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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 63 KB, 590x350, british-food-flag-707622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12583296 No.12583296 [Reply] [Original]

is British food really that bland? Or is it actually decent?

>> No.12583341

I like it but i live here so im bias

>> No.12583353

it's not fancy bullshit
it's not the best food in the world
but it's fucking good comfort food

>> No.12583354

Yeah, pretty much this. No frills but it's stick-to-your-ribs food.

>> No.12583356

What is the meal on the upper left?

>> No.12583358

The pinnacle of British cuisine is kebab, and chicken tikka masala.

>> No.12583364
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Full English are much better than the typical American variation.

>> No.12583365

roast beef, Yorkshire pudding and parsnip chips(?)

>> No.12583379

>Top right
>Putting carrots in a Cornish pasty
>>Using mince instead of skirt steak
My almonds are pretty fucking activated right now

>> No.12583381

Cornish pasties are good, that one looks rubbish.

>> No.12583382

As a french man who spent some months wwoofing around england, my experience is that it's not as bad as its reputation. I would say it's okay, not great but okay. It's a bit bland but not so much that it's an issue.

It's often too heavy (heavy, not hearty) : like beans and sausages for breakfast, or associations of different starchy stuff (like potatoes in pies or with battered fried things). But that's avoidable.

Another profund difference with french cuisine is the use of vegetables. We mostly choose one vegetable for each meal, while the usual thing to do in england is to combine a number of different ones.

Also, indian-inspired dishes make it more interesting.

>> No.12583393

It depends; food is typically crap, but there are some dishes which I really like. A lot of traditional soups/stews can be really good, like lobscouse/cawl, oxtail, and scotch broth. Yorkshire puddings are also brilliant when topped with gravy, but the rest of a roast dinner isn't particularly good (although I've noticed roast lamb and pork tend to be better than other meats and poultry).
I'd also say that traditional products (rather than dishes) can be very very good. Pork pies, dry cured bacon, cumberland sausages, and some instances of black pudding (I've never had any good ones in scotland though), while not universally good, can be excellent if you search around. Smoked fish is also worth trying, kippers in particular (especially around the time of year when they're really fatty). British cheese too, can be very good.

>> No.12583411
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British food is great but

a) no one makes it often hence the general low standard of food


b) it takes ages to make


c) it's really filling. you need a nap after.

>> No.12583419

I agree about the heaviness. Since I've been visiting my parents I've been eating their cooking rather than my own, and when they've cooked british food (they also do a lot of indian and african cooking), I've barely been able to eat half of it. Especially foods containing gravy (I attribute this to yeast extract).

>> No.12583423

Half of the portion sizes they have given me, that is.

>> No.12583429
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We just hate spices.

>> No.12583550

If it's good enough for the Queen of England, than it's good enough for the old blighty.

>> No.12583553

shit, no sense of balance or contrasting flavors

best chefs from england all specialize in french or indian cuisine

>> No.12583562
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I think it looks like good food, similar to American diner and comfort food, but overall American is better

>> No.12583565

its more horrid than anyone can imagine, it's the most poor place on earth in terms of biodiversity and during world war 2 they burned cookbooks and persecuted chefs in order to ensure proper rationing when the food supplies were threatened by the nazis.

>> No.12583589

>conquers half the world in part for spices
>doesn't use them

>> No.12583596

That was the dutch and portugese who did it for spices. The spaniards did it for gold.
The brits conquered half the world just to one-up them all.

>> No.12583768

>beans with bangers and mash
Would've had greens/gravy myself

>> No.12583772

It's not bland, it's shitty

>> No.12583779

Yeah it might be true that British food is bad. If you take cottage pie or hotpot for example it's quite tasteless and boring.

>> No.12583797

Better than burger food that's for sure.

>> No.12583804

and tea.

>> No.12583838

>full English


>> No.12583899
File: 29 KB, 600x600, ok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The type of people who hate British food are usually foreigners who overly spice their own meals and make their tongues less sensitive to subtle tastes.
You get this same thing in the USA with black people saying that white people don't know what spices are, when in reality white people just appreciate subtle food more and use their spices sparingly rather than as the main flavouring.
The British are basically the masters of pastry with stuff inside too and British spins on foreign food (like chicken tikka masala) are universally better than the originals for my sensitive tongue.
I would definitely visit again.

