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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12594738 No.12594738 [Reply] [Original]

Why can't millennial women cook?

>> No.12594744

I'm a millenial and I can cook
Though I'm male

>> No.12594754

Too busy smoking cocks to know how to smoke a brisket.

>> No.12594760

She doesn't need to know how to cook, I want all my sustenance from her giant milkies

>> No.12594764

Because their parents didn’t teach them because they barely know.

>> No.12594811

god she's aging so fast

>> No.12594813

This. They haven't developed the life skills necessary to cook, and they're not confident enough to experiment.

>> No.12594823

Because they can make money of off desperate incels and just buy fast food from uber/skip the dishes.

>> No.12594825
File: 149 KB, 320x449, 1562336149874.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bloomers, born after 2016, will grow, raise, hunt, and make their own food almost exclusively, and will have weaned themselves off the teat of the corporation in anticipation of the ecological collapse. they will be entirely self sufficient and they'll also know how to fly.

>> No.12594836
File: 225 KB, 714x714, 1561415025104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She intentionally dresses and styles herself to look like shit, when she's off duty she looks aight

>> No.12594840

It's this. I'm female and almost 32 and I only know a few recipes by heart because I only ever learned a handful when I was younger.

To be fair.. both of my parents were too busy being abusive either physically or sexually to actually teach me how to cook stuff. I remember my dad having to look up how to cook chicken once because he didn't know how.

>> No.12594849

Work canteen does fairly tasty and nutritious meals so I eat there at lunch and then just have a sandwich or whatever for "dinner"

>> No.12594850

Too busy sucking black cock

>> No.12594851

Overvalued sense of self-worth derived from Indian and other diverse men. A thin white girl on tinder will have 2k matches without needing anything else

>> No.12594853

she looks like she fucks niggers

>> No.12594855
File: 240 KB, 1116x1098, 1562129354991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she does, exclusively

>> No.12594874

That girl is gen z btw, millennials are in their 20s and 30s

>> No.12594879

Way too fucking easy to spot a coal burner isn't it?

>> No.12594886

Useless mothers not teaching them how to cook and showing them the example by blasting shit in the microwave

>> No.12594890

Uber eats exists, why do they need to know how to cook?

>> No.12594921

You sound like an incel

>> No.12594923

she look like a forty year-old in that pic

>> No.12594931

I'm married and my mother never cooked despite not working. You sound like a person who projects too much.

>> No.12594963

you're really trying to tick all the boxes huh
I'm a girl and my dad fucked me
I'm just dying imagining this guy's googling:
"chicken cook time"
"how long does chicken cook"
"is pink chicken cooked"
"salmonella symptoms"

>> No.12595022

Because cooking is seen as a chore rather than fun or a skill to master. The effort of buying groceries, thinking of a recipe, spending time cooking it, and cleaning/doing dishes isn't a discipline taught to most millennials in their youth when starving or ordering out is the "better" alternative. Even worse you'll procrastinate eating until you're starving and then cave into eating junk food or ordering out for convenience, actually rewarding yourself that that behavior and turning it into a bad cycle of choices. There's a certain pride in cooking that is simply missing in this generation.

>> No.12595028


>> No.12595031

every time i look at this girl she gets a little uglier

>> No.12595045
File: 117 KB, 1080x1074, 1561443906431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12595062

Fuck off grandpa, they said we'd have hover boards and look at us now

>> No.12595077

>procrastinate eating
>rewarding yourself that that behavior
Holy fuck I need to tape this to my wall or something. It makes so much sense. I like cooking but was wondering why I sabotage myself and my wallet by doing this.

>> No.12595081

women haven't been able to cook since the civil war and i'm not talking about the american one.

>> No.12595084

The same indian and diverse men also make those white girls their food which they then order over uber eats and have another indian or diverse man deliver it to them. Fucking poo in loos man, they are the biggest cucks ever.

>> No.12595090

Because they all have useless entitlement degress based on shit like nigger stuff. Don't be fooled and marry something like that.

>> No.12595091

The women were too busy sitting in their house doing nothing except watching tv and using their phones while they were young and in school. Now they have no skills, their metabolism kept them pretty but their lack of habitual exercise is showing, and they are boring human beings with almost no redeeming qualities.

It’s what happens when the generation before you fucks up and decides to just give all the children screens and ignore doing their parenting job. Fuck millennials though, it’s their faults they had parents that didn’t do any actual parenting.

>> No.12595102

>she’s with 9 niggers in one pic
Absolutely disgusting

>> No.12595107

Some of them are doubles, the lad sucking her toe is the same guy as the centre pic

>> No.12595108

Because they're too stupid to think for themselves and think that the government will pay for their niglets then when sick of that expect whites to do it and we won't.

>> No.12595114

Well I guess if she’s only fucked 8 niggers she’s not so bad

>> No.12595121

Yeah and that's pretty sad.

>> No.12595127
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I'm posting this pic not because it's particularly relevant, but because I think you will enjoy it

>> No.12595135

(((They))) wouldn’t make her a star if she didn’t. It’s probably in her contract

>> No.12595146

Who is this girl?

>> No.12595148
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>> No.12595151
File: 73 KB, 605x558, 1483123373412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Billie Eyelash, popular R&B artist and black cock aficionado

>> No.12595154

I make sure to read any contract, so it's mutual. Those are the best ones. I suggest doing the same, that means dont be a fucking schumck.

