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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 399 KB, 1200x630, Ricky-Roman-with-his-British-Columbia-grizzly-bear-og.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12589646 No.12589646 [Reply] [Original]

Are people really eating bears ?

>> No.12589651

How can they bear it?

>> No.12589695

Not really. I know a family of very wealthy trophy hunters. One of them told me that he tried bear meat and it was real tough and didn't have a good taste. I've read similar things.

I'm sure some are eating the meat, but 99% of people hunting bears are just having them stuffed and mounted.

>> No.12589707

The bear in OP's pic looks like a juvenile. Big skill there, Mr. Hunter. You killed a kid.

>> No.12589721

All black bears look like big dogs so ur prob wrong. But they also act like them and run from everything so it's kinda sad IMO

>> No.12589728

>The chad bear eater vs. the virgin yogi the bear fantasy city dweller.
If yoy haven't had bear sausage you should commit sudoku.

>> No.12589744

I mean you can eat them but bear meat tastes fucking awful.

>> No.12589753

I hope so.
It would be a terrible waste to shoot them and not make use of the meat.

>> No.12589758

People definitely eat them. You can make sausages and roasts. Its got a reputation for being extremely greasy.

>> No.12589761

>very wealthy
>trophy hunters
>can't cook game
checks out. Bear meat is fucking great.

>> No.12589785

Why are richfags so fucking stupid? They think sheckle leaves make them a genius but they can't even prepare an animal right.

>> No.12589791


I know that in Africa big games like water Buffalo meat are given to the locals while they keep the trophy.

>> No.12589795

just think about rilakkuma for a while to have a comfy evening

>> No.12589798

I‘ve eaten it and it‘s probably the worst meat I‘ve ever tried. Incredibly tough, so you first have to marinate and then cook the everloving shit out of it. It‘s fatty, but with a raw texture with sickly sweetish undertones. Also overbearingly gamey and musky to the point of being unpleasant, even though I eat game all year long. Honestly wouldn‘t recommend for anything other than bragging rights.

>> No.12589806

You can tell that faggot is a scumbag trophy hunter who should be impaled on his gun collection, one rifle at a time. He would be incapable of even field dressing it w/o passing out so pays a guide to skin it snd cut off the head leaving the carcass to rot.

>> No.12589811

wew there schizo, you soubd like a bigger danger than he ever will be.
Hunters are the sole reason megafauna exists, without them, say bye bye to your breeding programs and conservation efforts.

>> No.12589812

It‘s just a guy with a carcass, you can‘t really tell anything, but you can of course project your insecurities.

>> No.12589821


>> No.12589827

just had a bear sandwich

>> No.12589848

Did you have enough brains to make it right unlike the motherfuckers in this thread who have the intelligence of a nigger?

>> No.12589858

It was definitely wrong. But it felt so right.

>> No.12589859

me on the bottom

>> No.12589862

yes. bear is quite like a pork burger. got to cook it for a very long time. 5 hours minimum.

>> No.12589970

> Projecting this hard

>> No.12590022

I've eaten bear. It was made into a sausage. It was okay, but venison is a better meat imo.

>> No.12590078

bear is great but like with any animal, the diet matters.
since they hibernate the time of year matters a lot too.
if it's a bear near any settlement it'll be eating at the dump and be pretty trash as well, but a bear taken from further in the boons makes great eating

>> No.12590116

I hunt deer with a bow and smaller game with shotgun or small calibers for food, but I don't kill animals just to take a picture with muh popgun to make up for the fact I have a micropenis. Trophy hunters are the scum of the earth and you know damn well that faggot ain't eating bear. Now go get your tendies warmed up.

>> No.12590192

Why are you people still posting. This thread was complete after the first post

>> No.12590208

Dude, hunting is shooting an animal whose best shot against you is scratching you with a claw or biting you... from a distance they don't even know you're there. If you're looking for a challenge or accomplishment, hunting is not what you're looking for.
t. hunter

>> No.12590230

>eating is the only purpose of hunting
ok retard
>all of this sociopathic projection
jesus you're a danger to society

>> No.12590244

Nobody said it's the only purpose.
Some populations benefit from having particular individuals removed. Usually older males.
Do you think that's an older make in the OP pic, though?

>> No.12590247

Not him, but isn't the purpose of hunting to eat the food? Why would you hunt something and not use any of it? That's like fishing and throwing all of your fish back into the water at the end of the day.

