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File: 194 KB, 970x545, Power-Rangers-Featured[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.12512[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What do yall fags think about the mighty morphin boom comic?

>> No.12513

It's good.

>> No.12514

Fucking nostalgiafags REEE.
But seriously, I just want a good Lost Galaxy comic.

>> No.12515

I'm afraid of it being influenced by the new movie.

>> No.12516


Implying anyone cares about your fee fees.

>> No.12517

Anyone who has taste should, because Lost Galaxy is one of the few unironically good series. The other being RPM and SPD.

>> No.12518

Oh, and Time Force.
Fuck, always forget Time Force exists.

>> No.12519


Anon, only people care about American Powerful Rangers.

>> No.12520

What about Dino Thunder & In Space?

>> No.12521

Don't remember much about them desu

>> No.12522

better than the movie

>> No.12523

In Space had the hottest evil girl.

>> No.12524
File: 156 KB, 1280x720, Over-Time-Unofficial-Sentai-Akibaranger-2-05-DB449A95.mkv_snapshot_13.37_2013.05.12_11.36.13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Man, I wish Malshina was in the PR comic.

>> No.12525
File: 164 KB, 900x675, the_power_is_on___power_rangers_2017_movie_style_by_bilico86-da2f606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>God Tier: MMPR S1, In Space, Time Force, RPM,

>Great Tier: MMPR S2, ZEO, Lost Galaxy, SPD,

>Good/Okay Tier: Wild Force, DinoThunder, Jungle Fury, Dinocharge/Supercharge, Ninja Steel,

>Lacking/mmeehh Tier: Alien Rangers, Lightspeed Rescue, Ninja Storm, Mystic Force, , Samurai

>Trash Tier: MMS3, Turbo, Operation Overdrive, Reversion(Abortion), Megaforce/SuperMega,

>> No.12526

Forgot to say the comic is awesome, I'm lovin it so far.

>> No.12527
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>> No.12528

>nostalgiafags REEE.
>I just want a good Lost Galaxy comic
I agree tho

>> No.12529
File: 83 KB, 640x632, MMPR13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm honestly digging the Ranger sentries even though I don't like tacticool shit

>> No.12530

I think he meant Geewunners
Transformers has them, Pokemon has them (they call the Genwunners though), and Power Rangers has them.

>> No.12531


I think it's unfair to lump the Neo Saban seasons together. For as bad as Megaforce was, Super Megaforce was far worse, and Dino Supercharge was also a noticeable downturn in quality.

>> No.12532

Shit looks cash

>> No.12533

Lost galaxy is the fucking RSE of Power Rangers except it's actually worthwhile.

>> No.12534

>Super Megaforce was far worse
Jesus fuck, just how bad is it?
Megaforce was already bad enough to make me remember Turbo fondly.

>> No.12535

>Jesus fuck, just how bad is it?

Same level of shit quality, but what makes it extra awful is that the sentai it uses is an anniversary special with multiple rangers across the eras, but the fuckers were to lazy to do anything decent with it making it biggest waste of potential you ever seen.

>> No.12536

the tacticool design from the comic is still managed to look sleek than the movie reboot design

>> No.12537

Is the art in the rest of the comic as good as the one picture I keep seeing posted? I have zero nostalgia for PR but I really dig how cool the costumes look

>> No.12538
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-Most of the characters are fleshed out while staying true to the originals
-Tommy's role in the team actually being questioned
-Zord action is great
-Greater scope for the rangers to use now that they're not limited by Sentai footage
-Goldar has the perfect blend of Season 1 and Season 2 characterization
-Original Ranger designs are actually pretty good
-Some of the most beautiful cover art I've ever seen

-Art can be lazy at times
-Monster designs can be generic with a few exceptions
-Zack's not as fun as he should be
-MMPR Pink is lackluster
-Alternate Universe Rita's method of domination may come off as outdated in a few years


>> No.12539

> just how bad is it?
Lazy. Simply lazy.


>> No.12540
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>> No.12541
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It's pretty nice seeing that the Sentries' weapons are just militarized versions of the original Power Ranger weapons.
The Mastodon Sentries' rifle is an exaggeration of the gun component of the Power Axe

>> No.12542


No hope if it's anything like the Pink mini-series

>> No.12543


I've liked what I've read. Not up to date on it though.

