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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 34 KB, 640x360, 29906170001_5996346688001_5996340489001-vs[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12569404 No.12569404 [Reply] [Original]

who has tried this shit? is it any good?

>> No.12569421

What the fuck does cold breaded mean?

>> No.12569426
File: 138 KB, 1080x594, IMG_20190701_141803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12569443

Great thread

>> No.12569446

Can somebody translate this into human?

>> No.12569450
File: 463 KB, 1200x911, 18100CD6-7626-4258-96E3-9427BBE6C194.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12569483

ah yes american culture

>> No.12569555

I have a KFC near my work, I'll pick one up in a couple hours when I leave and post my thoughts here

>> No.12571329

Bump. Also nice trips

>> No.12571424
File: 212 KB, 1288x966, IMG_20190701_204656378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay since this >>12569555 faggot isn't delivering I'm trying this shit out

>> No.12571430

Are you gonna "slap it"?

>> No.12571433
File: 92 KB, 724x966, IMG_20190701_204720351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gotta say this was one of the most underwhelming promotional items I have ever had from a fast food place.
it's literally a regular chicken sandwich with a few cheetos shoved on the bottom. I couldn't even taste the cheeto flavor. I think even the mac and cheetos from BK were better than this. would not reccomend.
mac and cheese and original chicken, however, are still on point.

>> No.12571439

I want to try the Mountain Dew Sweet Lightning

>> No.12571455

It's nasty.

>> No.12571479

Come on, anon, hurry up and solve the connect-the-dots. The suspense is ki

>> No.12571499

do you think they just took that burger out of the oven without touching it and took a picture of it?

>> No.12571508

that's a chicken sandwich,anon, not a burger

>> No.12571529

they do stupid shit like this but they won't bring the double down back. what mouthbreathing ass monkey is in charge of kfc?

>> No.12571600

This is cheaper, just look at it. Cheap as fuck.
The double down has MEAT in it. Not as cheap.
Dont forget who is in charge of your corporations.

>> No.12571643

Trying right now too. It sucks. You taste more butter than cheeto

>> No.12571652

I mean you can easiily make this yourself, just grind up cheetos and use it as breeding.

>> No.12571674

it's not even cheeto breaded. it's literally the same chicken they use for all their other sandwiches with an orange cheeto syrup on it.

>> No.12571715

Translation? Is this good or bad?

>> No.12571734

Daym Drops said it sucked

>> No.12571750

Buns define a burger. Not the meat. Get over it

>> No.12571852
File: 81 KB, 260x283, sodium chloride.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally just get a chicken sandwich and put some cheetos on it

>> No.12571870

A McChicken stuffed with cheetos would unironically taste better. It was an extremely disappointing sandwich

>> No.12572077

been putting jalapeno cheetos on my burgers for awhile now

>> No.12572092

>All these people dumb enough to buy a chicken sandwich with cheetos.

A fool is born everyday.

>> No.12572133


>> No.12572147
File: 17 KB, 300x199, snacker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was the best KFC had
I ate four in a row after school

>> No.12572591

Sounds like seething cope from a tranny who forgot to dilate. Living rent free, have sex.

>> No.12572598

How fart are you? And don't lie. This is an anonymous board anon.

>> No.12572605


>> No.12572611
File: 112 KB, 700x700, 1558771589389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how fart are you

Holy brap

>> No.12572690

He's saying the experience was so good, that after contemplating the components, he is pondering his own life. If so many bad things can make something so good, why is his life not as fulfilling as the sandwich? He may never sort his life out the way he now knows is possible after this experience. We must be more than the sum of our parts.

>> No.12572986

"slappin'" is just the hip new way of saying something is good. the rest of the tweet is straightforward. if you don't understand it you just might be retarded

>> No.12572993

I only fart once a day.

>> No.12572999

>you might just be retarded because none of the rules of grammar are applied here but you have to understand it
Go to a foreign country and try this, see what happens.

>> No.12573017

are you ESL

>> No.12573074
File: 313 KB, 500x346, 1560583620075.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mashed up cheetos ontop of fried chicken
>butter, not mayo, fucking butter underneath a stack of cheetos
>that'll be 4.78$ plus tax sir

>> No.12573519

>rules of grammar
You're obviously not a native English speaker.

>> No.12573535

Seems like a London thing, it's hip with the pakis.

>> No.12573563
File: 5 KB, 365x138, twister.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was the best item KFC ever had, and they got rid of it completely in the US. I have made something similar at home a few times but it just isn't the same.

Forever in the cuckshed, poor Twister.

>> No.12573720

I'm this faggot >>12569555 sorry about that. I went to KFC yesterday to try this sandwich, but it turns out that the KFC was closed down. I was gonna try and get one later today, I think the one across the city isn't closed

>> No.12573722

>if you don't understand it you just might be a non-negro


>> No.12573735

abstain from coitus

>> No.12575443



>> No.12575612

The spicy ones fucked with my stomach lining as a kid. I did eat like 4 too lol.

>> No.12575621

The left still can’t meme

>> No.12575634

A true brainlet posted this

>> No.12575649

>is it any good?
Reviewbrah actually liked it:

>> No.12575675

just buy their chicken strips and make it yourself you lazy fuck.

>> No.12576103

Holy shit, the hell happened to th

>> No.12576113

A fucking autistic Mormon reviewing novelty fast food. What a time to be alive.

>> No.12576254

It's like cold brewed