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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12621127 No.12621127 [Reply] [Original]

How do Amerimutts feel that the best restaurant in the US is a Mexican restaurant owned by a chef from Mexico?

>> No.12621136

Great. Who gives a fuck? Good food is good food.

>> No.12621143

Pretty great. I've been there. It's a great restaurant. Have you?

>> No.12621153


>> No.12621807
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Does absolute indifference count as a feeling or as a lack of feeling? Either way, that's my reaction.

>> No.12621850

Holy shit btfo get fucked, OP.

>> No.12621861

Meant for

>> No.12621898

All the seething boomers on 4chan use /pol/. /ck/ is pretty chill.

>> No.12622001
File: 144 KB, 1200x1200, enjoy_product.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>best country in the world
>not a single top 22 restaurant

>> No.12622016

I don't feel anything. And i doubt you're telling the truth.

>> No.12622022

There are far greater things to be concerned about.



>> No.12622033
File: 35 KB, 308x365, 1344731179240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wouldnt feel anything because the best mexican food in america is in my home town 2 hours from the border and its a full on restaurant thats ran by a lovely mexican couple and their family its a nice establishment even though its on the south side. GG

>> No.12622043

There in the hell are you from, Private?

>> No.12622050

Thanks for calling us the best country in the world but I'd like to dedicate that title to my favorite country, my brother in war, my friend in land and sea, and the greatest ally this country could ever have: Canda.

>> No.12622107

completely and utterly ambivalent

>> No.12622162

>the best
says who?

>> No.12622166

If he came in legally, it's a nonissue.

>> No.12622182

>Op ia a microwave chef.
I bet you burned down a house boiling water.

>> No.12622255

Pretty good considering it wouldn't be the best if it were in Mexico. The chef also wouldn't have had the opportunity for such an accomplishment in Mexico. Only the USA can someone leave their terrible country for new endeavors and success.

>> No.12622277

I feel like chicken tonight.

>> No.12622330

Great, i'm glad he came to America like everyone else who is good. If mexico was worth a shit he would have stayed there, obv

I bet he also came here legally and took the citizenship test

>> No.12622334

Amazing. We're such a diverse nation. You inbred Europeans living in your tiny little nations must feel so jealous of what can happen here.

>> No.12622420
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>> No.12622437

cringe desu

>> No.12622482
File: 122 KB, 1200x800, enrique-olvera-hotel.0.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is highly unlikely considering Tex Mex is trash
He was world famous for his restaurant in Mexico before he opened Cosme, you poor confused MAGA. You just didn't know about it because nobody in your social circles can afford to eat at good restaurants

>> No.12622773

fair enough

>> No.12622809

They should feel pretty good ...

Mexicans in Mexico -> chopping of heads.
Mexicans surrounded by the civilizing influence of white Americans -> cuisine.

Giving the context where foreigners can excel is the white man's burden, the fact there are not enough white people around to civilize everyone a tragedy.

>> No.12622820

Stfu gringo

>> No.12622846

You've already been btfo in
Just abandon your thread again

>> No.12622850

I will not.

No matter how many immigrants succeed in the United States, it's not the success of those immigrants which made the United States so desirable to immigrate to in the first place.

Whites create the context in which greatness is possible. European civilization is the cornerstone of all progress ... unfortunately also the cornerstone of demographic decline of whites. Much like the Congolese, the rest of the world will miss whites when they are gone.

>> No.12622862

Mexicans in Mexico -> Getting banned on children's games and screaming on twitch
It's not the 00s anymore, boomer.

>> No.12622895

Why are you replying to me twice and claiming I started this thread?

>> No.12622909

The Allende massacre happened in 2011 kid. The Patricia Buitron Rivera assassination just happened.

Zetas still rule. Mexican government is still a corrupt mess, most unwilling to assist or actively participating in the murder of the few good ones among them.

>> No.12623129

Isn’t the main chef a shecANO?

>> No.12623139

How bizarre that he wouldnt want to have a restaurant in mexico :^)

>> No.12623205

Mexican-Americans are still Americans.