I'd like to see them try a different season. Alien Rangers perhaps? They never really got a proper season.


I've been watching them in order and am about to start Ninja Storm. Exactly how bad is it? I didn't really enjoy Wild Force.

>> No.12544

Power Rangers and Supaidaman crossover?

>> No.12545

Power Rangers VS Sentai?

>> No.12546

Issue 14
>As our heroes fight to reclaim the Command Center, Tommy and Billy work with the resistance to defend against Lord Drakkon and his sentries.
>Issue 15
Zordon’s fate is revealed leading to some surprising developments for Drakkon’s world and the old sage himself.

>Issue 16
The villainous Lord Drakkon wields the power of Saba against the Green Ranger as the Power Rangers fight for the survival of two worlds!

Annual 2017
>The future of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers starts here as Tommy makes a choice that will have huge consequences for the team; Black Power Rangers from across parallel dimensions meet to face off against a deadly foe; and all-new secret origins revealed!

Higgins also confirmed a Zordon issue like the Zack and Billy ones during an interview with Ranger Danger.

>> No.12547


Power Rangers/Masked Rider crossover continuing on the plot from 'A Friend in Need' in MMPR season 3. Eventually leading to a Masked Rider spinoff comic.

>> No.12548

I remember Lightspeed Rescue being really good...probably my favourite next to In Space and Time Force. I'm really behind, is RPM really that good?

>> No.12549

Silly Anon, Marvel doesn't do crossovers anymore
That shitty Attack on Avengers """"crossover""""" doesn't count
/tv/ called it "Lightspeed Comfy" during the twitch marathon
It was perhaps the only time they wanted a black man to get a white woman

>> No.12550
File: 80 KB, 280x446, autism rangers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mighty Morphin has the single best costumes of the entire series
>the film has these fucking abortions

>> No.12551

Well Gold/Silver were the best pokemans games. And not saying Mighty Morphin was the best story, but mighty morphin had the best costumes and the effects for the japanese footage were great, something that started to look like shit post 2000

>> No.12552

I really regret not tuning in to watch more of the stream. I feel like I really missed out. Everyone I know hates PR, so it's nice to see other people enjoying it again.

>> No.12553

It would have been better story-wise if Tommy had gone bad as the White Ranger instead of long before, because what the fuck, the Falconzord was there?

But aside from that, fucking raw, love it.

>> No.12554

Monsters look like shit but everything else looks pretty good, and the fact they chose the team with the best costumes

>> No.12555

>-Zack's not as fun as he should be

Implying Zack isn't just a placeholder for the best ranger, Adam

>> No.12556
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It was a fun time to be in those /tv/ threads with a good number of Anons going in blind.
Astronema waifuing, Zhaneposting, murderposting, Shadow Ranger hype (/tv/'s /prg/ fucking loved Kruger), that picture of Carlos with the loli's head getting blown up in space, RPM delivering the hype, etc

>> No.12557

new and actually good power rangers content?

>> No.12558

Is RPM really that good? I've never seen it.

>> No.12559
File: 63 KB, 776x547, 1489568246808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zack has Hip Hop kido
Adam didn't
Adam is a frog

>> No.12560

Man, I was upset that Zack didn't dance in the new movie. It would've been cool if he had an interest in dancing and took dance classes or something.

>> No.12561

>Power Rangers geewunners
>Being elitist about shoe-string, derivative, bastard child of Sentai
Power Rangers nostalgiafags disgust me on some level. I understand feeling alienated by later seasons, but if you're going to be some kind of "purist" about it, you should just go straight into Japanese Sentai shows.
Later Power Rangers seasons just as valid, and probably do a better job of translating the genre.

>Lost Galaxy
I remember that. It was my guilty pleasure when I was in middle school.
Or early high school, I don't remember exactly.

