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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 229 KB, 1300x956, african-food-fried-beatles-africa-zoo-dvur-kralove-czech-republic-57769822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12589124 No.12589124 [Reply] [Original]

It's safe to say authentic sub saharan african food is the worst in the world but could /ck/ do better if you were stranded in the middle of africa?

>> No.12589138

3/4 of this board couldn't boil an egg

>> No.12589154

Better ratio than Africa.

>> No.12589201

most of /ck/ would die of starvation without a fast-food joint nearby. The rest could probably not do a lot better because they're not great at agriculture in a different environment than their own.

>> No.12589209

raid farms for yams, strangle some monkeys for bushmeat to cook
its either die of starvation or die of ebola, and ebola seems like the better option its quicker at least

>> No.12589226

Hunt and kill antelopes, dry the meat, biltong.jpg
The first part would be the trickiest.

>> No.12589229

Africans don't need western decadence because they aren't huge pussies. Uneducated, but at least they aren't spineless. There's nothing wrong with eating bugs, you are just acting like a spoiled child if you think it's "disgusting".

>> No.12589308

I have to agree with this. Being disgusted by eating bugs is about as pussy as being disgusted by eating offal imo. As long as it tastes good who gives a fuck

>> No.12589344

People in the southwest USA eat bugs as a "yooo dude so cool lol so weird we're so craAaAazy" and also one state in Mexico because the natives used to.
I wish it were more popular because it's not that bad but it's a boring food.

>> No.12589361

I know how to grow plants in extreme heat so as long as I could forage long enough to get a crop in yeah

>> No.12589505

I realize OP scenario is a bit extreme so how about getting dropped into some african mid sized town with shops and shit

>> No.12589547

Your comment made me feel good about myself by comparison. You sound poor, cucked to all shit and triggered.

>> No.12589569
File: 13 KB, 128x128, 1511694764253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad you feel better about yourself. Can you say the same about me, or are you gonna keep being an edgy bitch?

Me on top.

>> No.12589742
File: 250 KB, 434x524, D207F0DA-6AED-4B07-80B1-81DCF505F0D5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>accusing someone of getting triggered in your own triggered soyboy response

>> No.12589780
File: 25 KB, 300x181, nogs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No issue with eating bugs.
Issue is the oil. Most africans are retards, and don't know how to make oil themselves. Buying it is to expensive ... so they steal it ... from transformers and even cars/trucks.

>Hunt and kill antelopes, dry the meat, biltong.jpg
Good luck with that. Nogs already did that ... to the point of extinction. Nowadays you will only see large animals in reservations.

>> No.12589799
File: 255 KB, 1100x733, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always wondered why people who live in shit holes don't just move?

You have a pair of legs, walk to an ocean-side town and get a fishing pole and catch your dinner. You don't HAVE to stay in a desert where there's little to no food or water. You're not a tree, you can move.

>> No.12589881

One of the things you'll never hear media report on is some of the "pirate" vessels attacking ships in retaliation. They think every boat is responsible for dumping enough shit along their shores they can't fish or swim in them anymore.

>> No.12589895
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Hmm, good question. Maybe because they get tortured, persecuted and murdered when they try?

>> No.12589907

Shoot some of the locals and eat them. It's not cannibalism because niggers aren't people.

>> No.12589915

You can still catch HIV from it.
That's probably how it started.

>> No.12589925

lack of education, they don't know the world is bigger than just the desert

>> No.12589967

As long as im not going to get poisoned or similar type of shit, i will agree to eat

>> No.12590548


>> No.12590584

Your pic related is literally you.
>waaah! muh poor africans and their worms. Please leave them alone
Lmao just cut off your dick already, you're more of a woman anyway.

>> No.12590686
File: 194 KB, 900x697, hdr-085-1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sub saharan african food

>> No.12592130

You can find all sorts of bullshit disgusting food from sub-saharan africa but the reality is that 90% of them just consist on locally grown stuff like beans, leafy greens, corn and rice. They'll usually have a few cows and chickens for milk and eggs, and even a few goats to slaughter for meat on special occasions.

>> No.12592140

Of course not. Eggs cook and solidify before they get a chance to reach their boiling point.

