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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12599306 No.12599306[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

who was in the wrong here?

>> No.12599318

>ate one serving
>an hour later i was starving

Fucking fatties. You weren't starving you fat glob of shit you dont even begin to know what starving feels like.

>> No.12599319
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>> No.12599327

So this fat fuck ate 3+ foot of a 6 foot sub and wonders why the rest of the party was upset.

>> No.12599334

Tbf he's a fatty but what sort of hebrew gets so mad over a party sandwich.

>> No.12599335

yeah, but he didn't get any wings :(

>> No.12599337

Ah bloo bloo

>> No.12599348


>> No.12599350

they should have said something to him before he ate it instead of afterwards like a bunch of cowards

>> No.12599357
File: 1.75 MB, 1312x744, 158 pounds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i have no idea how this happened

>> No.12599359

based fatass trying to justify their mental illness
this is coming from someone with a BMI of 42

>> No.12599360

This is how women operate. Everyone knows that the fat guy ate the sub, so the only reason why someone would ask for the sandwich whereabouts is to humiliate the fatso.

In addition, they don't even accept his offer to order replacement food. Why? Because the food has nothing to do with, this ungracious hostess just wanted to bitch at fatso, and you can't do that if he courteously replaces the food.

>> No.12599369

desu if food is up for grabs and hasn't been claimed in a reasonable time then no one should be upset that it's gone. but also eating 3 ft of a sandwich is insane. they both acted poorly. the woman was probably mad that there were no leftovers for her to eat the next day, which is never a given anyway, but the fat guy was an easy target for her anger

>> No.12599375

Don't take it seriously; it's a damn Reddit post. The guy probably ate half the sandwich without bringing anything but napkins to the party, someone called him rude and he left the party in embarrassment and moped around the rest of the night.

>> No.12599377

t. fatso

>> No.12599378

u gotta admit tho, he foodmogged them

>> No.12599379

If I'm hosting a party and put food on the table I wouldn't get mad for people eating it. Shocked at the amount eaten maybe, but not mad. Honestly it seems like the fatty has horrible self esteem and shit friends who threw him under the bus.

>> No.12599387

Just went to the r*ditte thread to see what the verdict would be and everyone is voting he's the asshole. and here people are shitting on the woman. both sides ahistorical

>> No.12599393

But he said he brought tasty wings

>> No.12599395
File: 25 KB, 250x250, 9213B970-CDEC-44B4-A80B-BA5DDAA316C8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m not gonna lie, eating 3 ft of a sandwich is fucking ludicrous but
>I offered to order pizza or even go get subways and she said that it was a pathetic offer because the party sub had been from a local shop owned by her friends.
Lmao at that point he should have told her to fuck off. No matter how you put it, it was still a sandwich, not a fucking 5 star gourmet meal with rare ingredients that cost over $1,000+ cooked by some pristine chef
She probably didn’t even pay a single dime for it considering she said it’s from a restaurant her friend owns.

>> No.12599403

Yeah, seems like there's no problem really either a) Everyone ate as much as they wanted and so there's no need to complain, or b) People had less than they wanted and so they should have taken more, or the hosts should have provided more

>> No.12599414

it was definitely an attempt at humiliating the guy

still, the idea of eating 3+ feet of a 6 ft sandwich is nuts.

Guy basically admitting he could eat a 6ft sub everyday and it would be normal

>> No.12599422
File: 20 KB, 236x419, 807F1303-3D1C-46B3-8461-7F425B4C9BA8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all the disgusting blons of lard ITT jumping at hos defense
Holy shit, it‘s not a meme about people who spam fastfood threads, is it?

>> No.12599426

They both were. The fatty shouldn’t have eaten all the food but the bitch didn’t have to be such a cunt. No one fucking cared about the sandwich.

>> No.12599428

yeah wtf. If people eat all the food you serve its a very good sign that the food was good and you did something right. These people are extremely inhospitable, and in most cultures they would be shunned for being bad hosts. The guest did nothing wrong.

Literally poor as fuck farmers in some third world country wouldn't even get pissed. The food you serve is the food that is supposed to be eaten.

>> No.12599437

If this guy had simply asked if anyone else wanted some before he ate the rest there would have been no problem.

>> No.12599439

Guy did nothing wrong.
He waited hours and nobody touched it.
He offered to get a pizza.
Come on.
That bitch probably just hated his guts cause he was too fat to be in her company.

>> No.12599441

>still, the idea of eating 3+ feet of a 6 ft sandwich is nuts.
If the 6' sub was for the whole party then it should have been an obvious party foul for one person to eat half of it, regardless of how fat he is and how hungry he claimed to be.

