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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 74 KB, 457x767, 98qbqrae4nf21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12649799 No.12649799[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/ck/ humor

>> No.12649805

Lmao, I hate when they use social media and memes to push their stupid shit

>> No.12649816

>nigerian prince emails
Why do they keep hiring boomers to run twatter?

>> No.12649828


>> No.12649863
File: 48 KB, 720x669, 4ed5b95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now a vegan thread

>> No.12649872

i dont even remember 2016 lmao

>> No.12649896

hey I'm pretty sure I know that guy, and thought about posting that image lol. you from SK?

>> No.12649991

Good to see Adam Sessler stopped snorting coke and turned his life around.

>> No.12650064
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>> No.12650076
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>> No.12650602

yeah, Busan

>> No.12651253
File: 84 KB, 654x960, 1458752288699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12651439

Thanks for that unholy cursed cringe, anon

>> No.12651449

I fucking hate reddit this shit is so burned out

>> No.12651463
File: 15 KB, 600x600, butthurt jelly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12651608

so does tumblr turn people into pussies or does it just attract them?

>> No.12652329
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>> No.12652541

I don't get it?

>> No.12652560
File: 42 KB, 490x649, cringe warning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These people actually exist.

>> No.12652568


>> No.12652574
File: 53 KB, 640x543, vegan books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Content Warning. Same as trigger warning, which I think they're moving away from because normal people laugh when they hear it.

>> No.12652653

explain the nigerian prince shit. i don't get it

>> No.12652657

this is rage, not humour wtf

>> No.12652658

jacob got rekt

>> No.12652659

sign.. the corn poped because of the heat outside and became popcorn on the cob. you know popcorn comes from corn right? if you heat them up they'll pop up. im not sure whats the joke more than their "funny" faces but theres your explanation. hope you feel a little less retarded.

>> No.12652756
File: 28 KB, 1054x352, manlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12652780
File: 11 KB, 400x400, ricardo cosades.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok, zoomer
common internet scams involve scammers offering to send you a large sum of cash for some bullshit reason but you have to send them a few hundred bucks first to make sure that your two banks can transfer funds between them for some dumb reason
of course you never see the promised money nor your own cash again
Nigeria has become notorious for scammers originating there
hell, there's even a site called 419eater that scambaits and tries to get the scammers to do stupid shit

>> No.12652805

I remember seeing pictures (might have been from Nat Geo, but I can’t recall) of a internet cafe in Nigeria where every person using a computer is trying to scam people. You can’t really blame them for trying since they’re probably as poor as poor can be and it’s apparently pretty easy to trick elderly/retarded people into giving you money.

>> No.12652840

They're not as poor as you'd think. They've got internet access and computer access and they speak (shitty) English.

>> No.12652880

lol white knight manlet got btfo

>> No.12652915

i personally don't mind them doing so at all, because i have received my first african prince scam mail when i was a kid learning to internet in the mid 90s and even i was able to figure out, that something ain't right. but greed disables logical thinking, anybody from wealthy countries who ever fell for it and proceeds to fall for any scam that promises them to good to be true deals had it coming

>> No.12653120
File: 69 KB, 800x800, s3ayd6r521j01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did somebody say vegan thread?

>> No.12653192


>> No.12653273
File: 35 KB, 500x488, vegans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12653284

This is the mindset that thinks outlawing drinking straws in California will offset China and India dumping millions of tonnes of trash in the oceans.

>> No.12653332

How young are you?

>> No.12653370

I wonder if you are from the US?
I'm from Germany and I never fell for it either. But that's because the entire premise was always stupid as hell. "pay me 500 dollars and i'll give you 50000". There isn't really anything comparable here in Germany. But it's different in the US. For example, Americans actually have to pay money to do their tax returns (lmao), well I think they can do it themselves using a PC software. But most Americans get a tax accountant and have to pay a fee. So it's a similar principle. Pay money first, then get back more later.

>> No.12653371

I appreciate she took the time to write something so well intentioned. It's just the misplaced optimism I hate, the feel-good rubbish designed in part to make herself feel better, stuff like
>you'll find someone one day
>this is my problem, not yours
No, it's absolutely my problem when a huge majority of women share the same sentiment. And there are women who don't care about height, but no guarantee that I'll ever meet one or be remotely compatible with them. I still have to scratch and claw for slithers of a chance to get anywhere with a woman.