>> No.12592181

It isn't a matter of having a spine or not. It is a matter of survival. When you get really hungry, you stop caring so much about what you are going to eat, and care more about if you are going to eat or not. Don't be so retarded.

>> No.12592238

I remember a webm of some retarded Africans cooking a giant scrambled ostrich egg on sand. Nothing to even cover the bottom of the egg. Just fucking hot sand. I'd rather just eat the damn thing raw than have to ingest gritty sand. The Japs do it all the time.

>> No.12592297

Those retarded Kalahari Bushmen have lived for thousands of years in an environment where you'd be dead of heat exhaustion and dehydration in 12 hours.

>> No.12592312

Honestly I have a bug zapper at home and the smell of them burning up is quite good

>> No.12592342

They only eat bugs because they're too fucking retarded to farm.

>> No.12592349

Those niggers are so fucken stooopid why dont they just ask mommy and daddy to run to BJ's to pick up some frozen chicken tenders and cook it for them. Thats litterally all it takes no more famines ever again

>> No.12592353

t. triggered redditcel

>> No.12592362
File: 2.91 MB, 640x360, Sand Egg.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12592412

>where you would have build a civilization and culture that would last forever and people dont have to eat sand.

>> No.12592425

The 99.9+% of Africans who aren't the San did just that.

>> No.12592456

Daily reminder that slavery is the best thing to ever happen to black people. Black people in America are the richest black people on the entire planet. If their ancestors weren't enslaved, then they would have still been in Africa eating the stuff in OP's pic. Instead, they get to live off the American welfare state and ask for reparations all while constantly playing the victim card.

>> No.12592469
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>shitty seared egg covered in sand, ashes, and coals
fuck everything south of Egypt

>> No.12593227

Lmao they're legit completely retarded

>> No.12593246

Imagine being the kid in this village. You see the elder recieve a precious and satiating gift of a giant egg that can feed several people. You're all half-starved so this is great. So in his wisdom and superior knowledge he makes holes in the egg and pours it on the fuckin ground and covers with dirt. Then he pokes it with a stick while pretending he knows what he's doing. How do the kids don't just commit suicide right there.

>> No.12593251
File: 157 KB, 900x600, 060712-dog-kenya-ghana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody in africa can boil a egg.
They eat chickenz and see no reason to harvest eggs

>> No.12593258

Do absolutely no small mammals or birds live in Africa and do absolutely no edible plants or fruits grow there? What the fuck, I never understand this "were so poor we eat bugs" in countries, surely you have fucking rabbits and pigeons or some shit and maybe an apple tree

>> No.12593275

I think bugs are easier to find, catch and farm in their environment. It's just my guess but this might be the lazy route. And they're animals so all that matters is nutrients. They're not like humans in Europe, Asia or Americas that want to live in dignity and try to improve themselves, their food, culture, technology. Eating bugs is all they want.

>> No.12593545

it's not about the taste, but about the presentation. chop the bugs up in tiny disks and mix it with some leaves or whatever and it would look much more appealing right away

>> No.12593567
File: 39 KB, 480x480, 1550143123709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn lol you guys got triggered GOTTEM

>> No.12593877
File: 535 KB, 2048x1530, image106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You dumb niggers have literally no clue about african cuisine.
West africa in particular has a great culture of tasty stews like maafe (pic related) made with peanuts, veggies and meat, and a variety of other dishes including fish, chicken, lamb, pork and more rarely exotic meats like crocodile, snake or maqaque (latter is unironically the best meat Ive ever eaten swear to god) and a huge variety of veggies, spices, sauces and oils like palmoil.
Sometimes its difficult to find ingredients if you wanna cook yourself and especially for meat you have to get up early and go straight to the butcher, or just buy an animal and butcher yourself.
But really you don't even wanna cook yourself, since human labor is so cheap there... Theres always some big black mama cooking a big bowl of stew in her living room to sell and share with people.
The biggest problem is the garbage, especially the plastic which inevitably ends up in the sea and on the beaches, and thus in the fish they catch, so Im pretty sure thats part of the reason why they die at like 40 these days, but if you're only there for a week you shouldnt catch enough microplastics into your system to have a health impact. Or so I tell myself...

