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File: 1.02 MB, 1448x2048, extra-crispy-hashbrowns-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12564946 No.12564946 [Reply] [Original]

frens can you give me some tips on how to make a decent hashbrown? I tried making one yesterday but it all fucking fell apart. also no bully pls

>> No.12564991

the day before you want hash browns, bake of a few taters, put them in the fridge after they cool
in the morning take the skin off. and shred your taters or just quarter and slice thin
I find that the key is to cook them low and slow
sometimes it might take a half hour but it's worth it
let the fat get hot before adding your taters, use half bacon fat and half butter
flatten the tater a bit after you put them in the pan and don't fuck with it for at least ten minutes.
when it's time to flip, the fat should be used up so flip them with a flick of the wrist. don't use a spatula or they will fall apart
after the flip you will need more fat. put dabs of butter and lard or bacon grease at the edge of the pan in a few spots around the hashbrown.
spin it a little so the fat is distributed. just wiggle your wrist a little to do that
I like mine nice and crispy just like in your pic
good luck
season with salt pepper garlic powder and onion powder

>> No.12565022

Buy the frozen shredded potato. Thaw until watery. Wrap and a paper towel and squeeze the hell out of it until all the water comes out. Unwrap from paper towel and fry in pan, your choice of oil. Don't touch after first mashing it down, flip once. Done.

Crispy and done right. Also you aren't reinventing the wheel like this fuckstick >>12564991

>> No.12565031

>Also you aren't reinventing the wheel like this fuckstick >>12564991
precooking your potatoes to gelatinize the starch so they crisp up better is pretty common. it's basically what most good french fry recipes tell you to do.

>> No.12565037

I assure you frying them in oil makes them crispy too, adam ragusa wannabe ass

>> No.12565045

>Also you aren't reinventing the wheel like this fuckstick
I like my hashbrowns and I spent time perfecting my method. I'm not buying a bag of frozen hashbrown when taters are dirt cheap
OP you might notice decent restaurants selling hashbrowns as a side. it's because they bake off a shit load of baked potatoes so they don't run out and have enough for hasbrowns the next day

>> No.12565048

thanks frens. also may the reason why my hash turned to shit be the fact that I used new potatoes? I just grabbed whatever was in my fridge

>> No.12565050
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there are like a million different valid ways of frying crispy bits of potato stop bickering

my advice is to toss them with salt and let them sit 15 mins before you wring out the water, as the salt will draw out more moisture.

>> No.12565060

Imagine if she used her ass to flatten your hash browns

>> No.12565069

those are more waxy instead of starchy but even they crisp up nice if you get the moisture out first
make sure your first side is nice and crispy and they should hold together good. but even then using a spatula can do damage

>> No.12565080

Is that why my hashbrowns always suck? I put em straight from the freezer to the griddle. Perhaps I should let them thaw first and dry them off too...

>> No.12565091

yes. get that moisture out some way. whether it's pushing them against a strainer or wringing them out with a tea towel

>> No.12565093

Can guarantee the ones in your pic have eggs in them as a binder which will solve literally all of your problems.

>> No.12565097
File: 63 KB, 600x400, NotHashBrowns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not buying a bag of frozen hashbrown when taters are dirt cheap
Frozen hashbrowns are just uniformly cut piece of thin potatoes. It saves times, and getting them that thin and uniform without a special device isn't easily done. Restaurants serve those "cubed" potato "hashbrowns" which are actually just Potatoes Obrien and are almost always fucking trash. Crispy hashbrowns are really only accomplished with frozen bagged hashbrowns.

>> No.12565103
File: 1.64 MB, 1352x1372, ae1d49f4c1c44e6bd8ce7dcf5d568be6effc50333392bec7303363bc3b67e105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Microwave a potato until tender. Put between two paper plates, compress into patty. Salt, pepper and fry in hot oil

>> No.12565125

>when taters are dirt cheap
also I don't have room in my freezer for them
>Crispy hashbrowns are really only accomplished with frozen bagged hashbrowns
wrong. bakers get the job done. even this >>12565103 would be good enough
fucking barack the fag bringing a tranny in as first lady is disgusting

>> No.12565158

Frying a baked potato is not a fucking hashbrown you goddamn European faggots.

>> No.12565169

Peel 2-3 potatoes, then soak them in water for about 10 minutes. Then grate the potatoes. Sprinkle some salt on the potatoes then strain them through a mesh strainer while squeezing out excess moisture. Then season with black pepper and cayenne and drizzle some oil over the potatoes.

Heat a pan with some oil and a few tablespoons of butter. Once the butter begins to bubble, add the potatoes. The key part is to find a pan that is the same diameter as your plate. Add the potatoes and coat them across the surface of the plate. After a few minutes set the plate on top of the pan and flip the browns onto the plate. Then slide the hashbrowns back onto the pan to cook the bottom side.

>> No.12565175
File: 132 KB, 1200x1200, d05d391ed85120fa2950b0fe650e4a787192b41257968fc5fd57169f050861bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a simple solution for OP, who couldn't think to just take a potato to a cheese grater, rinse and dry the potato shavings, then fry. Mixing in an egg and tossing in some flour will make them fry up crispy. Divide into quarters, and flip. The frying a smashed baked potato method does wonders for me and is nearly the same texture if i dust with flour.