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12651525 No.12651525 [Reply] [Original]

How do they make such a decent tasting beer at a high alcohol % for so cheap?

>> No.12651601

why dont you just chug vodka if you're trying to get drunk

>> No.12651618
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Special chemical formulas

>why get drunk slow when you can get drunk fast and pass out at 6pm????

>> No.12651633

The high gravity nature tends to hide the more abhorrent flavors of the fusel alcohol. If it had any lighter of a body, it would be undrinkable.

>> No.12651641

>drinking before 9pm
I'm an alcoholic and I still wait for night to set in before I indulge my vice, getting drunk when it's still light out sucks ass.

>> No.12651645

But being drunk in the sun at the creek is where it's at.

>> No.12651650

I can't keep the party going all night, I have to start late and crash around 1-2, or accept getting un-drunk around 9-10 if I start just after dinnertime.
Just me, your mileage may vary.

>> No.12651748

Congratulations. For most people, though, there's definitely a place for spirits but it isn't the go-to drink. And having a weaker drinks that gets you buzzing gradually is superior.

>> No.12651775

the fuck are you talking about, faggot?

>> No.12652707
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these are $1.50 where I live.

>> No.12652837

It really is a good value, and I buy them when I get the chance.
However, they are only sold as singles, meaning you can really only get two at a time. This is a huge disadvantage to the alcoholic.
Instead, my go-to is two 30 packs of Natty Ice in cans, and a carton of six bottles 1.75 L bottom shelf vodka.
If I stopped at the store daily to shop, I'd go with Steel Reserve though. But I need to stock up and I simply cant buy 40 bottles of that.

>> No.12652879

>going over 12 hours without liquor
Where the fuck do you teenybopper fucks come from? Fuck off.

>> No.12652891
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>decent tasting

>> No.12653105

It's not bad at all

>> No.12653135

6pm is a decent start time. That’s when I might start drinking if I had a job which I don’t.

>> No.12653158

I can’t remember how it tastes but the one or two times I drank Steel Reserve I had a hangover that was too much for the amount of alcohol I drank. Never again. Modelo Especial is the only beer I drink now

>> No.12653171

too sweet, tastes like soda

i used to drink it regularly 10+ years ago

>> No.12653173

It's not good at all either

>> No.12653186

The hangover is days long

>> No.12653228

imagine being the person who thinks this tastes good
imagine being the person who thinks it's okay to drink something where at the very top of the label, it says ''shatter proof''. appealing to the demographic of dumbass waste of space loser drunken fuckwads who wander the street and are generally just a complete displeasure to everyone around them
imagine being so poor that you have to min/max the amount of ethanol you consume in a sitting so you have enough spare change leftover for the next dose
imagine being that person
go get help you piece of shit faggot

>> No.12653250

You can put more than 2 40s in a cart. Or you can just ask for a 6 pack of 40s from the back

>> No.12653418
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I don't have to imagine anon

>> No.12653430
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>high alcohol %
More like 'mid level alcohol %'.

>why dont you just chug vodka if you're trying to get drunk
I do, and cut it with one or two of these bad boys.

>> No.12653472

>that bottlecap
What the fuck is this abomination?

>> No.12653480

A can of this, an airplane bottle of taaka. The work stress just melts away

>> No.12653485

It's a plastic bottle

>> No.12653507

i drink 2 40os a night of it and never gets hangovers

>> No.12653550

Why would you keep beer in plastic bottles tho?

>> No.12653576

Because only the worst of the worst buy 40s and thusly they're frequently used as weapons or create dangerous litter. Only 40s are plastic now, which is telling. Six packs still come in glass, depending on the beer. Hell, even 32 oz Miller high life's are still in glass because they're low abv and more expensive than a 40

>> No.12653579


>> No.12653594

Why i dont fit the definition

>> No.12653601

If you think you can stop, then stop

>> No.12653774

Why? I enjoy it desu

>> No.12653801

Last night, my mom was being weak, had to beg my sister for Steel Reserve 211 8.1
Whatcha know bout that? Probably tons

>> No.12653819

if there's high fusels level does it give wicked hangovers then?

>> No.12653936

The plastic bottle is an advantage, why would you say otherwise?
Its cheaper, not as heavy, not fragile, has a wider mouth for better drinking. All advantages. Disadvantages? NONE.

>> No.12653942

Purple drapes. Whatchu know about that?

>> No.12653993

that literally looks like old piss

>> No.12654739

yeah, but the stress of waking up in a jail cell covered in vomit is almost as bad as work stress

>> No.12655302

Something like this would cost approx. 9€ where i live should it ever find itself on the shelves of Alko.
Alcohol monopoly was a mistake

>> No.12655310

get a load of this lightweight

>> No.12655320

It's the best case scenario at that price point- it tastes just ok. With that metallic bite that makes it sort of endearing if you're an alcy with a long malt liquor history.