>> No.12593918

Ive been to the sahara before and I can tell you the people enjoy it. Its like a survival adventure every day. Dude whos camp I was staying in was a berber, who are traditionally nomads, so just because of tradition they wont just leave the desert.
They cultivate date palms and camels, they know how to find water and measures to deal with the heat and the sandstorms.
Plus everyone has a solar panel rigged up to some car batteries, so really what they do is just chill out most of the day, listen to music on their laptops and phones (4G in most inhabited places in the desert) or work on repairing their equipment.
It has a lot of the feeling that I imagine well be getting when we colonize mars, only probably less laid back, but the people there really are tough as fuck and have to be able to do almost everything themselves cause there isnt a guy you can call to fix your well or your tents and huts or your electronic equipment.
Also they have SUVs to get around the desert, so if they really need something or are badly sick they can just drive to a bigger village or the next city.

Really though your entire premise is stupid. Youre asking why they arent moving to the coast cause life is easier there, but thats not what life is about. Enduring hardship is much more interesting and results in a more fulfilled life. Plus its not like life wouldnt be difficult at the coast as well, and there is already people living there, who what they should just replace? Are you also one of those cucks that advocate africns coming to europe? There's more food there after all, eh?

>> No.12594069
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chickenz butter?

>> No.12594138

Pretty sure I can make an egg boil without cooking it in a vacuum machine

>> No.12594291

>Defending eating bugs

Fuck off to Africa nigger

>> No.12594509

Ok Mutumbo

>> No.12594968

At least, those niggas cook this way.


>> No.12594992

>West africa in particular has a great culture of tasty stews like maafe (pic related) made with peanuts, veggies and meat, and a variety of other dishes including fish, chicken, lamb, pork and more rarely exotic meats like crocodile, snake or maqaque (latter is unironically the best meat Ive ever eaten swear to god) and a huge variety of veggies, spices, sauces and oils like palmoil.
Not real african food. Too much Indian, western, eastern, etc...

>> No.12595016

>Ignorant assholes talking shit.

Another day on 4chan.

>> No.12595019

i honestly enjoy grasshoppers. They taste like pork rinds to me. I would eat them like potato chips if they weren't so expensive. It's ok to be bug-pilled.

>> No.12595111

>pottery is one of mankind's oldest inventions
>random african tribe not even at that point

>> No.12595123

wtf are you babbling about nigga

>> No.12595214

lol okay bug eater

>> No.12595225

I mean I really hope this entire thread is just bait and Im falling horribly for it, but in case you faggots are actually this ignorant about the culture that africa does have Im gonna keep replying.
These people definitely use more homegrown shit than we do in europe. Peanuts, vegetables, palmoil, meat of course and a part of the spices is grown there. Only rice, potatoes and onions are imported, cause france prefer to be massive niggers and flood africa with cheap basic food to push local farmers out of business...

>> No.12595238
File: 95 KB, 1300x866, 13899012-man-laughing-hysterically-at-his-laptop-computer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white man visits black tribe
>animal planet
top lel

>> No.12595252

>cause france prefer to be massive niggers and flood africa with cheap basic food to push local farmers out of business...
Top cope. Only white South Africans have any grasp over farming.

>> No.12595402
File: 622 KB, 1286x1152, clown pepe eat bugs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these people shilling bugs
There's a reason people only seem to eat them as a last resort.

>> No.12595417

It doesn't taste good. That's wat makes it disgusting.

>> No.12595433


AIDS was caused by Illegal Bushmeat Trade in Africa


>Results of research on wild chimpanzees in Cameroon indicate that they are naturally infected with the simian foamy virus and constitute a reservoir of HIV-1, a precursor of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) in humans.[18] There are several distinct strains of HIV, indicating that this cross-species transfer has occurred several times.[19] Researchers have shown that HIV originated from a similar virus in primates called simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV); it is likely that HIV was initially transferred to humans after having come into contact with infected bushmeat

>Animals used as bushmeat may also carry other diseases such as smallpox, chicken pox, tuberculosis, measles, rubella, rabies, yellow fever and yaws.[31] African squirrels (Heliosciurus, Funisciurus) have been implicated as reservoirs of the monkeypox virus in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.[32] The bubonic plague bacteria can transfer to humans when handling or eating North American prairie dogs.[33]

>In many instances, contracting the diseases mentioned above often occurs due to the cutting of the meat, when animal blood and other fluids may touch the people cutting it, thereby infecting them. Another path of infection is that some of the meat may not be completely cooked. This often occurs due to the type of cooking method: hanging the meat over an open fire.[34] Improper preparation of any infected animal may be fatal

So yeah and guess what. Bushmeat is one of the top 10 seized illegal material seized at European airports every year.

