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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 9 KB, 450x450, Eggplant-583f71c13df78c0230e56c20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12647027 No.12647027[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do women feel threatened by men that can cook?

>> No.12647039


Women are retarded.

>> No.12647040

In my experience they're turned on by it. I've always looked at cooking like head: I'm better at it than you, but am still expecting you to be the one doing it 9 out of 10 times, and when I do it it's a treat.

>> No.12647217

yes. my dad want's my cooking more than mom. he even wants me back home during every celebration to cook.

>> No.12647223

Eggplant means penis now for some reason. I still can't get my head around it.

>> No.12647226

Look at the shape, anon.

>> No.12647250

You need to see a doctor asap

>> No.12647281

I doubt it. Many women can't cook anything worth a damn.

>> No.12647289

did he also touch you

>> No.12647539

>t. Incels

>> No.12647542


>> No.12647551
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I don't think that's any of your business

>> No.12647665

Guaranteed she did that to Bobby

>> No.12647774

when they don't know you, and they're cooking like/because their job depends on it: yes. That's really the only time... Maybe on a first date, and you're known for slipping drugs into people's food.

>> No.12647792


No. Women are used to having everything given to them for no effort, and if they can get good food from you as well then it's just an extra bonus.

>> No.12647804

If you're giving her the licc as a treat there's no way you're good at it. Lol at redpill fags who think they're sex gods. True chads eat pussy like a buffet and give their bitch multiple nuts, meanwhile yours are faking orgasms from your 10 minute dickdown

>> No.12647808


Women DO NOT know how to cook in 2019. In my uni halls, I'd say 5 girls out of 26 knew how to boil packaged pasta and mix with store bought sauce. The 2 girls who actually knew how to make a proper meal were Algerian and Chinese.

>> No.12647818

Have sex.

>> No.12647823


A few choice anecdotes for this:

A girl who left the pasta on boil on high heat for 3 hours, set off all the fire alarms and was left with a pan of charcoal.

A girl who asked me if the pasta sauce is mixed in with the water or after it's been drained.

A girl who only ate cereal for every meal because she was too afraid to prepare and cook ingredients.

A girl who gave herself food poisoning after reheating prawns in the microwave 4 times.

>> No.12647963

I don't know anon, are you cooking the female remains of your last serial murder?

>> No.12647971

No, it's hot.

>> No.12647976

>knee-jerk, passive-agressive remark without an argument
Yeah, this is a female retort.

>> No.12647980


>> No.12647984
File: 73 KB, 600x600, White Women Epiphany.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do women feel threatened by men that can cook?
White bitches & feminists feel threatened by men who can do anything better than them. It makes them insecure, resentful, and envious.

Real Women (i.e. asian women) take pride in their man and value their achievements & capabilities, they don't resent them.

>> No.12647986
File: 111 KB, 630x630, 4274371_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. I love that my boyfriend likes to cook for me. It's wonderful coming home to a warm meal. No wonder men kept women at house-slaves for generations. It's great to do nothing at work and come home and say, "OH WHAT A HARD DAY!" and have someone coddle you and feed you. I get it now.

>> No.12647988
File: 65 KB, 599x595, White Women Logic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>White bitches & feminists feel threatened by men who can do anything better than them. It makes them insecure, resentful, and envious.

>> No.12647998

Hahaha is this what tumblrinas actually believe?

>> No.12648006
File: 1.95 MB, 300x300, lol.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


your incel is showing.

>> No.12648008

why does every thread about women turn into an incel thread

>> No.12648010

Eggplant emoji looks like a dick. It’s the closest emoji to a dick. Get it?

>> No.12648011

this is why white girls are fun to fuck but make horrible girlfriends. they're insecure AF & feel threatened by literally everything. you literally have to treat them like babies.

>> No.12648014
File: 319 KB, 643x403, Screen Shot 2019-07-16 at 10.30.43 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calling someone an incel just makes you seem really insecure.

>> No.12648015


This. This is a part of why so many millenial and gen z guys have given up on dating entirely...