>> No.12599454
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If you want to eat someone else‘s food - just fucking ask.

>> No.12599462
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Kek I always end up eating all the leftover food at partys because I dont want to waste food ,also its free.
eating a 3foot sandwich isnt that hard you low test beta fags

>> No.12599466

>waste food
Not everyone grew up poor.

>> No.12599487
File: 79 KB, 501x935, 1531350275480.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I grew up in upper middle class .
Poor people waste food & resources .

>> No.12599490

Who the fuck gets hungry an hour after eating an 18-inch sandwich, though? That guy definitely has an eating disorder.

>> No.12599495

If anything caring about how much people eat at your party feels extremely petty and maximum poverty.

>> No.12599499

Nope, you clearly grew up poor. Stuffing your face because „it‘s already paid for“ is the trademark of lower class upbringing.

>> No.12599503

But he's not hurting anyone so he may as well live his life. Right?

>> No.12599509
File: 103 KB, 985x531, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this whole page is just consists primarily of food related faux pas of redditors

lel, those redditors have such hard lives, how do they put up with this shit?

>> No.12599511
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If it's just going to get permanently stocked away in your greasy flesh ballast then it is still being wasted

>> No.12599518

Usually those who specify they grew up "upper middle class" instead of just saying middle class are those whose parents clawed their way into the middle class by being the first members of the family to have a white collar job.

>> No.12599519
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>Stuffing your face because „it‘s already paid for“
its not the same thing .
>where is da sandwich?
>muh friends restorant
bitch obv wanted attention because she was unhappy with smth,watching ufc without chad is boring m8

>> No.12599528

They're both shitty desu
>fatty for eating at least 2 ft of a 6 ft party sub. he should have taken small portions multiple times and paced himself i stead of pigging out
>bitch thot for verbally humiliating the guy in front of everyone at the party which she only did because he's a wimpy "harmless funny token fat guy"
why are plebbitors like this guy?

>> No.12599529

This wasn‘t even related to OP‘s post. But it must be tough being fat and an incel, eh?

>> No.12599534
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heh im what most people consider ripper & married ,project harder faggot

>> No.12599535

He ate a large portion of the food that other people were going to eat. The only reason why they weren't eating the sandwich is because they were already full from eating everything else. They'd eventually get hungry again and start flocking to the leftovers. This fatass was too stupid to realize that.

>> No.12599542

I agree with your sentiment but you're going to need to post body.

>> No.12599544

Yeah I don't get this either, but it's probably because I'm a poor third worlder.

>> No.12599547

Pretty fucking based if you ask me. Fatties need to be humiliated.

>> No.12599548
File: 8 KB, 179x282, 18E77553-062E-4602-AC63-B4C05034824D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>socially inept fat faggot with no self control does something entirely inconsiderate instead of simply asking his friends if he can have their sandwich
>the Fatty Internet Defense Force is out in full valiantly chastising the host for „needlessly humiliating“ him
I can actually hear beads of cold angst-flavored sweat rolling down your neckbearded quadruple chins all the way from here.

>> No.12599549

Height /weight?

>> No.12599553

they're both shitty and so are the dicklet genelets that find putting down 3 ft of sub hard

>> No.12599557

5'10 290 pounds

>> No.12599560

>taking food as a challenge
Everyone already got that you‘re poor, there‘s no need to keep convincing people.

>> No.12599572
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>> No.12599577

6' 0" and anywhere from 305 to 320 depending on how much water/food and sweat/excreta

>> No.12599594

You ask if you can go in the fridge to make a sandwich. You don’t ask if you can have food set out for a party. But like I said, the fatty shouldn’t have eaten all the sandwich. I just also feel the bitch should have kept her disgust to herself like the rest of us do when fatties do fatty things.

>> No.12599595

>n-no u
Nice one.

>> No.12599596
File: 38 KB, 640x480, tal3k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you just eat the fucking food if everyone else is too slow to get it, you can't spend your life worrying about if some slowpoke is going to eventually want a sandwich

I've been at too many dinner parties with rich dentists where everyone is too scared to touch the food for fear someone else will want to eat it that the party simply ends with the food going completely to waste because everyone was too polite.

>> No.12599600

I wonder if the sandwich was cut into smaller pieces? If it was, this guys a fat fuck for eating the entire thing lel

>> No.12599604

and then those fuckers all stop at mcdonalds on the way home

>> No.12599610

>dinner parties with rich
usually it's eating less so their 3 glasses of wine gives them a buzz asap

>> No.12599614

It's not even that people are that polite. Most people don't eat that much in social settings, and since the host usually prepares food for the entire company and then some, and some people bringing their own stuff, you usually end up with way too much. That's why I appreciate when people actually eat a lot.

