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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 104 KB, 1000x750, Our-kebab-man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12596939 No.12596939 [Reply] [Original]

>What can I get you boss?

>> No.12596965


Nothing if you're gonna speak to me like that.

>> No.12596997

alright then bitch what do you want other than an ass kicking

>> No.12597004

Classic gyro meal, please.

>> No.12597005

I’ll kill you grave yard dead right now

>> No.12597012

found the manners fag

>> No.12597019

you, out of my country ya paki cunt

>> No.12597020

As an affluent white man yes, yes I was taught courtesy, manners, and respect for others.

>> No.12597032


Why do all Turks/Arabs call you this?

>> No.12597033
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>> No.12597047
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>> No.12597059


>> No.12597086

One time I was stranded at a train station in some shithole French town and the only place where I could get some food and drink was at this kebab and pizza place. It wasn't even that late in the day but everything else was closed because French people are lazy and don't work. I've got nothing bad to say about the Turks and other brownskins in that country.

>> No.12597091

sadly when I went back recently I discovered it had been removed

>> No.12597095

With Armenians it's always "bro". And if they own a gas station, they'll try to sell you lighters with naked women on them and shit.

>> No.12597097


>> No.12597109

One gyro, extra onion and tzatziki, and a side of fries with the special shit on em

>> No.12597110

beef pita
all dressed to go

>> No.12597115

>using the ez mode meat shredder gun instead of the blade

>> No.12597117

I'm white as fuck and I say that, is it really that bad?

>> No.12597120


>> No.12597126

based, the chicken is always so dry

>> No.12597146

It's not bad at all. It's commingly used as an informal greeting in a lot of places. Don't know why anyone would think it's an Armenian thing. It's the same with calling women "doll".

>> No.12597188

I have never heard any man ever call a woman "doll" except in gumshoe detective movies. I feel like any man that would say that wears a fedora and would tell her she has nice gams.

>> No.12597211

Really? I say it a lot. Like if I am picking up food from a place and the server is a woman I'll say "thanks doll have a nice day"

>> No.12597216

>tfw female customers call me "my love"

>> No.12597345

A fine-@ss kebab made from from s-tier cuck
>Not talk
greeknigger detected

>> No.12597485

>not going with the classic, tried and tested "man"

>> No.12597505

The indian dude that runs the corner store i get beer at calls me "brudda". Hes chill as fuck. Almost everytime im in there theres a bunch of niggers being niggerly. He never says a word to them and gives me knowing glances then when i get up to the register its always "brudda! Doin OK brudda? Off today?"
Then i get to relish in the offended looks on the niggers faces because my boy just showed them how much he hates niggers and loves my friendly white face.

>> No.12597512

I get called "hun" and "honey" by waitresses and cute clerks, this is normal right?

>> No.12597538

Yes it means they are definitely NOT attracted to you and are actually belitlling you calling you hun or honey

>> No.12597573

idk, but I find it cute
nah man, you do you

>> No.12597593

Chicken and rice with both red AND white sauce, please

>> No.12597607

Chinese people are mad racist against black people too. Not like, "hang 'em from a tree" racist, but "I don't know you, I don't want to know you, go the fuck away" racist. This one Chinese dude asked me at work once, "How come black guy never know their daddy?"

>> No.12597703

Double cheeseburger with gyro meat and tzatziki sauce, hold the tomato. Large Fries and a DIET Coke

>> No.12597705

Thank you
> it was my pleasure

Hate that

>> No.12597708

Nobody likes you.

>> No.12597713
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Or maybe it's just their vernacular? Your thought just screams mommy issues lmao.

>> No.12597721

or maybe you just posted a tumblrina gif like a homo

>> No.12597767

large chicken doner and chips, all salad, chill sauce AND garlic sauce

>> No.12597781

ignore this guy >>12597538

"Hon" is basic southern waitress slang, it's a hospitality thing. They call everyone "hon". It's just like saying, "you seem alright, what can I get you?". Basic friendliness.

t. southerner.

>> No.12597842

Ok, see you later boss

>> No.12597843

Are you 75 years old

>> No.12597845
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>> No.12597847

A cracked sim card please

>> No.12597857

If sober:
>a donair with extra garlic sauce and pickled turnips. A side of fries and a strawberry Barbican to drink.
If drunk:
>a donair meat platter with extra donair sauce, garlic sauce and hummus splattered on everything. A Diet Coke to drink.

>> No.12597867


>> No.12597870

no der gerät?

>> No.12597871

Nothing you stupid fucking shit skin. Keep to yourself and simmer down with that fucking little attitude.

