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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12563607 No.12563607 [Reply] [Original]

how the fuck am I supposed to keep eating healthy if vegetables are so low in calories for the price and they go bad within the week? how the fuck am i supposed to hold onto green veggies without them spoiling?

>> No.12563615

Cruciferous vegetables
All veges from the onion family
Root veges
Whole grains
Organ meat

There you go you cum guzzling faggot. Buy a sack of lentils, some cheap produce like carrots and onions and make a fucking curry you useless piece of shit. Not expensive, not difficult.

>> No.12563618

*eating healthily
Learn English, Jamal.

>> No.12563626

eat them?

>> No.12563628
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stop making excuse for your unhealthy eating habits anon you are going to die
i need you lost 50 pounds in next 2 months to prove you are serious about weight loss surgery, if you stick to the 1200 calorie a day high protein low carb diet this will be easy

>> No.12563636

clean your fridge and then keep your vegetables in there. they should last a couple of weeks at least.

>> No.12563649

There' s this thing called soil.

>> No.12563659

my problem is with the cruciferous vegetables and storing them. a big bag of kale is like 3 dollars, and i have to de-stem it and wash it myself, and then store it. one of those big clear plastic boxes of baby kale or mixed greens is like 3 dollars. the amount of servings of veggies that I'm supposed to be getting is both of those bags within 3 days. they go bad if I keep them by the end of the week. Also how the fuck am I supposed to meal prep that?

>root veggies

I love sweet potato but for whatever god awful reason I can't find them anywhere in most big supermarkets except for the shitty extremely small bags with small sweet potatoes. I would eat sweet potatoes every day if I could find them in a good size. I know I found a potato sack amount with normal sized (closer to the size of an Idaho potato than a fucking lemon) but I can't remember what store that was and I recently moved. Carrots are good. I love onions caramelized but they really fuck up my intestines for whatever reason.


I started eating black beans daily but it was giving me pretty bad gas. Does your body adjust to it?

>> No.12563838

Or just buy fresh and use them that day instead of trying to change nature by your own will and only going shopping once a fornight

>> No.12563849

You learn to shop smart.

>> No.12563851

You put them in the refrigerator. They last at least four weeks. Even leaves are still usable at that point, even if a bit wilted.

>> No.12563875

Just buy frozen vegetables retard. They generally retain more nutrients than fresh produce and they take a long time to spoil.

"California blend" styles are good because they contain cauliflower, broccoli, and carrots.

>> No.12563906

You need to shop somewhere else. They're selling bad produce if the vegetables you get, even kale, lasts only a week.

>> No.12563930

I hate this chick, but I have to give her credit for becoming so popular despite being one of the ugliest white people in the world.

>> No.12563935

It will get very boring, but if you want healthy eating then do the following:
breakfast: 2 pieces of toast with jam or peanut butter (if american, try to get stuff that isn't garbage) or 2/3 boiled eggs, or wheat cereal that isn't filled with sugar if you have it. oats might work.
lunch: can of tuna, or a few boiled eggs, or if you didn't eat bread in the morning, 2 pieces of toast (or sandwich), or cook two servings at dinner and save one for lunch
dinner: ~250g of chicken or minced beef made into burgers/rissoles with an onion, some capsicum (if you like it) & leaf vegetables like lettuce or spinach leaves, rocket, pickle cucumber is also decent.
use something like myfitnesspal and measure your calories. if you want to lose weight use 1500 to 1700 calories. If you have spare calories at the end of the day (or you're trying to maintain a healthy weight), additional boiled eggs, cheese & nuts can be eaten.
you don't have to "r/mealprep" but you do need to plan a weekly food schedule and stick to a shopping list. don't buy anything not on the list. don't buy sauces.
try to walk half an hour a day and start lifting at a gym even if it's low weight on machines.
stop drinking anything but water, although a bottle of no-calorie soda is okay once a week, and no-calorie cordial if you have it available would be fine.
I did this for a couple years and lost about 90 kilos.
Then I got tired of life and have put it all back on again. I'm not looking forward to having to lose it all again.

>> No.12563998

A lot of frozen veggies come in a bag that you have to steam though and I'm not always trying to eat 2 lbs of steamed (shitty) broccoli. This has been the best option so far though, especially for fruit.

>> No.12564005

Carrots, cabbage, onions and brocolli all easily last for a week in the fridge

They also happen to be very cheap

>> No.12564006

So get the ones that don't. Those steam bags are just a cheap ploy to add perceived value and rip lazy people off a little bit more, anyway.

>> No.12564009

This is really exclusively a leafy green vegetable problem

>de-stem it and wash it myself, and then store it.
and here
and here's your problem. It will keep fresh WAY longer if you don't do this.

>> No.12564015
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Freezing veges wrecks the cell structure and texture of them. You're never going to make anything nice. And so your veges will be a chore which you'll inevitably lapse out of eating and resent.

The way to be healthy is to put effort and money and calories into making nice vege dishes and genuinely enjoy eating them. Not just shit some bland mushy trash out of a bag onto the side as an afterthought because it's 'healthy'

you amerisharts are so backwards like swamp people it really baffles me

>> No.12564020

>de-stem it and wash it myself, and then store it
Why? Are you retarded?