But from what I read about this at Reddit it seems like americans, or college students, don't feel like this at all.

>> No.12599625

It‘s not some big banquet with an open buffet, fatty. Clearly there was a foot of sandwich for everyone. In any case it takes exactly 3 seconds to ask and it would avoid any and all potential misunderstandings. And there‘s absolutely nothing wrong with telling off retards.

>> No.12599634

he brought wings

>> No.12599635

>you can't spend your life worrying about

you mean all 6 months of it you have left until your massive heart attack you fat bastard?

>> No.12599644
File: 26 KB, 428x368, AE6541B7-54A3-4297-B07E-56A6909BEAEA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>invite someone to your birthday party
>while everyone is dancing some blubberous tub of lard eats the entire cake alone
>OH NO NO NO NO but if you didn‘t want me to eat it why did you put it on the table?!!!
The absolute state of BMI of this board.

>> No.12599646

People are stupidly reserved when it comes to eating in public for some reason.

>> No.12599657

operative word

>> No.12599668

The fat dude has major eating issues no doubt, but that was an extreme over reaction. Several angry text messages a day later? Beyond pathetic, it's a fucking sandwich loser. If he broke their toilet or some shit I would get it, but some food? Pure cringe.

>> No.12599673

kek, probably. If he was really their friend they wouldn't make such a big deal out of a damn sandwich.
On the other hand, I can almost see the fat bastard quietly eying the sub, trying to be stealthy when grabbing it, instead of just fucking asking for it like a normal person. He should've opened his mouth for asking, instead of eating for once.

>> No.12599678

You're usually not as relaxed as home, you might begin the dinner when you're not on top of your hunger, and speaking and socializing distracts you from your hunger.

>> No.12599684

If there was such a strong blowback, I'm willing to bet this is not the first time this sack of shit has pulled something similar. It's probably just the first time he's had to deal with the consequences. His "friends" are probably sick of watching this lard stuff his gullet whenever they get together

>> No.12599693

Probably the dumb motherfucker who wrote a novel on reddit and then posted it here.

>> No.12599696

I just realized that after I posted. He's definitely done this before.

>> No.12599701

What's more satisfying? 15K Reddit Karma, or 200 (You)'s?

>> No.12599702

>announcing sage
It‘s time to go back, reddit.

>> No.12599706


The fatty shouldn't have eaten all that food, but the whore calling him out and humiliating him makes the situation worse, not better.

Bitches love to do this, she probably waited until after he ate the last bite and then called him out on it, she was fucking anticipating it and waiting gleefully.

Bitches love conflict, they love to ruin stuff, they love to destroy. Whores will be whores, this fat ass should have brought more food with him.

>> No.12599724

Announcing sage is against the rules. This is simply the name I choose to post with.

>> No.12599727

>do something shit
>get called out on it
>oh no I am the victim
Stop. Being. Fat.

>> No.12599741

>/ck/ can't eat 3 footlongs

>> No.12599742

yeah, I am not American so this is weird to me. Americans are incredibly fake people.

"Look at me, I can afford a 6 foot sub, but its only for looking, not eating" aka they technically can't afford it but they want to look like they can. They probably broke their food budget and planned to eat the sub troughout rest of the week. Fake as fuck.

>> No.12599750

Not American. How much worth of money we are talking here? 3 feet sub? That's like 5€ here if I make it myself

Are Americans so fucking jewish to get mad over some sort of fucking $10 dollar food item being eaten at a party?

>> No.12599753

You‘re reaching levels of fatty cope that shouldn‘t be possible.

>> No.12599769

>You don’t ask if you can have food set out for a party.
You do if you've already eaten one third of the entire thing and plan on finishing it. You politely ask "does anybody else want any more" or "is it OK if I finish this". Yeah food at a party is there to be eaten by anyone who pleases, but that rule doesn't take into account fat asses who want to sit there and eat the whole thing leaving none for anybody else because he thought waiting an hour or two meant everyone was done for the night.

>> No.12599777

American culture is one half negroified, one half judaized

>> No.12599778




>> No.12599788

Says the flyover living in a house practically made in China. Yeah bro, you are so "rich"

>> No.12599796

The submarine sandwich was probably $50 dollars american, $70 Canadian, and 42 pounds.

>> No.12599800

That is one imax tier projection, buddy.