>> No.12598005

Blessed post

>> No.12598009

>It's "ma'am" motherfucker! Respect my pronouns!
"Boss" is objectively preferable in clown-world

>> No.12598739

21, why?

>> No.12598772

In Australia it's always brother.

>> No.12598778

i love when an arab guy working a kebab shop or gas station calls me "brother". it makes me want to become a muslim

>> No.12598809

I don't want to be called boss, hoss, or chief.

>> No.12598812

This, boss could even be seen as "empowering" to fragile w*men and could even earn you praise

>> No.12598815

I hate it because it's insincere as fuck and they secretly hate you

>> No.12598824

The health inspector.

>> No.12598827

Lol, your worldview is seriously fucked up.
Don't project your hatred onto others.

>> No.12598836

Muslims do not hate the kafir, brother. The prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) teaches that you should respect all other men.

>> No.12598864

they might hate america and the west for capitalist imperialism and islamophobia but the diaspora muslims who are calling blond white men "brother" definitely do not have a hatred for the people themselves. learn this

>> No.12598865

... Unless they're Jews. Or gay. Or generally don't follow the exact same subdivision off Islam as you.

>> No.12598875

you've fallen for the anti-muslim propaganda. the huge majority of muslims are just normal people. they want to live their lives in peace and be happy like anyone else

>> No.12598885

Based boomer

>> No.12598896

and you know that, how? are you a self hating muslim yourself or just a random racist talking out of your ass?

>> No.12598925
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>> No.12598928

>they want to live their lives in peace and be happy like anyone else
in their own countries, yeah
in our countries, they're hostile invaders

>> No.12598941




...and that's how it's done my friends

>> No.12598954

>Hähnchen Dürum, Knoblauchsauce, mit alles. mach ma extra scharf bitte und große Pommes dazu, nein nix drauf, danke.

Chicken Dürum
garlic sauce
salad (lettuce,cabbage,onions, tomatoes, grilled veggies)
extra chilli paste or sauce depends on the store
big fries no dipping sauce

>> No.12598957

>gyro meal
>"classic" gyro

gyros GYROS add a fucking "S" at the end for the love of zeus.

fucking americans

>> No.12598972

Says he while buying his kebab. Just go fuck yourself you hateful motherfucker. You're the kind of disgusting excuse for a human being that will find something to hate in everyone.
Go fuck yourself.

>> No.12599771


>> No.12599953
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Salade tomates oignon sauce algérienne chef.

>> No.12600142


>> No.12600164

You have low self esteem. perhaps a kebab will lift your spirits, brother

>> No.12600359

where was the evidence that he was racist?

>> No.12600444

>mumble some shit
>toss some cash on counter
>take my tresure
>go outside
>sit on dirty street
>take a bite
>unwrap it
>eat it
>order taxi

>> No.12600481

They make fun of you for that as soon as you leave 100%

>> No.12600496

I don't know where you live but where I'm from Indian guys always call you "buddy"

>> No.12600506

Whoa this guy looks exactly like the guy who calls me boss at my local taco joint when he carves the al pastor off the big vertical spit. I'm gonna ask him if he has a Turkish brother.

>> No.12600511

That's a great point, but I think I'll stick to it. Nothing else really fits right to me. I'm not a "bro" guy. I'm also not geographically inclined to use "lad." "Boss" feels too subservient. "Man" is universal across the board. Men, women, trannies, even jannies. Everyone's just "man." And if anyone gets offended by being called "man," they're likely just a puppet of The Man. You feel me, man?

>> No.12600532

Whenever an attendant calls me boss I call them chief

>> No.12600546

no you

>> No.12600549

I'm severely disappointed. This eye-roll wasn't extreme in the least.

>> No.12600568

I lol'd. You're right, though. Chinese people and brown people are always like this.

>> No.12600745

>all other men
"Jews", "homosexuals", and "shia" are not men and are not protected under that statement brother.

>> No.12600824

Man he sounds pretty chill. Slightly jealous of you, the indian dudes around here just don't want to talk to anybody whenever they're serving up food.

>> No.12601197

Im sure its because im one of his few regulars that is always polite and friendly and actually spending more than a dollar for two swishers and yet STILL manage to be a nickle short. Also i dont loiter around the store eating a bag of chips before i paid for them. Im never in there for more than a couple of minutes but im sure the shit this guys gotta put up with constantly is infuriating.

>> No.12601209

That's far from the truth and I hate Muslims. Asians honestly try to like their customers so they keep coming back.

>> No.12601264
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...the one with the dead kid you raped and ground up and put in that meatstick you shitskin heathen

>> No.12601300

The word you're looking for is niggardly

>> No.12601340

I have no objection to being addressed as "boss", but I'm older, and probably should be a boss, rather than a rank-and-filer.

