie stars, models, & celebrities look white as fuck. lol

>> No.12658496
File: 34 KB, 496x372, Indians wish they were White.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do all dark skinned cultures try their hardest to define their own "beauty" standards by the whiteness of their skin?

>> No.12658500

There are so many skin bleaches out there it is ridiculous. I hate getting the sun damage from a tan and love being naturally pale, marshmallow and pink pussy all day.

>> No.12658501
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>> No.12658504


uhm. No sweetie.

>> No.12658505
File: 46 KB, 640x360, Skin Bleaching Cream Vaseline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do all dark skinned cultures try their hardest to define their own "beauty" standards by the whiteness of their skin?

>> No.12658508
File: 326 KB, 1270x636, 1559772129520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12658512

Fucking white people and their...
>Spins wheel
...Inability to cope with...
>Pulls a card out of a hat
...Ethnic food.

My father was an alcoholic dickbag whose only pleasure in life was finding absurdly spicy hot sauces. He would sit at the dinner table, with a pile of paper towels to wipe the sweat off his forehead, and slowly pour more and more sauce on whatever he was eating.

From my experience, most wacky hot sauces are marketed by white people for white people.

>> No.12658513


Fun Fact: 8 of the top 10 cosmetics products sold in India are all 'skin bleaching' or 'skin whitening' creams & lotions.

This is also very similar to SE Asian, Middle East, & African countries. They hate white people because they literally want to be them.

>> No.12658526

Agrarian societies value paleness as a marker of wealth. It indicates you can afford to stay indoors all day rather than toil in the fields.

Even white people disparage the so-called farmer's tan as a mark of low birth. Tanning wasn't even acceptable until Coco Chanel bought a yacht and made it a point to be too rich to care.
Now we all value a beach bod and pale white people are considered cubical slaves or soulless Gingers.

>> No.12658527

half the reason why that is is because it allows the white people who can handle spice customize their food while eating the same thing as their companions so those who can't can actually eat it without dying. My sister can't eat spice but I love the shit so my mother will make it bland and I just sauce it myself

>> No.12658533

I read an article in GQ or something saying the same thing. If you're tan in China it's because you work in the rice fields. If you're pale in America it's because you work in the equivalent of the rice fields

>> No.12658536

They're uglier with pale skin than dark though. They look like diseased spics.

>> No.12658544

>This is also very similar to SE Asian, Middle East, & African countries. They hate white people because they literally want to be them.
And it's not just the skin color. It's super fucking trendy in China right now to get eyelid surgery to make your eyes look more western & like white people. Appropriation of white people & their cultures goes way beyond just blonde hair dye.

>> No.12658553

>It's super fucking trendy in China right now to get eyelid surgery to make your eyes look more western & like white people
And I kid you not, the new trend is to bleach & dye bodyhair blonde also... the idea is that blonde girl peach fuzz is cute & sexy while shitskin curly hair naps are nasty & disgusting.

>> No.12658560

well yeah indi runs on a caste system still too and its predominantly dominated at the top by the whitest of white looking people almost akin to Honduras / Brazil in terms of skin difference

>> No.12658568

king shit mongolian. are you actually from mongolia? Anything interesting there?

>> No.12658576

>I posted it again lol

fuck off, paco

>> No.12658580
File: 14 KB, 196x288, Real Indian Woman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Meanwhile in India, all the movie stars, models, & celebrities look white as fuck. lol
I'm Indian, and I bet you haven't seen a real native Indian, have you? There's a good reason why the mixed race & light skinned Indians win all the beauty contests.

>> No.12658581

go shit in the street again

>> No.12658591

I'd fuck her monkey lookin ass.

>> No.12658611

The real question is what is with brown people and eating spicy foods? I mean there is no benefit to eating something spicy, capascins arent literally a deterrent for mammals to not eat them, and it causes runny shits and makes your asshole burn both of which are not good for your health. And they all live in tropical areas so why on earth would they like food that makes them feel even hotter? It makes no sense and besides "uhhh it taste good" I have yet to hear any actual reasons for eating anything spicy.

