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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12561942 No.12561942 [Reply] [Original]

Guess what I made tonight

>> No.12561958
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Forgot my sautée mixture

>> No.12561964
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>> No.12561966

a lot of unnecessary cleanup?
really though why so many bowls?

>> No.12561972


You made a blog post?

>> No.12561978
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I like to do all my prep beforehand and have everything organized to I can focus on the actual cooking. Just the way I work.

>> No.12561986
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Set aside with juices

>> No.12562000
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Get sauce going

>> No.12562012
File: 926 KB, 1975x2046, 747FFB37-77D1-47CD-B70F-4568399FC30E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shrimp in, basil, parsley in

>> No.12562062

Keep going I'm about to climax

>> No.12562071
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all together now

>> No.12562076
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Shrimp Fra Diavolo A Angel Hair al dente

It was spicy yet delectable

>> No.12562090
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Fuck I fugged up the most important pic

>> No.12562095

Are you gay?

>> No.12562097
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Enjoyed it with this bread from an Italian bakery in the Bronx

>> No.12562103
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No but it’s okay if you think I am

>> No.12562126

Looks decent enough anon. I'd gladly bring the wine and eat it with you

>> No.12562176

No reason to chop up basil. Your retarded pasta water isn't even boiling.

Pan is too dry. Should use more oil. And why the fuck are you calling some fucking pepper "coating" you nonce. There's literally no reason to coat in pepper, just add the pepper as you're cooking.

I'm not sure what you were trying to accomplish here.

There's no way this sauce was simmering for long enough.

The pasta looks weird and wet, probably overcooked, I don't know why but I'm sure you fucked it up somehow. At no point did I see you add any wine or butter the recipe. Just kill yourself.

>> No.12562211

Thanks anon

Just a couple of retorts here:
-The water was bubbling over the top when I put the pasta in. Everyone knows that once you dunk the pasta in the water, the bubbles settle
-It’s not dry. Shrimp was coated in oil and there was a light splash of it in the pan. This is supposed to be a light dish and there’s no need to make it oily.
-onions were sautéed first, then Garlic and oregano, then white wine went in to reduce for a bit before adding DOP San Marzano tomatoes (if you even know what these are). It simmered for close to an hour.
-the pasta is shiny because after I drained it, I put it back in the pot and mixed in some butter, pecorino, a little olive oil, and some spoonfuls of the sauce

I would call you an asshole but I attribute your ignorant assumptions due to the fact that you were not there cooking it with me and could observe the process. Good day sir.

>> No.12562214
File: 85 KB, 500x310, suicide-is-badass-me-irl-18066774.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's literally a measuring cup with wine in it in his op picture. You probably posted this while eating cold ravioli out of a can.Neck yourself.

>> No.12562226

If putting pasta in is causing it to stop boiling it's not hot enough, retard. It is dry despite your faggot oil coating. An hour is not long enough to properly reduce a tomato sauce, dumbass. The pasta looks like it's coated in water, not butter and sauce. Probably because you fucked up the ratios, overcooked the pasta, and your sauce itself was too watery. I'm glad I wasn't there to observe your colossal fuck up you goddamn homo.

>> No.12562256

Literally have sex

>> No.12562287

>An hour is not long enough to properly reduce a tomato sauce, dumbass

>> No.12562382

looks good

>> No.12564355

Bump to show cooking

>> No.12564373

Ignore this retard
Really good looking meal OP!

>> No.12564374

Damn, OP got absolutely rekt.

>> No.12564389

Get the fuck off this board.

>> No.12564400

The /ck/ sticky should be how to take proper macro shots of food, y'all always cook something I know is gunna taste great but present it like dog slop

>> No.12564431

Pasta has no sauce in it. Get out.

>> No.12564437

Also I'm gay if that helps

>> No.12564484

Rather than split the prawns use a small blade and make an incision near the front, just behind the head plate, you can then pull out the DT without ruining the appearance.

>> No.12564491

You'd have done better to allow the prawns to marinade and the pasta was not cooked nearly long enough.

>> No.12564508

dry brine
> there's one technique that we've found improves all shrimp, regardless of cooking method: a quick brine of salt and baking soda. It may sound minor, but the combination works wonders: the salt helps keep the shrimp nice and moist as they cook, while alkaline baking soda delivers a crisp, firm texture. You're looking for about 1 teaspoon of kosher salt and 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda for every pound of shrimp; give it a quick toss and rest the shrimp in the fridge for anywhere from 15 minutes to about an hour.
-serious eats

it does make a real difference imo

i'm sure that's pretty delicious. good job. also save some herbs to put on fresh at the end next time

>> No.12564553

Should have cooked the pasta in the sauce after draining instead of stupidly coating it in oil. The typical pasta error of a shitty home cook. Other than that, it was ok, but that was a serious mistake.

>> No.12564606

you're trying way too hard.

>> No.12565344


>> No.12565602

You're not trying hard enough.

>> No.12565615

Bread looks great

>> No.12565628

A piece of paper and some unopened pasta looks great to you?

>> No.12565632

Are you the holy candle fucker?

>> No.12565637

Fuck off dumbass.

>> No.12565655

What the fuck is bronx

>> No.12565661

Its in new york retard, martin sheen says iy in the godfather

>> No.12565665

Martin sheen isn't in the godfather.

>> No.12565670

He is the Goodfather

>> No.12565682

That's Marlon Brando. How the hell am I supposed to remember all of the bakeries the fat shit mentioned in the movie.

>> No.12565696

He wasnt a goodfellah, drop the gun, take the connollys

>> No.12567123

Hi tiki

>> No.12567445

>If putting pasta in is causing it to stop boiling it's not hot enough

>> No.12567904

Cooking pasta isn't hard. If don't have the brain cells to know how to maintain a boiling pot of water, you probably shouldn't go near a kitchen again.

>> No.12567982

is that cider in the pyrex? i thought it was white wine but there are bubbles

>> No.12567983
File: 48 KB, 368x475, tiki doomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
