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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 126 KB, 500x621, nigel-the-conqueror-dclxvi-bloodxbathe-white-people-dont-season-their-32194898.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12597627 No.12597627 [Reply] [Original]

Weird things white people eat thread

>Dipping chicken wings in mayonnaise
>Eating raw hotdogs straight from the packet
>Drinking tap water
>Drinking milk
>Food is instantly too spicy the moment ANY seasoning is added to it

I love you pasty motherfuckers, I do. But y'all can't cook for shit.

>> No.12597629 [DELETED] 

Why do niggers always smell like fucked trash

>> No.12597637

poor b8 m8

>> No.12597643
File: 108 KB, 1300x866, damn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I once saw a white lady eating a half eaten grilled cheese from a dumpster. It must've been good because she was really hogging it down. I think about that lady digging in the trash and chomping on that half eaten sandwich and I almost feel jealous. Like it's been a long time since I thoroughly enjoyed food with that much intensity and I can't help but feel like she was way freer eating from that dumpster than I will ever be.

>> No.12597649

I wish I had the power to inflict harsh penalties on those who irked me. Not death or anything severe though, I'm not a monster, but the girl who chastised me today for not tipping her, that's definitely worth a few days in the brig where she has to watch me eat lavish meals outside the bars of the cell.

At some point I'd probably offer her the tip money and if she accepted it I would just mention that it would have been smarter to ask me for freedom.

>> No.12597653

niggers are quite literally the worst cooks on this planet.

>> No.12597659

drinking milk is weird nowadays?

>> No.12597699
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I'm going to try and feel insulted.
Give me some time.

>> No.12597701

>>Eating raw hotdogs straight from the packet

I’ve only ever seen Mexicans do this

>> No.12597762

>the memory of the bbc

>> No.12597768
File: 64 KB, 708x800, 70A16488-5D40-43C9-B25F-0200075F2E6C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>the memory of the bbc

>> No.12597777

she was more free in some ways, less free in others, anon.

>> No.12597780

butthurt mayonnaise baron spotted

>> No.12597872

In college my very white suburban friend would meal prep chicken breasts. He used one shake of Mrs.Dash seasoning and nothing else. Then he baked the chicken at 400F for 35 minutes. When he ate the chicken he would cover it in ketchup. I asked him about it and he said he just used his mom's recipe and instructions.

>> No.12597879

Looks like you got lost on your way to reddit you retarded faggot

>> No.12597888

>I've never dipped chicken wings in mayonaise.
>Hot Dogs from the packet are already cooked, so eating them straight is just eating them cold.
>Tap water in my area is perfectly safe and better for you than bottled water
>Milk tastes good don't you diss my nigga like that
>Yogurt tastes good don't you diss my nigga like that
>Oatmeal tastes good don't you diss my nigga like that
>Salad that hasn't been drowned in balsamic vinegar tastes good
>I know white people who can handle spice better than some Asians

>> No.12597902

White man here:

I don't eat animal derived foods.
I filter my water.
I don't eat animal derived foods.
Oatmeal is delicious.
Salad is delicious.
I am able control a spice range when seasoning.

Shit skin needing to feel good about itself is all this is. You lose on all fronts. Remember that, nigger!

>> No.12597909

Are you actually retarded or just pretending?

>> No.12597914

Gee. Dunno. He might be joking, maybe. This is a tough one.

>> No.12597920

they think showers are gas chambers concocted by whitey so they don't go in them

>> No.12597941


>> No.12598002

Drinking a whole glass of plain milk is fucking weird. What the fuck is wrong with you. It's milk.

>> No.12598006

>White roommate
Must have been hell

>> No.12598007

>Dipping wings in mayonnaise
Of all the many, many crimes of the white race, this is the worst. Even worse than slavery.

>> No.12598011

Does LARPing as a skeery nazi bad-ass on the internet help you avoid the hard-nosed depressing reality of living unemployed with your parents?

>> No.12598015
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plot twist: op is white

>> No.12598032

Based and blackedpilled

>> No.12598035

I can't speak for him, but niggers need to be transferred from the birthing sector of its hospital to the general population sector in a maximum security prison. No it does not, but it also doesn't bother me. Anything else, AMA Reddit shit?

