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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12603092 No.12603092 [Reply] [Original]

It’s pot au feu day. The famous French dish of boiled meats and vegetables.

Breaking out the Le Creuset for this. Sadly I forgot leeks.

>> No.12603096

Bump for interest

>> No.12603112

Boiled meats and veg. Sounds English

>> No.12603116
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First in goes the meat. In my case chuck and beef shank. The dish is traditionally made with cheap cuts of beef because it was a peasant dish. But today at fancy restaurants they will use tenderloin and other expensive cuts.

You are supposed to cover the meat with water but I cheated and mixed store-bought beef stock with water because I want a rich tasting broth.

This will cook for two hours low and slow and then I will add the vegetables.

>> No.12603118

The absolute state of /ck/'s culinary knowledge

Good on you OP, I prefer a good daube provençale to a pot au feu myself.

>> No.12603123

No searing of the meat first for that delicious fond? What about herbs?

>> No.12603131

ignore the tastelings and continue OP

>> No.12603145

I made the bizarro world japanese style pot au feu a few times this past winter and it was mighty decent

>> No.12603150

I agree about searing, but none of the chefs I saw seared the meat first, and I wanted this the traditional way.

As for herbs/spices, I only added a bay leaf and some pepper to this point. Since I'm not using celery, I'll add some celery salt later on. The recipes I saw only called for a bay leaf and parsley, but I didn't feel like buying and washing the parsley. Also, the store bought stock has additional flavors.

>> No.12603227
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>> No.12603240

is that why we're literally called rosbif

>> No.12603244

>roast beef

>> No.12603246


>> No.12603249

Please go back to r*ddit. You aren't funny or wanted.

>> No.12603252

learn to read cunt

>> No.12603331
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The veggies are prepped and ready to go in. Potatoes, turnips, carrots, and an onion. I forgot leeks but I’m not sure they would’ve fit anyway.

>> No.12603335
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In go the veggies to slow simmer for an hour, hour and a half

>> No.12603345

you said 2 hours but it ws 1hr40min only

>> No.12603348
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Technically, you're supposed to stud the onion with a few cloves, but I didn't have any and didn't want to buy them just for this.

>> No.12603349

Yeah I sped things up a little because I'm bored. So I'll just cook the veggies longer.

>> No.12603351

I'm into this thread, looking forward to the result, but you already said fuck tradition when you used store bought broth instead of water. you should have seared it my guy

>> No.12603358

Why didn't you get real carrots those things are horrid

>> No.12603376

I'm lazy these days with carrots

>> No.12603387

Tbh this is sounding like a very bland and boring recipe

>> No.12603401

what a stud

>> No.12603409

Well yeah it's kind of bland and boring. It's an old peasant dish where people threw whatever meat they had and whatever veggies they had into a pot and boiled them for a few hours.

>> No.12603413

>i-it's bad on p-p-purpose!

>> No.12603445

I thought french cuisine was supposed to be good?

>> No.12603469

Who says that? The lack of French restaurants is a clue that french food isn't palatable

>> No.12603497

Well Osso Buco is an italian peasant dish but has a lot richer flavor than that. Nevertheless, it's been an interesting OC thread to see it made.

>> No.12603501

>>i-it's cheap on p-p-purpose!

fyp, dumbass.

>> No.12603511

damn it's not like you could go buy leeks or anything

>> No.12603517

Leeks are really expensive to be fair. Like $3 for two or three of them. You could get six pounds of onions for that much

>> No.12603519

so just hot pot but said in french?

>> No.12603520

I think people make this cause it both sounds fancy and your being humble by cooking poor people food at the same time. For fucks sake it’s unseared beef and boiled root vegetables it isn’t that interesting. You forgot leeks, a flavorful aromatic, you forgot to wear the damn thing, why the fuck did u bother with beef broth anyway it’s just watery meat mush and flavorless starch. Even baby carrots, fuck me why did you even bother

>> No.12603528

Sear not wear but I did chuckle

>> No.12603549

>simmered and braised meats are inherently bad
Quit cooking or get good but this odd limbo you're in where you think you have a fucking clue is embarrassing for yourself.
Bro if $3 is a hardship you need to hop on food stamps. There's no shame in it it's what it's there for so people can afford basic, common staple ingredients. You wouldn't be abusing the system or anything buy using it on some leeks.
Pretty much this. OP, if this is a first attempt I commend the effort but know that you can do better. Sear the meat with salt and pepper first and get some leeks and proper carrots preferably fresh from a local farmers market or roadside stand. With simple dishes like this having better vegetables and aromatics will be very noticeable.

