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12569891 No.12569891 [Reply] [Original]

Whiskey thread. Why is the 12 year old so much better than Glenfiddich 15?

>more pleasant to drink

>> No.12569918

>glenlivet 12 on sale today at the class six for $30
feels good

>> No.12569923


Haven't heard one person say they prefer the 15.

>> No.12570004

bought the 18 year old, was not dissapointed

>> No.12570011

I've had so many single malts I can't even remember what this shit tastes like. It was never high on my list. Any age.

>> No.12570027

the 12 year is my go-to, great single malt
they released a 14-year edition that is really good as well, I liked it better than the 15 year

>> No.12570037
File: 731 KB, 1412x1412, Grant's scotch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too poor for Glenfiddich, but Grant's is probably my favorite blended Scotch.

>> No.12570062


Yeah it's quite understated, nothing jumps out but it's very pleasant to drink.

>> No.12570113


>Over $100 worth of scotch
>Fancy granite counter top indicating nice house/apartment

How much money do you have and what do you do for a living OP?

>> No.12570123


I actually really like Grant's too. It goes down easily and if I want to get drunk it's either Grant's or Russian standard vodka for me. Good choice anon.


I'll need to see if I can get my hands on it. Didn't see it at the store today. How much does the 14 year old go for?


Why does it matter? Just enjoy the whisky!

>> No.12570150


Because it matters I just WANNA KNOW. Tell me. You're on an anonymoose Vietnamese fast food foum who the fuck cares just TELL ME I know you're rich fag

>> No.12570182


I'm not that rich. My dad died last year so about a $1.1 million inheritance and career wise I'm a psychiatrist with about 500k of my own savings. Not married yet and no kids so I can have scotch whenever I want. I'm well off sure but besides the scotch I live fairly modestly. There are you happy now?

>> No.12570193


Ok nice, can you give me $300 to help me cover rent and buy some scotch too? I just got laid off and am having trouble finding a job.

>> No.12570201

>Whiskey Thread
>posts Whisky

>> No.12570215

This is rough posting

>> No.12570224


I don't think so sorry

>> No.12570251
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It should be around $50 for the 750ml. It's what I've gotten it for in Texas.

>> No.12570270


Cheers, I'm not in the USA so I wager it'll be about $70 here. Will keep an eye out.

>> No.12570357

>tfw have 20 bottles of whisky
it is a "collection" right?

>> No.12570367

Can someone recommend me a good blend and a good islay each under $30? I like making scotch cocktails (mainly the Penicilin) but I'd rather not spend a shit ton of money on something im gonna throw syrups and juices in.

>> No.12570375

Sent ;)

>> No.12570394

Do Aldi sell their own brand Glen Marnoch whisky in the states? It is pennies here in the UK and perfectly fine. They do a Highland, Speyside, and Islay single malt

>> No.12570407


Fuck you then stuck up bitch boy faggot, I hope you go bankrupt!

>> No.12570477

If they do I wouldn't know. My state doesn't allow any alcohol in supermarkets

>> No.12570604

For me, it's Talisker

>> No.12570634

no beer even? my state allows beer and wine but no liquor in supermarkets

>> No.12570850

The best cheap islay you could find would be Laphroaig or Ardbeg 10. Both could be found for about $40. Don't think you'll get much cheaper than that honestly.

>> No.12571075

Shieldaig actually makes an Islay single thats 16.99, so I guess I'll stick with that for now

>> No.12571122

you are so right. I got the 15 after the 12 thinking 'oh it has to be even better'.

NOT. 12 is the superior drink

>> No.12571144

Younger whisky in general can sometimes paradoxically taste "better" if you are a fucking pleb that doesn't know what to look for in the taste. It doesn't surprise me that if you're drinking flavorless, bland shit like Glenfiddich, you'd think the younger bottling is superior. I'm the other way around. I won't turn down free scotch, but I'd never order the 12 over the 15 if the choice was mine.

>> No.12571146
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i got this the other day because i hate myself but it actually makes a damn good highball

>> No.12571156

Islay is fucking tiny by comparison to the other regions, so you'll rarely find a cheap single malt coming from there. To be honest, at that price point you are better off drinking a cheap-ish blend like The Famous Grouse or even Johnny Black. Just avoid meme blends like Chivas or J&B and you should be fine with scotch.

>> No.12571161

Older = better is a meme
Single malt = better is a meme

>> No.12571493

>wild turkey
>bulleit (regular/rye)
>bushmill (red/classic)
>knob creek
I've tried these and liked them. What should I give a go next?

>> No.12571726
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>I've tried these and liked them. What should I give a go next?
My current go-to, and you can find it almost everywhere.

>> No.12571748


That's because you're a homosexual that likes the taste of cock

>> No.12571856

whiskey is fucking disgusting. i'll stick to vodka or gin, thank you very much!

>> No.12571959

In my early 20s I thought the same thing.

>> No.12572170
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What is the second worst tasting whisky behind Talisker?

>> No.12572173


Drink 4 bottles of Laphroaig really fast and you'll never have to worry about your childish phenol hatred again.