>> No.12598036

Do people actually dip wings in mayo or this just a joke? I only ever see ranch and blue cheese

>> No.12598041

What's wrong with drinking tap water? My well water rates great after it's filtered. Fuck city water, though.

>> No.12598047
File: 72 KB, 800x530, koldskaal-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Despite making up just 13% of the population blacks committed half of homicides in the United States for nearly 30 years It seems that White cops are Not the problem Moreover White cops and All Other Race Cops are forced to Deal with blacks who don't think That Any Life Matters but theirs Sounds like RACISM to me

you mean jewish

>> No.12598053

Jews don’t waste their time on Mongolian basketweaving boards

>> No.12598117

Hotdogs aren't raw dumbass. They are parboiled before packaging.

>> No.12598125
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Actually they do. The many kosher promoting threads are proof of this.

>> No.12598150


Weird things niggers eat thread

>eating the washed intestines of pigs and calling it chitlins
>eating disgusting preserved pigs feet
>eating excess amounts of watermelon, often as meal replacements
>claiming fried chicken as their thing while eating (almost exclusively) the chicken of a man who, until recently, supported the KKK through his estate via ongoing KFC sales
>eating rare delicacies like Lobster and Crab drowned in disgusting sauces that destroy any trace taste of the delicacy
>spicing shit to death, in dishes where you can taste nothing but the spice (and not the ingredients therein) and claiming it to be a cultural thing, when real Africans readily decry your people
>having "cookouts" where you burn everything to a dry cinder and comment on the amazing "flavor"

I love you shit skinned motherfuckers, I do. But y'all can't cook for shit.

>> No.12598157

stop. this thread was made by a jew, not a black person

>> No.12598163

It's almost as if society doing it's best to dehumanise a people for hundreds of years produces negative effects. Well I never.

>> No.12598171

the other jewish anti-white threads were just deleted. Why not this one?

>> No.12598175

This is bait, but fat spics and nogs who scoff at "white people food" while eating mostly fast food

>> No.12598177
File: 19 KB, 230x347, 20060402acchitterlings4_230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Niggers love to eat literal shit

>> No.12598179

Is that nigga drinking a PBR?

>> No.12598188 [DELETED] 

baka white incel. Don't shoot up a school k

>> No.12598195

t. white person

>> No.12598199

>be visiting America
>go to a Chucky Cheese with my son and daughter because they’re curious about it, and so was I
>games were fun for them, pizza was fine, still had some slices I want for takeaway
>take my daughter to the bathroom just to wash our hands while my son goes to play some more games
>come back
>see a fat white kid straight up steals the two slices, stuffing his mouth with one and holding the other in his hand
>he looks at me with deer eyes when I asked him what’s he’s doing with our pizza
>he tries putting the pizza slices back on the pan, even the one that he half-ate, without answering me
>I tell him just to take the slices and leave, and he bolts off
Never again. If I want to go to a civilized North American country, I’m going to Canada, or even Mexico.

>> No.12598214

It's Chuck E. Cheese.
Please respect our culture.

>> No.12598219

lol you got punked by a fat kid at Chuck E. Cheese

>> No.12598220

>Go to Chuck. E Cheese
>Leave food unattended
>Be surprised some alpha kid comes and steals it
>Whine about it
Europoor go home

>> No.12598221

Have fun getting your head chopped off by the cartel

>> No.12598229

I’ll chuck real cheese at you.
>stealing food is American culture
makes sense now

>> No.12598237

If you couldn't protect it what right did you have to it? The weak should fear the strong, faggot.

>> No.12598242
File: 363 KB, 930x1200, 1555659665294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would a nignog ever talk to White person about cooking? You don't even have one notable cuisine.

>> No.12598244


>> No.12598245

because no nignog made this thread. a white person did

>> No.12598247

Perhaps your high mortality rates and lack of healthcare system is a blessing in disguise. If you want to be lawless chaotic trashy people, then I support your right to keep killing each other.

