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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12642689 No.12642689 [Reply] [Original]

I am fucked right now with a chest/head cold. Its been 5 days and I still feel like utter shit. Give me some tips on what to eat pls. Gonna saute some garlic cloves later and eat them whole.

>> No.12642708

>Give me some tips on what to eat pls.

>> No.12642740

bell peppers have a shitton of vitamin C. also fruit obviously

>> No.12642978

For me it's
1) Mushroom soup with lots of herbs, onions and garlic
2) Sage, lemon, ginger, honey for the tea

>> No.12643016

Agreed, any kind of soup besides cream based with plenty of herbs and vegetables, perhaps some spice if you can handle it. Herbal teas, I'll add mint, galangal, and ginseng to that list.

>> No.12643046

go to doctor and tell them you might have pneumonia.

>> No.12643109

This. 5 days is too long. You might have tuberculosis.

>> No.12643114

Hang on anon, I got you. Brb.

>> No.12643118

Given that I'm a medical doctor I suggest mixing clorox and bleech and do deep inhaling of the fumes, that'll clear you right up.

>> No.12643156

Here's a bunch of info I've collected over the years, and it all helps.

what do you eat when you're sick?

Hint: The in(flu)enza virus will first attach itself to the mucous membranes of the nose, or the lungs. Usually the virus was inhaled following spray, or dust deposit. A stuffy nose means the virus was inhaled, a sore throat means it was swallowed, and a cough means it was yawned in.
After the virus attaches itself to either the nose, throat, or lungs, it will begin reproducing. That single blocked nostril? That's the virus reproducing.
After about three days, the virus will unleash its minions through your body, infecting the whole thing. Then you start to cough, get a fever, etc.
Clearing out the virus requires changing the mucus. Real chicken soup, made from boiling a chicken, then the skin, bones, marrow, etc. contains a lot of collagen. The stuff mucus is made of. You can also synthesize the collagen, which requires vitamin C.
Therefore, chicken soup and vitamin c.
If you yawned in the virus, and it's reproducing in the lungs, you can try alcohol. The alcohol will evaporate through the lungs, and might help to counter the virus.


>> No.12643163

Btw, excuse the poor formating, some of this stuff I just copypasted from other files.

2-3 stalks ginger - fresh - chopped rough and skin on
2-3 lemons - cut in quarters rind on
1 orange - quartered rind on

Fill a medium pot half full with water, add ginger, squeeze in lemons and orange, then drop fruit in the pot. Simmer ~ 20 min over med heat. Add honey to taste, drink.


A good Hot and Sour Soup will help cure everything. I always have it when I'm sick, and it always helps make me feel so much better.

Garlic is the shit for immunity. Add it to soups.
Cut the top off an entire bulb of garlic dowse with olive oil,wrap in foil and put it in the oven for 40 min. You've got a delicious spread to put on toast or whatever.

Also broth. Helps clear out the mucus

>> No.12643164

Not op, that's all very informative and interesting though anon, thanks.

>> No.12643171

This is something you have to start BEFORE you get sick, but for future purposes:

Fire Cider

1 big bottle apple cider vinegar

8 cloves garlic

1 onion

20 sprigs thyme

1/2 cup chopped horseradish root

5 chopped habanero (or jalapeno) peppers

2 tb turmeric (dried works fine)

1/4 cup chopped ginger
1 cup honey (I used echinacea-infused honey, but you can use any type of honey you like)

Other things I used which you might or might not have access to:

calamus root (1/4 cup)

white fir needles (1/2 cup) (you can sub pine, spruce or any kind of fir)

yarrow flowers (handful)

Using a 1/2 gallon mason jar or something equivalent, chop up and throw in all the ingredients except the honey (using any additions or leave-outs you want), then cover with vinegar. Shake well, then leave somewhere prominent for a month. Prominent so that you notice it, and shake it when you notice it. After a month, strain out all the solids, then taste it. Is it spicy enough? Garlicy enough? Flavourful enough? If so, stir in the honey and bottle it. If not, tinker with it as you see fit, then add the honey when its ready.

>> No.12643175

Your welcome! Always glad to help.

>> No.12643180


Nourishing Chicken Broth for Colds and Flu:
2 veal knuckles
1 whole chicken carcass, stripped of meat, bones cracked open for access to marrow
1 ham bone
6 carrots, peeled and sliced in thin rounds
2 celery stalks, sliced
½ bay leaf
¼ teaspoon peppercorns
1 medium onion, minced
2 smashed eggshells

Put all the bones in a large stockpot and cover with water. Bring to a boil, then lower temp and simmer for 4 to 5 hours, skimming the scum that will rise to the top. Remove the bones, then strain the liquid into a bowl through layers of cheesecloth. Wipe out the stockpot and return the liquid to the pot by straining it again through a sieve lined with cheesecloth. Add the carrots, celery, bay leaf, peppercorns, onion, and eggshells. Bring mixture to a rolling simmer and cook until veggies are soft. Again strain, this time using a fine mesh strainer and pushing the vegetables and eggshells against the mesh with a wooden spoon to remove all the essence. Discard the veggies and serve only the broth.

>> No.12643187
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Thank you so much anon, reading all this right now.

>> No.12643189

This is one I actually use EVERY time I get sick. It's not really pleasant, but it works well.

