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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 15 KB, 480x480, beer_gold_b228a9f0-c006-4059-8135-53ab896fe9f1_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12630600 No.12630600 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people drink this trash? You can't get a buzz off of it, it tastes like shit, it's full of estrogen and makes you fat. Literally NO redeeming quality.

>> No.12630626 [DELETED] 

Edgy post, man

>> No.12630632

pissing every 15 minutes for 4 hours to get buzzed is the way adults drink alcohol though

>> No.12630653

>drink 1 beer
>get buzzed
I too remember being 15

>> No.12630668

ikr it takes me like 4 to start being sloppy

>> No.12630673

4chan is so obssessed with this shit

>> No.12630704

I've been an alcoholic since day one. Started drinking alone and would get wasted off 8-10 shots of whiskey

Beer sucks. I agree.

>> No.12630714
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>why do ppl like a drink I don't like??

>> No.12630804
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maybe try drinking something with some actual flavor

>> No.12631252

Do you say things like this in real life?

>Yo anon want to hang out and have some beers?
>AAAYYYCCCHHTUALLYY beer tastes like shit, it's full of estrogen and makes you fat!!!! Why would you drink that trash!?!?!
>Uhh okay. Sorry anon, my bad. S-see you....

>> No.12631272

It's literally just a meme that's been perpetuated for generations: nobody actually likes it.

If they think they do, they're just such an NPC that they've forced their brain into liking it because their uncle said beer is cool during every family gathering.

>> No.12631317

How does it feel to like nothing, contribute nothing, and be nothing? Hollow?

>> No.12631326

>I only drink to get drunk
Sorry about your alcohol dependency. Have you ever noticed that rubbing alcohol works faster than liquor? Clearly you're trying to optimize your bitterness tasted to inebriation, I hope that helps.

>> No.12631330

>You can't get a buzz off of it
Nigga what? Drink more or find a higher ABV
>it tastes like shit
Get better beer
>it's full of estrogen
Phytoestrogen, and I ain't no plant, bitch
>and makes you fat
Get on a fucking Stairmaster, fatty

>> No.12631343

Faggot tryhard, if we're the NPCs why do you just copy everything /pol/ says? kys

>> No.12631363

>can’t get a buzz off of it
Stop taking a dozen shots in 4 hours and maybe your tolerance will be low too bruv.

>> No.12631379

Only liberals can be NPCs.

>> No.12631381

>implying billy mcbutkus who follows everything his pastor tells him isn’t an NPC

>> No.12631391

What an NPC response. Try thinking for yourself.

>> No.12632154

You sound mad, did someone hurt you?

>> No.12632192

You really come to appreciate it after the love affair with soft drink ends

>> No.12632202

if alcohol was weed, beer is the shitty Mexican brick schwag buds that fucking sucks. Whisky is the high tests fire buds that everyone wants. But for some reason with booze the low percentage alcohol trash (beer) is what people seem to want to drink most of the time. Weird. Wish everyone was just an alcoholic like me desu.

>> No.12632233

Do whiskey instead.

Whiskey = beer - carbs

>> No.12632468

>Beer? Nah, I don't drink that watery shit
>I only drink liquor, then wash it down with a gallon of water so I don't get a hangover

>> No.12632484

Do kiddie palates actually believe the bullshit they spew?

>> No.12632493

It’s because most 4chan posters are dumb misogynists who irrationally fear and hate anything to do with women and femininity. They’re also usually conspiracy theorists who believe Da Joos are trying to make them more feminine for inscrutable reasons. Therefore they tend to actually believe the Flat Earth tier pseudoscience idea that estrogen in your food actually significantly affects your body’s hormonal balance. Basically they’re too afraid of women and blinded by hate to look at the world rationally.

>> No.12632499

I like the taste, every grocery store in the country carries at the very least 20 different types of beer, so it’s easy to find something good. it’s relaxing enough, I’m not looking to get fucked up. I don’t mind pissing a lot because I’m usually home anyway. And I have a job and family so I can’t afford to have a horrible hangover and zero energy the next morning.