>> No.12598248

Sounds like a stupid meme to me.

>> No.12598288
File: 42 KB, 546x565, brainloading.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


he didnt call them people you spastic

>> No.12598301

Fuck you, negro! Oatmeal is awesome!

>t. shitskin

>> No.12598302
File: 7 KB, 132x118, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ha ha look at this funny thing white people do when eating, isn't it odd?
Never change, /ck/

>> No.12598305

Dibs on the thot dressed in yellow.

>> No.12598311


Typical shit skin, because I do not kill my food with spice, i do not spice it at all. No wonder your race were so easy to enslave. If nigger lovers hadn't given you the gift of white blood, your people never would have been smart enough to ask for freedom.

Please keep shooting yourselves en masse... or shooting yourselves up with drugs. Make that freedom count k.

>> No.12598312

Just because you can't see the tattoos doesn't mean she doesn't have any

>> No.12598319


>> No.12598334

We're shit at cooking because for centuries we have employed (or enslaved) all the other colors to cook our food for us.

>> No.12598344

quads of truth

>> No.12598353 [DELETED] 
File: 67 KB, 1024x1024, 3E10A039-3CAF-41C8-8F4C-94FD08D7575C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There seems to be some confusion in this thread.

I get the feeling some of you people pretending to be white are actually Americans.

There are no white Americans, mutts aren’t white.

Hope that clears up some confusion

>> No.12598374
File: 38 KB, 480x480, chinasnewcontinent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying white culture is the only opressive one

all cultures are opressive, whites are just more succesfull in the big race for domination.
look at the african countries and their culture, they are just as brutal as the ebil wypipo, and have been since the beginning of time. black people owned slaves, jewish people did, white people did muslims did, we all own responsibility for the worlds evils. evil has no colour as such. we are all to blame. but people like you will not own up to or admit your people and cultures past, and possible future and therefore you must be removed from western society.

if you think the white people was bad, wait until you see what china and the sauds have in store for Africa.

>> No.12598385 [DELETED] 

I'm white, but from Europe.
Went to an Easter thing at a friend's family's place two years ago. They made homemade white kielbasa. It's supposed to be flavoured with lots and lots of garlic, but theirs was flavoured with shame and regret.
They roasted asparagus with thyme. No butter. No oil. Winds up tasting of burnt leaves because dry thyme + dry heat = burning.
They made a "rice pie." Literally a baked mushy rice in a crust. Blander than bland.
Can't remember the rest of the stuff available cuz I had to drink quite a number of bottles of wine to myself just to make everything seem palatable.

>> No.12598387

>Drinking water
Oh right, I forgot. Niggers don't know what clean water is.

>> No.12598388 [DELETED] 

Shoulda mentioned, I live in America now. The people hosting the Easter were Americans. Whitemericans can't cook.

>> No.12598391


Oxymoron, they’re mutts

See >>12598353

>> No.12598393
File: 617 KB, 1024x536, hong-kong-ags-sigma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's almost as if society doing it's best to dehumanise a people for hundreds of years produces negative effects. Well I never.

how did these poor dehumanized and opressed asian bugmen ever create this metropolis under such harsh circumstances ?

>> No.12598395
File: 35 KB, 460x276, 1550949475210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Literally a baked mushy rice in a crust.

>> No.12598523

>this is considered white in america

>> No.12598529

>Implying white americans have ever seen a salad other than the lettuce and tomato slice in their burgers

>> No.12598581

>tap water

that's cause we live in towns that actually have drinkable water, unlike the liberal hell holes of corruption in which your kind typically dwell

>> No.12598606
File: 83 KB, 1036x738, 1327970643317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drinking water is weird
>being able to digest milk is weird
>yogurt is a white people food
>still get a response

>> No.12598623

Can't even make funny jokes about what black people eat. Or don't eat. The butthurt is real.

>> No.12598633

>LARPing as a nog on a Sunday morning
go to church faget

>> No.12598648

I'm white. I eat underage pussy.

>> No.12598649

Raw or steamed?