I'd rather they just say "yeah it's real shitty for you and I'm sorry" instead of acting like there's no problem. I accept it isn't your fault or anyone else's so you can at least accept its a legit problem.

>> No.12653385


>> No.12653391

What a forced comparison.

>> No.12653393

You don't need software for tax returns, all you need is a pen. The only actual required cost is a postage stamp and an envelope.

>> No.12653395

Some non-vegans also died that week attempting Everest.

Don't try to climb that pile of poo and corpses. At the scale of a billiards ball, Earth is smoother, so it's ducking nothing.

>> No.12653399

Don't worry about extremely online people. You almost never need to deal with them, except for when one discovers discovers you're a gangstalker.

>> No.12653401

The mindset of 'If they won't do it, we also won't' is a lot worse

>> No.12653407

It's not forced. According to the information I was given, you either have to buy an expensive software, or pay for an expensive account. All so that you can get back the money that rightfully belongs to you.

That's not what my American informant told me.

>> No.12653410

Is this supposed to be funny?

>> No.12653414

This is why I don't pay for my digital entertainment. Creatives are terrible people. This is apparent when you compare the amount of free software to other kinds of art. Yar har fiddle dee dee

>> No.12653419

suck my cock ernie keebler

>> No.12653420

you can do it free off turbotax and other sites, paying is usually if you are rich and they might help you find tax loopholes or some shit when it would be worth it

>> No.12653421

It can help set off a relapse for anorexics, although it's usually fat people who don't like being reminded they're stuck in a cycle of eating poorly.

>> No.12653497

How does her poop taste

>> No.12653500

But we ARE doing it. And it's making zero fucking difference.
I don't care if climate change is caused by people or not; it's obviously bad to use the air and the oceans as fucking trashbins, but me picking up a few coke cans when I go for a walk on the beach will never make up for the two and a half billion Indians and Chinamen who don't give a shit. Focusing on a tiny "issue" like straws renders these people blind to the shit that matters. THAT is the problem.

>> No.12653501

Like sticks and berries

>> No.12653583

Sure, but the whole "They aren't doing it" argument is heavily abused by politicians and sympathisants who gladly abolish the steps that have been made.

>> No.12653603

If abolishing useless steps leads to more jobs and a better economy, then who cares? Stopping pollution is a worthless endeavor if we can’t get China and India to cooperate, and the controls we currently use are stagnating economic growth.

>> No.12653612

I don't need to change! All these problems are caused by T h e C o r p o r a t i o n s I keep buying unnecessary stuff from

>*crawls through broken glass to throw more money at them*

>> No.12653614

Corporations can’t stop customers from throwing their straws in the oceans. The problem is consumers.

>> No.12653618


>> No.12653621

>The problem is consumers
Lol you're not even being paid for saying this

>> No.12653625

I know. I was comparing you to the typical leftist hypocrite.

>> No.12653641
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>> No.12653671

bonds or other investments would have been more apt, and these things exist in germany. you are not required to have a professional do your tax returns

>> No.12653743

Of course it is. It's a mindset that prevails, certainly a wrong one, but believe me, lots of boomers and 3rd world shitholers don't give a damn about throwing crap anywhere because "some people are paid to pick it up".

>> No.12653786

i am the anon you replied to and i am, indeed, german as well. i also don't really think your comparison works all too well, unless multiple other similar "pay money first, then get back more later"-schemes come to your mind

>> No.12653830

It's a joke from It's Always Sunny, you absolute shitstain.

>> No.12653868

>dragging politics onto a cooking board to showcase how "redpilled" you are

Go back.

>> No.12653870

Everything is politics. To say otherwise is naive or disingenuous.

>> No.12653903

>Everything is politics
When you're 16. Any adult who regularly discusses politics is an overgrown child. Real adults know how to carry discussions about food without injecting their political opinions.

>> No.12654030

Politics is the hobgoblin of small minds.

>> No.12654223

It sure is the current year.

>> No.12654240

>I hate reddit blah blah blah
No one gives a shit, you austist.

>> No.12654246

Ok, smooth brain.

>> No.12654268

A classic banger.

>> No.12654349

thank you for showing everyone how much of a retarded /pol/dittor you are.
go back to spamming low hanging drumpf jokes on reddit or wherever you came from

>> No.12654393
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>> No.12654416

from a utilitarian perspective it does make a difference though

>> No.12654430

Finally, someone posted an actual joke.