>> No.12632506
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>> No.12632510

This is really fuckin cute

>> No.12632581

Agreed - I used to drink beer pretty much everyday then stopped. Made me feel like shit.

>> No.12632583

Obviously you have never done anything physically taxing.

>> No.12632612

i too hate gronald blumpf!

>> No.12632659
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>It’s because most 4chan posters are dumb misogynists who irrationally fear and hate anything to do with women and femininity. They’re also usually conspiracy theorists who believe Da Joos are trying to make them more feminine for inscrutable reasons. Therefore they tend to actually believe the Flat Earth tier pseudoscience idea that estrogen in your food actually significantly affects your body’s hormonal balance. Basically they’re too afraid of women and blinded by hate to look at the world rationally.

>> No.12632669

Played football and basketball in school lol

>> No.12632682

This might have been worded a bit weird in order to get responses but the main point still stands
If you think about fucking estrogen when thinking about beer and how drinking that beer will turn you more feminine you're literally fucking mentally handicapped

>> No.12632689

It's actually because 4chan is a bunch of unathletic dweebs and nerds that can't get laid.
You think Chad obsesses over plant estrogens in hops?
No he slams that beer and then slams a hoe.

>> No.12632692

a gut is feminine, retard.

Beer has actual estrogen. Not soy estrogen, actual estrogen.

>> No.12632699

Least intelligent person on this board right here.

>> No.12632744

It's okay. You can admit it. Beer sucks. You, like so many other men at some point in your life decided to see what the big fuss was. You took your first sip of that watery, bitter, amber liquid and recoiled in disgust. "but I'm a man," you think, "and men are SUPPOSED to like beer. It's the natural order of things." So you kept drinking. You drank until your tastebuds became numb to its yeasty bite. "Aha!" you proclaimed in your secured masculinity. " Looks like I finally acquired a taste for beer!"

Yet still, upon every night out on the town, as your female company orders their grape juice and tequila infused slushies, you look upon them with wistful envy. "I'll take a beer." you say to the bartender, a sadness behind your eyes. Because men drink beer. It's the natural order of things. And you are a man, aren't you?

>> No.12632748

Le pee pee

>> No.12632837

Retard, cold beer on a hot day is hella refreshing. Just gotta find the right kind for the occasion.

>> No.12632843

This nigga gets it, you aight white boy, he cute, etc.

>> No.12632874
File: 991 KB, 843x948, soyboy_by_tullamoredew_dc79c49-pre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's okay. You can admit it. Beer sucks. You, like so many other men at some point in your life decided to see what the big fuss was. You took your first sip of that watery, bitter, amber liquid and recoiled in disgust. "but I'm a man," you think, "and men are SUPPOSED to like beer. It's the natural order of things." So you kept drinking. You drank until your tastebuds became numb to its yeasty bite. "Aha!" you proclaimed in your secured masculinity. " Looks like I finally acquired a taste for beer!"

>Yet still, upon every night out on the town, as your female company orders their grape juice and tequila infused slushies, you look upon them with wistful envy. "I'll take a beer." you say to the bartender, a sadness behind your eyes. Because men drink beer. It's the natural order of things. And you are a man, aren't you?

>> No.12632916

It'a not most, just the /pol/tards.

>> No.12632951

Go back to leftypol.

>> No.12632976

>eating stale pasta
>having that queer as image saved on any of your devices ever
Please leave

>> No.12633008

Go back to t_d, boomer.

>> No.12633025

Have sex, incel.

>> No.12633083

Dude, I think you're genuinely a bigger faggot than anyone you could possibly use this picture to make fun of for having it saved in the first place.

>> No.12633099

Uh, sweetie, the incels are on your side.