>> No.12601348

A white server.

>> No.12601372

are you german or something? sounds like the state funded program to turn the native population into moslems is working

>> No.12601386

there's inevitably going to be cum in the white sauce, isn't there

>> No.12601418

I'm actually a leaf.

>> No.12601425

eY B0ss

>> No.12601473

The usual.

>> No.12601984

Funny how this is the most hateful post itt.

>> No.12601991

chill out boss, it was just a joke

>> No.12602184

I don't think he was talking about them trying to jew down prices, so he's probably right.

>> No.12602325
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Lamb shawarma plate with everything, garlic sauce, medium sauce, extra peppers. Oh and a peach barbican, thanks.

>> No.12602377

Based drunk faggot

>> No.12602452

Donair is what canadians call gyro/shawarma/doner.

>> No.12602456

>Why do all Turks/Arabs call you this?

"Friend" around here.

Feels fake as fuuuck

>> No.12602466

Donair is a specific variant of doner with a sweet garlic sauce.
They have regular shwarma, too.

Is it an Arab thing?
Only ever been called boss by old white dudes.

>> No.12602479

it‘s “brudi“. döna mit alles unf mit schaaf!

>> No.12602915

hänchendöner mit cocktail und scharf, salat komplett

>> No.12602934
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One döner on pide bread please, with lettuce, tomatoes and garlic sauce
Hold the sambal

>> No.12602948

ayy rab here. it ia a literal translation from Moallem (boss) in Arabic and people call each other that often. Specially in Egypt and North Africa.

>> No.12603430

calm down captain amerishoot

>> No.12603476

canada is in america

canadish education, everyone

>> No.12603676

So is Saint Pierre and Miquelon, yet you'd call those islanders French before you would American.

>> No.12604577
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>Uhhh, you too.

>> No.12604736

>>Not talk
>greeknigger detected
that is an incredibly narrow deduction, though I don't know it's accuracy. surely there are more peoples who say speak rather than talk

>> No.12604870

There is, but he's been taught to be scared of furriners who know other languages. It's a threat.

>> No.12604939

döner mit allem

>> No.12606556

dont forget dude. anyone under the age of 40 is cool with being called dude and idk bout yall but when someone calls me dude it feels nice because it makes me feel like im their friend. every young person just calls their friends 'dude'

>> No.12606572
File: 58 KB, 500x317, πιτογυρο (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guaran-damn-tee this is in Athens and guarantee that dude is Albanian.
Also, chicken gyros (while very good) are inferior to original pork gyros.

>> No.12606598

is that carmelized cheese or tzatziki with something like paprika or ceyenee sprinkled on top?

if cheese the american in me is happy gyro recipes are including that finally lmao

>> No.12606605

was meant to be quoting >>12606572

>> No.12606609
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Can't say I know the feeling.

>> No.12606612

It's tzatziki with some paprika sprinkled on top. The standard sauces are tzatziki for pork gyros and a piquante mayonnaise/ketchup/mustard/garlic sauce (which is literally just called "sauce") with chicken. The "sauce" also goes well with the pork.

Trust me, cheese is not as great on as gyro as you think it is.

>> No.12606626

3-piece chicken and chips with chilli and garlic mayo.

>> No.12606756

You know he probably pronounces it "Jairohw" instead of "γiross", right?

>> No.12606767

>how can i help you today brother
>gives you shit for getting cheese and no tabouli

>> No.12606773

>Visit shop on the regs cause they make they greatest skewers in the city
>Regularly get good discounts
>Finally get "brother" after 6 months
>This anon will never know this feeling of human connection through good food and mutually beneficial trade

>> No.12606781

hold up, the fuck are you doing skipping the tabouli

>> No.12606787

I was on rothschild Blvd yesterday and my Hebrew has never been very good but I've been practicing a lot. I order falafel with cabbage, pickles, and tahini. He goes on some tangent about how that's what's in the original falafel and how hummus and salad and all the other toppings are bullshit. I understood it all and joked and agreed with him. I paid 20 shekel and he didnt give me change I said wtf I thought it was 15, he said no no that's the mini pita! And showed me the mini pita and I was like broo that's so small good thing I was mistaken and got the big one and he laughed. It was all in hebrew. i was very proud of myself for this good social interaction (: and it was a good falafel

>> No.12606815

I'm Armenian. Eat shit bro, btw I own a gas station lol

>> No.12606819
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>> No.12606822

donair is a kebab meal
the sauce makes no difference

>> No.12606824

wanna give me a good price on one of them there lighters bro?

