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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12597063 No.12597063[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why does vegan food trigger incels? I like to eat a few vegan meals once or twice a week, and if I post about it- /pol/ and the MAGA redditors immediately start posting soymemes and trump. What gives?

Also bear vs gorilla, who would win?

>> No.12597069
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>Why does vegan food trigger incels? I like to eat a few vegan meals once or twice a week, and if I post about it- /pol/ and the MAGA redditors immediately start posting soymemes and trump. What gives?

>Also bear vs gorilla, who would win?

>> No.12597074
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>> No.12597076

i got nothing against vegan food, i got something against vegans, same with people on the fucking carnivore diet, shitheads who take things to the extremes

>> No.12597081

Trump is making sure the soybean farms get permafucked just to piss off liberals.

>> No.12597090

Found the triggered incel

>> No.12597092

>le triggered incels
nice bait, no one cares if you eat your soy substitutes to feel like a special boy. go seethe somewhere else

>> No.12597098

Huge cringe

>> No.12597101
File: 284 KB, 785x788, 5BDF3ECB-CCFB-4F8E-A0DC-56A786EBAD9A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Found the triggered incel

>> No.12597105

How many of you guys are going to kill yourselves when Trump gets re-elected?

>> No.12597111

They're probably triggered because you're shitposting about food on a politics board.

Also, voting for the gorilla. Monkeys have the instinct to gouge out eyes and rip off faces and testicles.

>> No.12597122

Vegetarian is fine by me but vegan food usually has too many work arounds to simulate normal food and its always awful. Im ok with dishes that are vegan as long as they aren't trying to be something that they're not. Also vegans are obnoxious, bleeding heart crybabies that expect you to bend over backwards to meet their dietary restrictions then try to guilt trip you when you can't.
I'm not answering your gay ass meme question.

>> No.12597148

have sex

>> No.12597152

Trump’s favorite animal is gorilla so the gorilla will win.

>> No.12597218

I feel like the media has trained you to hate vegans. Losing billions because your business is cruel? Look at fairlife. Vegans can be destructive to your money if you're a gigantic cunt to your livestock. Nestle hadt it coming though.

My buddy is vegan, that's why I eat vegan a few times a week. His cooking is unmatched man. Vegans make some bomb food.

>> No.12597284

Not very subtle bait, anon.

>> No.12597311
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There is a handful of turbo autists that lurk /ck/ that have nothing to do but post hot sauce soy boy memes. One is the photoshop douche that posts starwars guy on shit they don't like.

>> No.12597328

No, vegans have trained me to hate vegans. Im not gonna sit here and defend the meat and dairy industry though, its pretty heinous but im also not going to stop consuming animal products either.
And if the food is good, its good. Its the meat and cheese mimicry that i cant stand. Keep your textured soy protein, ill just the the damn cow.

>> No.12597349

>Also bear vs gorilla, who would win?
If it's a brown bear, it'll win easily. I watched a nature documentary where a leopard attacked a massive silverback. The gorilla killed it but it was so fucked up from its wounds that the rest of the group left it to die.

>> No.12597362

That sounds neat, you remember the source?

>> No.12597367

post sex

>> No.12597372

Nah, I don't Anon. Sorry. I watched it on animal planet back in like 2002 or some shit.

>> No.12597374

>something against vegan food
fucking carrots and onions are vegan food, nigger
it's soyboy vegan cucks that piss people off

>> No.12597378

Incels are triggered by everything that goes against the status quo.

>> No.12597433

0/10 bait. Try using more buzz words or posting it on a board that actually cares.

>> No.12597440

>boohoo poor animols ;_;
have sex

>> No.12597458

Gorilla, hands down. It wouldn't be afraid of the bear and has superior agility. It would basically jump over the bear and onto its back, then beat it on the head until it died.
Not answering your retarded first question.

>> No.12597465

>beat it to death
>not break it's will so it can have a mount
Bear calvary are already scary but now...

>> No.12597473

Ctrl+f Vegan threads on /ck/
>Have sex

I can't figure why everyone hates vegans

>> No.12597642

Great meme friend! Have you ever considered going back?

>> No.12597682

the problem is not eating veggies, but a holier-than-thou attitude of most vegans. they think they are a hot shit for "protecting the planet", so this gives them an excuse to act like insufferable faggots about everything and demand attention everywhere they go. and it also gives them a free pass to hate meat-eaters—that is, literally everyone around—, basically justifying their thinly veiled sociopathy and aggressiveness. which is especially hypocritical because they like to talk about how they protect animal feefees because they are so humane and nice, and everyone else (not them) is a cruel asshole.
not eating meat is usually just an excuse for them to fulfill their lives as natural-born assholes, it's just a convenient niche for them, which makes being an asshole "morally justified" and thus socially accepted, while projecting their own asshole behavior on everyone else.

>> No.12597688
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>Great meme friend! Have you ever considered going back?

>> No.12597714

''Why does vegan food trigger incels?''
Subjective and condescending. you can do better than this.

>> No.12597730

extremism is bad
and most extreme people are extra loud and over represented on the internet

>> No.12597734

I think it's the red states that gets pissed about that since most soy goes to animal feed.

>> No.12598043

well I would have to disagree about that , the bear out weighs the silver back by at least 300 pounds, has claws that are 4 inches long and a speed of about 35 miles an hour , they have been known to decapitate moose with a single strike , ,and have extremely quick reflexes more so then the gorilla,
the gorilla may have muscle mass the looks impressive but it is does have the same functionality as a bears does, A gorilla has the capacity to pull down and break bamboo and other flora but it does this because it has long muscle fiber, it neither has the quick reflexes or the body mass necessary to fight an angry grizzly .

>> No.12598046

I got something against people who think they should have a say in others personal life choices.

>> No.12598133

Who cares? It will be irrelevant when lab grown meat becomes viable and mainstream.