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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12578459 No.12578459 [Reply] [Original]

Can’t wait for this anthology of stolen recipes, cringey söy anecdotes and reddit-tier photography. I wish Bingy would fuck off already, his shtick is old now and he is a barely competent cook.

>> No.12578475
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How will it compare to this one?

>> No.12578477

>I want this guy to fuck off
>I’ll give him publicity
Such is the mindset of a typical YouTube watching normalfag.
Go back to Facebook, retard.

>> No.12578480

Babish BTFO

>> No.12578488

was that one any good?

>> No.12578492

Protip; if you don't take credit for a recipe, you're not stealing it. Julia Child wasn't a plagiarist because she put famous French recipes in her book.

>> No.12578505
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anyone ever try this one?

>> No.12578519

More like Fatty Matheson lol

>> No.12578526

Everyone who tried his recipes died of a heart attack moments later.

>> No.12578543

I just checked out the channel right now because of this thread.

Thank you OP for showing me new stuff to watch on youtube. I suscribed.

>> No.12578544
File: 265 KB, 722x471, Screenshot from 2019-07-03 09-55-51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Available in audio book format
>Narrated by: Matty Matheson
>Length: 6 hrs and 37 mins

lol wut?

>> No.12578569

>french guy
oy vey

>> No.12578574

Am I the only one who reads this as BING-ing with Babish?

>> No.12578601

That's what I thought it was for months because I only read it from the spam threads here and never watched the videos.

>> No.12578611


I was alright with this faggot until he started doing the self glorifying shit.

You are some rando youtuber who has a gimmicky cooking show that is a small step above a blog. You aren't Gordon Ramsey or anyone actually worth respecting because they are a master of their craft.

The arrogance and air of self-importance made me go from feeling neutral about him to just straight-up disliking him.

People eat up the gimmick shit so he isn't going anywhere anytime soon and it's annoying.

>> No.12578616


How he doesn't have that as a nickname with a name like Matty is mind-boggling.

>> No.12578617

Micro-shill pls

>> No.12578618


Several hours worth are him panting out of breath.

>> No.12578620

>Foreword by Jon Favreau
>Come on now it has to be fake
>Reverse search
>It's fucking real
Jesus Christ Favreau it's just stolen recipes

>> No.12578627

What does he do thats self glorifying? I've only seen a few of his videos and its just been him doing his channels shtick of recreating media food.

>> No.12578628

OP sounds jelly. I like babby. He's entertaining and educational.

>> No.12578635
File: 216 KB, 280x339, 39535EA0-7091-4509-91F6-1E418329F401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This faggot is such a stain on american culinary, fat whacky fuck

>> No.12578643

but he's not american

>> No.12578662


He has a whole side show dedicated to visiting fans, his body "transformation" (basically what starting strength would do for a normie) and other shit that just comes off as self glorifying.

Like if you wanna visit your fans and make them happy just do it dude. Don't fucking tape it, because I sure as shit don't care and it just feels like you want to demonstrate how important you are to some losers.

>> No.12578663

I am angry

>> No.12578672

actually have it. its pretty pretentious

>> No.12578694

unironically he was just fat and didnt have to go to the gym all he needed was a 500 cal deficit or fasting

>> No.12578703


Jesus, you mean to tell me he didn't even work out and he made a video about that?

This is what I'm talking about, what a fucking pretentious prick. Like if he was morbidly obese I could kind of understand because middle-aged housewives love that kind of story "Fat man decided to stop eating as much and loses 100lbs." But the dude was not even that overweight.

>> No.12578727

he went to the gym and shit when he was like 10-15lbs overweight, maybe more from what he showed in the picture. All he needed was a caloric deficit, and not to go the gym. But hey, youtube money

>> No.12578746

He went from skinnyfat to skinnyfat. He didn't put on any muscle mass.

>> No.12578758

b-but being with babish!!

>> No.12578763
File: 19 KB, 195x169, faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>foreword by jon favreau

>> No.12578785

yes he is

>> No.12578790

justin bieber isn’t american but that doesn’t mean he didn’t ruin american music

>> No.12578831

>Don't fucking tape it
hello fellow boomer.