>> No.12572179

I like peat. Talisker tastes disgusting.

>> No.12572194


No it doesn't. It's amazing, and it's from Skye, but it tastes like it from Islay.

>> No.12572201


>> No.12572211

Laphroaig is the most reddit whisky out there. Don't @ me.

>> No.12572212
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I would go Bowmore, Oban, and Talisker. It's just fine. I don't know what you people are talking about.

>> No.12572220


Laphroiag is the most peated whisky, stop being a fucking child talking about reddit. Why do you kids talk about reddit when we're talking about real things? So fucking disgraceful.

>> No.12572225


>> No.12572239


Well, I have to agree, the Macallan 15 cost me 130 bucks and was THE most disappointing swill I've ever had. It tasted like brandy. Never buy that shit.

>> No.12572250

Buying a Macallan that isn't sherried is like ordering a Bar-S hot dog at a steakhouse.

>> No.12572257


It's still pablum. Those assholes don't know how to make a single malt. Stay away from them go Auchentoshan if you have to.

>> No.12572261

marketing. I find reposado tequilas to be a lot better then the anejos and they cost less, take that from an anon who's drank a lot of them.

>> No.12572267

No, Octomore is the most peated whisky.

>> No.12572273

I'd probably buy Macallan 12 Sherry Oak regularly if it was like $10 less. I find it a lovely dessert dram with a remarkable absence of off-notes. It's just pure pleasantness, flavor-wise. I could see how one would find it bland and would prefer something with more "character", like Glendronach's meatiness, but I think there's a time and place for completely unchallenging drams.

>> No.12572276

That's an acquired taste. I forget the name of it but I bought a bottle of seriously peated whisky and puked on my first shot. The rest went down really smoothy once I knew what it was on about. I'm a quick learner.

>> No.12572279
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never tasted it, you might be right.

>> No.12572287

>taking shots of scotch
lol, maybe if it was fucking dewar's

>> No.12572313

No it wasn't dewar's even I know to avoid that. It was some expensive bottle that I bought on a whim.

>> No.12572323

Joe Devlin (Columbo) - Whiskey in the Jar

>> No.12572330

... from the episode The Conspirators.

>> No.12572336

hahaha, found it.
columbo- the conspirators

>> No.12572338

thats my point, you dont shoot the good stuff.
but like you said, lesson learned.

>> No.12572352

Sometimes one has to spend a bit of money to learn differences aka deltas, compare and contrast so to speak without hanging out in some retard bar.

>> No.12572365

thoughts on the really cheap Old Virginia?

>> No.12572366
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I just got a bottle of Bushmills classic for free. What am I in for and how should I drink it?

>> No.12572420

It's basically a 15$ bottle.
Drink it however you like. Mix it with coke if it pleases you...

>> No.12572440

Yeah it's pretty cheap, but not bad. I'll probably mix it with ginger ale to get crunk on July 4.

>> No.12572448

it's cheap

>> No.12572628
File: 110 KB, 540x720, gfcob.25yo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are the 20yr+ Glenfarclases any good?
I've always eyed them by they cost more than double the price where I am, but have a relative visiting from London that can bring some down for me.
I'm concerned with the whole sulphur thing with the tired sherry casks everyone's been getting and using that's affected the 15yr and 12 to some degree, apparently.

>> No.12572676

>because it is older it is better
you clearly know nothing about whisky. There are many more factors at play than just the age. Cask quality, abv, chill filtering, e150 etc.

>> No.12572692

Just hit 37 stop while you can

>> No.12572698

wild turkey 101 is great, rare bread if you want to spend. Four roses, eagle rare, markers mark

>> No.12573292

Retard here,

I've been thinking about purchasing a bourbon and i'm between Elijah Craig Small Batch or Eagle Rare 10 Years. Which one is better and smoother?

I am considering Sazerac too but I've never tried Rye Whisky (i'm not american) so I dunno if it's smooth or what.

>> No.12573385


Incoming scotch tariffs

>> No.12573411


Rye whiskey is shit. Don't even talk about it with regards to scotch. You don't know this?

>> No.12573587

12 is the best whiskey I know to drink purely desu

>> No.12573641

How does it compare? I think the 12yo has a surprising amount of complexity for a widly available single malt

>> No.12573711

Only tried Jim Beam rye about 10 years ago and really didn't like it. Safe to assume all rye whiskey will be similar in taste?

>> No.12573741


>> No.12573755


US scotch fags how are you gonna cope, by buying bourbon instead?

>> No.12573770

>Rye whiskey is shit.
What's wrong with rye?
I've been eying a bottle, the only rye I can find in my shithole, "bulleit", and all I've gleaned from people is that it's "spicier" and that it may or may not produce a worse hangover than the typical straight bourbon.
So, kentucky bourbon and tennessee whiskey are "sweet" and rye is "spice"?

>> No.12573813

Nah I'd still buy scotch because I'm not fucking poor and bourbon is shit.