>> No.12595436

All humans are equal

>> No.12595445

>West africa in particular has a great culture of tasty stews like maafe (pic related) made with peanuts, veggies and meat, and a variety of other dishes including fish, chicken, lamb, pork and more rarely exotic meats like crocodile, snake or maqaque (latter is unironically the best meat Ive ever eaten swear to god)

>maqaque (latter is unironically the best meat Ive ever eaten swear to god)

You fucking ate monkey meat and declared it to be the best meat you ever eaten.

Why the fuck should /ck/ listen to you when you just gave yourself potential brain disease by eating monkey mea.

Ever heard of prions, you fucking cannibal.

>> No.12595555

A quick search reveals you're wrong. The only non-human you can get a prion-related disease from is the cow(that we've discovered). Macaques were even specifically tested for their ability to receive prion diseases from other animals, and they can't even do that. Don't spread misinformation. Instead stick to the ACTUAL detriments to eating monkey meat, conveniently there's a post above you that links real issues with the practice.

>> No.12595608

urban westerners who've lived all their lives surrounded by convenience won't really understand traditional lifestyles unless they experience them
it's good you're trying to explain but it probably won't help

>> No.12595988

describe to me the taste and texture of macaque meat

>> No.12596138
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Pic related was the raw monkey... Looked like the frozen body from someone from the shackleton expedition...

Its very soft but I dont know if they just cooked it for that long. Tasted very juicy too with a good bunch of fat. Major problem is really that theyre so small so you kinda have lots of and partially sharp bones, especially the spine. Also it does feel a bit odd cause you sorta imagine that you recognize some of the bones from your own body... But really the best part is the taste. Its a lot stronger than pork, much more like lamb but distinct from that. Just really rich and meaty.

Didnt know that but possibly should have... Still would have eaten it though. Cause yeah obviously every meat there has a chance of giving you some deadly disease or cripples you forever, but the chance isnt that high, especially if you only try things out. And especially the monkey, while it was really delicious, its not something that I would wanna eat everyday anyways.

>you fucking cannibal
its only cannibalism if youre a porchmonkey :^)

>> No.12596476


>> No.12596521

I'd read that thread.

>> No.12596556
File: 8 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont understand how people are homeless. Just buy a house.

>> No.12597288

That is pretty fucking different from what he said

>> No.12598688
File: 2.97 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20180927_194414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No its not. Are you one of the cucks that thinks its ok for the entirety of africa to come to europe just because they somehow deserve to have an easy life? Thankfully even most africans dont think like that, and prefer to somehow make things work where they are now instead of going somewhere else to fuck shit up for the people already there.

Also bump with another african classic I just found in my image folder: home slaughtered goat grilled on a freshly built BBQ. Was ok-ish. I really need to get better at dissecting these things cause I think I wasted a good chunk of the meat.

>> No.12598716
File: 2.82 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20180927_195831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ribs and two of the legs I marinated with an attempt at barbecue sauce, which kinda but not really tasted like the real thing mostly cause no liquid smoke aroma and that jazz...
The rest of the parts I tried to do a lime marinade, which ended up being pretty good.
This isnt really african food or how africans would prepare a goat. I really just found my africa folder and I guess Ill just dump food related pics to maybe give an idea but I dont have that much material...

>> No.12598726
File: 202 KB, 958x1277, IMG_20181010_111933~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fresh fish is always an option so long as youre around the coast. Just have to keep in find that you shouldnt eat too many of these cause of the microplastics. Still this one was insanely good. The fishermen I was with there really knew how to grill (or rather how to tell their wives to grill) some damn good fish.

>> No.12598730

The homeless just buy a house meme is not a possibility due to money. What anon described, walking until you hit water, is not impossible.

>> No.12598749
File: 2.19 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20181012_113828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Steamed mussels as a snack. Just crack them open like pistachios and eat them out of the shell. Taste pretty salty of course but also somewhat savoury.