>> No.12633239

Drinking this right now, bretty good man

>> No.12633246

why are they molesting the cow

>> No.12633283

Beer tastes good you pleb.
Go have some sprite or something.

>> No.12633315

>getting this triggered over the use of "hoe"
Have sex. Seriously.

>> No.12633382

I get drunk from a single beer, I never drank alcohol until I was in my late 20s.

>> No.12633564
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>> No.12633571

>1 beer
>4 hours

>> No.12633639

I’m 25 and I get stumbling drunk on beer #5.

>> No.12633651

If you can't feel the alcohol from beer then you've probably been drinking too much hard alcohol for too long and should stop for a while

>> No.12633664

Either that or he is an absolute fatfuck.

>> No.12633792


I don’t know why you are bragging. Why would you want to deny yourself the ability to get buzzed off a savory drink? You are just bragging about having to pay more to get a desired result from an already pricey product.

>> No.12634039
File: 21 KB, 170x180, retard2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He thinks having to drink more to get drunk is a good thing

>> No.12634054

I drink tons of beer and don't have manboobs or want to be a tranny or whatever. Why are retards here so hung up on trace amounts of estrogen in food and alcohol? It does nothing.

>> No.12634082
File: 9 KB, 320x320, 1552081758826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The assblasted estrogen fatties itt are killing me

>> No.12634093

>if it takes you less alcohol to get drunk then you're a child
this meme needs to die. I get a decent buzz after 2 beers, better for my body and my wallet.

>> No.12634107

lmao, I was actually agreeing with the guy, not even mad, unfuck yourself kind stranger

>> No.12634114

Did you seriously save this picture on your computer. Better hope your shit gets bricked by a Chinese EMP bomb.

>> No.12634132

So, to cap the thread off, we learned that drinking beer in moderate-small amounts is fine, hard liquor has less calories for more punch, and that if you have a hissy fit over what other people do with their lives or what they like or dislike you are probably a cumbrained troglodyte.

See you guys in the next bait thread.

>> No.12634180

You can get a good buzz from beer if you just stop eating for a minute and keep drinking.

>> No.12634189

>something with some actual flavor
like juice?

>> No.12635456

soy beer?

>> No.12635467

They are very low IQ

>> No.12635473

vapid relativist

>> No.12635480

>lolbertardian larping

>> No.12635533
File: 82 KB, 960x749, 1557574280315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drink 1 cider
>balance gets completely thrown off
I don't see the appeal of drinking.

>> No.12635568

>try drinking something with actual flavor
>every "flavorful" beer I try just tastes even more bitter

No thanks I'll stick to my vodka & juice.

>> No.12635581

I'm sorry, I don't speak in memes, I can't understand you.

>> No.12635587

What's it like having a vagina?

>> No.12635595

Based & unironically redpilled. I only drink vodka sodas.

>> No.12635601

>You can't get a buzz off of it
how deep into alcoholism are you

>> No.12635606

Absolutely based.

>> No.12635637

For me it's Pliny the Elder, the best IPA.

>> No.12635640

>tfw used to be able to sip on beer and enjoy a buzz after finishing the glass
constant abuse and tolerance build-up has ruined beer for me, i end up going through 2-3 bottles in the same amount of time it took me to finish 1 back then. i just stick to liquor now and enjoy beer is a "detour" during binges once i'm sick of liquor.

>> No.12635671

Wish I could do that, but I get dehydrated easier than I get hard. Drinking on a hot day would be suicide

>> No.12636284

but seriously how do people not have to piss constantly after drinking

>> No.12636298

10% beers exist if all you care about is a buzz. Won't taste as good as spirit soda though or whatever you drink

>> No.12636537
File: 497 KB, 497x780, hxkxl5p07tz21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can get "buzzed" 100 times more efficiently, economically and safely with medical Cannabis.
no hangovers, no feeling sick or depressed like with alcohol.
the elite and their mind controlled zombie cattle fear the herbal medicine.


bye bye trash.
(don't bother replying, it won't be seen, i'm long gone :)

>> No.12636539
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>> No.12636659

>can't get a buzz
that's because you're sipping it retard, fucking chug like a man.