Seriously though, babish is such a fucking joke but appeals to the low-t soy fags. I love how he makes 10-20 mistakes that someone with a month of cooking experience wouldn't make...and then has the nerve to create that "basics with babish" where he thinks he's qualified to teach

>> No.12578844

He's a pure puck-slapping canuck.

>> No.12578860

Why are you so jealous of success?

>> No.12578868

I think you're severely misinformed about testosterone and soy
I bet you deny climate change as well

>> No.12578877

>I bet you deny climate change as well
Nah, I have a degree in physics and a bit of research experience in climate change. We are indeed contributing to fucking our planet....and I don't care and hope we burn it to the ground as soon as possible to rid the world of bugmen like yourself

>> No.12578900

>hate someone
>watch their content religiously
>cry about him constantly
Yep, we got a manchild here.

>> No.12578903

do you think canadians aren’t american?

>> No.12578906

You used the word 'bugmen' right? If i'm not mistaken, bugmen are people whose whole personalities are based around the things they consume, right?
Yet you yourself only seem to able to speak in 4channel meme-words like soy, low-t, and bugmen. And why LARP as a guy with a physics degree?
lacking this much self awareness is actually impressive. Yikes.

>> No.12579011

here is your (you)

>> No.12579018


>Taking this much time to call someone a larping fag

Sure is summer in here.

>> No.12579036

How fucking retarded are Americans that they actually buy recipe books instead of googling the recipe.
Is not like they're going to cook and stop having takeout every night anyways

>> No.12579043


>> No.12579070

Bugmen are soulless insects that value collectivism over individualism and generally have no moral standing. The kind of people that just run over each other and keep driving or make their kids shit in the street then eat gutter oil. Chinks are bugmen, Americans are not.

>> No.12579097

Loved when the first episode of him helping out someone in need started off in a big fancy california mcmansion kitchen and he bought the dude a new motorscooter. Like wow u are really making a difference in this world!! Thats when i had to dip

>> No.12579305

While I also dont give a fuck about this content, it is still content. He is a content creator, are you surprised?

>> No.12579326
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>Americans are not.
u fukn wot m8?

>> No.12579382

>Gordon Ramsey

Did you see the way he cooked those burgers in his 10 mil sub video? Even babish or brothersgreeneats have more credit at this point.

>> No.12579384


>> No.12579451
File: 55 KB, 437x468, 1505378563743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hate this guy
>I can't stop watching him
>I hate this guy
>I can't stop talking about him
You clearly love this guy. You closeted doofus.

>> No.12579483

It's not bad.
Kinda funny that it's pretty much all recipes while the channel is mostly about experimenting with food and kitchen tools.

>> No.12579494
File: 60 KB, 539x500, 1427482197988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is new. Nobody is ever angry in this place.

>> No.12579560


Pretty common to bond between things that people mutually dislike.

>> No.12579579

canadians are americans. just like how irish are european and malaysians are asian.

>> No.12580896

>Binging with Baabish
More like Cringing with Reddish, am I right?

>> No.12581634

Wait whats wrong with babish? I don't see anything inherently wrong with his videos. The man recreates recipies from movies and TV in a fun and educational way.

>> No.12581667

Chef John for the win.
The videos aren't about HIM, they are about cooking.
Can we please have more of that?

>> No.12581717


He's like an edgier version of Waldo.

>> No.12581744

I followed this guy since he was Reddit's front page darling every video he pumped out. I think the turning point of me liking him and his content was him honestly revealing his face. It turned from faceless tattoo man makes cool food to, handsome bald guy with a beard turns his food show into his own blog of shit I don't care about.
He seems like a good guy but part of me believes that he's a good person who's full of himself at the same time. Like the type that donates to charity but makes sure it's caught on camera to prove to others of his good deed.

Anyways, Reddit got sick of his shit, his first cookbook was awful and full of overly expensive shit and it was very poorly put together, and now his channel has become his own personal blog which is a shame. I missed when it was just a nice little video show.

tl:dr Don't expect much from a guy who's a self taught amateur home cook

>> No.12581772

I fucking hate this guy so much