>> No.12599802
File: 24 KB, 600x400, YP0rgWyd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've been at too many dinner parties with rich dentists

>> No.12599809

I am not even fat. I am fit as fuck, visible abs, workout 4 times a day and have always been fit and skinny. Literally did 100 pullups (spaced out with 8 reps at a time) before my actual back and bi workout today.

>> No.12599811

When did women become so horrible?

>> No.12599813

>ate a 3 foot sub
>he already had a piece
That guy ate more than 1 meter of sandwich. Damn.
>I guess they'd noticed me eating the sandwich
Fat people eating stuff are almost impossible to ignore. It's like seeing a car on fire, it stands out in a bad way. I actually think we're programmed to notice and hate it.
It blows my mind that he thought it wouldn't get noticed. Even if this guy didn't make all kinds of noises while doing so, it's still something everyone will always see. Fat people need to realize that: everyone sees you eating, and it makes them feel disgusted. That's not to be mean, it's simply a fact.

>> No.12599816

Why would she care? If there were left-overs they would've had to make room in their fridge, just let some other cunt eat it.

>> No.12599817

Why do you blatantly talk out of your ass? Where is the source for your bullshit? Fucking retards here think they know shit about fuck lol. We get it, you dad had a good job and he jizzed inside your mom, so you lived a comfortable life. Bravo

>> No.12599818

>this defensive
Yup, definitely a fatty.

>> No.12599822
File: 252 KB, 1210x1000, CDAA74F5-AC2F-4D17-99B0-312FA849130E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy... I want more.

>> No.12599823


no, the fuck he did not bring wings. he says he did, but he didn't.

>> No.12599827

>all this focus on "grew up in"
based children

>> No.12599829

It’s like you two are too retarded to acknowledge the fact I said the fatty shouldn’t have eaten all the sandwich. I stand by my statement saying you don’t need to ask to eat food set out for a party. At the same time tho, you shouldn’t be a fucking glutton.

Honestly tho you are both faggots. I would suggest you get together but you would just end up fighting all the time because neither of you want to be the top...

>> No.12599832

50 usd is pretty cheap for feeding a party.

>> No.12599848

She hates the guy and is looking for a reason to bully him out of the group. I'm assuming she's not the only one fed up with the porker. His fat, low self-esteem presence is probably bringing people down.

>> No.12599854

See >>12599644 fatty.

>> No.12599862

Metric user here
At first i thought that the girl was overdoing it, then i saw how much 4 feet is in meters... This guy ate 1.2 fucking meters of sandwitch and has the nerve of complaining about being called out

>> No.12599873

I'm not fat though, you stupid whore. You think the whore being a cunt is going to bring back a fucking deli meat sandwich? The fatso offered to get food if she truly was hungry.

The issue wasn't hunger for the whore, it was her wanting to target someone she deems lesser. I guarantee you if anyone else had eaten that much she wouldn't have said a word.

You are most likely a virgin and have no idea how evil women truly are. Their genetic makeup is that of a WHORE, nothing else.

>> No.12599881

Americans are not like this. White Americans are like this. Any invitation I have ever gotten for something even as simple as coffee has been met with a fucking table full of snacks, cookies, cut fruit, coffee, offers for staying for lunch, etc.

White Americans are retarded, they are the Wal-Mart of people. Cheap, stupid, ignorant, arrogant, hateful, evil.

>> No.12599884
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His response was all wrong. He never should have apologized, instead he should have lifted up his shirt, rubbed his belly and just said "I was hungi!". Then maybe let a rancid fart rip as everyone was laughing at him. His problem is he doesn't know fatass etiquette.

>> No.12599887

Nobody is saying this, you stupid whore. The main issue is that if the whore was hungry, why didn't she eat more? Why didn't she take his offer for more food? The issue isn't hunger you dumb whore, the issue is a whore wanting to fuck with a fat person because whores never play fair.

>> No.12599889

Must have struck a nerve huh?

>> No.12599894

You know I'm correct. I'm pretty well off myself for my age but I'm lucky because my family set a good foundation for me. Stupid nigger.

>> No.12599907

this bought unironically

>> No.12599955

Seething is not a good way to lose weight, fatty. Get on the threadmill.

>> No.12599960

>gets this assblasted over some internet posts
Please, take your poorfaggotry elsewhere.

>> No.12599970

>you dad had a good job and he jizzed inside your mom, so you lived a comfortable life.
That's middle class. Upper middle means part of your wealth is also inherited money from old relatives. If that inherited money is enough so that you can live opulently without having to work (regardless of whether you choose to) then you're upper class.