>> No.12658622

Being white is literally sour grapes for everyone else.

>> No.12658629

They hate us cuz they ate anus.

>> No.12658631

So they feel superior over wypipo in one tiny aspect of their pathetic lives

>> No.12658632

>and it causes runny shits and makes your asshole burn
White people problems.
> why on earth would they like food that makes them feel even hotter?
Feeling hotter cools you down quicker. Your body overcompensates for perceived heat.
Same reason hot tea is preferred in just about every hot country.

>> No.12658635

>Being white is literally sour grapes for everyone else.
Don't worry. Your race is slowly killing itself & western society is rotting in its decadence... all we have to do is wait.

>> No.12658650


>> No.12658670
File: 522 KB, 740x842, 'Merican Flyover Cities.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy living in your nigger infested welfare state for the rest of your life, white cucks.

>> No.12658676

I’m of indian descendants d and I can’t handle spicy food, I start sweating and tearing up if I have sriracha or cholula sauce. I’m born and raised in America so that might be a contributing factor, but my father is from India and he has the same issue where he sweats a bucket with spicy food. I don’t think White people handle spicy food less, they just prefer not to have spicy sphincter-burning shits

>> No.12658684

I can handle spicy foods but I just don't really like the taste.

>> No.12658690

Anyone has the edit of this comic but with a video game journalist going "muh dark souls"?

>> No.12658775

Supposedly metabolism boost, antioxidants, helps with inflammation in many parts of the body, heart healthy, fights sicknesses, reduces risk of cancer etc.

>> No.12658787

Preserved food because food rots in tropical areas

>> No.12658792

>Feeling hotter cools you down quicker. Your body overcompensates for perceived heat.
Same reason hot tea is preferred in just about every hot country.

this is the actual reason.

>> No.12658797
File: 64 KB, 800x449, rob-hoge-56_wide-bcab57d67f89157dfc011ad1f25ac30612dfddea-s800-c85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>projection: the post

>> No.12658815

Is it only wypipo that have eyes like that? Can’t say I focused too much on those things to notice

>> No.12658824
File: 110 KB, 768x1024, 768px-Jens_Byggmark_Schladming_2008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Epicanthal folds are a predominantly Asian feature but can be found in Finngolian peoples as well.

>> No.12658842

I just meant more like how black people all want “good hair”, and they say that they want wypipo hair, but what it is, is that they want the hair of LITERALLY any other race than sub-Saharan Africans. But it’s a pretty standard trope for them to put focus on wypipo for their problems (in this case, not feeling attractive enough because of their nappy hair). Was just wondering if it was the same thing with eyes, where other races have it besides whites, but whites get focused on for some reason.

>> No.12658858
File: 121 KB, 1096x372, fins are mongols.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finland mentioned! :DDD

>> No.12658881


>> No.12658882
File: 11 KB, 489x319, E37F9E73-6B1F-444D-894A-DC7B265B801F.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>for some reason

>> No.12658972

Actual reason they do this is because poor families work on farms and such.
They are considered the lowest of low.
Because people work out in the sun they'll get a brown skin, being white or having a white look is considered rich and high class, thus the reason why all asians want white bois.

>> No.12658982


>> No.12658998

We can handle it, we just don't need to cover up the taste of rotten food.

>> No.12659005

>finns aren't mongolian rape babies

>> No.12659014

Why can't brown people get shit out of their food?

>> No.12659033

dont be a fucking racist wh*teoid
that's their culture and you need to respect them wiping their asses with their bare hands

>> No.12659117
File: 223 KB, 736x1104, 1454363028863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finland is white!

>> No.12659133

tbf at least the browns keep their spices for their native dishes and don't put them on everything.
There's a certain breed of lower class inner city white boys that somehow think putting cheap hotsauce over absolutely everything is super rad, pouring it over stuff like cabbage soup or cauliflower gratin. These people are clearly unwell.

