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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12593517 No.12593517 [Reply] [Original]

What is your favorite Japanese food?

>> No.12593518

Nippon pussy is pretty nice, also I like some of their pork dishes.

>> No.12593521
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>> No.12593531
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I love simmered dishes - nikujaga, umani, kinpira gobo. But it's hard to beat the simple combination of rice, miso soup, and pickled takana.

>> No.12593543

Japanese food is much like the Japanese themselves, bland and soulless.
Also remember there is no statute of limitation on war crimes.

>> No.12593558 [DELETED] 

Fuck Japan.
Fuck Japanese food.
Fuck weebs.

And most importantly. FUCK YOU!!!!!!!

This is an anti-weeb board. We HATE Japan and HATE Japanese """"""""""""""""""""""food"""""""""""""""""" so FUCK. OOOOOOFFFFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.12593562

You were just in the way bro, no harm no foul.

>> No.12593575 [DELETED] 

Here.... .. ... . . . . .. . . ......................

I forgot to give a shout out to my bro over here......


YYEAHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fuicking tell it like it is my brother!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.12593588 [DELETED] 
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Pearl Harbor: never forget.

>> No.12593630

Cold soba noodles and sweet walnut dipping sauce are really nice. Some of the more simple dishes are nice too, provided that they use dashi from high quality ingredients.
My most favourite is probably miso katsu from Yabaton chain, served on a hot plate, of course.

>> No.12593635
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>> No.12593648 [DELETED] 

Kill your fucking selves, weebs. Fuck you. Get of of my board this instant I have told you over and over again this is an anti-Japan board why dont you GET IT!?

>> No.12593659

i like the raw marinated beef one

>> No.12593718

japanese curry or gyoza

>> No.12593725
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Tataki, I assume.

>> No.12593729

My gaijin.

>> No.12593733

Fucking casual.

>> No.12593785
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>> No.12593789

that looks like it, shit was good

>> No.12593807

i make a lot of yudoufu and udon. also like to **sips** ungarnished miso soup from a tea mug. it's like savory tea. just miso paste in water. yudoufu is the most perfect food in existence. cheap, easy to make, delicious, warm, full of protein, forgiving recipe, one pot meal, few required ingredients, close to zero prep time, can have it by itself or add it to soup.

mochi and dango are good, but it's so hard to find dango in stores. not sure if i can make it, i have a dorm style shared kitchen. panfried tofu is good too but i don't have flour/mochi flour to do it anymore.

that shit is just fried tofu, right? whats the big deal when you can do it yourself? went to the nip grocery store and there was an absurdly huge collection of this shit.
spotted the asspained korean poster. your grandmother was a lying literal whore.
>Cold soba noodles and sweet walnut dipping sauce are really nice
tell me more, never tried it.

>> No.12593814

>Japanese food

I am laffin.

>> No.12593816



>> No.12593883

>mods deleted my posts and warned me
Hooollyyy shiiiitt!!!!! Mods confirmed for fucking WEEBS!!!!!!!

fuck. I thought this board was full of normal people not fucking weebs but it seems nowhere is safe.

Japanese food fucking sucks. Any real /ck/ poster knows this. In the old days we would shit on weebs and bully them into submission yetoom at us now? A bunch of weebs shilling shitty weeb food and weeb mods banning normal well adjusted people.

Fuck Japan. Worst country on the planet with the most overrated food.

>> No.12593886

your posts were and you're stupid

>> No.12595056

Am part nip, I feel like most food is outclassed by others. Ramen is good but pho is better. BBQ is good but Korean is better. Curry is good but Thai is better. China has food all over the place. Outside of seafood and desserts there isn't much that stands out cuisine wise.

>> No.12595171

Grass is always greener on the other side. Although, I gotta say, my mom does make the best Phở in southern Vietnam. She uses high quality ingredients for bone broth and toppings unlike most shops here that sell diluted broth and jack up the price 3 times its worth. Have you tried making Ramen yourself like that and compare it to your Ramen restaurants?
On another note, I feel like Jap curry and Thai curry are different enough that comparison can not be made without bias. Correct me if I am wrong, but I feel like Jap curry is quite mellow, while the core of Thai curry is to cook with coconut milk/water thus giving it an extremely, if not overly, rich taste. But both are delicious on their own, if the dishes are properly made.

