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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12628033 No.12628033 [Reply] [Original]

>gf says "anon I'm gonna make
>insert random snacklike thing that I usually make"
>starts to move stuff around in kitchen
>"anon how do you do this?"
>"anon how do you do this?"
>"anon how do you do this?"
>repeat until I get so frustrated that I just get up and go do it myself
Every. Fucking. Time.
When I go in there I always mask my frustration and show her step by step very nicely how everything works, but it just isn't sticking.

>> No.12628051

Shit son grow a pair

>> No.12628052

The solution is to marry her. She'll become too lazy to do anything like that ever again.

>> No.12628055

teach her to cook or break up with her

>> No.12628157

this anon is right
either that or beating her with a sack of oranges so you don't leave bruises but still show her who is boss

>> No.12628162

Why are all women and nonwhites like this, white brothers? For me, women are useless and we are better of without any in our lives. Thankfully, I made that decision ages ago. Now I have my anime, vidya, /r9k/, and /pol/, living the virtuous life of the redpill.

>> No.12628172

>not flirting with your gf while she ineptly struggles in the kitchen like a child
>not standing behind her and guiding her hands with yours so she feels the technique
>not congratulating her with a slap on the ass
>not grabbing her breasts and kissing the nape of her neck from behind while she feeds you nibbles of the prep ingredients
>not fucking on the kitchen table before you can finish snack time
Have sex

>> No.12628187

A woman is nothing more than an unformed man. The fetus starts with the female shape. It is nothing more than a mannequin which the womb must put more effort into if it is to make it a male. The male is the ascended form. The female is unshaped and inferior.

>> No.12628193

True, they are simply inferior to us, whiteb brother (same as nonwhites). We are simply a superior breed. We are the only ones with agency and depth, everyone else are mere surface, mere automatons compared to our big brains

>> No.12628196

>browses 4channel

>> No.12628203



you must be new here

>> No.12628205

There is the rare gem known as a tomboy or a male-minded man, that happens to be heterosexual. For the most part you can understand it, and it understands you. The vast majority of them are vicious, mercurial henpeckers though.

>> No.12628214

>t. reddit spacer
this is 4channel now. hiro finally cleaned this shithole up so advertisers would want to come here. sorry sweaty, you'll just have to go back to /pol/ if you want 4chan

>> No.12628224

It's because you are enabling this person, they do not learn anything because the moment they see something it immediately goes out of their head, they literally cannot remember the last thing they did, the only way to combat this is to make them do it themselves that way it will stick because it causes adversity and thinking, and depending on the person they will either give up or keep trying if they actually care about it.

>> No.12628225


>reddit spacing

double spacing is standard for replying in my book.
also, why go to the lengths to call it 4channel? looks and sounds retarded. funny you say I'm from /pol/ just because your newfag is showing

>> No.12628226

This. They are simply evil deep down, nothing more than mere animals at times. Compared to us, they are nothing. We are what makes this world. They are inferior, worthless, and nothing. All women are beneath us

>> No.12628235

This tbqh girls are for sex stop being a faggot and fuck her OP

>> No.12628236

Men are nothing but evolutionary cannon fodder designed to fight each other for resources only to lay them at womens‘ feet.

>> No.12628238

yeah double spacing is standard over at reddit, i get it. its a shame the_donald got deleted but you don't have to come here

>> No.12628247


you seem to know a lot about reddit for someone who doesn't like it lol

>> No.12628250
File: 250 KB, 434x524, D0917275-E2E1-4943-8065-CC918C74A261.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop being a faggot and take the gay pill already.

>> No.12628257

Here's a novel idea. She forays into the kitchen and starts rattling pans. Make yourself very scarce without warning until she's 'done'. Also, make sure your home insurance is current.

>> No.12628259

>n-no you're the redditor!
>huehuehue got 'em

>> No.12628264

tell her that her cooking is shit and to stay out of the kitchen until she learns how to use it. if she doesnt make an attempt to learn then dump her ass

>> No.12628274

It's a cry for attention. She wants you in the kitchen with her. Your gf is unsatisfied. You better handle this before she turns to Tyronne for some lovin'.