>> No.12598669

>go to black people restaurant
>order fried chicken with greens and mac and cheese
>start eating some of it
>it's all bland, gross, and greasy
>notice hot sauce on the table

I discovered why black people have higher spice tolerances. It's because their food is disgusting otherwise.

>> No.12598695


>> No.12598710

I don't care about the tattoos. I called dibs because she thicc and her haircut.

>> No.12598717

How do you LARP on the internet? The LA means Live Action, so if it’s online it’s just a regular roleplay.

>> No.12598720

Dont be jealous because your shit skin genes gave you lactose intolerance

>> No.12598748

if you live near any major body of water your tap water, city or otherwise, will be good

>> No.12598753

minorities are more likely to be lactose intolerant, so when they see white people drinking something they can't they freak out. same reason they wash their meat with soap and can't eat steak less than very well.

>> No.12598780

>ms river is a large body of water
>communities that pull from it for drinking water have to treat it with so many chemicals it ends up tasting like a combination of chlorine, rubbing alcohol and benzene

>> No.12598790

popeyes chicken doesnt count towards shit you can cook tyrone

>> No.12598797

t. Brittle bones
I look forward to watching your chicken legs snap on tv

>> No.12598798

still waiting for a response to this from faggot OP

>> No.12598818

White people literally conquered every known empire in search of spices. This meme is various brown shades of cope.

>> No.12598887

And were too weak or stupid to use them so they traded them to more evolved cultures.

>> No.12598908

>explain lactose intolerance people

>> No.12598932

maybe you're looking to take credit for things your race achieved because you know how useless you are as an individual.

>> No.12598940

no one's talking about "asian bugmen" but you

>> No.12598943
File: 1.00 MB, 2880x2160, american.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

white people have acces to fresh food, hence season their food properly.

>> No.12598949
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>> No.12599002

White people actually do drugs at a higher rate per capita than blacks.

>> No.12599018

She's all yours, the one to her right knows what's up

>> No.12599027

All of that is true, but the reality of the history of black people in America cannot be denied. When you free a slave class, but then you create a new system to keep them as second class citizens for another hundred years after, you can't expect their culture to progress in constructive ways.

>> No.12599055


>> No.12599116

Have fun this summer! :-D

>> No.12599119

I will enjoy doing it even more now with mayonaise as white as my skin

>> No.12599124

I've been here for 12 fucking years, and I'm sick and tired of retards throwing "LARP" out left and right when they really mean "RP". It started with reddit boomers on /pol/ and cripplechan in relation to QAnon, and it spread from there.

>> No.12599127

Quit Larping as an oldfag.

>> No.12599129

I don't have anything to prove to you, faggot.

>> No.12599153

>Dipping chicken wings in mayonnaise
>Eating raw hotdogs straight from the packet
>Drinking tap water
As opposed to what? Not drinking water? The fuck?
>Drinking milk
Milk is delicious
Yoghurt is delicious
Oatmeal is delicious
What the fuck is wrong with salad you fatty?
>Food is instantly too spicy the moment ANY seasoning is added to it
That's true. White people are shit at handling spicy food.

>> No.12599174

>Eating raw hotdogs straight from the packet
u jelly


>> No.12599184

1. You're white, Kyle.
2. a. Wings usually come with ranch or blue cheese, but yeah, it's pretty gross.
b. Raw hotdogs are just tubes of cooked bologna.
c. Where I live the tap water is excellent. Not sure how or when this became a thing, but bottled isn't usually good enough to merit spending more per volume than gasoline.
d, e. Are you jealous of my tolerance for lactose?
f. Really? Oatmeal is just grits for gringos.
g. If you can't see your penis, try a salad!
h. Oh you.
i. You're white, Kyle.

>> No.12599188

Niggers don't really go to KFC that much. Popeyes and local cheap joints are much more popular

>> No.12599195

what's wrong with that?

>> No.12599211


>> No.12599248
File: 25 KB, 438x230, 5D12FEDA-1D0C-4E88-B70F-C97E2CC39C47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Drinking milk
What’s wrong with any of that ?

>> No.12599257

>eats chicken/pigs feet casserole
>”mmmm dem chitlins is da kinda happenins i likes!”