>> No.12623219

But he had several :)

>> No.12623239

That’s just part of the American experience to me, but I gotta say that when the food is that good the difference between number one and number fifty is negligible unless you’re some sort of connoisseur.

>> No.12623265

Its cringe because he decided to respect and follow the laws of the country he wanted to successfully immigrate too?

>> No.12623266

There's your operative word, cringelord.

>> No.12623268
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Not sure if wholesome American or sneaky leaf

>> No.12623275

Never had mexican food.Hope it's more then just that shitty nacho webm or discusting piles of cheese.

>> No.12623278

Laws are just flavor of the month moral relativism

>> No.12623282


>> No.12623305

What is your definition of “immigration”? Because it doesn’t seem to agree with reality, not that any educated person would be surprised.

>> No.12623312

Has, had, and will have. Get yourself checked for brain damage, too much oxycontin for you today

>> No.12623376

Mexican food has everything though. It has curry like sauces, various types of sandwiches, raw seafood, countless breakfast dishes, and of course, tacos

>> No.12623389

I'll try it one day.

>> No.12623397

Just another white Mexican piece of shit appropriating my culture

>> No.12623412

>raw seafood
Ceviche is Peruvian

>> No.12623794

So what your saying is you have no interest in being a part of, advancing, or participating in society in general? You realize people like you are exactly what many of these people have fled from t America for the past 200 years?

>> No.12623817

Transplanting yourself to a foriegn nation in search of economic or social improvement in your life.
But that has dick all to do with the responsibility of nations to govern themselves, protect their people and borders, and ensure the safety and well being of their citizens. That's why we have a process for immigration and asylum, Which since this man owns a highly respected and public business he has no doubt followed. Its proof that the system works and the problem is with the people trying to illegally circumvent the system.

Or is that what your problem is. That this Mexican man is a success of the system you claim is broken?

>> No.12623845

And most of the stuff that Peruvian cusine is known for is Spanish/Italian/French

>> No.12624397

Cosme is good but los mariscos is better

>> No.12624569

Uh uh, sweetie

>> No.12624572

Some say kos

others say kosm

>> No.12624593
File: 84 KB, 594x1176, 4k0pxg7g5bry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>transplanting yourself
Last I checked he was still a citizen and resident of Mexico. Do you know something the rest of us don't?
>in search of economic
Nobody opens a posh restaurant in an expensive NYC neighborhood unless he's fucking loaded. Which he is, because he also has a bunch of posh restaurants in Mexico City, which you also can't afford to eat at.

>> No.12624702

food origins have no meaning in a global economy

>> No.12626204

Americans make everything better than other countries including their own food.

>> No.12626226

Neat. I wonder how the food is. I get the feeling you were looking for a different answer, thinly veiled shitposter. Go back to your board. Shoo.

>> No.12626231

Damn the hat is even super shit quality

>> No.12626232

>European civilization is the cornerstone of all progress.
Didn't you faggots nearly got wiped out because of some rats?

>> No.12627149

dont forget its a woman lol
we got rekt

>> No.12627206

yes, it was back then when your fucking continent wasn't even discovered yet

>> No.12627376

>Nobody opens a posh restaurant in an expensive NYC neighborhood unless he's fucking loaded.
So because he's rich he can't be searching for better economic opportunity elsewhere? That's idiotic.
But since you believe everyone who doesn't agree with you is a poor booster of one corrupt oligarch chauvinist controlled party, over your preferred corrupt oligarch pederast controlled party it's not surprising.

>> No.12627891

I still don't see how anyone's getting rekt here.

>> No.12628981

Your people got wiped out from sneezing so you shouldn't be talking.

>> No.12628988

>New York
>the same fucking nation as I live in
America is like, twelve distinct nations of people who fucking hate each other and would gladly burn one another's children to death.

>> No.12629011
File: 48 KB, 560x380, fuck y'all.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12629147

>TXass has a 40% hispanic demographic
>80% were born in TXass
MIGA, amirite?

>> No.12629209

It took me so long to understand the point of this thread. You have a strange conception of Americans.
Remember to sage.

>> No.12629848

Nah. Some people are just really butthurt that other states exist. I accept that people in other states exist, it's pretty easy.