>> No.12595157
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>> No.12595170
File: 114 KB, 692x661, 1529912145976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can honestly say in a lot of years that without going through a lot of contracts that I've not had one changed. SO FUCKING READ YOUR OWN AND AGREE OR NOT OR HAVE CHANGES MADE!

Don't fucking be a whiney cunt.

>> No.12595175

What a stupid post. If she wasn’t a walking endorsement of being a degenerate race-mixing piece of shit then she’d be worthless to (((them))) and wouldn’t be getting pushed onto consumers (specifically younger girls) so hard. Simple as

>> No.12595184

So what you're saying is that you're too stupid to read any contract that you sign for a company that you work for?
That's really what you're saying that you are a fucking dumbass moron that will just sign anything?

>> No.12595187

Dude man, what a life you must live.

>> No.12595193

>this triggers the racist

>> No.12595196

I’m saying that she’s (((their))) tool for promoting degeneracy to younger women. Pretty obvious 2bh. You can stop the retarded contract distraction argument now

>> No.12595200

As /ck/ threads go, this is one of the more degenerate I've seen

>> No.12595204

They actually can, you just haven’t met any who can because you’re a male millennial incel who only met a few people in high school before becoming extremely bitter and antisocial.

>> No.12595211

Are you really so desperate? I'm not the type to hold that against you or your family, I just hope that someday in the future you might help me. I'm not not a fucked up asshole.

>> No.12595213

>trying to use 'racist' as a slur here

>> No.12595218


>> No.12595220

Being raised in single parent families are a big issue. In the women I've dated, the ones from traditional households are typically at least adequate in cooking. Those who have divorced parents, or who don't know their father very well, they don't know shit. Reason being, their mom probably had to support them on her shit income, (assuming she is dumb and has a shit job.. because why else would a young woman have a kid with a loser who will abandon her), therefore only making boxed or frozen meals. How else is the girl supposed to learn? Holy shit, having kids if you aren't well off is unethical as fuck.

>> No.12595226


>> No.12595230

Perhaps their daughters weren't gettin' a constant beating because their dad was so pissed off at others.

>> No.12595246

I dunno, I think it just jealously from some types.

>> No.12595255


>> No.12595257

Back to the plot. Millennial bitches suck, aren't worth shit as marriage material and can fuck off to clinton bullshit for all I care.
I honestly don't care about them.

>> No.12595261

It's not boiling it's just reality...
see >>12595257

>> No.12595277

And that threatens you because when weak genetic traits like a cumskin are obliterated within one generation of interbreeding it makes you realize natural selection, the unbiased arbiter of genetic interaction, has relegated a cumskin to the ash heap of genetic mutations that failed. Embrace your deadend branch of the evolutionary tree and accept nature's verdict with equanimity, you absolute loser.

>> No.12595283

In large part due to the (((entertainment industry))) pushing their ideals and values onto them

>> No.12595284

It's a joke retard lurk more

>> No.12595285

My ex decided to make lasagne for dinner, she'd made it before and it was decent so yeah, go for it hun.
Smells great, check the oven, looks great, can't wait I just love a good Lasagne.
She's on the phone to her sister, asks me to serve up.
I cut into the lasagne, baked beans spill out as I lift the spatula.
"we didn't have tinned tomatoes so I used beans instead, they're in a tomato sauce you fussy prick!".
We lived 1 minute from a convenience store, literally.

>> No.12595287

Is that the same industry that makes you put useless paragraphs in things as in (((x)))?
You must know it all.

>> No.12595298

You seem to be getting awfully butthurt over this. Gee I wonder why lmao

>> No.12595307

Even though I'm not sure what you meant by this since I've drank a half pint of skoal on an empty stomach (inspired by this thread), I'll contemplate over it. Are you saying that the loser dad fucked all kinds of women throughout his life and has around 20 daughters, and has chosen the ones he likes the most to beat and train into a suitable wife? Are you saying a father that beats his daughters is an act of kindness? Possibly, as I've seen from first hand experience, as well as through the eyes of others from deep conversation, that women are trainable creatures. Not sure if that shit is moral though. I'll be thinking on this.

>> No.12595306
File: 449 KB, 1001x834, Stouffers_Lasagna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck those both, go for Stouffers and add extra sauce.
It's a Saturday night, dont be savages!
Now the next one will be for the brits.

>> No.12595316
File: 10 KB, 299x168, horse_beef_lasagne-England.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

British Lasagne

>> No.12595319

Hell I dunno, we should all contempletetete tjis shit ome other time

>> No.12595332

B&R. Degenerate scum BTFO

>> No.12595335

Best part was that they went to interview the slaughterhouse owner in Poland and he was completely open about selling horse meat. Said horse meat was good and didn't understand the kerfuffle since that's what the company had ordered

>> No.12595337

THere's nothing loser about a dad that's had 20 daughters and who knows about how many sons as long as he can take care of them. The problem here is that they put them on the government instead of taking care of them themselves, and I find that to be wrong.

>> No.12595338

>that ridiculous "I'm 16 yo with an attitude" body language
I don't even know who this is and I feel damn fine about it.

>> No.12595354

It's kind of strange looking at it from the wifes point of view, that's a lot of children to put out. I bet she hits his head with a skillet 24/7 and well deserved.

>> No.12595360


In my country the news agencies tried blowing it up into some big controversy, but then pretty much everyone polled or asked on camera said they didn't really care too much, and the whole thing fizzled out.

If you're already eating cheapo frozen dinners you probably don't care too much about where the meat is from.

>> No.12595362

Billie Eilish isn't a Millennial.