>> No.12636853

Do people really not like the taste of beer here?
There is literally nothing better than a hot summer day with your friends and a pint.

>> No.12638336
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I'm 19, only just now started drinking cause it's legal in Canada

>> No.12638521

How is this even possible? It takes at least 10-12 beers before I would consider myself anywhere near drunk, at least 3-5 to get a decent buzz. I don't even drink often.

>> No.12638615

Big deal jockstrap, I meant real back breaking work.

>> No.12639456
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>real back breaking work.
You mean being a wagie willingly ruining your health and lifespan?

>> No.12639466

Where my Yuengling boys at? And also Einstok boys, I'm waiting on that delivery.

>> No.12639508

Are you talking about beer (can) or beer (bottle)?

>> No.12639513
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Based lightweights.

>> No.12639833

We assume a normal adult male, not a half-ton creature

>> No.12640005

>I don't even drink often.
How often?

>> No.12640009


>> No.12640094

Dude, hard physical work, simple, not a keyboard warrior or a Adonis wannabe, just work that gets the job done, and self satisfaction at the completion of the job, and no one else involved to witness it.

>> No.12640119

Beer is for socializing, not for getting smashed efficiently.

>> No.12640126

Beers lost tremendous market share to wine and spirits over the past 5 years, and within the beer category, even more to flavored malt beverages like Smirnoff ice, mikes hard lemonade and ciders

>> No.12640695

Seriously, anon, do you have a link to the sales data for that? At least in my little hamlet, the people walking out with cases of beer grossly out number the people walking out with liquor or malt beverages.

>> No.12640844
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The cow actually used forbidden alchemy.

>> No.12640986

Go back to /b/, we all know that’s what brought you here anyways plebbit fag

>> No.12641013

>You can't get a buzz off of it
American detected. Not everyone drinks 3% abv piss water in 250ml bottles.

>> No.12641029

I'm an alchy and I feel a buzz after a pint if I haven't drank all week. I wouldn't say tipsy but a noticeable warmth.

>> No.12641031

Oh wow you drink 5% ABV instead of 4.3 what a massive difference!

>> No.12641047

If you're drinking 5% and can't get drunk in the slightest then you're either obese or way too far gone. It's what everyone drinks here including the alcoholics and they still manage to get pretty fucked up.

>> No.12641102

>obese or way too far gone.
That hits home, anon, while I'm on my fifth shandy with a jigger of WT101 added, I'm not plastered at this moment.

>> No.12642492


Likely your problem is bitterness. I would recommend Blue Moon or other wheat beer. Killian's Irish Red and Newcastle Brown ale are also good but heavier. If there's an international food mart that has taste tests, go there and ask the bartender.

>> No.12642521

Because I have poor self control but can talk myself out of going all the way back to the store to get more beers and so can stay responsibly sober enough to not black out.
It's either that or I get a 750 of spirits, drink too much, then while pissed continue drinking until I wake up the next day and the whole bottle is gone.
I'm fine with giving up the strong stuff until I can either get it under control or swear off of it for life.
It's nice though, I can still have a few drinks with my friends and they can enjoy their time without having to worry about babysitting me.
Its had a noticeable positive effect on my relationships.

>> No.12642524

Pour some spirits down the sink before you start. It's easy to make that decision while you're sober.

>> No.12642545

Cheers for the advice, brother. Already gave my buddy my (meager) whiskey collection.
Girlfriend keeps a bottle of that whipped cream bullshit around but I don't think I could physically drink it without
a) getting sick before even catching a buzz
b) being on her shitlist for a minute
Being able to still have a beer when I get the urge definitely makes it pretty easy.

>> No.12644102


Just looking at that pic makes me thirsty.

