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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12613785 No.12613785 [Reply] [Original]

you ARE cleaning your kitchen anon. right? when was the last time you honestly cleaned your oven. do you really want a meaty, oniony flavor in your pastries?

>> No.12613800

Use Spray 9 and Barkeepers Friend. One is a penetrative degreaser and the other uses Oxalic Acid to eat calcium lime and rust better than CLR ever will.

>> No.12613808

Haven't cleaned since i moved in

it's not a necessary act

>> No.12614083

I found mouse droppings in my silverware tray, i'll clean it eventually

>> No.12614130

>putting harmful chemicals around your cooking space
>cleaning with anything besides water and maybe white vinegar
I REALLY hope you guys don't do this. Harmful chemicals really don't belong anywhere in the kitchen.

>> No.12614239

I have to agree, OP is stupid as hell if that is what he is using clean anything ,
also I have ask : either how stupid ? or how lazy are you that you would leave your oven to have that kind of build up in it or get that nasty so that you needed a chemical that harsh to clean it ??

>> No.12614374

CLR is pretty safe, it's mostly lactic acid.

>> No.12614387

>mostly lactic acid
Yea, that isn't the part that concerns me. Drain cleaner is mostly water. Would that be safe? The rule of thumb is, if you can't drink it, it isn't safe to use in your kitchen.

>> No.12614395

Nice mom science.

>> No.12614446

the dose makes the poison

>> No.12614475

Jesus FUCKING Christ I hate my housemates.

Roommate 1: cooks dinner before me, leaves pans, plates, and cutting boards all over the counter, making it sticky. No matter what he cooks he makes the stovetops dirty and greased. Misses the trashcan while throwing stuff out while prepping so there's onion layers, garlic layers, and other crumbs pressed into the ground because he steps into them. Best excuse is "i'll get to that" when i ask him to clean his shit cuz it's in my way. Never cleans it because he acts like he works 80 hours a week so he's too tired even though it's a cushy 40 hour a week government job. Always complains about the supplies I buy, whether it's spices or trash bags or cleaners because he's a stubborn know-it-all.
Roommate 2: Doesn't cook, always leaves Soylent bottles around on the counters or tables. Makes coffee every night so he can take to work in the morning, uses a ton of cups and leaves them all on the drying rack and never uses the dishwasher. Always misses tossing out the extra coffee grounds so it lands on the counter or all over the floor.

End me.

>> No.12614483


>> No.12614545

I have to otherwise I literally can't operate. I'm witnessing what it's like to be coddled by mommy all your life and then you go out into the real world.

>> No.12614673

I hate messy roommates, it drives me nuts to see dirty dishes in the sink, a dirty bathroom, whatever. I also hate that they know I am gonna clean it up. Can't wait to get my own place.

>> No.12614689

This is how it's been, they know I'm a germaphobe so they know i'll always be around to clean. Roommate 1 is a genuinely good cook so it shocks me that he'd let shit get that gross. Roommate 2 literally came up to me as I was leaving for a vacation and said "one of us should really clean the bathroom" and lo and behold it was still dirty when I got back.
Sadly there's nothing you can say to these people either.

>> No.12614699

A messy kitchen is actually more efficient because everything you need is at arm's length

>> No.12614702

I feel you my last roomate moves out at the end of the month. paying 1400 extra a month in rent is better than living with other people

>> No.12614744

Geez, how much will you be paying? I'm lucky to be paying just under $600 in SoCal since i split a room with GF plus I get a spot in the garage. I'd be paying just under $2000 for a one bedroom if I went off on my own.

>> No.12614762

ill be paying 1600 its a 4 bedroom house If i give it up Ill have to pay over a thousand for a 1 bedroom

>> No.12614954

>he doesn't like bacon cupcakes or onionbread

>> No.12615013

>or I can't operate
sounds like partially your own problem

>> No.12615071

They have so much shit on the counters that I can't do anything in the kitchen, how is that my fault?

>> No.12615252

You stupid assholes need a few things. Blue Dawn, Double Vinegar, bleach and if you're cleaning engine grease you need Spray 9 or Fantastic.

Figure out how to scrub shit with that and and an all purpose brush, a toothbrush and a fucking cloth. Now you're a mexican cleaning woman.

>> No.12615280

Tell them to clean their own shit, make it a house rule. If you keep cleaning it up they will keep doing it, just clean your own stuff and leave their mess there so then they can't even get mad.

>> No.12615369

I always love this video
>toilet in the same room as kitchen

>> No.12615485
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Any amount of poison, no matter the dosage, is good for your system. Just because it isn't lethal, doesn't mean it isn't harmful retard.

>inb4 alcohol and vitamins are poisons too!
Quit being a contrarian faggot. No amount of industrial cleaning products, even if the dose is minuscule, are healthy to ingest.

>> No.12615503

I clean my kitchen pretty much everyday after I cook. I haven't cleaned my oven in about 2 to 3 months but I could manage to clean it again soon. I think I will after I roast a chicken. I've been wanting to roast a chicken for a while.