>> No.12562

It's Terminators meets Power Rangers using footage from a comedy Sentai
It has a likable cast of characters, a well amount of use of original footage, and a great blend of humor and drama.
They even found a good in show reason for the anime eyes the zords have (in Go-Onger they are sentient) that blends perfectly with the plot without making it seem silly after it is revealed

>> No.12563
File: 94 KB, 944x727, 1489877171560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Falconzord was probably brought by Ninjor and the Alien Rangers for the war
Drakkon was originally just going to be a white ranger but Higgins decided a hybrid would make more sense

>> No.12564

I dunno about "more sense," but it looks awesome. Just like going with all-green rangers as a stunt, it's a cool creative thing that would have been prohibitive budget-wise to do on TV, but is more within the means of a comic.

>> No.12565

>Exactly how bad is it?

It depends on how much you dislike the idea of more comedy in PR. Because it's a pretty light-hearted series with a ton of jokes, and for some people it went too far with it. Also the characters are kinda shit (except Cam).

>> No.12566
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Goldar is cute

>> No.12567
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You're either going to find Lothor to be hilarious villain or you'll find him to be a shitty villain

>> No.12568


I understand where you're coming from, talking about the writing.

But Mighty Morphin has the best aesthetics. Best looking costumes, best looking zords, most exciting method of morphing (Fuck wrist and cellphone morphers so fucking much)...

>> No.12569

Exactly. Lothar really got on my nerves but it was lacking bc of the characters. Only one with a real arc was Cam, the time travel gave him really good conflict too.

>> No.12570


RPM was so hype during the marathon. All the episodes that focused on each ranger and Dr. K was one of the best episodes in all of the seasons.

>> No.12571

>Adam is a frog
>listing a positive as a negative

>> No.12572

He got kissed by a hot bikini lady with abs in the movie for being a frog.

>> No.12573

I remember watching Ranger Blue (it was so memorable, I actually know the episode name), and thinking it genuinely deserved some kind of award. It was just plain fucking good television.


>> No.12574

>Not loving Shadow Ranger

He was a ball of Rage and Awesome Swordmanship

>> No.12575

Frog was also the only zord in the movie with a decent solo attack, with the electric tongue shit.

>> No.12576

Lightspeed is super comfy, but to me it's lacking bc of the villians, not strong in my opinion.

RPM is really that good imo. 3rd rewatch. Series institutes increasingly good twists and perfect level of meta for about goofy neon teens fighting evil, also really bleak but funny.

>> No.12577

Reminder that Ziggy and Dr. K's actors got married.
And are now divorced

>> No.12578
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>Shitting on the Frog


>> No.12579

Well, the falcon had those wing missiles.

The bear fucking sucked the hardest though. "Time to boogie with the bear!" Instantly fucking smacked aside.

>> No.12580

I should've said "only Zord that doesn't belong to Tommy" because of fucking course Tommy gets finger missiles again.

>> No.12581


SSOOooooo you're telling me there's a chance?

>> No.12582

Is Saban done sucking JDF's dick?

>> No.12583

And he made an alien dog suit look cool
Nobody on /tv/ made fun of the suit after the 100 mook slaughter introduction

>> No.12584


Another kino scene.

>> No.12585
File: 133 KB, 1920x1080, 140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>New Sentai season has a Dragon Themed Purple Ranger who is the commander of all the Rangers

It depends on how desperate Saban is for nostalgia dollars.

>> No.12586

>JDF goes to the early screening of the Power Rangers movie
>With Saban and Lionsgate executives
>Thinks he could get away with taking out his phone to record his cameo on the screen
>Gets kicked out of the movie theater later

>> No.12587

Could the Thunderzords been better pulled off?

They were really shafted thanks to Saban mixing Zyu2 and Dairanger footage, it feels like they really were robbed of anything that could have made them cool, save for the Red Dragon's solo-fight and the Tigerzord's introduction.

>> No.12588

Whaaat no way

>> No.12589
File: 237 KB, 853x480, Vlcsnap-2011-11-11-21h09m26s127.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well it helped that it was less shit than Dekaranger's Doggie suit in the first place.

>> No.12590


They better not.


I chortled heartily when I heard about that. His entire fucking life is a midlife crisis. He's that guy who still wears his varsity jacket from high school while pushing 35yrs old but instead it's a Power Rangers helmet.