>> No.12595180

sarku japan chicken teriyaki double meat

>> No.12596694

the mods have always been fags, but anime is pretty cool. i wish it were real life sometimes.

>> No.12596787
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>> No.12596933

Have you been to Japan? If not you don't really have a say about what the quality of Japanese food is, doesn't matter if your part Japanese if you are basing this opinion on your experience outside of Japan. Did your family make Japanese food growing up, do you often eat it? Do you cook it yourself?

>> No.12597177
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>> No.12597193

Melon pan and takoyaki.

>> No.12597285
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i like that one which tastes like soy sauce, mirin and dashi

>> No.12597352

ill just leave this here, doesnt talk and comfily sits down by himself eating his food with his 3k camera. most likely a hobby youtube


>> No.12597360

not >>12593543 but am korean. fuck you japan.

>> No.12597377


Any kind that it cooked for at least 4 hours in the oven at 400F.

>> No.12597396

Viet here, what's with the beef between Jap and Kor? I find all cuisines equally impressive and delicious so why people keep bashing each other over nothing? All while they can spend that time learning new cooking stuff?

>> No.12597427

They just want to cook everything in the oven at 400F for at least 4 hours in Japan. Never once have I not seen this. So I must say, your gooksuine is much more palatable and decadent. Makes me want to take one more bite before cancelling my netflix memberhsip and going on a shooting rampage.

>> No.12597441

its not much of the food but a rivalry centuries old, its all started 15-16th century when japan invaded korea, they massacred innocent civilians and decimated the korean army, and almost pushed the korean monarchy (at the time) to a border village where they wouldnt even be in korea anymore if pushed further. in the 20th century, ending 35 years later after ww2, but that was worse. they basically tried to strip korea of its culture, making koreans do shit the japanese way, such as eating (those fuckers use chopsticks as a shovel, not for lifting food to your mouth) music etc. they also forced "comfort girls" aka made them have to bang japanese soldiers n generals n shit when they pleased.

why we still have beef is because japan never apologized or anything. i personally like japanese culture but still resent it because of above.

>> No.12597445
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>comfy girls

>> No.12597480

what are you talking about?
>miso soup
>grilled fish

i can't think of any famous nip dishes which are like that. Although they do braise the shit out of root veges which is disgusting.

>> No.12597491

Then you're an idiot for holding onto a grudge that no one alive today had anything to do with. It's like American blacks being mad at whites for slavery. No one alive right now was involved in any of that shit. Let it go and grow up. You're just looking for things to be offended over

>> No.12597504

>burning millions of records
it still affects my family today, retard.
you think this shit is ok?

>> No.12597511

world war 2 was pretty recently bro
some gooks 90 year old grandmas would have been getting raped by japanese devils and they're still rightly pissed off about it. you try getting raped by a bunch of japanese guys.

and jim crow law was enforced until the 60s. lots of old blacks remember being second class citizens

>> No.12597542
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plus Japan never really reconciled with their history

Shinzo Abe had a hissy fit not to long ago when the gooks told the emperor to apologize for it.

>In the interview, Moon said, “If a person like that (Emperor Akihito) holds the hands of the elderly and says he’s really sorry, then that one word will resolve matters once and for all.”

>“I believe many Japanese people felt shocked and angered,” Abe said regarding Speaker Moon Hee-sang’s request in an interview last Thursday for an apology from Emperor Akihito in order to address the “comfort women” issue.

Japan never really takes responsibility for anything. They don't even educate their children in school or in popular media about Japanese war crimes. They just portray it as 'war was horrible'. Most Japanese kids don't consider Japan to have been the 'bad guys' in WWII.

>> No.12597548

Nice strawman. Blaming today's Japanese for that is not okay. Get over it
I said slavery, retard. Try reading

>> No.12597557

That's not exclusive to Japanese. Every nation downplays it's own war crimes to it's population. If you don't know this then you haven't been paying attention

>> No.12597562

>Japan never really takes responsibility for anything. They don't even educate their children in school or in popular media about Japanese war crimes. They just portray it as 'war was horrible'. Most Japanese kids don't consider Japan to have been the 'bad guys' in WWII.
You only think they were "bad" because your version of morality comes from some faggots in a desert thousands of years ago.