Mmm. Beer.

>> No.12644133

>Drinking anything other than pure water.

Enjoy cancer fatties.

>> No.12644140

Beer is the best hangover cure, prove me wrong?

>> No.12644148

i was never into soft drinks like coke id always get water unless it was a big meal and the coke is ice cold

but i tolerate the fizz in beer just fine and it help me socialise

>> No.12644163

What cancer are you talking about?

>> No.12644175

>Drinking fluorine-filled water instead of your own piss

Enjoy cancer fatty.

>> No.12644195

ITT: People who sip one mike's hard and pass out

>> No.12645113


>> No.12645184

It's up.


>> No.12645328

In this dystopia, adults are automatically fat.

>> No.12645744

>My post made the cut.

>> No.12645753

Stop drinking lite beer then

>> No.12645759


the average 4channer is fucked in the head, but you're way off the mark buddy

>> No.12645768

>You can't get a buzz off of it

If you drink only once a week you could get buzzed off of one 5% beer, even if you're a fatass

>> No.12645796

Light beer isn't lower in alcohol.

>> No.12645832

Your already a bitch if you're worried a bean or flower will make you one, but a gut is masculine, in a way. Typical male hormone levels cause preferential deposition of fat there, because it's near the center of mass and has been selected for. Typical female hormones cause more of it to go to the butt and thighs, for sectual selection reasons. It's still pathetic to not be fit and gutless. It's not like you don't have the time while not being obligated to do hair and makeup daily.

>> No.12645837

yes it is you retard, thats the definition of lite beer

not that it has lower calories (which it often does), but that it has LESS ALCOHOL. Usually 20% less alcohol
i.e. 5% vs. 4%

dumb fuck

>> No.12645857

Depends where you are.


>> No.12645881

Light beer is a style defined in part by its low alcohol content (and also light body and low hopping)

Now a light beer isn't lower in alcohol than all beer, some other beers are very low in alcohol too Guinness comes to mind which is on par with light beers for ABV, but light beer inherently has low ABV

Of course this is tied to the quest for low calories as alcohol contains calories

>> No.12646017
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Drink two of these then pass out.

>> No.12646047

Kek nice but this newfag needs to leave the stupid 2 paragraph pastas out of the compilation

>> No.12646101


>> No.12646107

C is right next to X

>> No.12646113

go smoke a juul fucking zoomer.

>> No.12646118

4 is when i start even feeling something

>> No.12646629
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Find yourself a good beer and enjoy it, savour the flavour. If I wanted to get a buzz or drunk, I'd hammer down a couple shots since my body doesn't metabolize alcohol very well.

>> No.12647103

are you me?

>> No.12647168

the replies just justify this statement lol

>> No.12647170

I like it more just with certain foods

>> No.12647492

Drink all 4 and you'll need rehab!

>> No.12648047


>> No.12648094

>getting called out on your bullshit proves you right
lol sjw are mentally ill

>> No.12649179

Drink 6, and you may find yourself in a foreign country having no idea how you got there

>> No.12650762

I get buzzed halfway through my second because of my meds. Its cool though because I can get fucked for cheap

>> No.12650858

I used to drink between 6 and 12 beers every night. Quit 3 weeks ago and have already lost 20 lbs. I don't even miss it. I wasn't even getting drunk.

>> No.12650894

>you cant get a buzz off it
After 8 pints of 10% barley wine at the local bar in the span of two hours, I didn't remember that night nor know how the Hell I woke up at home.
>it tastes like shit
Different strokes, but I unironically like it. Given just about any choice of drink, beer comes in the list of choices after iced Amarula cocktails on a hot summer night and the almighty Old Fashioned.

>it's full of estrogen
This is not a problem because I drink maybe once every two weeks and also because I am genetically predisposed to look like I have a Stone Age skull (with the "25 year old receeding hairline" that runs in dad's family) and frame even if you pumped me full of soy.