The problem is that where theres water and food, there are already people living there. And the people in the desert dont even need that shit. They know exactly where to dig to find water and theres enough shrubbery and small plants in the sahara to make camel breeding possible. Then you just grow a bunch of dates and trade them for all the stuff like solar panels or electronics that you cant make yourself.

>> No.12598755
File: 1.30 MB, 2304x1296, 1013181029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Locally made rum. Pretty strong stuff but drinkable. And you have all the shit for caipirinhas there anyways.

>> No.12598757

This. It's not so out of the ordinary. I think it's just poverty tourism. Fucking travel docs go to 3rd world countries and find the most disgusting shit to film for shock value. Very unethical.

>> No.12598763

Fair enough, all I'm saying is that what he said is theoretically possible while what you said is not.

>> No.12598819

Looks like sunburned turds with a dose of water over them

>> No.12598843

Latin american food that isnt mexican is suprisingly bad.

>> No.12598851

At the cost of oppression.

Wish my ancestors were more like the Sentinelese.

>> No.12598871

You're no better than retarded 65 year old boomers that believe everything said about Africa on TV.

Look into Africa on social media - it's kind of like Australia. Plenty of developed (black) cities with some trace tribes left...which is a GOOD thing. Not everyone wants your so-called technology.

>> No.12598897

except all the grilled meats

>> No.12598907
File: 111 KB, 535x360, 1562196683164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Heavens, somebody fried up Paul and Ringo

>> No.12598985

Why? Cook it on a flat rock at least. They have those in Africa right?

>> No.12600412

I know a girl from work who went on vacation to south africa with her boyfriend. Before she went I was hyping up the food telling her it'd be one of the things I'd be most excited about.
When she got back I immediately asked her about the food. She could barely even muster up a half smile and then tells me "even the mcdonald's tasted strange". Who the fuck vacations in africa lol.

>> No.12600472

No, some tribes haven't invented the rock yet.

>> No.12602125

It's difficult communicating with someone who has a rudimentary grasp of english, Deng. How many years of shitposting do you have left before they'll let you see your wife and kid again?

>> No.12602259
File: 231 KB, 820x1024, 00ACEB9F-605D-4DDB-9D23-878AE0F89EB1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thai food isn't real SEA food because it's just Indian food

This is so fucking retarded holy shit

>> No.12602269
File: 64 KB, 807x539, tekashi-69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wanna drown this in hot sauce and scoop it into a hot corn tortilla

>> No.12602277
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>> No.12602310

thanks australia

>> No.12602411

I've rarely liked a pepe/wojack image and post, but thank you. >>12594992 is so motherfucking stupid I had to read it 3 times to make sure I wasn't misunderstanding.

>> No.12603188

No wonder these guys have no teeth. Ancient egyptian bread was full of sand for whatever reason, which is why most remains show worse teeth than even people today with our modern sugary diets.

>> No.12603598

Of course I'd do better. I'd first roast the niggers that I killed before eating them, unlike what the africans do at the moment.

>> No.12603691
File: 119 KB, 800x1200, Butter-Chicken-IMAGE-64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its butter chicken, an indian dish

>> No.12603699
File: 125 KB, 1200x592, 1561128695569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>peanuts in stew

>> No.12603788

>SEA is not part of eastern
Are you retarded?

>> No.12603799

because you are too stupid to grasp that.

>> No.12603835

came here to make sure this got posted

>> No.12603854

>they torture, persecute and murder when they try

>> No.12603882

Are those insects or feces?

>> No.12603894

Based. But I'm not interested in eating blacks.

>> No.12603910

Nope. But if they did, they'd fit right in.

>> No.12604162

Both, but still authentic African food. No influence from other countries.

>> No.12604233

This is the most Reddit comment i have read all week

>> No.12604265

I didnt expect my shitty thread to still be alive.

>> No.12604305

You're wrong. I know that there are large economic and technological differences in africa. What I'm shitting on is their local and traditional gastronomic culure which is the worst in the world maybe with the exception of Greenland and Antarctica.

>> No.12604332


Your parents thought the same after birthing you

>> No.12604750

Truly an advanced society.

>> No.12604849

Why not? /pol/tards gather to threads like these like bees to honey. You knew full well it would reach 300 posts and you were the (you) master.

>> No.12604916


better than cast iron