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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 88 KB, 430x274, versus-vegetarians-vs-carnivores.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12628938 No.12628938 [Reply] [Original]

>its a vegan blog
>"this vegan substitute is just as good or better then the real thing"
>it's actually unedible
Thats why I hate them. I gave them a chance, never again.

>> No.12628956

Thanks for sharing, dear

>> No.12628969

>that pic
Stay mad Gurg, people are wising up to the truth. Your burgers and steak wouldn't be here if not for herbivores and vegetables.

>> No.12628973

Your recipes are shit

>> No.12628979

>t. tried toast once and didn't like it
Nice opinion you forking retard. Vegan dishes can be better than meat dishes, you just suck at cooking.

>> No.12629020

Of course a vegan meal can be better then a meat meal if you take one of the best vegan recipes and one of the worst meat recipes. The problem is that hipster-made vegan cuisine is in general worse then the ideologically unburdened cuisine that uses meat, dairy and water organisms. Give up and stop lying.

>> No.12629024

Better than spinning a sabertooth on a spit roast.

>> No.12629057

I doubt that

>> No.12629071

>Admits to his savagery
Eat a salad.

>> No.12629098

>Eat a salad.
As a side for my meat I will.

>> No.12629111

That's just the carnist brainwashing you've been exposed to since your birth talking. It has so saturated what little grey matter you possess that you might as well be classified as functioning instinctually on the same level as an alligator.

>> No.12629155

When I was veg, I hated most vegan recipes because so many are just trying to imitate animal products (extremely rare that it's ever actually as good) rather than just making actual vegan ingredients taste good.

>> No.12629166

Thats just the vegan brainwashing talking. If you tried everything and had a sensitive palate you would never become a vegan.

>> No.12629196

Honestly if you're vegan you don't get to eat anything satisfying except bread, tomatoes and fungi.

>> No.12629216

That would be fucking sick you retard.

>> No.12629253

Exactly, which is why people are looking to better alternatives. You don't need meat every single day and you risk getting sick if you do.

>> No.12629271

is that fucking raw potato? you can't eat raw potato

>> No.12629276

citation needed, retard

>> No.12629365

Lmao rekt

>> No.12629391

literal cult logic

>> No.12629610

>muh cult
Ad hominems are trite. Back to middle school rhetoric class for you carnist. Get the better, bestest, really best you can be, your new slovenian mantra, ok?

>> No.12629632

Not gonna lie, the Quorn steak is really nice.
Quorn chorizo is fucking bullshit though.

>> No.12629633

Vegetables taste better than meat.

>> No.12629651

Not him but you could use middle school rhetoric class yourself cause you sound like a preschooler, lmao.

>> No.12629702

Bullshit. I wish they were cause I need to increase my vegetable intake without sacrificing flavor but they're just worse.

>> No.12629716

You misunderstood what I said. I would pay all of my money to spitroast a sabre tooth. Anybody would. Eating meat also makes me less sick checkmate retard niggro excuse yourself from the board.

>> No.12629729

>They like different things! Thats why I hate them!!
So fragile and sensitive. Grow up and let people do their own thing.

>> No.12629735

You misunderstood. I hate them because they can't cook for shit but make blogs about cooking, lying to people.

>> No.12630639
File: 3.99 MB, 1920x1080, 1559693301774.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vegans are doing their own thing....

>Starving themselves to death

It's a gift from the Lord KEK don't question it.

>> No.12630651

You suck at cooking if you’re taking recipes from a blog like a fucking boomer. If you can’t make a ratatouille you’re hopeless

>> No.12630696

Quit whining you big baby. The thing is I can make both ratatouille and a steak while you can only do one. Veganism is garbage and ironically more boomer then TV.

>> No.12632020

It's difficult communicating with someone who has a rudimentary grasp of english, Deng. How many years of shitposting do you have left before they'll let you see your wife and kid again?

>> No.12632183

Why can't you eat steak with vegetables? Why do we have to choose?

>> No.12632188

>I have to take an extreme stance on something!
>Someone expressed a preference, so I have to take the opposite extreme stance!
So this is the height of 4chan?

Some vegetarian and vegan meals are actually really good, just not the ones that try to imitate meat dishes. Most people eat more meat than they should, but we're omnivores and evolved to be healthiest when having some meat in our diet.

