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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12577645 No.12577645 [Reply] [Original]

What's the worst fortune you've ever gotten from a fortune cookie?

>> No.12577649

How the fuck would I remember? Is this what zoomers use their limited brain power for? Remembering fortunes?

>> No.12577650

the misfortune of having you post this thread

>> No.12577756

>crack open fortune cookie
>there's nothing inside
anons, i don't feel so good...

>> No.12577757

Got one today that said, 'the end of one goal is the start of another'. I was just like, 'duh'.

>> No.12577771

I've never had a fortune cookie

>> No.12577776
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>> No.12577777

How unfortunate

>> No.12577783

"Avoid compulsively making things worse."

>> No.12577788
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>> No.12577790
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>> No.12577792

"Bad luck and misfortune will infect your pathetic soul for all eternity"

>> No.12577800

"we are currently unavailable. please call back later"

>> No.12577814

10 of Swords - Painful endings, deep wounds and desolation beyond tears

>> No.12577828

Back in 2012 I got one that said
>You have made a horrible mistake. Think, what have you done?
I now consider them bad luck.

>> No.12578069

>stick with your wife

>> No.12578076

"Please stop drinking. We miss you."
Last time I let my parents pick up my take out for me.

>> No.12578092

>that wasn't soup

>> No.12578146

do americans really eat these?
I see this saw this shit on TV all the time in the 90s but have literally never seen them in real life.

>> No.12578180


Go visit some day. You'llb e surprised to see how much of the shit you thought only happened on TV is real.

>> No.12578198


>> No.12578281

get laid, dawg
t. cool guy

>> No.12578365

How do I become this based?

>> No.12578374

on the rag much?

>> No.12578432
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>> No.12578436

no because your mom already reached menopause

>> No.12578478
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>> No.12578687

I always thought it would be funny if a company had their machines make 1 in every 100,000 cookies say something menacing like "You're being watched. Be careful" or "You can't hide forever. We will find you" to spook people. Obviously those ones are lame but still.

>> No.12578704
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>> No.12578731

Grabbing the cookie, dropping it, opening it after I pick it up and the paper inside was blank on both sides

>> No.12578761

"You will soon achieve perfection" is one I got recently.
I really hated it because I know I'm a failure.

>> No.12578771
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>> No.12578783

"If you want orange juice, look inside an orange. That's where it comes from"

>> No.12578789

This feels deep, but I know you just made it up. I'm conflicted, but may incorporate it into my living credo

>> No.12578826

Stick with your wife.

>> No.12578832

Formerly You will find happiness with a new love

>> No.12578843
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>> No.12579865

“A new pair of shoes will do you well”

>> No.12579870

im glad someone posted it

>> No.12579880

This fortune intentionally left blank

>> No.12579881

Courage is not the lack of fear, but the conquest of it.

>> No.12579905

You will be hungry again in 30 minutes. I appreciate whoever writing these things having a sense of humor.

>> No.12579935

"your mother will die in her sleep unless you convince 10 people to try the house special before noon tomorrow"

>> No.12579946


halp. I prizonar fochun kuki faktori n chaina. I 5 yeerz ole

>> No.12579963

"Behind every man, there are always"
Been waiting to find a fortune with the other half

>> No.12579968

*Life a like a gummy bear. It melts in you mouth*

>> No.12579975

Why do people say this about Chinese food. Is it an American thing? I'm always full after a chinky

>> No.12580100
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>> No.12580101

It's more about Chinese takeout than Chinese food in general. A lot of it is very bland and unsatisfying. It's like, it's okay to eat, but it's not like it's a mind blowing assault of flavor. I think you just get a sense of feeling underwhelmed after eating it.

>> No.12580110

You will soon have a bloody bowel movement

>> No.12580113

Yeah a lot of take out is just the exact same meat and veg in different sweet sauces. I still feel full but never overly satisfied

>> No.12580608

>you have many years ahead of you

>> No.12580972
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>> No.12582001

My mother's said, "Your life will change forever." A week later she was diagnosed as a type 1 diabetic.

>> No.12582004

'At midnight, you will have your dick ripped off'

>> No.12582076

had one that said, "plaid ties and boot jackets"
no fucking clue what that means.

>> No.12582088

Could I be alone in saving my fortune cookie strips... I hold about 20
I carry over 5 or 6

>> No.12582098

change your story, type 1 is veeeery rarely diagnosed past puberty

>> No.12582123
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once years ago I actually got the famous
>help Im being held captive in a chinese fortune cookie factory

>> No.12582174

It's what happened. Very common in my family to get it in your 40's and 50's.

>> No.12582352

>type 1 is veeeery rarely

Rare isn't the same as impossible, dipstick

>> No.12582393

"Smattering of everything, knowledge of nothing."
I'm an intellectual dilettante, so this hurt.
Also, my oneitis decided to date my best friend instead of me based on a fortune cookie, and I've never really recovered.

>> No.12582410
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"You will end up alone"

Which kind of happend a few months later when my wife was trying to divorce me and took my kid away..

>> No.12582772

this was the best fortune though

>> No.12584042
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>Be me
>Junior year in high school
>Start having dreams that predicts on what's going happen today
>Dream about fighting with a "friend" in a Chinese restaurant
> Every time I punched her, she kept giving me that ugly smile that I hated, it made her look like she had no upper lip
>Then wake up and go to school
>It was an okay day
>I saw her, nothing bad happened. I kept pretending her friend till lunch finished.
>I was hoping for something to happen after that dream
>Bact at home, searching for food
>"Maybe there's Chinese food!"
>Run to the fridge
>No food, disappointment
>Suddenly, I see something behind my blender
>Tries to reach it
>Finds out it's a fortune cookie
>Cracks it open and eats the cookies
>gets BTFO by the piece of paper
>"A dream is just a dream."

I actually took a photo in my old iPod touch