>> No.12591

They were comparatively pretty lame due to, you know, not being dinosaurs. But if you had to have a solo zord to yourself, I've always said Red Dragon Thunderzord would be a good choice. Flight, animal mode, humanoid mode, is a fucking dragon. That thing had it going on.

>> No.12592

Not really. The auxiliary DaiRanger Beasts never really did much and the Dragon only had it's own warrior mode because their was a storyline in the first 10 episodes where the other 4 wouldn't fuse with it because a previous owner of the Dragon had betrayed them. Though naturally, they did lose footage because they couldn't use any scene where the Dairangers actually rode them

>> No.12593

I like the Thunderzords but you're right
Most of their individual powers were less interesting
Instead of shooting grappling horns, the Blue Ranger's zord launched rocks
Instead of freezing enemies, the Black Ranger's zord did literally nothing
https://www.facebook com/jasondfrank/videos/10154510264151687/

>> No.12594

Tommy's fanfic wild ride

>> No.12595


Are they desperate enough to skip Zyuohger?

>> No.12596


The level of acting in RPM is so good and then to compare it against Samurai/Megaforce is night and day.

It's crazy how terrible the acting is in the more recent seasons.

>> No.12597

I wonder how his daughter feels?
>TFW my dad won't stop talking about Power Rangers
>TFW my dad won't stop trying to make my friends like Power Rangers
>TFW he hasn't been in an actual MMA match for years and has only been in one of them

>> No.12598

Link no worky, but thanks. Not sure I'd have the heart to follow if it did anyway,

>> No.12599

I can't watch it. These have to be the worst Zord designs in the series.

>> No.12600
File: 131 KB, 898x614, Tommyfags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you converted yet?
http://www.freewebs com/churchofoliver/

>> No.12601

Isn't the dude still way more financially well off compared to most other former PR actors?

>> No.12602

>Will they skip Zyohger

They skipped Go Busters and they skipped ToQger. Now they get to choose between a season which they didn't have a lot of say in, or a season where Toei literally asked them to help with the designs AND is also set in Space.

It's pretty obvious they're skipping Zyuohger

>> No.12603

Why is that? Is it just some kind of boner for being in one match and winning, so you never want to do another so you can say you're undefeated?

... because I think I've done that kind of thing, beating a friend in a basketball game and then never wanting to play again because i'm pretty sure I'd lose.

>> No.12604

They will bc of the sheer fucking budget pulling off Space Rangers will take with ANOTHER 12 ranger season.

>> No.12605

That's because the period after facebook is missing for obvious reasons

>> No.12606


But the kids nowadays like Minecraft, and Zyuohger has Minecraft robots.

And is actually good unlike Kyuranger.

>> No.12607

I wouldn't be surprised. Even if he just bargained for a single point on one of the movies or likeness rights or distribution...

>> No.12608

>It's prom night
>He drops her off while wearing the green ranger suit
>It's tight and ill fitting.

>Graduation day
>Wears the suit with a tie

>Wedding day
>She's forced to make green one of the colors for the wedding
>He wears the suit with a tie again


I'd argue that's Johnny Yong Bosch.

>> No.12609

>TFW Nickelodeon has limited Power Rangers to 20 episodes per season
Disney screwed them over, Nick screwed them over, Cartoon Network screwed them over.
Looks like Netflix has to save the day again

>> No.12610

To be fair, he's actually won 5 fights, the other 4 were amateur. And he's actually over 40 now.

>> No.12611

Zyouhger still didn't do amazing enough in sales to justify using it over the series that basically has everything that Saban wants.

>> No.12612
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Hearty keks Anon

>> No.12613

There's a lot in those pages that didn't make sense, but it doesn't matter in the long run:

-They somehow made the Thunder Zords at some point, despite the fact that they were getting their asses kicked for most of this time, so they wouldn't have time to upgrade the Zords.
-Phantom Ranger's there, so we should assume he could have brought along the second set of Turbo Zords, or the Delta Megaship.
-Ninjor's there, but we only see the Falcon Zord, and no other Zords from his period.
-Zordon calls in the Phantom Ranger, Ninjor, and the Alien Rangers, but can't get the Megavoyager to Earth. From what they mention in the show, he should fucking know where it is, and should even have the keys or at least spares.