Frankly, I don't care what anyone else eats, but I feel like a better use of the thread would be to discuss vegan meals that are actually good instead of just shitting on everyone with a different preference than ourselves.

Spinach and artichoke lasagna is pretty damn good. I didn't even realize that it was a legit vegetarian dish the first time I made it.

>> No.12632247

Pumpkin lasagna is cool too. Grilled oyster mushrooms in bbq sauce as well.

I don't mind talking about the few good vegan recipes but let's not forget that it's mostly garbage.

>> No.12632296

>Pumpkin lasagna
Really? Is it just squash and pasta, and I'm guessing a white sauce?
>[vegan meals are] mostly garbage.
Pretty much anything that isn't a meat dish is going to be vegetarian already, and some vegan alternatives like rice milk are pretty good, so pretty much all breakfast cereals and salads can be made vegan without much if any sacrifice. I personally would never give up meat, eggs or dairy, but I've cut back quite a bit on red meat, using it mostly in things like spaghetti sauce and stews where it's an ingredient rather than the focal point of the meal.

Alternatively, (and I realize this isn't /an/), but if vegans are so insistent that they want to convert everyone, wouldn't a step in the right direction be to just move to reduce industrialized farming by promoting home-raised livestock? I'm just curious because I plan on getting some meat rabbits, and I'm wondering if my daughter's inevitable insistence on not killing them will lean her, and consequently the wife and I, more toward veganism.

>> No.12632574
File: 3.24 MB, 480x270, 1554173059246.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vegans use a different strategy, they are 1000% meat abolishionists, so they don't acknowledge any difference whatsoever between factory farming in cages, and pastureland natural grazing farms where the animals lead outdoor lives in the sun. Absolutely no difference to vegans and they won't outwardly acknowledge any difference.

They do however focus 100% of their traumatizing propaganda imagery on factory farms and slaughterhouses, just as they basically refuse to acknowledge or show that natural pastureland farms do exist at all.

tl:dr veganism is a emotions based cult for brainwashed imbeciles, or more specifically "liberals."

Thank God at least their "diet" is very deficient and it kills them off quickly through Malnourishment.

>> No.12632600

>Really? Is it just squash and pasta, and I'm guessing a white sauce?
I had it once, it's squash paste lasagna with some garlic sauce on top. It was nice but now I realize it was vegetarian, not vegan. But it wouldn't be hard to make a vegan version.

>> No.12632629

That's exactly my point. Anyone on a normal carnivorous diet sees veganism as radicalized, to the point of being near-militant. It'd have to be a PR nightmare for them. But any rational person also recognizes that the actual dietary requirement for meat is actually quite low, and excessive amounts of especially red meat can be outright harmful, so why aren't sane people making sane suggestions?

>it's squash paste lasagna with some garlic sauce
Huh. so it substitutes the noodles for the squash? Weird, but I said the same thing about zucchini in place of spaghetti, and that was pretty good.
>it wouldn't be hard to make a vegan version.
No thank you. I plan on being buried with butter like a pharaoh with his gold.

>> No.12632749

>Huh. so it substitutes the noodles for the squash? Weird, but I said the same thing about zucchini in place of spaghetti, and that was pretty good.
No no thats not what I meant. It was normal lasagna but with squash paste.

>> No.12632977

Ah, okay. Thanks for clarifying. I'll check out a recipe for details later in the week when I'm planning my grocery trip, but it definitely struck my curiosity.

>> No.12632980

>me dumb dumb think satiwated fat causes afwoscwosis

>> No.12633024
File: 417 KB, 500x278, 1552453470905.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Vegan dishes can be better than meat dishes,
I have never seen this to be true. Maybe if you fucked up the meat version somehow but if you compare well prepared versions of both, the vegan version will always lose.

>> No.12633136
File: 326 KB, 1101x1600, vegan_nut_cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Vegan dishes can be better than meat dishes,
>I have never seen this to be true.
Hmm... Vegan nut cheese or animal nut cheese?

>> No.12633177

Case in point for sure. That trader joes soy cheese cannot even come close to the flavor and texture of real cheese.

>> No.12633194

Ebin reply, Bunko.

>> No.12633210

Do I... Do I point it out?

Nut cheese, Anon. Nut cheese.