>> No.12603561

Can't wait for OC cooking threads from you two experts!

>> No.12603566
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so this... is the power... of white people food

>> No.12603574

Daube is so much better. Gotta sear those meats.

>> No.12603575

Meat in pot au feu isn't seared, dumbass. Go find a food board for kiddies since you know nothing about cooking.

>> No.12603576

I completely agree , the proper farmers market shit will make this taste so much better. Plus high quality herbs. Op really wasted his time.
It’s like making hamburgers with frozen patties, store bought bread, and kraft cheese but thinking it’s good by virtue of just cooking it himself

>> No.12603583

Haha I cooked boiled dog food, any OC is good OC! Why don’t you reheat some kids cuisine next ?

>> No.12603587

Who gives a shit anybody with the right mind would sear it.

>> No.12603588
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I've done them. Dont be pissy this isn't a contest I just said there was room for improvement and I'm not coming at you pretending I'm perfect this criticism I'm giving you is what I would do to myself after making something. Its how you get better.

>> No.12603600

t. can't cook

>> No.12603608

You’re instructing him to diverge from the original recipe, it isn’t constructive criticism it’s just larping as an expert

>> No.12603615

look at this expert with a fat fuck hand using a metal fork as a spatula in his cast iron pan

>> No.12603616

I don't think he wasted his time. Every time you do something in the kitchen is a chance to learn and get better plus its always way cheaper than eating out. Its literally never a waste of time. I enjoy the process as much as the result.

>> No.12603619

>Kraft cheese

Get a load of this elitist

>> No.12603625

Original recipes are meant to be abridged. If you think there was a singular way that peasants made a dish you're delusional. There are as many variations of dishes like this as there are blades of grass in France. You really think everyone homgenously makes it the same? Fuck me every town has a unique cheese and you think they all make their stew out of the same mass produced cook book.
Spatulas are only for eggs retard.

>> No.12603706
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Lunch is served. Pot au feu is served with different condiments, often Dijon mustard but I don’t like Dijon mustard. So I am using Boar’s head horseradish sauce. It’s delicious.

>> No.12603715

>soup so bland it needs condiments
I'll definitely be passing on that

>> No.12603719

>muh boar's head
kek walmart tier brand

>> No.12603724

Looks pretty good OP. Do you have any bread around? Make sure you eat that marrow

>> No.12603775
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Thanks. I only have crappy bread but I toasted it in some butter and then spread the marrow on it. Love bone marrow.

>> No.12603781

Looks bland desu, and I would have chopped the potatoes up a bit and added the leeks or another strong oniony green. You better be drunk this morning to be pleased with yourself, but I would definitely eat it still.

>> No.12603789

That looks delicious, some sauerkraut or pickled onions on that would be 10/10

>> No.12603823

looks like fine peasant food
you aren't a peasant and could have done more but this is perfectly fine 5/10 would eat

>> No.12603851
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>> No.12603898
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You can use a little tomato paste in water instead of store-bought beef broth. You want to be a real peasant now boil the bone and make your own stock if you have any beef scraps left even better.
Also, searing is essential, forget th tradition just do it. Sear all sides, deglaze the pan with dark red wine like CabSav, Merlot, or Zinfandel, should be able to find these for $5/bottle. Use about 1/3 - 1/2 bottle for the meat you have there. Dump all the pan scrapings right in the pot. Literally the best part.
I like to put all the veggies in first then pull them out when they're done. I think it makes the flavor better, just add them back. Except onions, they stay in the whole time.
Is this still the name of the dish? I don't know but it's what I've worked out these days. I get an extremely dark, oily broth and I haven't yet found my limit for how rich and dark it is. I've even started sweating onions beforehand, may try to carmelize 1/2 of them beforehand next time.
Total umami powerhouse with the pan scrapings and couple tablespoons of tomato paste.

>> No.12603954

You forgot the Bouquet garni!

>> No.12603966

That's beef stew though, not pot-au-feu. Don't get me wrong, it's great, just not the same thing.

>> No.12603968

Bone marrow on a toast with a pinch of salt and pepper is godly m8.

>> No.12603975

What a fucking pleb

>> No.12604060

Not what that word means, and lol good luck selling your philosophy to a French person

>> No.12604072

You can’t walk 2 blocks in Japan without tripping over another French bistro. They fucking love French food over there.

>> No.12604113

>baby carrots

>> No.12604347

My man. I'm biased cause I was born in Provence but fuck me if a daube marinated overnight in a côtes du Rhône isn't top tier. In the family we usually serve it over taghliatelles or farfalles

>> No.12604435

You must have misread. Stew has little chunks of meat.