>> No.12614
File: 185 KB, 592x800, Zyu3zords.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that we could've had this
Also, thoughts on the current Justice League crossover?

>> No.12615
File: 45 KB, 670x373, For_the_Man_Who_Has_Everything.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even after being a globetrotting superhero for a little while, Billy still feels so insecure that he stays Morphed under his clothes when he goes to school

This poor kid. Loving his arc so far, looking forward to watching him get more confident.

>> No.12616

ASStronema MY Q U E E N

>> No.12617
File: 1.12 MB, 864x1311, Uo9VSAw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't they upgrade to Thunderzords on the fly in the show?

>> No.12618

How did Ninjor even have the Falconzord? I thought the Ninja powers were specifically the spirit animals of the Ranger team, why would corresponding animal zords already exist?

>> No.12619

Well, that is impressive. But you won't see me refraining from making fun of people who've done more than their life than I have. This is 4chan, god dammit.

>> No.12620

Why would it include the Triceratops power coin?

>> No.12621

He kidnaps Billy and steals his coin in the comic.

>> No.12622

So what's his Zord?

>> No.12623
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You could say I'm "redpilled".

>> No.12624
File: 970 KB, 500x375, mmprzords.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got back from the movie. I'm not ashamed to admit that when they started playing the theme, with all the Zords running in formation, I got a little bit of a chill. My roommate thought it was hokey, and they're probably right, but I thought it overdue. It's a Power Rangers movie, it was only going to get so far without embracing the silliness of the concept.

>> No.12625


Maybe one day Amazon Prime USA will finally fucking release Kamen Rider Amazons, and Netflix will need a Power Rangers series to compete.

>> No.12626

Ah shit I forgot that, I mostly remembered Billy and Goldar's interactions from then. It's been a few months.

>> No.12627


This >>12617 is actually his Zord

>> No.12628

It's a shame they went the DCEU muted colors and dark interpretations route instead of the Guardians of the Galaxy "Fuck yeah I want to drive a giant dinosaur robot and beat a monster's ass!" route.

>> No.12629 [SPOILER] 
File: 51 KB, 324x499, 1491030061569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno, it's just a variant cover.
I just wanted to post it because I thought it was cool how it took a Boom Comic original and simplified its design to look like it appeared in the show
See >>12617

The plot twist is that it's actually a modified Dragonzord that he's been controlling remotely
I have a suspicion he may have a second zord, a "Drakkonzord" as cheesy as that may sound because of the variant cover of him holding his helmet and a zord is reflecting off it

>> No.12630

Ninja Storm is fucking awesome and better than literally all of the shows in the Good/Okay tier except maybe Dino Thunder

>> No.12631


>> No.12632

At some point I remember the guy cut his green ranger suit (spandex) and started selling chunks of it to "fans" for like $50 a piece.

Yeah, look it up, the guy is weird.

>> No.12633

Muted colors isn't so much the problem as "Armor is more realistic than spandex, let's make it all super-busy Guyver-style bio-organics that doesn't even really look like dinosaurs.

>> No.12634
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>TFW Mystic Force was shit
I can't tell what's worse, the show or the theme song?
The guy's bloodshot
Hoping this is a sign he's capable of moving on

>> No.12635

True, that is also a problem. The Zyuranger suits really are my favorite helmets from the entire series, dammit.

>> No.12636

I'll give you it MIGHT belong in the Okay tier, but Lothar was insufferable by n large; THOUGH they finally brought extreme sporting rangers. Too bad those rangers are a lil flat except Cam

>> No.12637

>I can't tell what's worse, the show or the theme song?

>> No.12638


Still better than

Watch five fingers reaching for the sky in five ways, five heroes walking through the sun for five days

>> No.12639


>> No.12640

At least it's not Overdrive
Speaking about Overdrive, I wonder how Higgins would write it.
Despite how he never really watched Power Rangers beyond the MMPR era, he said on twitter that Overdrive is a season he would want to write other than MMPR
Higgins said it best.
They're elegant, simple, and iconic.
They're not cluttered with "bells and whistles" as other suits have it.

