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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12602999 No.12602999 [Reply] [Original]

Is african food any good?

>> No.12603004

Do we really need this thread again? The last one hasn't even 404'd yet

>> No.12603060

Have to have that daily race bait thread or the /pol/tards start going into withdrawal..

>> No.12603066

i thought they didn't have any

>> No.12603077

>talk shit on Africa guize!
No thanks faggot. No bump for you

>> No.12603090

pick one

>> No.12603095
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>> No.12603173

The more arabs and less blacks the better the food gets

>> No.12603182

I stillcan't beleive theres a country called Niger.

>> No.12603199

OMG rite? XDDD
Reminder you have to be 18 to post here

>> No.12603209
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The best African cuisine is all in North Africa and it's just Mediterranean cuisine. I've had some good baklava.

>> No.12603214

I hear biltong from South Africa is pretty good but I haven't had a chance to try it yet.

>> No.12603286

You should take your own advice

>> No.12603336

Ethiopian is pretty good. Get the giant combo platter (every Ethiopian place has one) to share with people and there's something for everybody.
Some of the places here Americanize it too like you can get the chicken on a sandwich roll instead of enjera. Tasty and accessible.

>> No.12603337

Hahahaha I did it I said the word. The bad word XD.

>> No.12603368

A lot of third world countries use a lot of heavy spices to cover up the fact that the quality of the food itself is shit. The veggies are usually rotten and the meat probably was stolen off of a horse-slaughter truck. That's pretty much what you can expect in african and indian areas of the world.

>> No.12603373

Slightly less sweet beef Kerley. Usually drier too.

>> No.12603380


>> No.12603415

Why do you leftists sperg out anytime someone tries to research African culture? Get a grip.

No, it isn’t practically non existent. These people haven’t developed a single interesting culinary dish even though they have been around for much longer than the other humans. They have this shitty moldy bread that they actually use as plates, napkins, and bowls for some reason but I think it’s origins are mostly Arab, not African. So to answer your question, no. It’s not any good.

>> No.12603423

The so-called "N"-word hahah

>> No.12603442

what kind of dumbass question is this?

>> No.12603448
File: 795 KB, 698x771, 1561464545417[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't want to travel to African to get *REAL* African foods, then good news for you.

>The Wakanda themed Disney attraction will stay true to the spirit of Black Panther. White people will not be allowed within the walls of Wakanda, which seamlessly blends futuristic and ancient African architecture. The big black buildings topped with a beautiful arrangement of leaves will leave visitors in awe, and inspire memories of their past ancestors who ruled as great and powerful Kangz and Queenz. Restaurants within the walls will serve the finest African delicacies, such as mosquito cookies, malaria burgers, ebola bats, dirt cookies, HIV infected monkeys, and dirt. It is also rumored that Disney is offering Tyler Perry permanent residence within the Wakanda attraction.

>> No.12603477
File: 2.95 MB, 480x360, wakandafood.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unless you can stomach this authentic African food.

>> No.12603485

>proceeds to post garbage that shows he knows nothing about africa, doesn't want to know about africa, and that africans are subhuman
MIGA, amirite?

>> No.12603496
File: 203 KB, 2473x1855, Bow To Your Chinese Master.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I visited Abuja a few times while working for Inspur and all the "decent" upscale restaurants in Niger all all pretty much Chinese. lol

>> No.12603503

>finest African delicacies, such as mosquito cookies, malaria burgers, ebola bats, dirt cookies, HIV infected monkeys, and dirt.
I don't know what I wanna say and had trouble finding a word describing: laugh or disgust or believe. All together.

>> No.12603505

It’s MAGA you NPC bugman soyboy libcuck.

>> No.12603510
File: 17 KB, 560x431, Chinese Pet Nigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all the "decent" upscale restaurants in Niger all all pretty much Chinese. lol

China now owns more land & natural resources in African countries than ANY of the European colonial powers ever did, combined. Let that sink in for a minute.

>> No.12603523
File: 107 KB, 600x509, Warlord Nations Funding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>China now owns more land & natural resources in African countries than ANY of the European colonial powers ever did, combined.

That's because China has no problems giving money to all the genocidal African dictators sanctioned by the west. Trade weapons & money for oil & natural resources & lifelong loyalty of a dictator.

Chinese are smart AF.

>> No.12603534

Biltong is the best preserved meat you can get, when you find a padstal on the road and the got their own homemade biltong, you are guaranteed to have some delicious treats. Just thinking about some yellow fat biltong or some chilli bites gets me salivating

>> No.12603536

Why were Europeans so shit at colonizing?

>> No.12603557
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because they got what they need and are more humanly. picrelated

>> No.12603570
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>> No.12603581

If I was China, I'd also target partnering with the dictators that the West banns any trading with. That's just smart business.

>> No.12603590

>Why were Europeans so shit at colonizing?
lol Europe is so bad at the whole colonizing concept that their own country is now colonized by niggers. lol

>> No.12603593
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>> No.12603599

abuja is in nigeria you mong

>> No.12603617

It's almost as if the natural state of African People is "indentured servitude." They can't get shit done by themselves and prefer to be colonized by superior cultures.

>> No.12603928

wow this thread again kys op

>> No.12603950

ok this is epic

>> No.12603953

Africa is a big place, there are tasty foods from places yes.

>> No.12603980


>> No.12604001

ive had ethiopian tiwce in my life in DC and it was pretty good. bit overpriced though