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12596621 No.12596621 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is for all tea related discussion and inquires.
>what you drinking
>where is it from
>what's it like?

>> No.12596678
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Having some ancient yunomi hojicha with some found also ancient toasted michi rice. It's a light roast with slightly spicy smokey notes, sweet and savory. The rice just makes it more fuller. Nice on a rainy night.

>> No.12596703

for you average loose leaf black tea in yixing, what water temp/steep time do you use? I feel like I lose taste in tea every time. I just take water to boil and wait a minute or 2, then steep for 5 mins or longer.

>> No.12596752

If you have a legit one your going to have to season it for a while before it stops stealing your brew.

>> No.12596771

can they be fake or something? sorry, bought one for cheap. but it's been like 2,5 years I've been using mine. I'm not a tea pro but I still feel I'm doing something wrong.

>> No.12597299

Kinda fake, usually the shitty ones don't use pure or mostly Zisha clay. I learned good chunk about them from verdant tea. How much did you pay? Can you post pic?

>> No.12597398

it was very cheap, like $8 or so. I thought yixing was a general name for this kind of clay. then again I wasn't aiming for it, just was told that's what Chinese drink tea from.

>> No.12597507
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twinings Irish brekky, sugar, milk
from India and China or some shit
it's good

>> No.12597728

only British would buy a nice tea and put sugar and milk in it

>> No.12598451

no, American
twinings is not nice tea, it's basic
there's nothing wrong with it, it's just the regular shit

>> No.12599935


>> No.12600027
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what's the benefit of a ceramic teapot? i have a tea infuser. can you keep the tea properly hot for longer with a teapot?

>> No.12600038

>not using Yorkshire gold

>> No.12600353

Yes, although I rarely use a tea pot to hold tea past brewing. The main advantage of brewing tea in a teapot is better brewing physics. The only time I can think the brewing vessel had a major impact on flavor was when I brewed wuyi oolong in a gaiwan.

>> No.12600928

hm. first time seeing an American drink tea with milk
are you a britaboo

>> No.12601135

I'm a fucking regular American, I brew my tea in the skull if a bald eagle every day I just read George Orwell's essay on brit tea as a kid and tried it and fucking loved it
he says no sugar but he's dead so fuck him

>> No.12601268

>I'm a fucking regular American
no you're not. you should be sipping ice tea, you can't drink tea with milk

>> No.12601356

I can drink tea however I want, because of all my FREEDOM
I live in the southeast, where iced tea is really really sweet and you may as well be drinking soda
I always drank coffee and found drinking tea like coffee is really nice
can you really not get this through your think yurop noggin?

>> No.12601371
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earl grey
all day
erry day

>> No.12601397


>> No.12601487

Sorry if this is basic knowledge, but I've never heard of adding rice to tea, before, and the idea of making tea taste "fuller" sounds appealing. Could I just use any old rice? Would it be better to use cooked or uncooked?

>> No.12601622

Based fujian tea drinker

>> No.12602067

Where do you get yours? I got Harney and Sons tin as a gift and I enjoy it, but its a bit pricey.

>> No.12602093
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How to make a "USA style" cup of tea commonly drank by Millennials and younger.

>black tea leaves of any kind
>infuse with boiling water
>strain and drink

No sugar, no milk, no lemon. You may think I meme, but this is a serious post.

>> No.12602118

You need to puff it up, like popped corn.
Methods differ but you can either soak it for a bit and toast it in a pan, or deep-fry it.
I guess you could skip that and toast some Rice Krispies real quick? Would probably not work.

Get some genmaicha from your local tea shop to see if you like the taste first I guess.

>> No.12602130

My go-to morning cup is Yorkshire Gold with milk, but considering it's hot as hades outside, I've been drinking a mix of gunpowder green and peppermint, because it's very refreshing.

>> No.12602148

Yo, Americans drink tea with milk, too, bong. Tea, both hot and iced, has always been a popular beverage, especially in the southern states.(lots of people of British descent there). I grew up in Texas, and I was drinking tea by the time I was old enough to sit normally at the dinner table. My mom made hot tea every morning, and iced tea every day at noon. It's nothing to get worked up about.

>> No.12602164

classic seal of American authenticity

>> No.12602168

Yo. Fuck off you dumb cunt.

>> No.12602205

thats a nice teapot, where did you get it?

>> No.12602252

why are you silent about the milk? do you think I wouldn't notice? thought you could talk your way out of it?

>> No.12602275

What the fuck is wrong with you? Are both drunk and retarded? I mentioned milk in the first sentence, dumbass.

>> No.12602304

>Americans drink tea with milk, too, bong.
no they don't.
>Tea, both hot and iced, has always been a popular beverage, especially in the southern states.
yes. but not with milk.
why do you keep tiptoeing around it? what you do is very unbecoming of an American. you're not in Britain to drink tea with milk

>> No.12602401

They fucking DO, you mong. Not every brit drinks milk in their tea, and neither does every American, but people in both countries DO. Damn, you're stupid.