>> No.12654474
File: 416 KB, 1280x1280, too close.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are all suspended from summer school!

>> No.12654501

You're too good for this place anon

>> No.12654536

Sweet Based and Hella-Pilled.

>> No.12654576


>> No.12654598

Actually pretty cool that she just straight up told him she wasn't interested in him due to his height rather than inventing some bs reason.

>> No.12654637

Wasting food to replicate something from a lame show as a joke is pretty reddit.

>> No.12654652

True, but I mean, let's not forget these little snippets:
>I was extremely rude and unfair to you
>I could have done this in a much more civilized fashion

Her feminine way of wording things buries these little windows to the ugly truth in the middle of a big block of platitudes, beginning with "Sorry it took so long... I apologize..." and ending with "You were a perfect gentleman..."

If even she, who was actively attempting to make herself feel/look good with that very e-mail/PM/DM, admitted that, in her words, she was "unfair", and even "rude" and "uncivilized", I seriously have to wonder:
What the fuck did she actually say/do to that poor bastard on that date?

>You are going to make some woman very happy one day! (as long as she is shorter than you)
>She is out there. (as long as you look below eye level and carefully ensure that she is still an adult)
It's obvious why things like this get under people's skin: It's total NPC behavior. "Let's just be friends", "it's not you, it's me", "please don't be mad at me", "I was a complete piece of shit but I'm sorry so please don't unfollow me or tell people about what I did on social media", "I have a boyfriend now btw :^), hope you find a woman soon!", it's all scripted behavior, like they see on TV, and like what their friends say/do, and like that they're told is "what you're supposed to do" in clickbait articles on social media. They try to make excuses for following a script that even they feel is unfair and shallow, but because following this script is "normal", they can do completely appalling shit and end up looking/feeling justified because it's accepted/expected.

Also, she probably can't even cook. Out of the 12 very different women I've dated in my life so far, only 1 knew how to cook / liked cooking to some extent. They see it as a chore instead of an art and a pleasure that you even get rewarded for (edible result) just by doing.

>> No.12654702

women can't really win
you tell them straight away you seem like a bitch
you don't, you're a tease

>> No.12654730

Or 3 margaritas before the food arrives

>> No.12654744

>she just straight up told him
>sorry it took so long to get back to you
>I was extremely rude and unfair to you
>apologizing via social media
she did anything but straight up tell him.

>> No.12654751

Has anyone realized that most songs you love or books you read are composed by meat-munchers?

>> No.12654847

it's an inevitable consequence of capitalism

>> No.12654876

And how are you supposed to "win", exactly?
Being able to break up with anyone on perfectly friendly and positive terms with no hard feelings or bad reputation at all?
That literally only happens when both partners find themselves disinterested in a relationship with the other at the same time.
If you like your partner or your date, but they break up with or reject you when didn't want to, it hurts, and feels bad, no matter what sex or gender you are.
Breakups/rejection are a game everyone loses. It feels bad to get broken up with or rejected, and it feels/looks bad (usually) to break up with or reject someone.

>> No.12655157

>dude I can't wait to OWN the capitalists by shitposting at their interns on twitter! xD

Wish all you c*mmies would fucking expire already.

>> No.12655187

They may not be princes anymore, but there are still a shitload of Nigerian scammers out there. I can't blame them for wanting to use the most well known version of the scam.

>> No.12655193
File: 28 KB, 1280x720, ZERO.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kali Muscle is one of my triggers.

>> No.12655594

I didn't think anyone else knew of this.

>> No.12655674

Three thing that are not part of polite conversation are politics, religion and sex. Guess why that is and you will have matured a little beyond the little twatwaffle you are now.

>> No.12655694

Haha, I've baited them a few times. I was actually looking through a couple of my old correspondences and laughing earlier today.

>> No.12655722
File: 990 KB, 4032x3024, 9-11 shrimp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12655727
File: 377 KB, 525x549, a pizza 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12655733
File: 150 KB, 736x575, bat soup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12655738
File: 486 KB, 496x750, Hamburger Friend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're moving away from it because studies are beginning to show that having trigger/content warnings actually don't do any good for the people they're ostensibly supposed to be helping
e.g one such paper:
>Helping or Harming? The Effect of Trigger Warnings on Individuals with Trauma Histories
> https://osf.io/axn6z/

>> No.12655758

>Sent from my iPhone

>> No.12655770

You two are the epitome of cringe.

