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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12589580 No.12589580 [Reply] [Original]

How do you do, fellow cheese and pickle sandwich eaters?

>> No.12589594

>control group size: 1

>> No.12589606

>picture from the "I'm just gonna grab a fry bro"

Either fake news or the memes have reached critical mass. I'm not sure which one is worse.

>> No.12589609

t. beef rollfag

>> No.12589624

I'm vegan

>> No.12589654
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I would eat her beef sandwich anytime desu

>> No.12589786

But would it be as moist as a french dip roast beef?

>> No.12589789

I'm on keto, but I do make pickle sandwiches using slices of cheese for "bread"

>> No.12589918
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>tfw intelligentboi

>> No.12589938

for your cheese and pickle sandwiches /ck/
what type of pickle
what type of cheese

this is important.

>> No.12589977


>> No.12589981

I have a specific Dutch vendor on my local farmers market who sells a certain kind of Gouda. It’s the only Gouda for me and nothing else belongs on my sandwiches.
I switch between different pickle varieties tho.

>> No.12589986

Whatever pickles I have in the house and pepper jack.

>> No.12589987

You mean live 7.3 years longer on average?

>> No.12589997

comparing any controlled diet to the SAD is extremely disingenuous

>> No.12589998
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>according to a survey

>> No.12590002

Kosher dill slices & medium cheddar.

>> No.12590001

Fish-eating vegetarians live longer than vegans though.

>> No.12590007


>> No.12590010

>low iq beef roll eater thinks "survey" only means dudes with clipboards on the street asking you questions

>> No.12590012
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>> No.12590020
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>> No.12590024

Question 1) What's ur fave food?
Question 2) R u smart, yes or no?

>> No.12590027

What the fuck is a beef roll?
inb4 labia

>> No.12590028

rolled up beef

>> No.12590033

timestamp dummy

>> No.12590041

Die, tripnigger.

>> No.12590063
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>> No.12590089

It was compared to other adventists that are similarly but had animal products in their diet. Read a paper for four once kiddo.

>> No.12590100

i know the paper youre referencing and it has pesco-vegetarians 2 years older than vegans

>> No.12590111

>Adventist males tend to live 7.3 years and females 4.4 years longer than their gender counterparts in the general Californian population [15,35], within the same cohort, vegetarians had more modest 1.5 to 2.4 years longer life-expectancy than non-vegetarian Adventists . This suggests that other non-dietary factors of the Adventist lifestyles may also contribute to their longevity.

>> No.12590115
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cure herpes and reseal hymen, roastie

>> No.12590132

>general Californian population
so you are comparing to the SAD after all
>This suggests that other non-dietary factors of the Adventist lifestyles may also contribute to their longevity.

>> No.12590138

Or the obvious third option: it's a free or cheap stock photo.

>> No.12590151

Are you insinuating that you having sex is equally as impossible as curing herpes?
That was a sick self-burn.

>> No.12590158
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Exactly the kind of shit I'd expect bongs to read about in their news. No wonder Brexit is such a shit show.

>> No.12590332
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>reading comprehension

>> No.12590444

young gouda with homemade turkish style pickled cucumber

>> No.12590466
File: 170 KB, 602x339, 1559697424846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12590493

/Proof by example/

I know that X is such.
Therefore, anything related to X is also such.

Argument form:

I know that x, which is a member of group X, has the property P.
Therefore, all other elements of X have the property P.

The following example demonstrates why this is a logical fallacy:

I've seen a person shoot someone dead.
Therefore, all people are murderers.

>> No.12590509

I fucking love cheese and pickle sandwiches.
Ham, cheese and pickle is even better.

>> No.12590515

Strong cheddar.
Bransons pickle.

>> No.12590571
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>> No.12590612

Pretty sure that's what happened.

>> No.12590626

how does this thing even come into existence?

>> No.12590645

Mental disorder. They look at themselves in the mirror every day and see a fat person no matter how skinny they get.

>> No.12590653

By being vegan

>> No.12590667

but isn't there another human being around that can tell them to stop it? surely another party let this happen

>> No.12590687

I can't believe no one thought of this before.

>> No.12590760
File: 69 KB, 840x685, [branston-pickle].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ. Dumb Amerifats have no idea what pickle is.

>> No.12590772

Thanks for the recommendation, I'll keep an eye out for them.

>> No.12590864

Cuban sandwiches

>> No.12590870

Literally the only pickle you need.