>> No.12583913


>> No.12583924

There is literally nothing wrong with boiled meat you philistine.
Boiled chicken is 10/10 for sauces.

>> No.12583935
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British food has been spiced for centuries. Ww2 to the 70s was an anomaly.

Now we have the best of both worlds, European style food and spicy Asian influenced stuff.

>> No.12583945

You completely missed the point of the post.

>> No.12583949
File: 615 KB, 1000x667, 18a970af-5e0c-459d-93fc-eadd97c61bef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A top shelf full English breakfast is absolutely great. Could never find a really good one in the US

>> No.12583960

Is that bone marrow?

>> No.12584040

Depends on your definition of bland. Asians and spics perpetuate the meme that anything not full of spice is bland. English food tends not to use much spice generally, but still packs a tonne of flavour when done right. But then there's also what the ideal British cuisine looks like vs what the average Brit eats, in which sense we're on par with America in that the majority of us are fat lazy retards who can't cook for shit and eat the blandest, limpest, shittiest version of everything possible.

This is just as true of the middle class as it is of the working class. Almost any pub you go to for a Sunday roast, even if you go to a reputable place in an up-market area, will serve roast potatoes that aren't crispy enough, beef that isn't tender enough, gravy that is too loose etc. And even the highest rated chippies serve you limp steak fry style "chippy" chips that are no fun to eat save for nostalgia.

But if you know the right places to go, or prepare the food yourself, it can be delicious and tasty without the need for a load of spices. There is a chippy near me that does beer-battered cod, home made tartare sauce and triple cooked chips which is some of the best I've had. It's a cheap place you wouldn't look twice at, and is run by Chinese people.

>> No.12584050

Yup, you just spread it on the bread. Not entirely traditional but it's something that's becoming increasingly popular in breakfast restaurants.

>> No.12584108

The problem with average western food in general is that women don't stay at home anymore or learn how to cook, nor do they want to put the effort in.
They all have too little free time.

>> No.12584366

It's great shit.
People latch onto the few bad things like fish and chips with mushy peas, which isn't even fucking bad in a lot of places.
Chippy near me has won national awards.

>> No.12584428

I tried some home cooking and street food and street food was pretty bad while the home cooking was tolerable. If I stayed longer I could probably discover some interesting and nice tasting novelty recipes. Although I have to say for a culturally rich former empire england has garbage-tier gastronomy, relatively speaking. I dunno I'm a poorfag slav so I was expecting better food from the west and was disappointed. It's not awful or disgusting but it stands out as bad when compared to the continent and to it's much higher historical relevance.

>> No.12584761

Did you know that, because the queen says so, no dishes are allowed to be served with onions or garlic in the entire royal palace?

>> No.12584772

It's not bad just stupidly overrated and bland to the point there is nothing appealing about it compared to shit the rest of the world has.

>> No.12584777

The British conquered places for strategic and military reasons over all.

>> No.12584820

bone marrow is fucking god tier

>> No.12584862
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>> No.12584869

faggots are really crap tier

>> No.12584902

Most of the low tier food just depends on who makes it, they're great when made right.

>> No.12584906

That can be said about literally any food.

>> No.12584920
File: 237 KB, 2048x1027, AA7DC54E-9297-4A7E-AB7F-802D6CC6406D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>over spice
Dats too much flavor for my mouth anons.

>> No.12584931

Absolutely atrocious list and really demonstrates what you need to know about British food culture. Assuming it's about British people who tried that stuff, we have an amazing collection of savoury pies, puddings, curries etc. Scotch eggs, faggots, haggis are all fucking delicious, yet the only things people here actually like and eat are the blandest, most inoffensive concoctions on the menu, stuff consisting mostly of potato and not much else. I mean crumpets god tier? Jesus Christ.