>> No.12655798

>You are going to make some woman very happy one day!
>(as long as she is shorter than you)
>She is out there.
>(as long as you look below eye level and carefully ensure that she is still an adult)

I think these bracketed text insertions really exemplifies manlet neurosis. People saying one thing and manlets hearing another, clearly insane thing because their brains have become completely addled by emotional baggage.

Some complete first-date rando acts shitty, has a moment of introspection and apologizes, and instead of just mentally noting the apology and moving on like a sane person it gets dissected and then re-written with a bunch of the manlet's own image issues.

>> No.12655803
File: 72 KB, 449x676, Lemon Fresh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12655810
File: 105 KB, 750x1334, Meme's Best.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12655843

>waiter waiter theres a bat in my soup!
>don't worry sir bats are actually quite good swimmers

Fuck you.

>> No.12655846
File: 178 KB, 1438x830, PokeBurger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12656445

everything can be effected by politics but not everything is.

>> No.12656499

My dad's a tax accountant, it's not actually like this at all. Most people are totally fine using a free service like TurboTax or just figuring it out themselves. It's pretty simple if you only have a single source of income from an employer.
You go to an accountant for stuff that's not that simple, e.g., you're a small business owner/self employed, have rental properties, reporting income from investments, all that jazz.
And besides, if you've got enough stuff going on in your financial life to rewuire going to an accountant for your return, a couple hundred dollars is nothing to be confident that you're squared away with the government.

>> No.12656507

Your "American" informant is compromised.

>> No.12656690

It attracts basically all liberals

>> No.12656911

roasties are shallower than men

>> No.12656942





>> No.12656946

When will they ever learn?

>> No.12656976
File: 24 KB, 314x295, Dolphin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too real

>> No.12657055

Those are some cute burgers.

>> No.12657058

I imagine it's a feedback loop.

>> No.12657107
File: 47 KB, 129x170, glugtbs9oehz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there really so many songs out there that reference meat? i could only think of four

>> No.12657148


>> No.12657191
File: 59 KB, 500x494, 35949028-7EF0-4CF3-968B-20A8041550E9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12657199
File: 61 KB, 625x701, carpi-sun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12657227
File: 66 KB, 1001x548, mark-cooking-dinner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course they don't work. When you have to mention rape to warn people that the following article mentions rape it's completely pointless.
Trigger warnings are entirely about pathetic shallow idiots needing an excuse to mention their made up issues, because they have no other way of making themselves seem interesting.
If you don't use a warning they bitch at you and go "ummm, please put a trigger warning for mention of heart disease on there because I'm 500 fucking pounds and I insist on making that YOUR problem instead of mine."

And if you do put a warning on there they just go "Thank you so much for putting a CW for mention of work ethics on there. As a lazy slob who still lives at home at age 30 I must be catered to at all times"

>> No.12657235

>"et tu Brute?"

>> No.12657239
File: 335 KB, 849x865, chizzy1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what a vegan mountainclimber eats. Lots of nuts and legumes I guess?
You'd want a shitload of calories with as little mass as possible.
Also, even though poking fun at the vegans is always a good time I have to say Everest kills plenty of carnists too.

>> No.12657385

>I wonder what a vegan mountainclimber eats.
Lots of Sherpa cock I’d imagine.

>> No.12657414

it's crazy to think how Tumblr and by extension it's community just faded over to course of this decade.

>> No.12657434

Uma delicia!

>> No.12657447

>Americans actually have to pay money to do their tax returns
Once again europoors prove they know absolutely nothing about america

>> No.12657450

>onion ring pole
Do bongs REALLY?

>> No.12657456
File: 203 KB, 964x849, 5CF9A6EC-6216-4B91-A022-E9F6F524A9D3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12657462

god i hate americans

>> No.12657463


>> No.12657464

We don't think about you at all

>> No.12657467

If you don't eat my meat, you can't have any of my milk lmao

>> No.12657524
File: 2.91 MB, 900x506, duality of man food.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12657529


>> No.12657549

What kind of inhuman disgrace eats pizza with a knife and fork?

>> No.12657557

the virgin meal vs the chad feast