>> No.12650904

you're a big guy

>> No.12650952

Is that cow getting blacked? Looks like the same """art""" under the Eiffel tower

>> No.12650984

>there are only 2 sides

>> No.12650998

Do you still drink alcohol? I gotta cut out beer too, shit's making me fat.

>> No.12651011

>not drinking delicious estrogen beer and working out regularly for a cute trap body so you can crossplay at conventions

>> No.12651206

>I have no argument whatsoever

>> No.12651316

sneeds big guy seed for you

>> No.12651970

That's why if I have to drink beer, I find the highest ABV one (that's not some fruity watermelon bs), usually an IPA, and drink that for the buzz. There are a selection of 10+% at Yard House and more if you visit breweries. I've grown to like IPAs this way, although Lagunitas is disgusting.

>> No.12652027

who are you quoting?

>> No.12652050
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>> No.12652056

It's called paraphrasing, you dropout.

>> No.12652058

The guy who has no argument. Try to keep up.

>> No.12652062

In conclusion, there are far too many white people in positions of power.

>> No.12652205

I agree, I only drink it for the buzz and because it's more convenient, I would gladly perfer bourbon any day

>> No.12652212

I like the taste. Sometimes I drink nonalcoholic beer just because I enjoy it. The last time I had a nonalcoholic beer it felt like it had an effect on me though, I don't know if there are other compounds aside from alcohol that would do that, or maybe it was just all the food I ate with it.

>> No.12652237

>every "flavorful" beer I try just tastes even more bitter
Sad but true
I went to beer fest a couple years ago, probably tried close to 100 different beers. It seems that all that these tight flannel wearing thick rimmed glasses hipster faggots can make is some dark bitter shit water with a slight hint of grapefruit or avacado(basically whatever's the gayest thing they can think to throw in). I was more impressed with Sam Adams new flavors. Why can't any small breweries make a normal American lager or ale? Is it more difficult?

>> No.12652242

>Why can't any small breweries make a normal American lager or ale? Is it more difficult?
That's not really going to make them stand out.

>> No.12652246

And an IPA is?

>> No.12652556

Tbh im 180 6'1 and also would not be fully drunk at anything less than 10 pints

>> No.12652565

>doesnt understand the value of vice

Enjoy life.

>> No.12653037


>> No.12653693

its the summerfags that still care

>> No.12653756

You're comparing apples to oranges. Weed and alcohol have completely differents highs

>> No.12653885

wasn't their some graph showing that like 52% of 4chan traffic was /pol/ after the 2016 election?

>> No.12653929

One dreads to think what universe you'll be on after drinking 7

>> No.12653946

Alcohols "high" sucks shit and weed feels good.

>> No.12654011
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>Light beer isn't lower in alcohol

>> No.12654833

Drink 8 and you'll trancend this earthly plain, and enter the Spirit realm.

>> No.12654867

because other people do it

>> No.12654884

where's my soyface.jpg when i needs it

>> No.12654903

>tfw 27 and get tipsy on #1 and flat drunk on #2
>will vomit if i have a #3 without waiting a few hours
Feels fucking good

>> No.12654908

buying into ideas of what men should and shouldn't drink means you can be manipulated into buying anything that makes you feel manly. if you're okay with that, that's fine with me, keep doing you.

>> No.12654996

oh god where I live it's full of these hipster craft beer places. If they have 20 beers on tap, they will be something like 8 IPAs (most of them infused with some shitty fruity meme), at least 5 other pale ales, exactly one black beer which will be a stout, two golden ales, and maybe one red and one wheat.

That's it.

It's like the rest of the universe of beermaking doesn't exist for these people

>> No.12655205

What's your bmi?

>> No.12655215

It tastes great, makes you burp and happy, beer pissing feels amazing. Everything about beer is fantastic, you are just a luddite who can't enjoy the simple things.