>> No.12599296

Nogs are allergic to dairy and other healthy foods.

>> No.12599402

But I’m black and I love milk and yogurt. Plus salads are nice aswell.
Only the really old black folks I met like pig feet and chitlins, I honestly hate the stuff from the smell alone when cleaning it.

>> No.12599404
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>> No.12599447

so why lesser races (aside from japs perhaps) hate mayo?

>> No.12599480

Why so mad white boy? Dude made a joke about white people not liking spice and you're ready to murder because you're angry lol.

>> No.12599526 [DELETED] 

He's a/pol/cuck. These "people" have no pride in anything other than what they were born as. Something as mundane as poking fun at wytpipo for being shit cooks triggers him down to his very soul.

>> No.12599689
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>> No.12599703

my roommate was eating cold canned kidney beans with ketchup once

>> No.12599729
File: 1.59 MB, 245x265, tumblr_oc6kcldjsq1spgwzwo1_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not knowing what LARP'ing means yet tries to use it in a sentence
Settle down DaQuarious.

>> No.12599790
File: 58 KB, 640x640, 1561333387790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wash their meat with soap

>> No.12599798

then stop posting

>> No.12599826

if white people are so great why do they cry so much when you imply they're not

>> No.12599830

>t.mexican line cook
I've literally never worked for a minority chef.

>> No.12599865


>> No.12599916

Wow faggot, way to misread that.

Kill yourself for this weak shitposting response, a Discord tranny could make a better shitpost.

>> No.12600072

"Cope" is a verb.

>> No.12600178
File: 66 KB, 876x493, KFC-Colonel-Sanders.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12600208

You're not human

>> No.12600350

she was most definitely on drugs.

>> No.12600370

Saying a verb like that is grammatically correct if being used as a command, it would not be correct if it was a noun.

>> No.12600386

>be USA
>"we're da best country in the entire world"
>drinks from tap
>die of poisoning

Truly great. God bless.

>> No.12600396

I'm mid aged white and like pig feet and chitlins. I'm in the South so that may be a contributing factor.

>> No.12600404

Base ingredient in ranch is mayo so its not too far fetched.

>> No.12600425

You have never interacted with a black person besides the weird old man who also works at the grocery store you work at

>> No.12600436


>> No.12600446

no one died in flint i don't think. just an entire generation that's been mentally retarded, that's all

>> No.12600475

Jews have been reviled and dehumanized for 1,000s of years and yet they manage not behave like niggers

>> No.12600478

Hmm, that kind of thing wouldn't have had an effect on iq or behavior, right? Good goy!

>> No.12600492

and who are you that can simultaneously see the action of every Jew or black person on earth at any given time and generalize them fairly?

>> No.12600495

i was being sarcastic you fucking sperg. it's a travesty what we've done there

>> No.12600728

Black people do this

>> No.12600734

Maybe we’re sick of criticism being a one-way street

>> No.12600747

no and if they do they are probably european or japanese, those guys just don't understand how to use mayonnaise

>> No.12600755

>Go to restaurant in Detroit
>soul food place
>see it on Andrew Zimmern
>Live in AA, might as well give it a shot
>Walk in
>crowd of black women talking loudly
>become quiet when they see me and GF
>we get some stuff
>I get wings and catfish
>food comes out
>tiny ass portions
>wings have a minuscule amount if meat
>catfish is fucking fried to a crisp
>ask the waiter what the absolute fuck this was
>Find nice deli up the road
>delicious food
>only saw whites there.

>> No.12600759


>> No.12600774
File: 285 KB, 972x667, mayo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12600779

Are black people allergic to dairy?

>> No.12600798

>still haven't made it past mud hut stage
>more evolved
If you say so.

>> No.12600805

>go to Subway with black co-worker
>adds every sauce available to his sandwich
>turns into a soup bowl
>criticize him for it
>he had no defense
also why do BlAk PyPo add hot sauce to everything?

>> No.12600814

Lactose intolerance is not an “allergy”

>> No.12600867

Learn to cook. Problem solved

>> No.12600870

If someone said a single thing about a tip I would tell them it's been sent to ICE and they can collect it anytime they want.


