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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 411 KB, 1489x920, starbucks tie dye pepe 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12615990 No.12615990[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Starbucks has a new tye-dye frapuccino and their employees absolutely dread making it.
so for the next 5 days, for a low price of $4.95 you can watch a wagie curse his life making you the most convoluted coffee imaginable. and if you're willing to spend more, it's gonna be even more entertaining.

>> No.12616016

Lol thanks for the tip! May have to even buy the 31 oz Trenta size available at select locations! Can't wait to chuckle at those hard-working & diverse employees!

>> No.12616020


>> No.12616025
File: 1.54 MB, 2736x3517, _20190409_145058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got my last frappuccino ever a few months back. It was tiramisu flavored, and as i sucked through the giant straw I just got some tiramisu instead.
There's no reason to drink this shit. If you want a milkshake get a real milkshake.

>> No.12616029

Ops accidently dropped it.
Make another.

>> No.12616037

*spits in your gay coffee when you're not looking*
aite heres your tight frappucino hombre

>> No.12616040

Yummy, tastes great! Thanks Joezay

>> No.12616075

Smart managers will just make them for 3 hours a day and then claim to be out of the ingredients for the rest of the time.

>> No.12616086

Do people here really go to Fagbucks?

>> No.12616088

>for a low price of $4.95 you can watch a wagie curse his life making you the most convoluted coffee imaginable

But then I just wasted $5 on some dumb ass frapuccino

>> No.12616089

I used to feel bad for wagies until I saw how many times they screwed up simple orders.
They don't really do it at Starbucks though.

>> No.12616090

No. This is literally a marketing campaign. "hey don't you hate sjws and roasties? well go buy a $10 cup of coffee to make them suffer!" give me a fucking break. this shit is so obvious.

>> No.12616093

>not getting two smalls and demanding them to make them in separate blenders

>> No.12616097

Based, fuck (((them)))

>> No.12616108

Why would I make the life of someone that's just working trying to get by or make some cash on the side more difficult? They didn't do anything to me, and it''s not like being a NEET makes me any better than them.

>> No.12616112

>is a fag
not sure what i expected

>> No.12616116

Frappuccinos aren’t available in Trenta size.

>> No.12616121

nah, I really don't care. you win either way. either you see a wagie slave his ass off for you, or you deny starbucks your money. if you can somehow cancel your order after it started, it's a double win. or if you have a gift card lying around you could use it

>> No.12616122

>waste $50 on several overpriced "coffee beverages" because a few whiny employees posted something on social media
>"HAHA! Epic trolled xD. Just wait until I show reddit!"

Average frogposter mentality.

>> No.12616128

I'm not a fag I'm just not an asshole to people that didn't do anything to me.

>> No.12616136

>make employee do their job by ordering services offered by the company they work for
>"HAHA! Epic trolled xD"

Once again, average frogposter mentality. Go back. >>>/r/eddit

>> No.12616148

Also, you do know that the employee doesn't get paid any less because you cancel your order. They don't make commission on drinks. All you're doing is giving them a free drink because otherwise they throw it away. How old are you? 7?

>> No.12616170

Why pay for your own when you can just watch them being made for all the soi bois and trannies.
Thanks to those niggers that din do nuffin you don’t even have to buy anything to sit in there so just go and watch whenever you please!

>> No.12616176

>if you can somehow cancel your order after it started

Do you not know how purchasing goods work?

>> No.12616204


Starbucks employees vote Democrat. That's hurting a lot of people

>> No.12616306

I don't want to drink one of those because of calories, but I might order one, just to immediately drop it in the garbage in front of the guy who made it.

>> No.12616322

>order drink
>and what’s your name, sir?

>> No.12616358

I don't think it's possible for me to care about anyone's political affiliation less than I do currently. You can root for North Korea and I probably wouldn't care.

>> No.12616369

I love doing this. You can see their souls melt a little bit when they have to say HIS name with a smile on their face!

>> No.12616381
File: 92 KB, 570x678, o-PUKE-DOG-570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally not even coffee. Might as well buy a milkshake from mcdonalds

>> No.12616386
File: 119 KB, 633x711, 1561611037567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hey this frap had a fly on it, could you make another one?

>> No.12616425

Every now and then, yeah. If you go to the ones that have the special reserve coffee it can be worth it

>> No.12616443

>Best Korea

>> No.12616451

>If you want a milkshake get a real milkshake.
Real milkshakes don't contain literally addictive additives.
The genius of starbucks is selling caffeinated milkshakes since it makes an already semi-profitable business into one with an addicted customer base.
You do the math.

>> No.12616602

They can’t get past me, I can see everything in Starbucks

>> No.12616605

If it makes them so sad, why is it sold then?

>> No.12616619

>he doesn't know about sugar

>> No.12616647

This is actual autism at work
>the wagies are dead inside bc they have to say trump!

I’m all for triggering retards, but at least don’t be this autistic

>> No.12616655

>calling Starbucks "coffee"
Nice joke, op.

>> No.12616657

please seek therapy and/or a psychiatrist, your sociopathy is showing

>> No.12616664

Your mom's money will eventually run out NEET

>> No.12616675
File: 31 KB, 464x472, snap aya1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>giving money to Starbuck's at all

>> No.12616701

>Sounds great anon, oh wait I think we ran out of sugar. But just for you I will get some from the store room
>proceed to dip my cock in your drink, wipe my asshole with your straw
>enjoy anon

>> No.12616710

Should just go stand outside a Starbucks with a friend and loudly chat about how great that drink was. Normies will hear and decide to get one instead.

Don't have to give them any of your money or increase their sales at all, just redirect current sales.

>> No.12616743

Yeah but sugar is a vital nutrient found in some amount in almost every consumable item. While addiction and overindulgence in sugar is a real thing, it’s less comparable to something that is an additive that does not occur naturally in most foods.

>> No.12616752

>he doesn't know about chocolate

>> No.12616772
File: 240 KB, 750x435, 1A8E4C6F-239C-44BB-AA7B-7B69FDD43962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bold of you to assume minimum wage rosaries care about fucking up your drink

>> No.12616783

NEETs are more retarded than communists. I don't have to explain why.

>> No.12616875
File: 35 KB, 446x450, hruka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will they learn that publicly telling me what irritates them just makes it so much easier for me to do.

I never let on to others what annoys me if I can help it. NEVER REVEAL WEAKNESS TO AN ENEMY OR STRANGER.

>> No.12616890

what even is the flavour?

>> No.12616898

>wagecucks cant follow simple steps
the fuck?

>> No.12616905

>Your job is to make coffee themed drinks
>Don't wanna make coffee themed drinks
??? There are other shitty jobs out there god damn.

>> No.12616906

Kek, I'm definitely doing this tomorrow, not actually going to drink that sugary shit tho, I'll just order a half-dozen then throw them all in the trash once the wagie is finished making them.

>> No.12616914
File: 1.15 MB, 1920x1080, bebetagirl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's the beauty of it. Telling people to make you a coffee is neither a hard task for them to perform, nor does it make you a prick.

They're trapped in the angry little cage they made for themselves. Normal people do not get mad over having to make a coffee, so you don't have to feel bad for their suffering.