>> No.12602516

>no they don't.
In the north-east they do.
Dunno why that Anon brought up the south tho, that is strictly a lemon and sugar region

>> No.12602533

don't you have anything better to do than to argue on the internet if Americans can drink tea with milk?
really? ok. well thanks I learned something. but north east are fags anyway, that's exactly what they would do

>> No.12602600

I see neither of you have reading comprehension skills.

>> No.12603389

I got it from Aliexpress years ago. Its the only place I can get small 8oz teapots. Kind of want to get a new one though.

>> No.12603404
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having some green tea

>> No.12604104

Not bad shopping

>> No.12604110
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coffeebois seething !

>> No.12605262
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best tea coming through

>> No.12605301
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I still use bagged tea because I drink a ton and can't afford high-quality shit.
About to make some hibiscus cinnamon herbal tea from Kroger. It's okay, definitely heavier on the cinnamon than I'd prefer (I notice this is a running problem with herbal teas) but it's good enough to finish the box before I try something else. The Celestial cinnamon apple was comfy so I might try another one of their next.
I've had three pints of Earl Grey as well so after this I'm probably done for the day.

>> No.12605422

There's a high-end tea shop not too far from where I work. I'll stop there, this week, to see if they've got it. Thanks.

>> No.12605483

I'm surprised you Bongs are still allowed to drink tea, seeing as hot water could be used as a weapon.

>> No.12605516

What are all of your favorite herbal teas/herbal supplements for your tea, I love putting some dried lingonberries or black currants in mine, which is usually a blend of homegrown lemonbalm, mint, and rosemary

>> No.12605525

Oh and if you haven't tried it Black Lime and Pomegranate Molasses is wonderful

>> No.12605820

Boba is very popular, guess what it is.

>> No.12605874


>> No.12605876

Orange pekoe is the worst tea in the world.

>> No.12605884

If you buy the slightly pricier stuff you can steep multiple times.

>> No.12606330

i don't know about you but where I live bags cost 1.5-2 times more expensive than same amount of loose leaf (which also isn't granulated). so I can't see how you're saving any money

>> No.12606337


>> No.12606343

I'm only lurking because I'm waiting for some chamomile to steep

>> No.12606351

hm well yes, but it's popular with millennials and they're fags. companies changed the name, put M&M's in it, cranked up the price and they bought it. you could put avocado on toast and they'd buy it

>> No.12606363

Non caff teas are where it's at
Everyone else just drinking go go leaf water

>> No.12606412

Hm well fuck yourself yeah?

>> No.12606674

go pour some milk in your tea, millennial

>> No.12606841

I am going to make milk tea and post the process just to spite all of you.

>> No.12606999

Not all black tea has the "smooth" quality needed for it to be taste great without anything added.

>> No.12607020

sounds like it would taste like shit without milk and sugar

why not just drink some coffee if yer gonna drink the shit black

>> No.12607030

Depends on the quality of the tea but a lot of folks doing that are using bagged tea. It also triggers my autism when they just leave the bag in the whole time they're drinking it.

>> No.12607035

fell right into the bait. enjoy pointless british atrocity that is white tea. glad I've managed to make you Americans try that garbage and waste your tea on that.

>> No.12607729

You have to make it with chinese black tea. Not that garbage from the continent.

>> No.12608074
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>Where from
idk, it's Yogi brand
>What's it like
It's good

>> No.12608967


>> No.12609031

>drinking stop-stop leaf water while badmouthing go-go leaf water

>> No.12610525
File: 209 KB, 1512x1512, 2019-07-09-21-48-22_compress62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, tonight I show you how to make milk tea in the most kino way. To answer a few things...
This. Milk tea is something you make with cheap black tea. You can use higher end stuff but it's like using good wine to make a sangria.
In my shit opinion, most Chinese blacks are already smooth and flavorful alone and dont have the same heft that Indian blacks do. You can still add milk to Chinese blacks, it just doesn't hold up the same.

>> No.12610812
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So for the tea part, I always keep assam CTC tea around for milk tea or stove top chai, but bag tea will also work. For CTC I use a little over a table spoon and for bagged I would guess 2-3 bags for a 12 oz. Mug. The main thing is you want the tea slightly concentrated so it holds up to the milk. However, you don't want it over concentrated cause then even with milk and sugar, it'll still taste bitter and shitty.

Brew your CTC tea for 1-1:30sec and your bag tea for maybe 2min. Might have to trouble shoot it to get the timing right.

P.s. if brewing CTC and you have whole spices like cardamom, or chopped up ginger add it to your pot before you brew it.

>> No.12610855
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After your done brewing strain it or remove the tea bags. Add sugar to your mug if desired. I used turbinado sugar which gives a stronger molasses taste than natural sugar, but less then brown sugar. If you have powdered spices you want to make a quick and dirty chai, add that now.