>> No.12641

>The Zyuranger suits really are my favorite helmets from the entire series, dammit.

Mine too.

I also don't really like any morphing sequence except the original with the dinobucklers, so the fact that they just have colored rockchips for "power coins" and they don't actually hold them out and shout to morph and the coins just awkwardly sit at the suit's bellybutton rather than as a legit belt buckle all really bugs me.

>> No.12642

You should hear the demo version of that shit. It could have been a lot fucking worse.


>> No.12643

In Space best intro

>> No.12644

He can't get a real fight cause he is fucking 40.

>> No.12645
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>TFW black stole a banner for a make a wish charity at morphicon


>> No.12646
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>When the most aesthetic suits in years weren't brought to America

>> No.12647

>They actually used "It's Morphin Time"
>They actually used the word Zord numerous times
>Don't bring it to the west

>> No.12648

I'm praying to fuck that they use the next movie to introduce morphers so they don't have to be in the base to morph and so the toys won't be irrelevant. Also bust a nut nolstalgia rollcall

>> No.12649

I wasn't saying he should still be in the game, just wondering why he only did one official fight. Although apparently he did more.

>> No.12650

You can blame Nick's "only 20 episodes" a year shit and then the retards at Saban trying to pull off an anniversary series by kitboshing it with a fucking other series.

>> No.12651

The DinoThunder morphing sequence was lit af

>> No.12652


Pick your favorite transformation

>> No.12653

I just really don't like wrist and cellphone morphers, or morphers that aren't attached to the costume in any way and just disappear, aesthetically. The MMPR morphers being the belt buckles is the coolest part of the costume for me.

>> No.12654
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I mean, we sort of did.

>> No.12655

Its not like it really matters if the suits in the film were good or not since they are actually on screen with the helms maybe 2 min of the running time.

>> No.12656

>Netflix will need a Power Rangers series to compete

Adi Shankar is developing an R rated Power Rangers reboot for Netflix.

If that goes ahead and is successful then I could see them trying to buyout the rights for future Power Rangers seasons.

>> No.12657

Shankar's thing, assuming it's even real, is supposed to be animated, isn't it?

That's so fucking weird, the idea of Saban approving of an R-rated cartoon.

>> No.12658

>Guy who did Power/Rangers
Please no

>> No.12659

I forget how the Ninja powers worked in the show instead of the movie.
I'll chalk it up to Zordon telling him the desperation and being the master of contingencies.

>> No.12660

>TFW it didn't get remastered

>> No.12661

>Watching through Gekiranger after seeing bits of Jungle Fury during the marathon

God damn, it's funny how neutered it is. I mean, the Gekirangers help get a guy fucking murdered because it's historically accurate.

>> No.12662

I guess deep down he just really likes spending time with his family
He did leave Dino Thunder temporarily to spend more time with them
His daughter even dressed up like Dino Thunder Black on Halloween when she was just a kid

>> No.12663

Ha ha, what a fucking washed-up loser!

Oh my god I'm so alone.

>> No.12664

I'm just sayin', like, the falcon was so tied to Tommy that even in Zeo after the ninjazords are long gone, he's seeing a falcon on his stupid "guess what, you're actually an Indian" spirit quest.

In a universe where Tommy never stopped being the evil green ranger, how the fuck?

Also, and mind you this ALSO contradicts the idea that they're based on the team's unique spirit animals, but the wiki claims that the Ape is the one that was Ninjor's zord before the Rangers showed up. (I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out that Rocky is the only one who got a hand-me-down because he's so generic he doesn't have an animal spirit of his own...)

>> No.12665

He's also a minivan.
And he lost his colonial girlfriend to Tommy's clone.

>> No.12666

Power/Rangers was trash worth watching purely for the trainwreck effect.

Ignoring how he completely fucks up the already loose canon (how has Zack even met Divatox, let alone turned her into his sex toy? If Rocky's there, where are Aisha and Adam? What about Kat? etc etc), he doesn't even get the character motivations right.