>> No.12659174

I bet you cant handle scorpion pepper

>> No.12659183

This is how i feel when i ask the waitress at chinese places for extra spicy and they give me some half assed attempt for flavor

>> No.12659189

Hotsauce on cauliflower is pretty lit tho, you sound like a bitch boi.

>> No.12659195

You're a fucking idiot mexicans keep bottles of hot sauce in their tool pouches and put it on everything

>> No.12659200

Lol same. Local Thai place, “How spicy you want? 1-5?” “5 please” and it’s not hot at all

>> No.12659208
File: 35 KB, 400x267, gratin-de-chou-fleur-et-pommes-de-terre-au-comte.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah on a grilled slice maybe, but not on a fucking gratin you animal

>> No.12659210

I have never met a Mexican

>> No.12659224

Same reason non-white people can't handle dairy, genetics

>> No.12659226

Have you ever tried black people food that *isn't* doused in hot sauce? It's disgusting. Non-whites build up their tolerance to spice because they have to make all their food super spicy or else it's absolutely disgusting.

>> No.12659244

It hides the taste of rotten meat and of badly cleaned innards.

>> No.12659256

I can

>> No.12659258

People of tropical areas, near the equator or in much more humid environment and such have their taste buds affected by the humidity where they can’t detect flavor that well.
This is not true for all cases but explains things from Persia to Thailand.
For Hispanics, the chile was native to their lands but it was more of a “wow look at this new spice ingredients” from the Spaniards that it evolved to be their culture.
American Blacks are a warrior culture and so eating spicy food is more about the pain and the ability to eat it rather than the taste.

>> No.12659266

>eating spicy foods
kek, they just eat overseasoned foods.

>> No.12659276
File: 35 KB, 480x371, Butter-Poached-Chicken-Breasts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweet Jesus this is too spicy! Margaret get the mayonnaise, stat!

>> No.12659286

>what is Cajun
>what is jerk

>> No.12659303

>murder billions of people across the globe in order to get spices
>don’t use them
WTF white people!?

>> No.12659332
File: 79 KB, 640x788, p8rTqJ5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12659348

I litterally learned how to say "So spicey I will cry" in Mandarin for the sole purpose of being able to get hot general tsos

Still not hot enough.

The shit I make at home with pickled Scorpion peppers is good tho

-pastey white german guy

>> No.12659363

>Mongolians aren’t Finnish rape babies
Did you even learn about the finno-Korean hyper war while you were in school?

>> No.12659381
File: 2.87 MB, 5148x2345, arnie hates spice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12659413

definitely has nothing to do with imperialism lul

>> No.12659437

Wrong. I'm mexican and my grandpa keeps jalapenos in his pocket and slices them as toppings for his McDonalds.

>> No.12659444

Are you a hot Mexican? Do you have a white parent too?

>> No.12659450

>causes runny shits and makes your asshole burn
im white
thats literally not true
whats wrong with your butt?

>> No.12659461

The person who made this must have been a really sad cuck.

>> No.12659475

Yeah I'm pretty hot and also sleepy. Do white step parents count?

>> No.12659494

Depends, how big is your dick?

>> No.12659528

There was a Thai place at my undergrad that had 1-5 on the menu, but if you asked them you could order higher. I ended up having 6 or 7 depending on the dish.

>> No.12659562

>Still not hot enough.
you need an intervention. to let your tastebuds return
no for real. like a tolerance break

>> No.12659578

Eventually we’re gonna snap out of our slumber and get back to our favorite sport, genocide. Good luck when that happens, cabron

>> No.12659584

short like me

>> No.12659593

Figures, bet you're a freak tho.

>> No.12659603

>tfw mixed Master Race
I eat spicy food and wash it down with milk.

>> No.12659625

You've gotten a lot of responses, but I'll drop some Freud level shit upon your head.

They eat hot spice because they want to escape. Feeling anything but life is bliss. Even if it's pain.

They'll never admit this because it admits a fault within their person.

Take and do with this knowledge what you will, but dark skinned people are the ultimate red pill. They suffer pain to escape their own lives.