>> No.12655321

There's a liquor monopoly in the US, google Diageo

>> No.12655479

211 is terrible tasting though. You can get the same or higher alcohol content that tastes way better in Hurricanes.

>> No.12655581
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>> No.12655587

that was a good movie

>> No.12655611

>grill invited me to brewery
wat do

>> No.12655623

I like it, $1.19 for the 24 oz cans where I live but you can't get the forties

>> No.12655624

Probably nothin

>> No.12655631

I like mickey's.
colt 45 is ok.
steel reserve i can choke down.
old E just burns a complete hole in my stomach if i can even get it that far.

>> No.12656054

You're an alcoholic as much as someone who drinks Friday/Saturday after a working week. Really a big alchy right there!

Yeah no. Unless your bar doesn't open till 6 and goes till 5, that's basically nothing. I bet you just binge drink from 9-12 then eat drunken munchies.

>> No.12656148

>doesnt even start drinking until 9
I dont wanna be up all night mate gotta get on with it early in the day

>> No.12656285

>I'm an alcoholic

If you were an alcoholic you'd measure time till drinking in hour(s) after you wake up, not in some stupid 9pm bs

>> No.12656743

Why can you only buy 2?

>> No.12656749

His store or place he is getting it probably only has a deal for 2 for X amount. My gas station does the same thing when. I get 2 on friday after work for 5 bucks, and 2 of some 24 oz for 3.50, usually a pair of large twisted teas or something.

Basically get everything for 10 bucks and loaded up for drinking.

>> No.12656751

>itt actual niggers
Lmfao steel reserve and king cobra!

>> No.12656758

Dunno about you anon but I don't like to spend a shit load on drinking. I usually just have spare change for spending money for a night of drinks after a long week and 2 steel reserves basically do me in.

Pop them in the freezer for 30-45 minutes, get them ice cold and drink, you stop caring a bit after.

>> No.12656773

this why spend a lot of $$ on booze when u can get fucke dup for cheap

>> No.12656785

Funny thing is I use to buy expensive shit for a long while, then I just realized it didn't matter after a few.

>> No.12656793

so buy one good beer and a bunch of mediocre beer
i usually get a 24oz of something nice and 3 22s of modelo.

>> No.12656906

Imagine being such a stuck-up judgmental twat. Cheap spirits are a godsend, you conceited cunt.

>> No.12657528

>decent tasting
seriously makes me want to puke thinking about drinking that fucking swill. If you're gonna drink a 40, at least do a colt 45

>> No.12657705

These are generally sold at gas stations, convenience stores like 7-11. There is no shopping cart. You check out what you can carry, and their cooler doesn't contain hundreds of bottles to grab. I guess if you can handle two bottles per hand you could carry four. Its just easier to get beer in a 24 or 30 pack, sadly the high alcohol beers are NEVER sold in those big packs. The most I've seen is a four pack of Steel Reserve, and those are just 16 ounce cans.

>> No.12658224


Where I live they don't have these in the 40oz size. I have only seen them as 24oz singles or Battery packs (3 cans). They are $2 a piece. Still better than anything else.

That makes sense. I thought there was a weird rule about where they live or the store they bought from.

>> No.12659068

Does the store not give you plastic bags at the checkout? If not, cant you bring your own bags a la aldi?
I used to load up on 40s or 4loko cans at the circle k because I'd put them in a bag

>> No.12659161

It's packaged by-product subsidized by the big brand and bigger ticket beer.

>> No.12659228
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>sadly the high alcohol beers are NEVER sold in those big packs
Walmart has a listing for a 24-can pack on their website.
The real tragedy is you can't get the growlers anymore.

>> No.12659260

I remember drinking those in college 12 years ago

>> No.12659285

where do you live? when i traveled to euroshit countries, beer was cheap. even switzerland had these pink, pint (lol freedom units) sized cans that equated to $.80 US

>> No.12659297

Local beer was cheap as shit in Spain
BUT it was hard to find a local beer over 5.5%

>> No.12659318

it's not even sightly decent tasting, tastelet

>> No.12659577
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>Hey guys, my name is anon and I'm an alcoholic.

>> No.12659838
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its part of the cover so you can lie to yourself and say u got it under control. i do it too except i start at 6pm then go hard so i wake up early in the morning

>> No.12659876
File: 120 KB, 1000x1000, Hurricane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to go to one store and get a flat of 15 of these from the back cooler behind the racks. At $1.29 each, $20 set me right for about 3 days.

>> No.12659901
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By flat I mean one of these full wrapped in plastic from the distributor.

>> No.12659920

This must be Estonia

>> No.12659986
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I buy them by the case.

>> No.12660043
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*blocks your path*