>> No.12597568

So either, you can say that Japan was in the wrong for trying to take over China and Korea and much of the pacific and treating the natives atrociously badly.

OR you can say that Japan was in the wrong for not being strong enough to succeed and getting BTFO.

You can pick a might is right morality or a not being a cunt is right morality. But being a massive weebo in denial is not a valid morality because they were cunts and they got BTFO.

>> No.12597576
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lets calm down
lets eat badger

>> No.12597577

With the sesame seed garnish? I prefer the one with "special Japanese mayo" UwU

>> No.12597581

Sure, that's absolutely true. But that doesn't excuse it. And other participants on the losing side of WWII, Italy and Germany for example, both accept responsibility better, and educate their kids far better about the mistakes their country made and are more honest with their history.

Another example with Japan is Ainu. Japan completely eradicated that indigenous culture. There are less than 100 people who even speak the language now. And they didn't even begin reconciliation until the late 90s. That's far worse than most other countries with indigenous populations.

>> No.12597582

Don't worry, the Chinese will remember that shit forever. Even the dudes that are college age from China will fucking seethe when the topic comes up. The internet will forget shit faster than the Chinese will when the Rape of Nanking comes up.

I worked with this Chinese grad student and we were talking about it. He straight up told me, that regardless of the reason, if there were a war between China and Japan tomorrow, he would pack up his wife and kid, move back to China and join the army for the sole purpose of killing some Japs. Those guys know how to hold a fucking grudge.

>> No.12597584

I mean EVEN burger kids probably know more about dresden and morality issues around hiroshima and nagasaki than nip kids do about what their own country did.

>> No.12597587

I want to enjoy Japanese food but the Japanese places in my area are ridiculously overpriced for a small amount of food. On the very rare occasions I do feel like spending a lot of money, I go to a ramen place.

>> No.12597588

>there is no statute of limitation on war crimes.
What about after everybody involved has died

>> No.12597594

lol bejing has its finger on the north korean missiles button and if japan or korea steps out of line they can annihalate them and feign ignorance. I bet they love having that anvil hanging over those cunts heads.

Lets be honest though, a large part of chink butthurt is just jealousy over how sophisticated japanese culture is. And as far as Japanese people being arrogant and thinking they're better than everyone else, they do sort of have a point.

>> No.12597598

I'm in Japan and I've been eating more katsudon than is probably healthy so that

>> No.12597608
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based and ainupilled
i wonder if Japanese people are guilty about that at all

>> No.12597641

I doubt they know or care. An overwhelming percentage of private detective work in Japan is investigating peoples' ancestors, to see if they were Eta-caste untouchables or Korean. A big chunk of yakuza thugs are mixed Korean-Japanese. It's weird how much of that shit carries into today.

>> No.12597645

oy vey cool it with the antisemitism never forget

>> No.12597652
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We let that shit slide if you're good at building rockets. Everybody else gets hanged in Geneva.

>> No.12597887

>Lets be honest though, a large part of chink butthurt is just jealousy over how sophisticated japanese culture is. And as far as Japanese people being arrogant and thinking they're better than everyone else, they do sort of have a point
This. Chinks are the niggers of asia and gooks are the jews.
They know this and can't get over it.

>> No.12597893

Your nazi fan-boying is slipping. If you knew a fucking thing about Asian cultures and relations, you'd know it's the Chinese that everyone else thinks of as Jews, i..e. they work too goddamned hard and end up owning everything.

>> No.12598064
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>Chinks are the niggers of asia
... good at music and creative art stuff in general?

>> No.12598128

Good no, trainable yes obviously

>> No.12598131

You say Nazi fan boying like it's a bad thing Anon

>> No.12598201

I dont know. All the restaurants here only have Sushi and its lame as hell.

>> No.12598279
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>> No.12598330
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>> No.12598336
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>> No.12598355

>other participants on the losing side of WWII accept responsibility better
>if you lose, you are wrong and should apologize, we, the winners, were the real victims here

>> No.12598380


>> No.12598389

>That's not exclusive to Japanese. Every nation downplays it's own war crimes to it's population.
>Sure, that's absolutely true. But that doesn't excuse it.
>I mean EVEN burger kids probably know more about dresden and morality issues around hiroshima and nagasaki than nip kids do about what their own country did.

it's like you're totally ignoring my posts

>> No.12598431
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