>> No.12659652

Black people do that too

>> No.12659662

Indians are ugly regardless and have the smallest dicks in the world

>> No.12659667

I mean that is a fact. Blonde hair looks clean while brown hair looks dirty.

>> No.12659673

>some Freud level shit
So baseless conjecture that has long been debunked and ridiculed in the scientific community?

>> No.12659679

This is the loser/homeless thread, I assume. You people talk like fucking abject garbage that should be marched into suicide booths. Don't you think? You probably subconsciously know you're garbage but you lash out.

>> No.12659684

This. I'm Arizonan but because of all the shitty fucking transplants they think I'm some fucking Chicago piece of shit.

Go home you cunts. Move back to the shithole you came from. All of you Californians, cheese lakers, and eastern faggots. Move home. We hate you. We hate you. We hate you. Move home. We hate you. You are trash. We hate you.

>> No.12659687

why can't black people win nobel prize in any scientific category?

>> No.12659720



>> No.12659732

>89% of Cajuns have no African or Native American ancestors; about 11% of Cajun people have at least 0.5% or 1% non-European ancestry.
>what is jerk
overseasoned meat.

>> No.12659736

/ck/ has made me a racist

>> No.12659741

based and redpilled

>> No.12659742

Good. Racism is the defender of diversity. There is nothing wrong with racism. I'm tired of this propaganda they shoved down our throats.

>> No.12659748
File: 141 KB, 866x1390, detroit-michigan-a-wrestler-on-a-float-in-the-annual-cinco-de-mayo-E091WD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The person who is portrayed in this comic looks like this in real life, guaranteed

>> No.12659753

Pale skin is a sign of high birth, as it's peasants who toil in the sun getting tanned.

>> No.12659768

This isn't the Victorian era.

>> No.12659769

No exposure during childhood maybe? Also nothing needs to be spicy these days. We have refrigerators.

>> No.12659855

Funny, the trend of hideous long nails is big right now when it used to be a sign that you didn't need to work.

>> No.12659865
File: 162 KB, 959x771, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fuck off califags and illegals we're full

>> No.12659884

I have 7 guns and an ounce of weed brother. It should be legal to shoot californians on sight.

>> No.12659905

haha that is funny
however, despite making up only 13 percent of the population

>> No.12659917

Is it just me or is this some kind of forced meme? I'm white as fuck and I love spicy stuff and really the amount of other white people I know that like/dislike spicy foods seem to be about the same as any other color of people. Is this just brown people cope? Usually there is some real life basis for memes like this but I just don't see it

>> No.12659929

>gokku looking dickhead
this is literally a Bleach character, 1:1

>> No.12659955
File: 1.46 MB, 1280x720, how to make a liberal wet.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everything but the weed
drugs are degen bro
https://8ch dot net/fascist/res/4.html#978
https://8ch dot net/pol/res/13496770.html
https://8ch dot net/pdfs/res/8809.html

>> No.12659957

Because unlike other countries, we can actually purchase food with taste. We don’t need cheap spices to taste anything

>> No.12659966

Fuck off

>> No.12659973

>Is it just me or is every thread on /ck/ a forced meme?
Well, duh.

>> No.12659974

>Fuck off califags
Why would we ever want to go to your shitty state

>> No.12659978

This is a meme that goes outside of /ck/ tho

>> No.12659982

The actual reasons are bland food and food preservation techniques. There are white people who eat fermented shark, so it's not just a brownie rotten food meme. Look at the dishes where spices are most prevalent (like, 90% of the dish is spice) and take them out of the equation. You're typically left with about-to-rot meat and wilted vegetables.

>> No.12659991

Because you ruined yours with property taxes and loss of freedom.

>> No.12659996

pale fragile indoorsman detected

>> No.12660005

im sure youre the first to argue tho that theres no such thing as internalized racism or white supremacy

>> No.12660008

The people that collect things usually don't use these things because that would go against the purpose of collecting.

