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12619795 No.12619795 [Reply] [Original]

What is the worst nut?

I’m gonna go with almonds, bland as hell.

>> No.12619818

peanuts and macadamias are overrated as hell

>> No.12619821


Cashews are the best!!!!!

>> No.12619825

agreed, though I love peanut butter

>> No.12619842


>> No.12619843

peanuts aren't nuts you stupid moron. i bet you think dragon fruits are vegetables. idiot

>> No.12619908

>muh semantics
kill yourself

>> No.12619929

no pb is fuckin great, and so are peanuts in certain dishes. just not in literally every snack food in existence.

>> No.12619935

best to worst

Pistachio > Macadamia > Cashew > Almonds > Hazelnuts/Filberts > Brazil Nuts > Peanuts > Pecans > Walnuts

>> No.12619958

that's a terrible analogy
nobody thinks dragon FRUIT is a vegetable
you could say tomato or cucumber, which are in fact fruits

>> No.12619986

I agree, even though pecan pie is one of the best pies.

>> No.12620076

>sugar pie

>> No.12620088

For me it's chewing a large quantity in my mouth until it turns into a nice sweet paste.

>> No.12620314

Knock Almonds down two ranks and you got it right.

>> No.12620625

fuck off loser

>> No.12620626
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I got you bro

>> No.12620638

Excellent list. You are a world-class nutsman.

>> No.12620641
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>> No.12621687

Try smoked almonds sometime, Blue Diamond preferably.

>> No.12621698


>> No.12621773

brazil nuts, hands down

>> No.12621778


>> No.12621779

You gotta get good quality ones. Not a big fan but the expenisve ones are worth it

>> No.12621993

walnuts suck ass

>> No.12622017

Pistachios are to much work.

>> No.12622139

use your bottom front teeth and tongue to deshell them ain't that hard

>> No.12622160

a health nut

>> No.12622226

the one you have thinking about a terrible ex girlfreind

>> No.12622242

Cucumber ain't a fruit, you are

>> No.12622243


Nuts are grown on trees not in the ground like peanuts. Hardly semantics when nuts and legumes are two completely different things.

>> No.12622302

>not using another shell to deshell

>> No.12622473

pistachios are mollusks you fucking nut

>> No.12622523

>in the ground

>> No.12622524

I bet no one in real life likes you, you autistic loser.

>> No.12622590

fruits are seedpods covered with edible pulp and are formed from a blossoms
vegetables are any other edible parts of plant, like leaves, roots or stalks

>> No.12622736

your dads nut that made u

>> No.12622766

>not just chewing the shell
Waste of food, m8

>> No.12622874

Macadamia takes my vote for worst nut.

>> No.12623178

activated or no?

>> No.12623230

Somebody shop some googly eyes on those pistachios.

>> No.12623242


>> No.12623251

walnuts are top tier

>> No.12623259


>> No.12623269

yikes can this list be any more wrong

>> No.12623286
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>anons ITT

>> No.12623295


>> No.12623309


>> No.12623314

Cashews make your asshole itch if you eat too many.

>> No.12623686

sounds pretty gay

>> No.12623687

By itch do you mean shit out oil?

>> No.12623689


>> No.12623712

I agree with this. They're flavorless, expensive, and hazardous to cats.

>> No.12623716

beware pine mouth

>> No.12623719

I assume you've only had them raw?

>> No.12623827

swap macadamia and peanuts and we are talking

>> No.12624264

nah, hazelnuts and brazil nuts should be far left.

>> No.12624269

Go roast them in a pan.

>> No.12624279

Toasted walnuts are good too, for any walny haters out there.
And in bread, what a treat.

>> No.12624302

I've had walnut cake which I liked, but walnuts alone I struggle to enjoy eating.
I'll still eat them if they're in a nut mix, but I wouldn't go out and buy a bag of walnuts by themselves.
I don't think they're nasty as such, they're just the nut I like the least.

>> No.12624977

>worst nut
>Says almonds
>Pic is pistachios

The worst nut is the one that created you OP

>> No.12625039

This. Taste good when theyre good but a nontrivial % of them are musty, dusty, greasy or rancid.

>> No.12625050

I just use my hands or twist a pocketknife, m8.

>> No.12625099

I'm not too fond of cashews. They have a weird lack of firmness when biting/chewing them, and they have a slight aftertaste.

>> No.12625307

andy dick

>> No.12625763

I like walnuts. There used to be a walnut tree when I was a kid and you could just pick them up by the bushel and eat them as a snack. Just needed one of those little plier-like nutcrackers. Comfy as fuck.

Favorite's cashew though.

>> No.12625773

Walnuts are pretty boring. Peanuts are the worst nut in a jar of mixed nuts.

>> No.12625890

>pecans that low

>> No.12625896

This, I feel like peanuts are severely underrated due to how readily available they are.

>> No.12627183

ever had steamed peanuts? 10/10

>> No.12627205

Pecan > Pistachio > Walnut > Cashew > Almond > Macadamia > Hazelnut > Pea"nut" > Brazil

>> No.12627286

>he doesnt suck the salty shell and open it in his mouth.

>> No.12628216

Exactly this.
Don't forget to activate your almonds.

>> No.12629892
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Reminder that almonds and peanuts are NOT nuts.

>> No.12630114

the one that fills you with dread after you just cheated on your gf

>> No.12630133
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The worst nut is the one you don't bust

>> No.12630139

they are in all intensive purposes, a nut, and if the US government calls them a nut I'm on board

>> No.12630153

i more or less agree
sautéd in butter with mushrooms they are good!
soaked for 24 hours, dried on low heat and salted are really good

>> No.12630162

do it faget

>> No.12630168
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God dammitall! Motherfuckers bringing their A game today! I'm gonna end up with double-super cancer!

>> No.12630175
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>> No.12630181

Nuts are alright but they tend to make me feel sort of bad if I eat more than a few raw. I've recently taken to cooking with peanuts though which has been sick

>> No.12630217

love me some walnuts desu

>> No.12631859

Almonds are the shit.
>pear and Almond cake
>almonds and raspberries as a snack
>freshly made Almond milk

The best nut is unequivocally the hazelnut though.

Peanuts are great on their own but chocolate covered peanuts are gross desu. But they're so cheap that you can forgive them for that.

>> No.12632278

>I’m gonna go with almonds, bland as hell.
Thanks for the edgy comment, idiotic cunt.

>> No.12632668

Pecans are really only tasty if you toast them with spices.

>> No.12632693

i am italian and until some time ago i only ate american (probably californian) almonds but then i tried some sicilian, not even so much expensive, almonds and they were way better
the problem is that i can only find them in one place, other places only sell american almonds

>> No.12632932

deez nuts

>> No.12633509

The correct answer is macadamia

>> No.12633957

Almonds make marzipan make deliciousness.
I'm gonna go with peanuts since they're heavy as hell on the stomach and pb is sticky. Although I did eat a good peanut sauce once. Don't know how they did it.

>> No.12635509

You can't just open a thread with the correct answer like that, man!

Overrated, sure. But almonds are still the worst nut