>> No.12606843
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Ordering doner or shwarma in Canada will get you the typical arab dish.
Ordering donair will get you an oversized all-beef doner sopping wet with garlic sauce to the point where the pita is too soggy to hold itself together.

I don't expect you to appreciate the difference just reading about it online bu if you had one of each in hand then it'd be obvious.
It's a bit like Chicago pizza vs New York pizza vs Neapolitan pizza. They're all just crust, sauce and cheese, right?

>> No.12606850

I live in the middle East

>> No.12606856


>> No.12606880

>used to work in NYC for 7 years (since moved out)
>I freaking LOVED street gyro and lamb & rice meals
>I worked at a high-end law firm, but 2-3 times a week I would go get street gyro or lamb & rice
>just fucking loved it, couldn't get enough
>I shopped around and bought lamb & rice from around 20-30 vendors over the years
>once I found my favorite, I would consistently tip them $1 each time and make small talk so I'd get extra meat
>my go to order: lamb and rice, double meat, extra white sauce and hot sauce, with $1 tip (in effect this gets you like 3x the meat if you're friendly)

Then, on the last 2 weeks before I left, I got a horrendous gastrointestinal infection that required multiple doctor visits, lab work, and a stool sample.

I flew too close to the sun, /ck/.

>> No.12606881
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Wayaye man, Doon ‘t groove wiy Spuggy man

>> No.12607054

idk why but i read "my hebrew hasnt been good" as if you had a recently misbehaving jewish pet

>> No.12607326

Sorry I don't live in yurop, no ground up child meat for me.

>> No.12607393

Don't call a women "doll" here in the states, you'll be tried for rape and murder

>> No.12607428
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>> No.12607433
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>it's because I'm a straight white male!

>> No.12607470


>> No.12607505

Can I get a chicken sandwich please?

>Lettis meyonaise on chikken sanwish boss's?

>> No.12607520

I can't believe people don't like being called this.

>> No.12607812


I don't speak a word of Dutch and my turkish friend barely speaks his own language, but he reacts to dommer and garlic

>> No.12607821

>I don't speak a word of Dutch

No shit?

>> No.12607833

I live in Netherlands, I'm sorry I'm high and forget there aren't flags here

>> No.12607839
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fucking kek
fucking cringe

>> No.12607843

Just banter lad. My Dutch is shit, too.

>> No.12607848

Shwarma is usually Arab, Kebab is usually Turkish, and Gyro is Greek. They are the same freaking thing, but with different names.

>> No.12607856

No one was confused about that but thanks for mansplaining it anyway, boss.

>> No.12607860
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>TFW I live in the American south, and there are no good Kebab places to eat.
>TFW my dad is Turkish and doesn't make any traditional food.

>> No.12607862
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This is ironic because the actor was a vehement non-racist. And would be disgusted by your statement.

>> No.12607867

Why must you hate me?

>> No.12607874

It's Habibi in germany.

>> No.12607990

If you say donnair or gyro then you need to fucking neck urself

>> No.12607995

>Salade tomates oignon sauce algérienne chef.

That's the only French words you need to know being drunk a 2am in France.

>> No.12608040

chicken wrap everything on it
thanks bud

>> No.12608059

Large donner, salad and extra chili sauce thanks mate.

>> No.12608954

Right? It's literally the best thing they can call you. They're telling you to boss them around.
Way better than "bro". Don't bro me if you don't know me, faggot.

>> No.12608986

Boss is perfectly fine. What annoys me is when people call me 'bud'.

>> No.12609060

I only sell bic lighters. $2.10 each fucker.

>> No.12609063

Kek, what kind of autistic fuck doesn't want to be called boss?

>> No.12609084

Large mixed doner kebab with garlic mayo, hot sauce, and extra chillies.>>12596939

>> No.12609861


>> No.12611505

I say gee row or gee rows

>> No.12612352

>Don't bro me if you don't know me, faggot.
Chill, bro

>> No.12612369
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large doner and chips, all salad, chilli sauce, garlic sauce

>could you put the meat back on the grill to crisp up a bit?
>no boss no sorry

>> No.12612733

oh god

>> No.12612737

>Unless they're Jews
Well they had to draw the line somewhere

>> No.12612743

>Or generally don't follow the exact same subdivision off Islam as you

>> No.12612746

What sort of vile, weak, pathetic coward in this country would take that from a kebab store owner?

>> No.12612758

I don't know why but everytime I visit London the food is always bland as fuck unless it's a Kebab/ doner or whatever these arabs always sell

>> No.12612819

ns sherlock

>> No.12612910

Ein Döner, mein Deutscher

>> No.12613516

Jesus re-examine yourself

>> No.12613531

Einmal mit alles und scharf

>> No.12613542

sup /cyc/ friend