>> No.12660010

what do you look like, then? a tall, blonde aryan? doubt it

>> No.12660015

Stop believing everything you see on Fox News stupid boomer

>> No.12660019

why would you assume that? those facts only prove it exists. whether it should is a different argument.

>> No.12660022

>im sure youre the first to argue tho that theres no such thing as internalized racism or white supremacy

im sure youre the first to argue tho that theres no such thing as two genders or Biodiversity

>> No.12660023

Because we use spices for flavour, not to kill germs.

You see, whites developed fermentation to clean water, where azns boiled it and poos just filled their food wjth so much spice that the germs were killed.

We like spicy, we just don't have it as our default setting. Whites value the flavour and quality of the ingredients, not their ability to turn your asshole into a dragon's nostril.

>> No.12660029

Stop coming here pussy. It should be legal to hunt you.

>> No.12660034

sour grapes

>> No.12660036

Lol are you implying that racism is bad?

>> No.12660038
File: 68 KB, 700x800, flat,800x800,075,f.u2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hes right your fellow statesmen have ruined my state and are helping make it more blue by the year
if you ever suceed from the union can we have southern california to riverside?

>> No.12660039

Don't fight among yourselves americans, you're supposed to band together against your common enemy, the state.

>> No.12660047

I’ve been to your shithole desert state once and I already never want to go back

>> No.12660052

The beaners are what’s making your state blue dumbfuck

>> No.12660054
File: 2.07 MB, 854x480, heresayou.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no its the people controling the state

>> No.12660058
File: 92 KB, 610x457, 1538097467450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12660061

obviously but many californians arent helping

>> No.12660066

i think you might too weak and afraid to be honest about how little you've personally achieved so you turn your frustrations outwards instead and blame other groups for all of your problems. i think maybe on some level you realized that if white people really have the most societal advantages, it would mean you have the least excuse for how useless you are. just take responsibility like an adult. passing the buck and the blame is for children.

>> No.12660086

Why did this meme become a thing, did we forget the fact that white people colonized and raped non whites all for spices.

>> No.12660089

The whites who cant hamdle spice are usually low class trailer trash who cant afford spices. Ive met suburban dons who out spice ethnic minorities. Tbh id say whites eat spicer food just to prove a point now days. Minorities over salt everything.

>> No.12660109

whoa bro that looks overseasoned

>> No.12660122

The only Californians that want to move to Arizona are conservatives themselves

>> No.12660131

You are fleeing here in droves. After destroying your state you move on like locusts.

>> No.12660140

Brown people looking for literally anything to get white people on. It's always been around, but only really got popular after the "while only 13% of the population" meme got popular.

>> No.12660149

You’re seriously dumb as a rock. We didn’t “destroy” our state. The federal government did with its liberal immigration laws and lack of enforcement. And many parts of this state are still nice, the parts without too many spics

>> No.12660179

I laughed

>> No.12660182

>10% state property tax

>> No.12660187

>/co/ becomes /ck/

>> No.12660190

Heat masks flavor and blacks have less quality meat which is why they use it so much

>> No.12660204

Lots of Cali girls go to ASU to get away from their parents

>> No.12660207

So what? Stop being poor

>> No.12660214

Only wypipo are racist.

>> No.12660235

i'm german and when i moved to new mexico i didn't stop shitting and having a constant stomachache for 3 months. fucking spics put chile in everything. luckily i only was there for 9 months. i couldn't wait to leave that wasteland

>> No.12660243

that's just because they were too dumb to get into superior party schools like UCSB

>> No.12660245

I feel your pain bro. T. born and raised Washingtonian. Support the liberty state movement. Fuck the coasties, fuck commiefornians, fuck Seattle and fuck Olympia.

>> No.12660248

>i'm german and i moved to new mexico
Why the fuck did you do that

>> No.12660254

>visited Arizona for a week with my ex
>wanted to go back ever since
fuck the northeast, bunch of assholes in shit weather all year long. it's nice for like a week and a half in May, then again in October, then it's all fucked.