>> No.12604443
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>> No.12604487
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How about you make my baby penis grow into the big penis :^)

>> No.12604564

With no roux it ain't no stew and since anon didn't say to add flour or corn starch that ain't a roux.

>> No.12604579

>not using celery, I'll add some celery salt
Aaand I'm out.

>> No.12604584

>wants traditional way
>uses store bought broth
>doesn’t use parsley
>additional flavors

What the fuck are you on OP

>> No.12604606

Well, this looks kind of boring, low skill, and bland but I'd still eat it if I needed a salty, savory hangover cure that is easy on the stomach. 5/10 it's alright.

>> No.12604668

Looks like something is serve to my family if I passively-aggressively wanted to say I hated their guts, or we genuinely had to hunt and farm for food.

You should’ve had leeks, you should’ve seared the meat, you should’ve used red wine, and you sure as fuck should never use store bought broth.

Come to think of it, adding some other live herbs would be good too

>> No.12604682

seething cooklet

>> No.12604683

>Looks like something is serve to my family if I passively-aggressively wanted to say I hated their guts

>> No.12604711

I would have seared the meat and seared and studded an onion with cloves and ffs used a bouquet garni not to mention actual full size carrot. Forget the wine and broth

>> No.12604818

Stick to your posts about McChickens you coward

>> No.12604823

>searing the meat
>red wine
Holy shit moron, try learning what's in a recipe before saying stupid shit like this goddamn you're stupid

>> No.12604859

OK but you type like a retard

>> No.12604894

I can't wait for you culinary masterminds to post your original stuff. It will be so epic. Only the finest ingredients--filet mignon, foie gras, black truffles...
Just let us know! Any day now, right?

>> No.12604910

I have so much to teach you about beef stew. This looks more like Ramen.

>> No.12604932



>> No.12604936

>using a recipe

>> No.12605205
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and yes I've been cooking for a living for years now

>> No.12605299

>muh resipees
Shut the fuck up, idiot

>> No.12605361
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If you cook it less than 4 hours, you're doing it wrong... I'm french and you don't do "pot au feu" like that... First put "hard vegetables (potatoes, carottes...etc) into the bottom of the creuset, add your beef / pork, lighter vegetables (onions with one or two girofle's nail in it, leeks, herbs), add a little salt or no salt at all, add COLD water !!!
Very important COLD, if you use hot water the meat will harden and it will be a pain in the ass to cut it, and the aromas of the meat will stay in the meat. Put on high-medium heat, when the water boil put on very low heat, there must be only small bubbles sometime, remove the white foam time to time during the first hour (it's the grease / impurities floating on the surface) if you don't there will be a bad greasy and bitter taste in your recipe.
Cook during 4-9 hours. I tried 2-4-6-9-12 hours coocking, 2 tastes like water, 4-6 is passable, 9 is perfect, 12 is just like 9, doesn't change anything. And voila ! You can add some "moutarde à l'ancienne" one the meat if you like, if you do it you right, you won't even need salt or stock in it !

Bon appétit.

>> No.12605406

Looks good man

>> No.12605419
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This looks good but the presentation is not great and it looks unpractical to eat.
Put the meat in a separate plate with the potatoes cut in half and prepare mayonnaise with chive to eat them with.
Have some crispy bread to eat the marrow, add a pinch of salt just before eating it.
Some salt on the veggies still in the broth and it'll be top-tier, it looks tasty.

Some advice :
The cloves are important for a tasty broth.
A bouquet garni, as another anon said.
Additional "mixed store-bought beef stock" is useless, put more veggies and marrow if you want more taste. The broth should be quite clear.
Add celeri ?
Cook the potatoes aside.


>> No.12605825

Christ, you sound like an italian nonna or texas chlifag with a frog accent. Not one thing you gibbered would improve the dish.

>> No.12606945

There are definitely some things about that method that would improve the dish slightly. Wouldn’t be anything significant though

>> No.12606987

Is a le Creuset worth the price? What do you cook with it?

>> No.12607518

He's 100% right and you know it, stop complaining.

>> No.12607608


>> No.12607621
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>noooo you can't just not brown the meat! what about the MAILLARD REACTION!

>> No.12607655
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If you want to sear the meat just do a boeuf bourguignon, not a pot au feu

>> No.12607726

>if you do it you right, you won't even need salt
salt is too spicy it gives me the runs.

>> No.12607732

Doesn’t this recipe call for Short Rib?