>> No.12584966

>t-t-their food is worse! it's because they're foreigners with worse senses of taste!

if your culture is so great, why does it need defending? it makes you sound insecure

>> No.12584992

There's a few tiers.
In descending order

- Big name celebrities, rich folks etc. will likely have a private chef. Also wealthy sportsmen from poor backgrounds will eat stuff like a boiled egg, or McDonalds.
- Middle classes will likely be the best cooks out of everyone. Will have travelled and explored various cuisines. Have a tendency to sacrifice taste for healthier options on occasion.
- The working class will mix and match, sometimes eating well, sometime having a sandwich from a supermarket.
- The people on the dole and the other poor folks will eat the bags of 100 sausages you get for about £2 from Farmfoods and the 87p bags of frozen chips from Tescos. This is where Britain gets its international reputation from unfortunately.

>> No.12585005

Largely fine. Poor presentation is probably the biggest issue.

>> No.12585014

Oh yeah, some anon once said that the british don't make anything that isn't brown. It's largely accurate.

>> No.12585032

I'm not British and this is a thread about British food you absolute douche.

>> No.12585051

beans is the answer to everything

>> No.12585070

What does an british person eat for dinner? british food or foreign food(indian, french, Italian, etc)

>> No.12585078
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>Oh yeah, some anon once said that the british don't make anything that isn't brown. It's largely accurate.

True, we did invent the USA.

>> No.12585084

i get that but categorically blaming the physical properties of the tongues of "foreigners" (even though nigerian cuisine and Afghan cuisine are all relatively different, for example) is just fucking silly. saying they "overly" spice their food makes it sound like you saw too many memes about white people having bland food and it really rubbed you the wrong way. I'm of European descent and I can understand how people from other cultures might find my traditional ethnic food bland without feeling a need to jump to its defense because I'm not the one who decided millet and sausage is a traditional food.

>> No.12585087

Always had Russian food growing up - now that I’m dating a birtish lad I can say their food is superior if done right

>> No.12585088

That's a really funny take on getting your asses kicked by a bunch of Amerishart bumpkins.

>> No.12585096
File: 68 KB, 660x496, Brits on holiday to the colonies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember that time the USA invaded Britain and burnt down Buckingham Palace? Me neither.
Just be thankful we haven't yet turned our attention back to our colonies.

>> No.12585104

I had haggis for the first time recently and it was surprisingly good. I suspect half the people that voted here haven't actually tried it.

>> No.12585114

thats not much of an achievement lmao

>> No.12585149
File: 143 KB, 500x569, whitepeoplefood7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The British are basically the masters of pastry with stuff inside too and British spins on foreign food (like chicken tikka masala) are universally better than the originals for my sensitive tongue.

>> No.12585157

No but British food catches a bad name for being bland - when for ex. Russian (most Slavic countries) food is disgustingly bland and just plain gross. People just aren’t having good British food.

>> No.12585172

Why are you getting so triggered?
Self hating white cuck.
Just because someone makes a generalisation it doesn't mean that it applies to each individual culture.
Get a grip.

>> No.12585177 [DELETED] 

>if you dont like numbing your tongue with spice you have no food culture
Imagine COPING this hard as a shitskin.

>> No.12585179


Eh, a lot of the infamous British cuisine is a remnant of rationing due to WW2 and economic decline after the 60s. Real traditional British food is beautiful and hearty - meat pies, game roasts, local seafood etc. Honestly these days I prefer non-British foods but to say British food is shit is inaccurate.

>> No.12585180

Boy I can’t wait for Britain to try and take the United States over. Finally I can live my LARP fantasies.

>> No.12585264
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absolutely terrible. However, the best bong national dish is Indian.

>> No.12585287

Ironically, britain literally will be a US colony after brexit and you'll take what we give you. Sad, many such cases!

>> No.12585310
File: 52 KB, 997x514, Bong is the puppet of USA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cope harder
based af

>> No.12585314

>full of pakis & indians
>us colony
Checks out.

>> No.12585315

not ever actually had it but considering they once conquered a fair bit of the world in quest of spices, it should logically be good

>> No.12585323

Personally I'm a big fan of fish chips and curry.

It's such a wholesome meal, and I feel fucking wonderful after I finish it

>> No.12585518
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Yeah it's actually good tbqh. Think about it, Brits don't have to slather everything in processed cheese or shitty cuts of "bacon" like Americans basically do.

I love Beef Wellington with great roast potatoes and honey roasted parsnips.

Not to mention, British Pub and night culture is just the best in the world, so many comfy historic pubs everywhere.