>> No.12655224

Beer scraggly tastes delicious. Are you one of those lardasses who can't enjoy anything without loads of sugar or salt in it? I'll bet you drink sangria and spiced rum.

>> No.12655261

Weed high sucks, you just feel stupid and lazy, and overthink everything so much you think you're having really profound epiphanies, but you're just stoned. Potheads have no ability to see themselves from an external perspective so they can't understand how pathetic they are. I used to smoke weed for years and quit, and never looked back, weed is the real plebeian intoxicant.

>> No.12655297
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I drink beer every day.

My whole fucking abdominal hurts, I think I got gastritis and more. The pain is fucking unbearable I don't know what to do. Drinking alleviates the pain. I am in so much pain.

>> No.12655300
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I can buy this near me for the same price as bud light per 24 case. It's founders brewery's take on the classic American lager, but it has an actual noticeable hop profile and a very clean malt body, no adjuncts to create tinny off-flavors.

>> No.12655314

...go to the doctor?

>> No.12655339

Doc says I am ok apparently. Blood test everyrhing ok but I feel the pain. Needle stings in my abdominal all the time. It's like someone stings me with knitting needles every 10 seconds in the sides.

>> No.12655349

try a different doctor

it's usual for doctors to be hacks who can't diagnose arthritis on a 60 year old woman with hip pain

>> No.12655404

Look this up (pancreatitis)

>> No.12655434

Yeah I know about pancreatitis. Got an X ray, CT scan and ultrasound of my whole abdominal area and all organs are ok according to the doctors Stopping drinking for some time would probably solve it but I can't stop.

>> No.12655538

I think maybe gallstones?

>> No.12655554


That's what I was thinking, damn Indians

>> No.12655571

Im an actual alcohol and the idea that cant get drunk off beer is a joke

Either youre like 6 foot 9 300 pounds or just so low iq you cant notice a change in your consciousness

I have been buzzed or drunk off beer, even blackout, many, many times

>> No.12655679

You're doing a PHD in Alcoholism, keep up the good work anon.

>> No.12655873

I ask 2 of my gay friends why they drink beer and they both pretend that they're super into beer with responses like "oh I actually LOVE beer" they're so obviously trying to hold on to their last shred of masculinity after sucking cock for all these years.

>> No.12655974

Same. Probably takes me a good 5 liters of beer to get a good buzz but people saying you can't get drunk off it are full of shit.

>> No.12656006

9 bet you luvs cocks more than them, bitch

>> No.12656080

>needle stings
Sounds nerve related. Apparently there's such thing as alcohol related neuropathy. See a neurologist if you can.

>> No.12656092

You're think about /pol/ not /ck/ you can go back to your wife and her boyfriend now.

>> No.12656144

I drink beer socially. Like when I’m golfing with my friends or fishing. Drinking to get drunk is a disgusting habit. It’s like you never grew up from high school or made something of yourself.

>> No.12656181

Sounds like an ulcer

How many beers do you drink a day? How strong is the beer?

>> No.12656206

You sound like a jealous trans

>> No.12656256

can't get a buzz?
find a good beer and drink a gallon
my first blackout was 5% lager from a local brewery, it's not hard to get drunk off beer
also why are you cucks afraid of pissing? pissing is great

>> No.12656259

based elf poster

>> No.12656299

nice! you get to start damaging your brain and screw up your development early. is this why canadians are all beta faggots?

>> No.12656385

It's because hipsters follow trends. That drink what's trendy, so bars only keep what's trendy on tap. It's a goddamn shame, because then IPAs and all their shitty hoppier-and-hoppier pissing contest derivatives were the only thing in craft beer for the longest time.

Thankfully that's starting to turn around now, stouts are starting to get big and I foresee ales becoming the next biggest thing, and there's a shit ton of ale varieties for breweries to play with.

>> No.12656599

well down here where I live that hasn't started. I wonder when they'll get to lagers...