>> No.12590255

Conservation. Here's a great place to start learning about things:

>> No.12590262

>Do you think that's an older male in the OP pic, though?
Idk, looks about early 40s judging by his hairline

>> No.12590285

>I hunt deer with a bow

No, you don't. Stop telling lies while surfing the net.

>> No.12590334

I hunt voles with a hawk.

>> No.12590384

There are several bow hunters on this board.
If you think hunting deer with a bow is unrealistic it's because you don't know a fucking thing about bows.

>> No.12590415
File: 148 KB, 600x900, 100792B7-B52F-42F9-9657-DE42F08F929C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There‘s literally nothing wrong with hunting for any reason, you veganoid fedora. Hunting is necessary for population control and as you do it in season, keep the head count under predetermined numbers, don‘t shoot the young and don‘t let the animals suffer, it literally doesn‘t matter in the slightest if you‘re doing it for food, pelt or just because you‘re a bloodthirsty lunatic. Pro-tip: if you want anyone to take your bugman larp seriously, don‘t go for bows, because 90% of the time bowhunting is some retarded manlet with a compo twice his size landing gutshots left and right, letting game bleed and die of sepsis in immense pain for hours.

>> No.12590523

Fuck off, retard. I routinely pass up shots if I'm not certain of getting a heart/lung shot which is 20-30 yards broadside on a deer for me. You try sitting in a stand quiet enough for hours and not shitting your pants when one starts getting close enough. Fwiw, in 10 years of bow hunting, I've never had a gut shot. People with penis envy popguns are more likely to overestimate their marksmanship and start popping off rounds at running deer 200 yards away when they can't hit the broadside of a barn from that distance.

>> No.12590527

Whatever did those animals do before humans were around to hunt them. God bless us.

>> No.12590563

As long as it walks on four legs, the cro-magnons will hunt and eat anything if not trying to hump it either. Even other rockheads aren't safe.

>> No.12590566

Not go extinct except during cataclysmic occurences?

>> No.12590573

>lets animals suffer
>but at least I don't use pop guns
Face it the only one that's compensating for anything is you because you're too
'proud' to use the best tools to ensure a quick death for the animals you hunt.

>> No.12590583

jesus christ you are an insecure autist

>> No.12590586

A lot of them went through cycles of overpopulation and starvation. Doesn't wipe out the species, but certainly makes life harder for the individual.

>> No.12590595

>purposefully technologically handicaps himself at the animal's detriment and suffering
>brags about it
>shits on others who arent equally as retarded as him
holy shit lmao this is gold.
either this is compensation for 1) being a felon so he can't own guns, 2) living in new york where you can only hunt with a bow, or 3) simply having a defective brain

>> No.12590609

A great question, which is answered through cursory research. Perhaps you should educate yourself before spitting out some holier than thou rubbish based on thorough ignorance.

>> No.12590611
File: 13 KB, 225x225, 3622C39E-0307-48D9-BB96-293049F0D2C6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did daddy take you on your first hunt this year or something? First you get assblasted over a completely normal picture of a hunter and demonstrate complete ignorance of basic conservation principles and purpose of hunting, now you apparently think that stand and stalk hunting is something exclusive to bows and can‘t stop talking about cock size in every post.

>> No.12590614

are people eating beans?
of course they are retard I eat them in chili all the time

>> No.12590619

I'm gonna guess he's just larping and has never actually bow hunted. This is the internet after all.

>> No.12590654
File: 20 KB, 300x450, 49542880-a-grizzly-bear-enjoys-the-winter-weather-in-montana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>to make up for the fact I have a micropenis
So what do you do to make up for the fact that you have a little weiner then?

>> No.12590668

I hunt flies with a team of trained mantises

>> No.12590793

Not before I fuck them.

>> No.12590888
File: 120 KB, 700x486, soy bitch faggot vegan 4chan zoomer cuck FAGGOTS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12590992

do you think it would be good as a jerky?

>> No.12591116

You can cook it to be edible but it's garbage for the most part

>> No.12591147

Ate some bear sausage the neighbor of my grandmother made as a child, I remember it being pretty good.
I would like to try some again but my gran sold the house and her neighbor passed away so I don't have a clue where I would get it.

>> No.12591148

I literally see bear Cubs in my backyard all the time. Just kill one

>> No.12591355
File: 32 KB, 499x332, 755C2533-ED2F-4765-BAF6-366F0539CF0E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bear claws are sweet and tasty

>> No.12591375

This isn't funny. All the tards saying that bear meat is tasty. It's not, and no one eats it. Stop killing the bears please.

>> No.12591584

I live in Alaska. People eat bears here all the time. Spring bear tastes better than a bear after its been eating fish all summer. Much more greasy. Ive had some really good black bear breakfast sausage.