>> No.12573913
File: 9 KB, 259x194, plochmans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You feed mass-shooting pills to people who probably only need to be a little drunk and high all the time to function 92%.
Oh sure there's the odd Schizoid and ocassional authentic Bi-Polar victim, but 90% of your 'patients' are bad referrals, created by marketing, or hypochondriacs, and you know it.
How do you plan to suicide when the time comes?

I like jw black like the rest of the poorfags. $35. Only for good ocassions.

>> No.12573917

I honestly don't know this is a good question.

>> No.12574015

Rittenhouse or high west double rye lad
Rittenhouse is sweeter btw

>> No.12574020

>none of my store's single malts are peated
Any decent blends I should look for?

>> No.12574037

>Whiskey from Ireland, cheeses including Parmesan and Gouda, pasta and olives are other items affected.
>whiskey from ireland
>no mention of Scottish whisky
fucking what? are we getting tariffs or not?

>> No.12574377

Is Glenfiddich 12 the best bang for buck whisky?

>> No.12574428


It's not worse, it's not better, its not scotch. Drink what ever the hell you want to. I'm tired of trying to help you people.

>> No.12574442 [DELETED] 

I don't have experience with the older Glenfarclases, but Ralfy says Glenfarclas has a very low rate of sherried bottles because they inspect their casks.

>> No.12574449

I don't have experience with the older Glenfarclases, but Ralfy says Glenfarclas has a very low rate of sulfured bottles because they inspect their casks.

>> No.12574514
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Only ever had ale before. Gotta say I really hate this. I've tried it neat, with water, and with ice. Probably going to try a ginger ale cocktail with it next just so I don't waste it.
Should I try Irish whiskey or just accept that I'm a pussy?

>> No.12574562

It tastes like smoked sausage

>> No.12574574

Irish and bourbon are the most pussy-oriented whiskeys there are so you should definitely give them a shot. That's not saying they're bad, on the contrary I like them

>> No.12574581

No, that’s Glenlivet, Macallan and Aberlour

>> No.12574600
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Not him but ...

>Over $100 worth of scotch
Depends where you live, and where you buy it.
It would cost me 64€ for both where I live. Which is about $72.

>Fancy granite counter top indicating nice house/apartment
Granite is a fickle thing. It can cost an arm and a leg ... or you can get it dirt cheap.
Again depends on your location, and on the type of stone.
I've got granite countertops, and they were cheaper than wood or composite.

>> No.12574601


Yes, it's the headline lol

>> No.12574617


What don't you like about it in particular? It will be easier to recommend something to your tastes

>> No.12574618
File: 92 KB, 1200x1200, wood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just about finished with this bottle ... need something new.
Any recomendations?

>> No.12574677

And Laphroaig tastes like a first aid box with vanilla drizzled on top.

>> No.12574685

Alright, well, I had a few too many samples here trying to pin down just what I don't like about it, and the problem with that is of course how much better everything is after you get some down. I want to say I don't like the acidity of it, but that's not quite right. It's like there's far too much of something going on here. Like how I imagine gasoline would taste, but not good gasoline. Mad Max guzzoline. You know?

>> No.12574770
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Getting buzzed off scotch? You're pretty cute, anon.
>how I imagine gasoline would taste, but not good gasoline. Mad Max guzzoline.
Ah yes, peat. Try Glenfiddich 12 or Glenlivet 18. If you don't like those get any Jameson and some tampons.

>> No.12574784

scotch noob here, I want to try a light to medium peated scotch, any recs? preferably in the 35-50$ range.

>> No.12574827


You may not like the peat aspects, if you want something ligter and fresher go for a Speyside single malt.

>> No.12574838


Caol Ila

>> No.12574895

T-Thanks, you too, anime girl

Ok. I'll try a bottle of Glenfiddich's 12 y/o. Will get back to you if the thread is alive after I wageslave tomorrow. I appreciate the reccomendations.
Now if you'll excuse me I need to slip into something more comfortable. Like a fucking coma.

>> No.12574928

I quit drinking 4 days ago

>> No.12574969

agree w/ the other rec, but i also think it's ok to just go head-first into peat, because generally speaking, you either like it or you don't. in which case, my recs would be laphroaig 10 or especially ardbeg 10 (which is a little more expensive)

>> No.12575013
File: 115 KB, 960x1280, cq5dam.web.1280.1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me it's alberta premium, the best sub $25 canadian rye

>> No.12575180

When will you start again?

>> No.12575250

about 30 minutes from now, when i get home

>> No.12575301


No most of patients range from severe depression,OCD, schizophrenia, borderline/bi-polar and eating disorders. Those are really the major ones I see. I don't plan to commit suicide until I am 75-80. Please stop being upset because you had a bad experience with a psychiatrist. Not all of us are evil god complex assholes that push pills for minuscule problems. That's more of a thing in America. I am not American.

>> No.12575307


Nice. I wish you luck.

>> No.12575514


>> No.12575523

Not until at least August

>> No.12575736

Monkey Shoulder

>> No.12575757

If you want smooth try Four Roses small batch

>> No.12575770
File: 272 KB, 480x360, anon will surely deliver.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only if the UK doesn't leave the EU