Now with my CTC I get less than 8oz of brew from my tea pot. I pour that into my mug, and stir in the sugar, I add in more hot water so it fills it up to about 10oz. Its preference at this point. I prefer more water to milk ratio that is still flavorful, but you could leave it more concentrated and add more milk. Up to you.

>> No.12610897
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Now for milk. This also comes down to preference. Use any type of milk you want or even cream. You can froth it or go full autist and texture it. I use half&half that I foam up in the carton. The thing you want to remember is milk is going to dilute the flavor of the tea the most. So keep that in mind when you ratio out how much you add and how strong your brew is.

Personally I like more tea than milk so I add very little milk. Just enough to mellow it out.

>> No.12610920
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Wa la. Top with cinnamon or nutmeg if desired. Might have to let it cool for a bit depending. Nice little caffeine drink to keep you going and satisfies a sweet tooth.

>> No.12610930

Is there anything I should be careful of using a glass teapot on a gas stove? I've never actually used it to boil water before but my electric kettle busted so I have to resort to it now. It is stovetop safe.

>> No.12610943

Does it say its gas top safe or regular electric? Gas gets much hotter than electric. The main thing I could see going wrong is there is too sudden a shift in temp or you get it too hot with the gas stove, making it break.

>> No.12611004

It doesn't say specifically but the illustrated image has it on flames so I assumed gas. Would it be best to start it on low then increase the heat to medium or is that overkill?

>> No.12611022

Go with your gut. I have never used a gas stove, but that sounds like it would work.

>> No.12611058

What's the big deal about adding milk to tea? I add oat milk to my green tea every single day, at least 3 cups. You literally only benefit from it because of the extra nutrients, and as long as you aren't over doing it then it doesn't over take the tea flavors.

Lately I've been drinking chaga tea at night though. Last night I made a jar's worth of it, and a few hours ago I used a cup of it to make barley with instead of water. It was delicious, I might do that with green tea in the morning.

>> No.12611060

Don't use teapot on a stove, that's not what they're built for.

>> No.12611155
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>milk in green tea

>> No.12611171

>What's the big deal about adding milk to tea
there's no big deal, you just shouldn't be doing it if you're American and you're not in NE

>> No.12611175

this but nothing added i have 10 boxes

>> No.12611182
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this shit is how i have always done it, i like the bitter notes

>> No.12611296
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Masala Chai from a local tea shop in my area, and my current favorite sipping gin, Fluerette.
Yes, I'm a faggot, but I have fantastic taste.

>> No.12611315

I feel this.
Loose leaf, any solid green, black or white tea, as the only focus.
Like, some teas are sweeter naturally than others, but bitter is where it's at. Coffee, better, straight espresso shots are something to enjoy straight, tea even more so.
t. millennial purist

>> No.12611572

what difference does location make as to whether or not you add milk/creamer to tea?

>> No.12611607

stop being a twat

>> No.12611943

all the difference
if you're in UK or North East US it's appropriate
if not then it's inappropriate
what's so hard to understand?

>> No.12613114

>hojicha lattes aren't a thing
>plant milk affects tea the same as real milk

>> No.12613123

oh wait you add oat milk
weird but ok

>> No.12613784

If you are drinking a tea and you want milk in it and its a tea that is meant to be drunk with milk you do.

Pretty easy to understand.

>> No.12614001

you do realize stuff like green tea lattes exist right?
i'll be making some violet tea in a few minutes with the dried violets i got from asian market a months ago

>> No.12614247

Loose leaf green tea
Pakistani import
Then refrigerated cuz its summer

>> No.12615175

Make sure to add a squeeze of lemon to watch it turn colors.

>> No.12616044

>its a tea that is meant to be drunk with milk
you shouldn't be buying this kind of tea if you're an American

>> No.12616793

opinions on lemon in tea? best teas to use with it? also, do you put a fresh slice or use juice?

>> No.12617286

I've tried searching for how this shit tastes because it keeps popping up everywhere. Is it actually any good?

>> No.12617876

I had a pot of delicious rosehip and peach tea this morning and I just spent ten minutes on the toilet producing very little apart from a series of 6/7 second plus long farts.

Nothing else I had today was out of the ordinary. It must have been the tea. I read that it aids digestion.

>> No.12617922
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green tea Gunpowder
very good, I like without sugar
I really like Chinese green tea but in general I prefer to use western porcelain services, I don't go crazy for the oriental aesthetics out of context

>> No.12617932

Gun powder is a fav of mine. Western porcelain is comfy. If I ever got another teapot, it would be a brown betty.

>> No.12617984
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>Gun powder is a fav of mine
it has a very interesting taste, and is quite easy to find.
>Western porcelain is comfy.
true, porcelains are my secret passion.