>> No.12648018

no, they're just idiots

>> No.12648019
File: 7 KB, 259x194, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because incels like to cockroach together in any thread that talks about women and circle jerk each other with anger and loneliness. They can't help themselves. Any time there's an opportunity to hear other guys like themselves, they feel the need to jump in and defend one another with

>fuck you bitch

and other unoriginal 4chan lingo and phrases.

Watch and see how many respond to this post I'm making. Like I said, they can't fucking help themselves.

>> No.12648021

>this is why white girls are fun to fuck but make horrible girlfriends. they're insecure AF & feel threatened by literally everything
Not all white women are raised like insecure, neurotic, hateful California bitches. There are still good women in America.

>> No.12648026

OP here, i'm a feminist and this was a test to see if even boards like ck are full of incels and i was right
you are all losers

>> No.12648029

Asians, Latnias, & Eastern Europeans make the best wifies. Those are women who grew up with real work ethics & appreciate capable men. Western women only want weak ass pussy men they can control... lol

>> No.12648032
File: 122 KB, 700x700, 1562891181723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because incels like to cockroach together in any thread that talks about women and circle jerk each other with anger and loneliness. They can't help themselves. Any time there's an opportunity to hear other guys like themselves, they feel the need to jump in and defend one another with

>>fuck you bitch

>and other unoriginal 4chan lingo and phrases.

>Watch and see how many respond to this post I'm making. Like I said, they can't fucking help themselves.

>> No.12648033
File: 21 KB, 527x430, 'Merican Woman (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP here, i'm a feminist and this was a test to see if even boards like ck are full of incels and i was right


.. bye!

>> No.12648035

you are a fucking idiot

>> No.12648041

you can either hate women or realise you are the problem

>> No.12648042

>this is why white girls are fun to fuck but make horrible girlfriends. they're insecure AF & feel threatened by literally everything.
OP sperging out in here is literally the perfect example. lol

>> No.12648048
File: 77 KB, 712x612, fd1c52cb2263d4a9fb4cafd70eea4b7a136e60d2c52f0e3e26919ad55d9d538e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that guy but tumblrinas =/= women

>> No.12648054

>hate women
not all women. just insecure, self proclaimed sjw/feminist, hateful white cunt princesses like you.

now, calm your tits, sweetie.

>> No.12648055

i'm a male KHV

>> No.12648059

I thought you were leaving? Aren't you supposed to be gone now?

>> No.12648063

I really don't care if you self identify as a gay baboon or a trans goat.

>> No.12648079


>> No.12648089

no they feel wettened

>> No.12648171

My woman-creature slips into this 50's mindset every now and then. I'll go set up an auditorium for a show for 16h, come home around 11pm, and she'll be waddling around the kitchen in just an apron, burning herself with spatter from the bacon wrapped filet mignon... The effort's appreciated - and she can cook - but I'd have gone down on her if she'd have left me a package of Mr. Noodles... "Gotta take care of my man!" "Nah, I'm a strong, independent black woman. I survive on coffee, cigs, and hatred. What the hell are you doing awake right now, nevermind cooking?"

>> No.12648198

I can do both

>> No.12648228

guess you chose to hate women

>> No.12648247

>they're insecure AF & feel threatened by literally everything
It's weird how the modern feminist movement has literally set women back by about 50 years.

>> No.12648337

>still good women in America
Yeah but they're asian or latino, not white. Frankly, the best option for a white male is asian. If you're dumb enough to spawn they'll combine the best of both races: Superior asian iq and superior white physical strength. A literal ubermensch.

>> No.12648366

I'm all in favor of hating newer generations for being incompetent and useless and always on their phones, but in this case I can assure you that college students have never known how to cook. As long as there have been kitchens in dorm buildings, there has been some idiot setting that kitchen on fire because they don't know how to make pasta.

>> No.12648370

>Do women feel threatened by men that can cook?
Women who feel threatened by capable men are not "women." They are insecure little girls.