>> No.12599986

>Upper middle means part of your wealth is also inherited money from old relatives
can we all agree this anon doesn't know jack fucking shit about economics and is either developmentally disabled or underaged?

>> No.12599993

Social class is not how much money you make, but rather the circumstances of how you were raised. You can make enough money so your kids grow up upper class, but you'd still be middle class if that's how you grew up.

>> No.12599994

We can all agree you‘re poor and extremely mad at being called out.

>> No.12600001

Good bait.

>> No.12600005

Class is absolutely about money, what the fuck are you on

>> No.12600014

Honestly if I was the party host I would be way more impressed than mad that he ate 3' of a sub. Party subs usually don't cost that much anyway, and considering her friends own the shop it was probably only like 15 bucks.

>> No.12600015


>> No.12600017

Now it's your turn:
Making fun of poorfags is a reliable indicator that you are either a.) projecting or b.) a t_d transplant from 2016, because no one here did that shit before then. Boom.

>> No.12600021

this but unironically

>> No.12600025

Class is about whether your family has money. It has nothing to do with how much money you make yourself. Plenty of upper class people don't make any money on their own because their families are wealthy enough that they don't have to.

>> No.12600032

Same here.

>> No.12600043

Something tells me you're from India or a southeast Asian country. Your family no longer reliably determines your wealth when you're older. Rags to riches stories are a lot more common now and I can tell you that multi millionaire CEOs are not underclass.

>> No.12600044
File: 66 KB, 640x480, 6FootSubItalian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yurometricfag here. Holy shit this is a 6 foots "party" sub ? How did he manage to eat all of this

>> No.12600045

that was my first post other than hating fatties itt. how banal.

>> No.12600047

I wiped Chris-chan threads with dolls while you were still getting your first pubes, bubbah. 4chan always hated and made fun of absolutely anything and everything. Your desperate poorfag screeching is cute though. Do go on.

>> No.12600051

based schizofag

>> No.12600059
File: 2.62 MB, 4032x1960, 20190508_131808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I make those!

>> No.12600058

Nobody asked for your life story, faggot.

>> No.12600066

>Rags to riches
That's the difference between wealth and social class. If you were born to a lower middle class family YOU are lower middle class because that's the values you were raised with and you had no family fortune to rely on. But if you become a hedge fund manager your children will grow up upper middle or upper class, attending the right schools and being part of the right circles confident in the family fortune you earned. You're just rich though.

>> No.12600077

ikr, fatass literally ate a midgets worth of sandwich.

>> No.12600078

actual mental retard

>> No.12600081

how does one transport such monstrosity?

>> No.12600083

Your class has nothing to do with your upbringing. It CAN determine your class in the future, potentially, depending on if you're a trust fund baby or not, but your class has much more to do with your wealth+your lifestyle. If your lifestyle and wealth mimic that of someone who is upper class, you are upper class. If you are wealthy but live an otherwise lower middle class life, you are lower middle class.

>> No.12600088

not them but I've had office parties catered with subs, they split it between multiple trays.

>> No.12600089

Peeking into the driver center console of your car

>> No.12600091

>this is what poorfaggots actually believe

>> No.12600095

u mad, whitey?

>> No.12600096

who the fuck cares

>> No.12600100

Typically American to fail to recognize wealth and social class are two different things. We like to pretend they're not because we're more comfortable with the idea of rich people (and hoping to become one) than we are with the idea that the values and sensibilities of people differ among the social classes, the very idea of which we like to pretend doesn't exist in this country. It does. Sometimes the terms old money and new money are used to describe it.

>> No.12600102

Kek. Just wanted to post that you‘re probably a nigger.

>> No.12600104

;_; Keep up the cardio, my man. I run/jog 2 miles every other day.

>> No.12600106

A smart establishment will have a custom bag (similar to the ones pizza places use for delivery) to put it in and easily slide it out. Dumbass establishments put it in a basic bitch cardboard tray and end up dropping a lot of them.

>> No.12600113

>If your lifestyle and wealth mimic that of someone who is upper class, you are upper class
No. Your children are. You are just a middle/working class guy who struck it rich. Good for you - that's the American Dream. But your bank account doesn't make you upper class even if it allows you to raise upper class children.

>> No.12600114

>he didn't ask if anybody else wanted more of the sandwich
>nobody politely stopped him from eating it, even though it's clear from the story that they saw him eating
well clearly the problem is autism since everyone at the party has problems with communication

>> No.12600117
File: 15 KB, 225x225, b18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay, wh*Toid. I made your mother lower class and crave the BBC