>> No.12628282


not even mad, getting called a redditor on some vietnamese fishing forum is the least of my concerns
you seem real mad I called ya a newfag tho

>> No.12628298

OP needs to have sex.

>> No.12628321

OP's gf is begging for it. She just wants him in the kitchen doing something innocent like cooking...so it will lead to him grabbing her and sticking it to her from behind or having his way with her on the table or countertop.

>> No.12628328

Good God I cant wait for the summer to end, underage posters are worse than any paid shill

>> No.12628338

>paid shill

>> No.12628351

Too bad he had crippling autism and he asked mostly artists for advice.

>> No.12628352


faggot phone poster detected

>> No.12628388

OP is either trolling or powerful stupid.

>> No.12628396

back in the day men didnt have the internet to complain on so they just beat their wives

>> No.12628682
File: 1.23 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to.
Her mom was a takeout/ kraft mac and cheese or sandwiches kind of woman and she never really learned how to cook.
Why are you larping as a softcore pron writer?
This might be the only decent advice in this thread. Thank you.
I appreciate that it applies to anyone fucking something up doesn't seem as if it's coming from a seething incel.
I lol'd

I wasn't really looking for all the advice or straight up seething woman hatred/ obvious virginity coveting, but this thread turned out interesting.
It was supposed to be a general home kitchen frustration thread.

>> No.12628868

This is the family friendly 4channel. Go back to 4chan incel

>> No.12628930

phone book is better than oranges

>> No.12628939

Only this anon has both of his feet on the ground and his eyes wide open. Jesus Christ, OP, bend her over the kitchen counter.

>> No.12628963

>I wasn't really looking for all the advice or straight up seething woman hatred/ obvious virginity coveting
Nigger your thread is blatant women hating, just accept that you're a fucking cunt and stop trying to hide the fact that deep down you actually hate women.
The only other person I've heard complain about women cooking like this was an old roommate of mine. He claimed to be leftist, feminist and all that soyfag shit. Yet he bitched about how incapable his gfs were, regardless of what they were doing, because he just hated women. Whether he knew it or not.
He also sucked at cooking which made it ironic to hear him complain about his gfs' mistakes in the kitchen. You probably suck at cooking too, fagoot.

>> No.12629046

I didn't think you could cram so much projection into one post.

>> No.12629136

This shit is so funny. Lurk more dog

>> No.12629163

A lot of the women hate posts are funny banter but the real good ones are the unironic anons

>> No.12629183

Either do it with her, which should be enjoyable. If it's not, think about why. Your other option is to just tell her no.

What you don't do is complain to other autists about annoyances you're too bitchmade to handle yourself. I mean, you really thought there would be some simple trick that let's you avoid dealing with your gf?

>> No.12629206

Damn, the sex must be great

>> No.12629400

>anon how do I suck your dick?
>here let me show you again

>> No.12629425
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>> No.12629441

I've been in spots like that before man, let me give you some personal insight on the matter.

I've been with my wife for 10 years now. We met in high school, and I got her pregnant.
She is and always has been a lazy person and a shit cook. I wouldn't even mind eating shit food if she at least made it on time. But she rarely did.

We'd get into screaming arguments constantly about how lazy and worthless she was. I felt like an asshole for it, but goddamn she was a real piece of work. The only reason I dealt with all this was for the kids, and also because the sex is great.

But one night, I got fed up. Not only did she get drunk, neglect the kids, and made me top Ramen for dinner, but she decided to give me attitude too. She was being real fucking bitchy. So I told my grandparents to keep an eye on the kids and told my wife we were going to go out and have dinner together. I drove maybe 3 blocks to a quiet area (we live in Oregon, it's not hard to find a quiet field) and I got out of the car, went around like I was going to open her door for her and let her out, and I just beat the shit out of her while she was still seatbelted. After a few punches, I asked her if she wanted to go back to her parents. She started screaming and yelling and said yes, so I beat the shit out of her again. Then I asked her what she wanted to do. She finally got smart and said she wanted to go home. So I took her home and dared her to start trouble. I even handed her my cellphone and dialed her mom's number on the drive home. I made her talk to her mom, while daring her to fucking say something.

