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12646804 No.12646804 [Reply] [Original]

What is your booze of choice?

>> No.12646813

Boones Farm

>> No.12646827

I have around $1000 dollars worth of whiskey at home, but drink mug vodka 99% of the time.

>> No.12646832

Jesus Christ...

>> No.12646839

Steel reserve

>> No.12646847

>mug vodka

>> No.12646862

Listerine and hand sanitizer.

>> No.12646864

Do you live on a reservation?

>> No.12646878

For me, it's Bacardi Gold

>> No.12646881

Either hurricane malt liquor or kraken

>> No.12646887


heya hooya heya hooya

>> No.12647023

Evan Williams. For beer I like nearly everything.

>> No.12647025

apple or pear cider.
vodka + whatever soda (favourite, moscow mule vodka + ginger beer).

>> No.12647042
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>> No.12647057

I drank like 96 oz of beer today and didn't eat much else besides a frozen pizza and my stomach feels really weird. It keeps bubbling and grumbling but I'm not really hungry. Should I just go to sleep and hope I feel normal in the morning?

>> No.12647060

>only 8 beers
Keep drinking, youngster

>> No.12647082

The youngsters don't need to be like us

>> No.12647780

Talisker 10 unironically

>> No.12647860

Gold-dark rum, fauvorite is Havanna Club 7

>> No.12648112
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Nothing like brown bag vino

>> No.12648184
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If paying $6.28 for glass 1 liter of vodka is wrong, I don't want to be right

>> No.12648314
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I’m a top of the bottom shelf kind of guy

>> No.12648327
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Whiskey or beer, but I'll go for rum occasionally.

Wild Turkey 81 / Mount Gay / Any beer

>> No.12648329

That would get you 35cl max in the UK due to our taxation on alcohol

>> No.12648854

I'm pissed that alcohol is even taxed at all in the first place. I'd be buying tons of non-denatured 190 proof ethanol for only a few dollars per liter, had it not been for the authoritarian fucks in charge

>> No.12648878
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My own. I just kegged & bottled a vanilla brown ale on Friday, shit is pretty damn good. I should have stuck to the Madagascar vanilla beans I use for my vanilla/cinnamon mead, the Mexican vanilla's darker flavor didn't come out as well as I'd hope it would. I'm hoping the bottled portion finishes carbonating soon, I'd like to see if the corn sugar affects the flavor at all.
Also I'm less than 2 months from finally being able to sweeten and bottle a fuckhueg 6 gallon batch of moscato I started from fresh chilean juice. Shit had to ferment for like 6 weeks and now it's been bulk aging for a month.

>> No.12648885
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Tej. Ethiopian honey wine made from honey, water, yeast and gesho.

>> No.12648887

Southern Comfort, like a true southern gentleman.

>> No.12648912

>Wild Turkey 101
>bottom shelf

If a liquor comes in a glass bottle, it's not bottom shelf. The few exceptions being >>12648184 and other stuff that's bottled in plastic 99% of the time, but for some strange reason have glass versions on rare occasions

>> No.12649001

>wine made from honey, water, yeast and gesho
so mead, it's mead but it was made by browns so it's got a speshul name.

>> No.12649122


We call that Hydromel.

>> No.12649139
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Home made moonshine.

>> No.12649512
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what happened to smirnoffbro lads?

>> No.12649517


That shit tastes like pure foreshots and feints. Look it up.

>> No.12649558


I always say I’m going to get into whiskey, but then I hear the beer aisle calling my name... they should be sold in separate stores.

>> No.12649563

this afrikan american gets it

>> No.12649962
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Should I keep going with the stoli or crack open the Jim?

Also just turned 21 this week, any recommendations?

>> No.12650001

WT is solidly mid-shelf (and also my favorite everyday whiskey)

>> No.12650528
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>> No.12650617

My parents always had a jug of this in the cabinet for cooking. Drank it a few times when desperate for a buzz. Worst tasting alcohol I've ever had.

>> No.12650662

probably doing more heroin now

>> No.12650663
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>> No.12650671

best booze I've ever had: Highland Park 25
booze I drink most often: Glenmorangie Nectar D'or

>> No.12650673
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For me, it's

>> No.12650695
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I'm debating on the Shiva or the Ifrit for this weekend.

>> No.12650702

Eagle Rare

>> No.12650708

Bombay Sapphire

>> No.12650713

Frig off dweeb.

>> No.12650741


>> No.12650783

Sams club rum.

>> No.12650835
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Tanqueray either with tonic or pineapple juice. I'm trying to cut back now so only one beer a night on weekdays

>> No.12650849


>> No.12650875

stop reading Stephen king edgelord

>> No.12650932
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Take your pick.

>> No.12650936
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Same poster:

>> No.12650965


FFs make your own booze and shut the fuck up. It's like watching cats paw at tin foil.

>> No.12651479
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>15.99 for a handle at Total Wine
>drinkable neat
I'm slowly killing myself with it, but fuck it.

>> No.12651505
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>> No.12651577

like vodka out of a mug?

>> No.12651591
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For me, it's Tanqueray 10. With tonic and a bit of like juice or lemon juice.

How would you describe the flavor characteristics? I've sold tons of these bottles but I've never been able to try it out.

>> No.12651615
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Grain alcohol, baby!

>> No.12651642

I'm not the best with descriptions, but I'd say it's mature, smokey, and smooth with a hint of typical tequila flavor.

>> No.12651647
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NewAm for sure. Every time I bring it to a party, everyone stops drinking Smirnoff and switches to NewAm. It's inarguably the best price-to-quality ratio of vodka.

>> No.12651666

Do you just drink it neat?

>> No.12651674


You can get a handle of Jim Beam (1.75 litres) for under $20, and it's not even in a plastic bottle.

So there ya go.

t. middle-aged alcoholic

>> No.12651680

based sunny poster

>> No.12651681

On the rocks usually. The first time I tried mezcal at a friend's place, we drank it neat but I don't remember what he had. That one had more fruity tones and was very easy to drink. It might have been a higher end Del Maguey actually.

>> No.12652286

Nah what makes it tej is the gesho

>> No.12652410


whatever works, anon.

This place is a labyrinth of sheer, unimaginable existential pain sometimes, and you take what you can get in order to survive it.

So, that.

>> No.12652424

>FFs make your own booze
Don't have time to do that.

>> No.12652853


>> No.12652857

I like the taste but WT gives me terrible hangovers.

>> No.12652887
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For me, it's Talisker 10

>> No.12652920

whiskey over ice or cheap asian beer

>> No.12652936

I recently picked up Lagavulin Distillers edition thanks to that anon, thanks for the recommendation. It's one of the best scotches I've ever had

>> No.12653563

Cheap vanilla whiskey with coke on the rocks, tastes delicious and gets me feeling real nice.

>> No.12653837

Anejo when I'm feeling sweet, and wild turkey when I'm feeling rowdy.

>> No.12654088


>> No.12654134

Why do you even bother bottling?

>> No.12654138

must not have drank very much alcohol

>> No.12654236

The burgundy sucks, too tannic for me.
The Lambrusco and Paisano are excellent table wines.

>> No.12654242

their sangria for awhile but now it makes me sick

>> No.12654351
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Top shelf

>> No.12654390

>tanquerary on ice
>glenfiddich 12 neat