A Vinegar Drink for Colds: it will cure a sore throat like nobody’s business. It will also clear your nasal passages very nicely.
½ cup icy cold good quality white wine vinegar
1 teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon (!) cayenne pepper

Stir all ingredients together in a tall glass until the salt and cayenne dissolve. Let the drink warm to room temperature, then stir once more and refrigerate until thoroughly chilled again. Serve cold and sip gradually.

>> No.12643192

You're very welcome! Hope you feel better soon!

>> No.12643197

And another one.

Onion Cough Cure:
1 large onion, sliced in thin rounds
½ cup lemon juice
1 cup sugar
Dash of cinnamon

Preheat oven to 300. Place the onion slices in an ovenproof bowl. Sprinkle the lemon juice over the slices, then add sugar and cinnamon. Place the dish in the oven and bake for about 2 hours, or until the sugar is melted and the onion slices are soft. Pour the juice that has collected in the bottom of the bowl into a cup and discard the onion. Sip the juice warm as required for sore throats or cough.

>> No.12643203
File: 42 KB, 450x450, sambucol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grab some of this stuff.


It's going to reduce your cold a few days. Also, grab some of this chicken noodle soup. 15g of protein so you don't lose muscle mass and starve while you are sick.


>> No.12643205
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>> No.12643214

Oh, and btw, when I've made this before, I cut the sugar by half. It's there to make a syrup that will coat your irritated throat, but I've found you don't necessarily have to use that much to make it syrupy enough.

>> No.12643220

This stuff is good (I'm >>12643156). But, I will say it's most effective if you're taking it as soon as you start feeling sick. If you wait too long, it won't help as much. But it definitely is effective.

>> No.12643231

Thanks gonna go to the store and get some now. I’ve been making chicken soup heavy on garlic black pepper and turmeric. I’m just hoping I’m well enough to go into work tomorrow. Wageslave needs his paycheck.

>> No.12643237

Oh, and here's just some general tips that I do everytime I'm sick.

You can try Mucinex with lots of water (it works great to thin & loosen mucus). I swear by Mucinex whenever I get a cold/flu. That stuff is genius.
Gargle with very warm salt water 3X/day.
Gargle with Hydrogen peroxide (will feel weird because of bubbles).
Use saline nasal spray several times/day to keep sinuses & nostrils moist. Use a lotion to coat your nose if it starts getting chapped from blowing/wiping.
Take Vit.C and Zinc every day while sick.
If you have a chest cold, with congestion, try not to lay down too much, the act of walking and moving helps loosen the mucus in your chest and prevent it from getting worse.

>> No.12643256


(Sambucol guy here) I would also add on to this guy's list a good humidifier for your throat and chest. It was a life saver for me when I get a nasty cold that lasted 2 weeks and the cough lasted a month. Mucinex + humidifier = coughing that nasty shit up way faster than normal. No more dry cough.

>> No.12643342

Thanks boys. I got the sambucol and some elderberry tea. Going to make garlic ginger chicken soup for lunch.

>> No.12643350

You're welcome.
Sounds like you're on the right track, hope you feel better soon, anon. Being sick sucks.

>> No.12643355

If your nose is fucked eat spicy food
I love spicy ramen when i'm sick

>> No.12643988

Mushrooms possess imunoglobulinogenic properties, so they are a better substitute to the inflammation inducing animal derived ingredients.

>> No.12644001

I've got the same shit, I've been drinking herb tea, like, yarrow and plantain I picked myself. Also some corn meal mush.

>> No.12644019

Sorethroat killer.
*a drop of iodine
*a teasp. of salt
*a teasp. of baking soda
Mix in a cup of water.
Gargle daily every now and then.
Easy and it works.

>> No.12644061

It's also helpful to take a qtip and wet the inside of your ear canal with peroxide.

>> No.12644065

Nigga you need to drink. Water to wash down the paracetamols. OJ for the vitamins. Cognac for comfort.

>> No.12644185


>> No.12644299

Start smoking, the hot smoke will kill the bacteria in your throat and lungs

>> No.12644344

For congestion, I like to do a shot of bourbon (cheap is fine) with two or three drops of something like Dave's Ghost Pepper Hot Sauce.
Then stand outside or over a sink or something and let the mucus flow freely.

>> No.12645213

Black pepper garlic soup go for it

>> No.12645811

Go to the doctor, stupid.

>> No.12646388

Pimento cheese, Chicken Noodle A Biscuit crackers, and Gatorade was all I ate for about 3 weeks when I had mono. Lost about 25 pounds and wanted to die. Lymph nodes so swollen that every swallow was agony.

>> No.12646397

for what? so they can give him some cough syurp, and antibiotics that wont help, but only fuel the speedy evolution of antibiotic resistant super bugs? Using a home remedy, drinking tons of water, and just resting is plenty better than even bothering going to a doctor for a goddamn cold.

>> No.12646503

good info thanks

>> No.12646765

slice up some fresh ginger root, put in boiling water for a few minutes, strain, add lemon, honey. apple cider vinegar is also good. i bet kombucha would be good too. fresh ginger is the key. try chewing on a slice, that should help.

>> No.12646767

>see the doctor
>for a cold
You are the problem.