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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12572783 No.12572783 [Reply] [Original]

Are vegetables really that important? I just can't stand eating them. I like wholegrains, legumes and fruit a lot and have no problem eating them with some meat, but I just hate vegetables. I forced them down my throat ever since I was a young boy hoping one day that I'll acquire a taste for them. But I'm 24 years old now and I still hate them. Are they really necessary for a healthy diet?

>> No.12572792

just take supplement pills, retard

>> No.12572796

yes. answer your question?

>> No.12572798

Centrum Silver and Old Milwaukee will keep you alive for a long time.

>> No.12572802

How can you not eat onions with your legumes?

>> No.12572811

Supplements are a boomer scam. You absorb next to nothing from pill form vitamins. Ask any doctor.

>> No.12572821

So you're telling me to ditch the centrum silver and just go straight old milwaukee?

>> No.12572831

Pretty much. You'd get better use out of your money just spending it on beer

>> No.12572834

This isn't true, but A and D need to be converted and have a low shelf-life depending on what type they used. So yeah, they're not nearly as effective as food.

>> No.12572845

Except it is true, retard. Try learning

>> No.12572849

I think you're just autistic and have sensory issues, anon. Grow up.

>> No.12572854

Vegetables are basically just man made plant foods, full of indigestible fiber, cellulose, lechtins, phytates, and various other antinutrients. The vitamins in vegetables come in forms far less bioavailable than their animal counterparts (eg, beta carotene vs vitamin a, heme and non heme iron).

Theres a reason children are somewhat averse to vegetables. Ask yourself, is a food I have to process, apply heat to, and then slather in sauce and oil to even stomach really going to be healthy for me? A tonne of vegetables are literally poisonious raw, or just straight up indigestible.

Why does everyone think these foods (which btw spend months in warehouses and coolstores, sometimes in gases before you even buy them, are healthy? What is healthy about them? They bulk out your stomach to physically prevent you from scoffing kfc?

Vegetables are a scam. Eat your natural human diet.

>> No.12572884

Oh look, a child that never grew up

>> No.12572891
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>eats like a fat child

>> No.12572905

You seem a bit insecure.

>> No.12572910

Yeah but veges make me poop. If I ate nought but meat I would die of an intestinal blockage

>> No.12572914

Says the person who's terrified of vegetables.

>> No.12572941

Replying just confirmed it was you behind both posts. Why are you obsessed with pretending to be mature? Did your parents not give you attention when you were a child?

>> No.12573029
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>> No.12573067
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Did yours?

>> No.12573266

I use vegetables that go with what I'm eating, don't put too many on my plate, and use sauce and seasoning to help cover their lack of flavor. With 3 servings of fruit throughout the day, I manage to get my 5 a day this way

>> No.12573271

Put butter on them

Fry them

I think a lot of people hate vegetables because they were always served boiled and the maybe lightly salted. Well then no shit you don't like them.

>> No.12573276

this is important. I ate boiled broccoli all my life and it sucked. I started frying it and seasoning and now it's one of my absolute favorite things

>> No.12573299
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>Are they really necessary for a healthy diet?
Yes. just steam them and they'll taste better.

>> No.12573499

Supplements can replace them, but don't diss them because of bad experiences.

Veggies can give a lot of flavor if cooked properly. Screw all the salads, there's rarely anything tasty there. But a soup without some veggies in it is a very lousy soup. A side of well cooked cabbage is quite nice. Extra tomato on a pizza adds a lot of flavor. Hot-dog without pickles is inferior to a hot-dog with pickles. Don't diss that stuff.

>> No.12573970

>on a cooking board
>doesn't know there's probably a billion ways to eat vegetables

>> No.12573973

What happens in a persons life were they cant stand veggies, seafood, or anything good foryou

>> No.12573982

The noturious Midwestern/Southern diet. They'll consider potatoes and brocolli drenched in cheese to be good enough.

>> No.12574002

This. Any savoury dish without even a little veggies is gross to me.
If you want to learn to love veggies alone, OP I recommend you look into Asian recipes for vegetables.

>> No.12574024

Just drink 36 fl oz of vegetable juice. Chug it if you hate the taste.

>> No.12574046

wassup sv3rige

>> No.12574060
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>> No.12574200

I get most of those and why they're not for everyone, but carrots and onions? really?