>> No.12600883

You should have walked him to his parents with the slices. He's going to grow up a thief now

>> No.12600898

So he'll grow up to be a red blooded americant? What's not to like, thievery is their heritage.

>> No.12601511

Anything’s delicious when you have no money for food

>> No.12601529

That’s more of a fatty thing and less of a white thing.

>> No.12601550

ah, the no true scotsman haven't seen that in a while

>> No.12601569

If it was a sit down spot you should have tipped

>> No.12601590

The only people who take it personally are insecure about it. I'm white, I don't really have to give a shit when someone doesn't like my food. Don't eat it then. The problem is solved and there's nothing to get so triggered about.

>> No.12601596

And did you build your own house?

>> No.12601647
File: 1.01 MB, 1280x720, 1524146341404.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice feet on the girls

>> No.12601658

What are white people so sensitive and easily triggered? Retards sperg about MUH 10 IQ MUD-PEEPULL 24/7 but can't take a little spice banter.

>> No.12602004


>> No.12602065

jesus that dudes so chubbed up his knuckles filled in

>> No.12602112
File: 395 KB, 720x1280, 1561324010669.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck that I've had straight up cunt waitresses, one scolded me for asking for water while i wait for a fuckin menu to be put down. I got a brash comment when i asked if my appetizer would come before my meal instead of all at once and she snaps saying she cant make the food come quicker. I would've left if I wasnt there to watch the nba finals with a friend.
dumb cunt got no tip and she earned it.

>> No.12602281

There's really no place to say this without making my own thread, but FUCK FRENCH FOOD.

Literally the worst tasting food in Europe.
>Not a lot of French places in my country
>Wonder if I've made a mistake because of lack of exposure
>Visit the EU for vacation
>It's still bottom barrel EU cuisine

To be less hyperbolic it's okay, but kinda samey and really is just not on top of my list to try.

>> No.12602293
File: 39 KB, 480x480, A36FFEAB-730C-430E-8064-B2DF9FFD182E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drinking tap water
>he actually pays for water


>> No.12602299

I don't get where the spice thing comes from, I love some spicy shit. Also drinking tap water is disgusting without a filter at the very least.

>> No.12602372

Everyone knows the best tap water is bathroom water, and straight from the sink if you use a glass you are a coward.

>> No.12602973
File: 110 KB, 500x441, white-people-cant-handle-spicy-food-um-try-again-sweetie-9617120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I love some spicy shit
Sure you do white boy

>> No.12602997

>lobster and crab
>rare delicacies

Found the white nigger

>> No.12603063
File: 345 KB, 600x786, 1562215149856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>black people

>> No.12603067

>I love some spicy shit
Well, we can easily guess your 23 & me dna profile, Cletus Tyrone, Jr.

>> No.12603078
File: 3.40 MB, 4160x3120, wash meat before cook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hol up

>> No.12603082
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>> No.12603083
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Well yeah Ok.
Fuck this thread. Give me yous please.

>> No.12603085
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>> No.12603088
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>> No.12603094
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>> No.12603738

Nah, the Cartels aren't dangerous unless you try to undercut them on dairy or syrup.

>> No.12603961

>claiming fried chicken as their thing while eating (almost exclusively) the chicken of a man who, until recently, supported the KKK through his estate via ongoing KFC sales
Got any evidence of this, or are you just spewing shit?

>> No.12603984

Just bring pepper spray with you. Spray people when they get on your nerves and bail amid the confuse, since theyd probably hit the floor screaming.

>> No.12604064

It's the opposite. He donated over 20 million to black universities and programs. There is no record of or witness to him ever having said, "nigger," either.

>> No.12604068

>no. I've never even seen this
>no, but used for cereal
>that's old white people

Salad is whites only? Perfect, I don't want minorities crowding up the salad bar at Ruby Tuesday's anyways. Always taking all the rye croutons.

>> No.12604314

I only consume hucow milkies.

>> No.12604368

Don't tip shitty service obviously.

>> No.12604430

Weird foods white people eat. Have fun clogging up them arteries