>> No.12591592


SOMETHING will eat it, you retard. nothings ever been shot and 'gone to waste'.

>> No.12591599


you're the scumbag. he wanted to kill something lesser and he did. it doesn't matter what happens after that. it doesn't matter that he killed it, except to him, because it was invigorating. also, rotting carcasses feed bugs. so really he helped wildlife.

>> No.12591635
File: 1.63 MB, 659x609, death.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eating bear meat is a shortcut to a lifetime of trichinosis.


>> No.12591641

I got recruited for processing a bear in Homer, they made a meat loaf out of it and the smell of it cooking was the worst thing I have ever experienced.

>> No.12592658


>> No.12592682

Get hype for muscle death

>> No.12592692

I once read that if you eat a whole grizzly bear liver you will die because it contains so much iron in it. But since the thing must weight at least 12 pounds you have to be pretty motivated.

>> No.12592723

That picture makes me sad. I would be willing to bet my Great Pyrenees weighs more than that bear. Why kill a carnivore? All carnivore meat tastes like ass. There's no point other than self-defense.

>> No.12592758

I tried to make tacos out of bear meat. It was...shall we say, BAD! VERY BAD! It was 'First bite to see what it tastes like, second bite to try and like it......halfway though the third bite I spit it out and tossed the rest of the meat.' Bear is nasty as fuck!

>> No.12592778

Black bears kill more people than Grizzly and Polar bears, they're ice cold killers baby.

>> No.12592788

best bear meat I ever had was cooked at 400F in the oven for 4 hours

>> No.12592799

I bow hunt every year on my 13 acres, but that poster is a lying sac. I can spot them 3 threads away.

>> No.12592801

sounds randy. oh behave.

>> No.12592820

>i dont understand how to cook bear so it must be awful.

I'm sorry you're retarded anon

>> No.12592828

I think you have iron confused with vitamin A. That can be present in deadly doses in the livers of some animals.

>> No.12593214

Kekking madly

>> No.12593234

Cub killer. 'sure hope they'll eat the bear's liver, that would sort the problem out.

>> No.12593366

Won't be happening, I live in western Europe which means the gubernmint will killsteal any bear as soon as it crosses the border.

>> No.12593379

Which word are you shortening?

>> No.12593391

>that one assblasted anon who keeps rampantly calling everyone who points out that bear meat is shit a cooklet
Is there a region in America where people survive on bear only? Are there bear farmers and Big Bear lobbying groups? Why would somebody be so determined to defend an objectively awful meat?

>> No.12593416

Pretty sure bears aren’t exclusive to America, anon.
In any case this is the food and cooking board.
Think about it.

>> No.12593425

>this is the food and cooking board
This is not an argument. Think about that.

>> No.12593499

Don't know about Grizzlys, but a Polar Bear liver is loaded with Vitamin A. There's a story somewhere about an expedition that came to grief because they were low on food. They killed a bear, and made a point of eating the liver, thinking it would be highly nutritious, when in fact it was anything but.

>> No.12593512

>American culinary opinions are valid.

>> No.12593533

Whomst are you quoting, assblasted thirdie?

>> No.12593536

>meme arrows are for quoting

>> No.12593539

Very commonly misreported story, that.
It was actually liver from the sled dogs, not a bear.
It was an Antarctic expedition, so there were no bears to eat.

>> No.12593546

I even put bear meat on pizza. It gives like 26 cooking XP and heals 8 HP per bite. Not bad if you're low level

>> No.12593554
File: 68 KB, 640x480, 1556358589090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12593580

Northern cultures have always revered bears and hunted them for food. Diet affects the taste, also beware of parasites.

>> No.12593633

I dont Rat beat, i only eat pussy

>> No.12593769

My grandparents neighbors would get bear from a relative up state. She'd make stew with it an always gave me some. That was some great fucking stew. Black bear is like a cross between pork and beef, its fatty and rich but as long as its cooked right its great. Also the time of the year dictates how the meat is.

>> No.12593779

i had bear once, it's not very good

>> No.12594710
File: 173 KB, 900x484, bear-with-beer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right in the feels

>> No.12594782

You are the least secure man I have had the displeasure of talking to in a long time. Congratulations anon, all you can talk about is other penises. Big think move.

>> No.12594794

bear is gross
nasty fatty fucking shit fuck
like stuggled to get through a piece fuck eating bear don't even try to eat it
we taste so bad

>> No.12594983

Yup, this.

You're retarded.