Before that incident, I had never laid a hand on her. But I had always threatened it. I told her "one of these days, if you don't straighten up, I'm going to lay hands on you."

All my meals have been on time, and she just recently tried to make a meatloaf. It was mediocre, but I was just thrilled that she tried.

Do with this information what you will.

>> No.12629468
File: 2.49 MB, 1200x1200, 1560055305954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spank her ass

>> No.12629477

is this a pasta?

>> No.12629479


>> No.12629486

>gf tries to be nice and cook dinner for you
>get butthurt about it

Holy autism

>> No.12629488

>LARPing as a softcore pron writer
That's my typical Saturday afternoon bitch.
These guys get it, they fuck.

>> No.12629494

No, it's totally original that anon is totally unhinged and beating his wife in the forested slopes of the Appalachias as we speak.

>> No.12629498

Actually being nice would be figuring it out before hand, and then doing it. If you want to be nice and do something for somebody, make sure you can do it, and that they're not exerting more effort helping you than they would have if they'd just made it themselves.
Of course, it's different if you ask someone to teach you how to make it, but when it comes to doing it yourself, have some basic courtesy.

>> No.12629506

>but it just isn't sticking.

It is. She understands. She just doesn't want to do it herself and this is the womans way of getting you to do it for her without asking.

>> No.12629513

I guess you'd envy stir-fry-gf-anon. What an odd position to be in

>> No.12629519

Unironically take her into the kitchen and fuck her like there’s no tomorrow while you’re “helping” her make whatever simple bullshit you’re asking for.

You gotta make your bitch scream sometimes or they get bored, Melvin

>> No.12629521


>> No.12629526

Really makes you think, huh? Everything's all fun and games, then one day...

>> No.12629528
File: 507 KB, 1120x2016, just makin eggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wasn't really looking for all the advice or straight up seething woman hatred/ obvious virginity coveting, but this thread turned out interesting.
Well, if you think there's a ghost of a chance that won't happen here on the 4channels, you are woefully wrong. You could post a pic related, ask about thoughts and the 'HE-MAN WOMAN HATER CLUB' will sound the clarion call from the farthest reaches of /r9k/ whether the subject has anything to do with females or not..

>> No.12629542

Can you elaborate?

>> No.12629545

If you aren't actively dick slapping your woman's face she's looking at every filled out fly like a whole meal.

>> No.12629556

You are literally the most delusional person on 4chan. The seething women haters only come out when a woman is mentioned, that pic is just a shitty forced meme and nobody would say anything about women.
Go back to /leddit/ or /tumblr/ or wherever you fake from, your posts make me sick

>> No.12629566

My dicks big enough she knows to come back lad, you just also gotta know how and when to use it

>> No.12629567

Some retard meme'r that keeps posting shitty stir fry threads claiming it's all his mail order gook wife knows how to make

>> No.12629571



>> No.12629573

Yeah if you feel like bringing up your dick size outta the blue I'm not sure you're giving honest advertising.

>> No.12629582

It's women with no responsibility or familial duties in general that are useless. No one expects anything of them, so they grow up content with being useless. My step mother is like this as well.

>> No.12629583

based. also niggers are just unevolved white people.

>> No.12629585

Oh laddy you gotta realize, either you’re lucky or you aren’t. If you aren’t, sorry pal, but if you’re lucky keeping a bitch around is as easy as 1-2-3 and you can decide to fuck it up whenever you want if you decide it’s too much work .

>> No.12629601

Could you stop being a retard for one day?

>> No.12629603

>my dicks so big I don't even have to fuck
Wow I'm not sure I've ever seen a cuckold in this far an advanced stage of cope.

>> No.12629616

You fucking idiot, she isn't trying to cook dinner for him, she's trying to get him to cook something she wants to eat without coming right out and saying "cook this for me".

>> No.12629620
File: 55 KB, 407x422, LOLMarvel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You are literally the most delusional person on 4chan.
I accept the title and all the accolades it comes with, you little summer maggot.

>> No.12629777

Obviously pretends until you give up.
Dump her ass — sounds like the kind of person who would leave you high and dry and screw you over at her earliest and best opportunity.