Rocky was never a loner outsider, he was second-in-command throughout his tenure, and had great relations with everyone else. Bulk and Skull, post S1, were mostly harmless comic relief, and grew to befriend the Rangers. Fuck me, their Spartacus moment is still one of the best scenes in the franchise. And you turn them into meth-head traitors?

Power/Rangers is what happens if you give a 13-year-old creative control over a reboot. A tryhard edgy reboot that thinks it's much smarter than it is, and awkwardly tries to shoehorn as many references and 'wow' moments as it can.

>> No.12667

>Lost Galaxy season finale
>Deviot merged with Trakeena
>Decides to have suicide bombers as the last resort
>Villimax's honor goes against her wishes after saving a child who gave him flowers in return
>She kills Villimax who could've killed her but chose not to and instead says "You've learned nothing" before fading away
>As Villimax gets beaten up, Kegler tries to mend him but is scorned away by Trakeena
>She crushes the flowers right before Villimax fades away
>Kegler starts mourning his death until Trakeena commands him to go back to his position
>Their ship crashes
>Kegler dies as a result
>This all happened after Deviot merged with her
Trakeena was already getting more sinister but damn, Deviot was a fucking bastard

>> No.12668

I still don't understand why the Turbo powers and zords were even built. Every other time, their powers were destroyed. This time, they just walk in the command center one day and Zordon goes, "Hey, y'know those magic crystals we currently use that are still growing in strength? FUCK 'EM! How 'bout cars?"

>> No.12669

Power/Rangers was meant to be a parody of edgy remakes but everyone took it seriously and wanted more of it

>> No.12670

>is supposed to be animated, isn't it?

Supposedly yes.
Apparently it's his next passion project after Castlevania.

It's the 2nd attempt at an animated Power Rangers show after Disney tried to get one off the ground.

>> No.12671

Writers couldn't think of an excuse and they were running out of Ohranger footage to use and Carranger (a comedy Sentai) was next
Didn't help that stakes were lower since the main villain was a space pirate instead of an actual ruler and they added a kid as the blue ranger.
Should've just said "Zeo powers are getting too powerful, too much power is dangerous"

>> No.12672

Pretty good stuff.



>> No.12673

>Apparently it's his next passion project after Castlevania.

And yet on his facebook he's wasting time with shit like "Hey, what should I make a fanfilm of next, Mortal Kombat or Tekken?"

>> No.12674

Maybe due to the dire straits of Rita and evil Tommy taking over the world the Rangers were using both the Thunderzords and Ninjazords simultaneously. Ninjor did cameo after all
And the Falconzord was supposed to be Jason's animal spirit zord once he became White Ranger?

And its not like we ever found out which animal spirit Jason would have had.

>> No.12675

Maybe Tommy and Jason had the same spirit animal. Maybe they were, you know, two spirited, if you follow me.

>> No.12676

>Zordon sends the rangers on a mission to secure the Mega Voyager Zords and hide them

>Time Force travels back to stop a villain from killing the original rangers

>The Rangers meed their predecessors from another planet, Power Rangers Dynaman

>A day in the life of Ninjor and his buddy Auric.

>20 years later Billy meets up with his old friends and recalls his adventures as the Phantom Ranger.

>20 years later, Zack is an attorney, his first client, Cole Evans.

>> No.12677


And it has Lord Zedd, who is the best-designed villian in American Power Rangers history.

>> No.12678
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>tfw I'm the only one who likes Kyuranger
Why doesn't anyone else like it?

>> No.12679

Lucky is that bad and we're going to be at 11 Rangers soon when we've barely had any focus episodes, and too many episodes have revolved around Lucky.

>> No.12680
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>tfw grooving to Mystic Force theme
Honestly see no real problem with it.

>> No.12681

Right now it feels like its trying to move a breakneck pace to try and introduce its huge cast.

>> No.12682

I bet you like Turbo too you fucking fag

>> No.12683

hahaha what the fuck

>> No.12684

Jokes on you, I don't. That shit ain't grooving material. Now SPD and Jungle Fury on the other hand...

>> No.12685

>And it has Lord Zedd, who is the best-designed villian in American Power Rangers history.