>> No.12633253

Never said you had to pick, dumbfuck Neanderthals like OP can't cook or prep food right without pressing a button on the microwave.

>> No.12633319

Considering alligators and other crocodilians are generally apex predators that have made it this long without dying out that's hardly an insult.

>> No.12633606

Where are you getting nut? You know soy is not a nut right?

>> No.12633640
File: 129 KB, 1075x1200, Piker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But any rational person also recognizes that the actual dietary requirement for meat is actually quite low, and excessive amounts of especially red meat can be outright harmful, so why aren't sane people making sane suggestions?

Not going to work anymore Ed Gaunt.

Quality beef is healthy every day, end of.

Even Healthy libtard shitskins, are carnivore.

>> No.12633643
File: 393 KB, 1029x607, Poor Vegan with Ruined Skin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot the link here it is///


>> No.12633683

Veggies taste like shit, basically every non-animal product that isn't starchy tastes like shit.

Don't ever believe Vegan lies, they've been training their tastebuds since childhood to tolerate this repulsive shit

>> No.12633708

I've spent the last year of my life monitoring how what I ate changes my digestion pattern. Without fail, whenever I eat majority-vegetable meals, I get horrendous gas and my shit is tough to push out and lumpy. When I eat majority-meat + carbohydrate (like, root vegetables such as potatoes, or grains such as rice) meals, I have hardly any gas at all, I digest the food quickly, push it out evenly, and shitting isn't uncomfortable at all.

I'm onto you vegan / vegetarian shills. You fucks are unhealthy.

>> No.12633709

Seething roastie.

>> No.12633717

>You don't need meat every single day and you risk getting sick if you do.

Absolutely fucking wrong lmao

>> No.12633719

Can i just get all of the above? Some vegan recipes are fine. Whyre you so hyper opinionated?

>> No.12633749

Im not. I have no strong feelings about widely defined vegans except for pity (I dont mean it as an insult). It's the vegan bloggers and vegans that make shit up that I hate. They reek of ignorance and arrogance. They'll cook a vegetable parfait and say it's just as good as the real thing just to try to get you on their side. Or they'll give you a garbage recipe and waste your time and money. It's annoying.

>> No.12634699

Your shits aren't supposed to be hard, that is how constipation occurs. Vegetables clean your ass out, Gurg. Enjoy your cave-in colon.

>> No.12634723



It baffles me why people feel the need to make up words when perfectly good ones already exist.

>> No.12635303

My favourite are the bizarre vegan "eggs" and such that don't resemble real eggs at all and have turmeric in them. They seem to be more for convincing people they can still eat their favourite foods if they convert.

I can't stand when vegan food pretends to be meat. A spicy bean burger is far nicer than some monstrosity pretending to be beef. There's tons of great vegan foods out there like a shit ton of soups, why not sell people on those.

>> No.12635373

I enjoy some of the plant based meat substitutes but vegans are lying to everyone and themselves by saying they taste just like or better than meat.

>> No.12635395

What is with you people and these baffling stories about how drinking a pint of apple cider caused you a month's worth of insomnia, or eating a single green bean caused a week of constipation? Even if I believed you, what would the take away be? "I ate a doughnut, and immediately had a seizure and was comatose for six days." What do you want me to do about that? This is obviously not a common issue.

>> No.12635401

>I enjoy some of the plant based meat substitutes
Which ones? Just curious.

>> No.12635977

tofurky hotdogs were rather good and the beyond meat hamburger wasn't too bad.

>> No.12636000

stay mad foodfag, your precious endives and apricots wouldn't exist without sunlight, and people are starting to get that
when will you ascend to photosynthesis?

>> No.12636656

This. I'm not even vegan, but I can still make delicious meals without using meat, eggs, or dairy because I'm not trying to desperately ape a meal that uses those ingredients or uses sub-par substitutions. Soups, salads, and sauteed or roasted vegetables prepared well can make for perfectly fine meal.

>> No.12637026

>being a bald, ugly, DYEL, antiscience flatearth antivegan named TOOTHLESS
Daily reminder that this faggot posts this same image on /fit/ 40 times per day and thinks the earth is flat, is an antivaxxer, stares at the sun for 'energy', and wants you to eat only meat because he thinks it's healthy