>> No.12656891

Kinda gay, but a fucking big brained move nonetheless.
For you.

>> No.12656914

i already have gyno. i dont want it to get any bigger

>> No.12656922

this beer is awful. tastes like an ipa.

>> No.12656960

I love beer, it tastes good
and it makes me feel drunk

the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.12657426
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>haven't drank all week
kek. I don't think I've gone 24hrs without at least 375ml alcohol at the very least since 2008. not fat productive contributing member of society checking in to boot. pic unrelated just a turkey leg I bbqd last night

>> No.12657494

Found the kike

>> No.12658930

That's because pot heads are fucking degenerates that want to get shit fucked out of their minds, while the normal well adjusted folk can have a beer in a perfectly normal non self destructive manner.

>> No.12659150

I knew a fag in military. He unironically loved beer. There were no bottom in him at the bar. He kept throwing in glass after glass quicker than anybody else.

>> No.12660860

>expensive as fuck when you compare it to even middle of the shelf liquor
>tastes twice as bad
>makes your jaws hurt
No fucking clue why.

>> No.12660935

This post reeks of shart. Just because your jew golem nation has a tradition of of weak pisswater doesn't mean all beer sucks.

>> No.12661007

>tfw need like 3 to start feeling it
it's shit, don't glorify it

>> No.12661050

Imagine unironically daily drinking a milk stout
Wash your axe wound

>> No.12661055

today i drink the cheapest beer at the store

>> No.12661086

Doesn't matter how fast I drink beer (unless I'm beer bonging/shotgunning like 3 in 10 minutes) I literally can't feel anything from it. Sip whiskey neat most of the time because of that

>> No.12661273
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Post your daily drinker

>> No.12661287
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>> No.12661301

Wish these fags would sell their beer in Illinois. Not willing to make the drive to indiana for it.

>> No.12661629

>tfw alcoholics blood
>tfw can only get bussed off 2 40s
>tfw only way to make my self feel hetter is to make people feel wirse for getting bussed off one 12 ounce can
Its not fair bros i just want to get drunk

>> No.12661706
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>> No.12661743

>dude weed

>> No.12661770

>hehe I'm too high and mighty to understand you
So reddit.

>> No.12661782

npc detected

>> No.12662133

makes the milk taste better

>> No.12662142
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laugh at the tastlet

>> No.12662149
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>t. bud lite drinker

>> No.12662155

its shit taste like the first time you ever drink beer

fucks you up as well

>> No.12662160

>do americans?

>> No.12662343

You can nurse a pint for 15-20 minutes. Try that with a double vodka or whatever. Beer is PRACTICAL above all.

>> No.12662616

Agreed, i leave the pics as a warning to others.

>> No.12663032

do americans what? drink crisp clean refreshing beer when it's hot as hell outside? sure do

>> No.12664670


>> No.12665352
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Never been much for the heavy dark and smokey stuff, but I like a good weissbier or sometimes an IPA, but I've kinda come to appreciate a good pilsner to cool off in the summer heat or in a I'm-just-gonna-have-one-beer-today kinda mood when out with friends. I used to think they were kinda vanilla, since it was the common beer around here when I was younger, but rediscovering them on vacation has been nice.

>> No.12665936

It's cheap pedestrian booze that is easy to share. People drink it because that's what everyone else is doing.

>> No.12665949

Beer is for alcoholics that are trying to ween themselves off booze, having a beer in the morning along with beers throughout the day keeps an alcoholic level-headed enough to work without getting full-blown drunk by noon.

>> No.12665971

>live in one of the best beer states
>mad because you don't get to drink a beer one cut above budweiser

>> No.12666100

The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence, anon. 'Cause that's where we put the leach field.

>> No.12666204

I like beer, it's like bread in can form, i'm not a fatso like the rest of you that has to count calories like queers and women, I need calories because i'm underweight.

>> No.12666210

Good post

>> No.12666417

High five, water lover!