That's not how you spell Divatox.

>> No.12686

The only good thing he has ever made was Dredd

>> No.12687


I meant what I said and I said what I meant. If you disagree with me, MEET ME IN THE PIT.

>> No.12688


Super Sentai already had a problem with having too many characters to juggle when the groups were 3 to 5 people (with newer shows getting to the sixth way too quickly). Kyurangers ups the ante to a ridiculous degree. They have barely introduced some of the main cast and they're already adding two more.

>> No.12689
File: 509 KB, 418x326, 1489986583777.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It sure did

>> No.12690
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Jungle Fury may've been neutered but fuck did I love RJ. He's a high ranking ranger in eyes.

>> No.12691

Adam says there is a scene cut from the film where he and the black chick get their powers destroyed in a fight

>> No.12692

>God Tier: MMPR S1
This is pure nostalgia, that show was crap

>> No.12693

black>people anon its what they do

>> No.12694
File: 386 KB, 1870x1403, Power_Rangers_In_Space_-_Zordon%27s_Final_Scene_0002[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like a man on drag

>> No.12695

I always thought it was funny how in the movie Kat morphed just before hitting the water and that somehow cancelled it out and she nearly drowned

I always figured that the Zeo powers just weren't water proof

>> No.12696


10/10 would read a spinoff comic series about the villains in drag.

>> No.12697

The Kaiju is lackluster. Still, i fear that their only focus heavily on PR that their will forgot about Kaiju

>> No.12698

The only reason I'll agree Dino Charge belongs in Good/Okay instead of Great is because of that fucking final battle and ending. Christ, what a load of shit.
Also a bit salty Heckly didn't asspull the dark energem into making him the Talon Ranger. I can't be the only one who thought they were going for that shit.

>> No.12699

>swiss alps rangers

>> No.12700

>gets kicked out of the film for taking a picture of the cameo where he takes a picture of megazord

top kek

>> No.12701
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>not Vypra from Lightspeed Rescue
Good joke, faggot.

>> No.12702

Anyone else think that, despite its overall shittiness, Turbo had the best Wasserman music? It was one of the last seasons to really feature his stuff, and since the movie featured a lot of it, I think he had more time to polish the tunes.

>> No.12703

Dino Thunder gets ranked in the top three consistently.

>> No.12704

personally I figure they were originally going to have Lord Drakkon be an alternate Zack(since they had established that Rita tried to get him to be the Green Ranger before she recruited Tommy), and they ended up changing things around for some reason or another

>> No.12705

someone at Bandai recently indirectly confirmed that Zyuohger is probably going to be skipped, mostly because it's mecha wouldn't be able to be easily made compatible with the Zord Builder System that is considered to be a core selling point of the main Power Rangers toylines

do remember that Tommy's first Zord in Zeo was also a Falcon

would make for a fun story for one of the Zordon era Rangers(I nominate Billy) to have to recruit a new team of Rangers using the still existent Zeo equipment during the time between the end of In Space and Lightspeed Rescue on Earth

>The Rangers meed their predecessors from another planet, Power Rangers Dynaman
reminds me of my Alternate History idea that revolved around Power Rangers starting out with a Maskman adaptation instead of a Zyuranger one, in this version of the Power Rangers universe at least a couple of the Goranger through Flashman teams would be repurposed later on as being teams from other planets

>> No.12706

>do remember that Tommy's first Zord in Zeo was also a Falcon

That was a phoenix. The Zeozords had a weird sort of mishmashed mythology and monuments theme. The others were Taurus the bull, the Sphinx, an Easter Island head, a fertility goddess statue, and a pyramid.

>> No.12707
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>tfw you will never be chosen to become a Power Ranger

>> No.12708

I never had any "attitude" as a teenager. I'd have been NEET Ranger

>> No.12709

Remember the original crooked cops SPD squad?
That's what I would've been. I doubt I'd have enough willpower to not get corrupted by newfound gifts.

>> No.12710

technically the Zeozords were only labled with numbers, not proper names(Tommy's was Zeozord V)

>> No.12711

If you want to be contrarian, say Ivan Ooze.

>> No.12712

You mean patrician