>> No.12564033

>A lot of frozen veggies come in a bag that you have to steam
Get the ones that you don't. I buy five pound bags of frozen broccoli, get out what I need, and either steam them in the microwave or thaw and roast them.

Also, if the taste is a concern, get some MSG. You'll thank me later.

>> No.12564067

You don't have to steam all of it at once, dipshit. Just take what you want and then fold over the bag and put it back into your freezer.

>> No.12564075
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Yo, also financially strapped but you can make it work my dude. Check this out. The hardest part is getting started. First week is the most expensive, following weeks are pretty much maintenance. Buy in bulk where applicable and store appropriately.

I like ramen. I was buying the dollar boxes for a while there and eating one or two a day. Somewhere between $7 and $14 a week on soup. Sometimes I also got the cheaper kind that were like 20 or 30 packs to a box, like $10.

But, I wanted to change it up. I hit my local supermarket and oriental market. For $30 I was able to get enough fresh ginger, garlic, green onions, carrots, peppers, soy sauce, sriracha, sesame oil, virgin olive oil, rice vinegar, mirin, chicken and beef stock, mushrooms, noodles and eggs to make two servings of fresh ramen soup a day. I also bought chopsticks, one of those fancy little porcelain spoons, a grater, and some light carbonated drinks (I like to enjoy one after work with my dinner, so very minimal cost for that.). The tableware was mostly to break the mold a bit and try something new, but hey, that was included in the initial $30.

Week three of making ramen a few times a week from scratch and maintenance is less than $10 a week. I spend a bit more now to branch out to things like stir fry and egg fried rice.

Keep an eye out for sales, local supermarket had all chicken breast BOGO so I got like 6 huge ones for $10. Also, food banks - no shame in taking what you need. I used to go to the one at my uni and they had fresh veggies and baked goods since the restaurants on campus had a choice between donating or throwing them away.

>> No.12564103

Not eating is super healthy and it even saves you money

>> No.12564118

If OP can't even be bothered to figure out how to smart shop for fresh veggies I can bet they don't know how to maintain a decent cooking schedule let alone be the type to open the fridge and whip something up.

My wife is the same way, she can't cook for shit unless it's a set recipe and she goes out and buys all the crap for it, then I'm left what ever is left over to salvage some money saving.

>> No.12564150

Stop stuffing your fat fucking face with meat and cheese. Stop washing and prepping your veggies days before use, it causes them to start spoiling much faster. Veggies are so much cheaper to eat than meat as long as youre not a fucking idiot. Also learn to cook with tofu, its not that hard if you know how to use spices.

>> No.12564153

Tofu costs half as much if you buy the soy beans and make it yourself, BTW. But just eating soy beans is easier and just as nutritious.

>> No.12564155

>implying meat and cheese is bad for you
fucking soyboy beta

>> No.12564161

If this fatass can't figure out how to store veggies how are they going to rub together both their brain cells to figure out how to make tofu.

>> No.12564162

Best post on ck rn

>> No.12564166

>A lot of frozen veggies come in a bag that you have to steam though
you don't have to steam them in the bag you stupid literal nigger

>> No.12564339

>you amerisharts are so backwards like swamp people it really baffles me

It's not my fault I wasn't taught this shit. I'm trying to learn it on my own. I literally didn't have soup until college because my family never gave me soup.

I didn't mean to say that's the order I do it in, I was saying that it's a lot of steps.

Broccoli seems the way to go from all the responses here, I was talking more about leafy greens like kale and spinach. I have a serious problem with texture but I just kind of power through it when I'm eating. For some reason it's hard for me to swallow veggies, especially the crispy ones it just makes me gag.

I was confused because the bag literally says to steam them all at once. I don't know how to steam veggies, and I don't really know what I'd do with frozen veggies to unfreeze them properly.

So I've tried to make ramen but it doesn't really seem super healthy and it usually looks like a sad abortion. Like your ramen looks good but I know that's using at least two dishes (pot for the noodles, something for the eggs, something to sautee the veggies, something to make the stock) and that's something I absolutely hate. I can understand making it in a big batch for a week, but spending that much time every day on that and then cleaning that shit up? It's not worth the meal. How do you store something like ramen anyway, or a soup?

I've had cooking schedules in the past and I can definitely whip something up, it's just been really basic. I'm just having the issue of "how do I use these veggies I've never eaten before, how do I do these flavors, how can I make these new dishes that are available with the new foods I'm eating" ect.

Yeah I'm open up to protein sources other than meat, because it can be a way to incorporate more healthy shit in.

then what the fuck do you do with frozen veggies

>> No.12564341


buy them weekly, store them in the fridge, prepare them right before you eat them because they go bad when theyre wet. just the cruciferous ones that wilt quickly.
i cant stomach legumes either, and also find them generally disgusting. just eat meat for protein.


frozen vegetables are also generally disgusting.

things like lentils and frozen peas and carrots are the reason vegetables get a bad rep.

>> No.12564359

>I was confused because the bag literally says to steam them all at once. I don't know how to steam veggies, and I don't really know what I'd do with frozen veggies to unfreeze them properly.
Omfg, are u a Murican? Because only muricans have no idea what to do with food if there's no step by step instruction on package xD

>> No.12564430
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lel go carnivore
fuck veggies

>> No.12564436

>add oil
>add vegetable
>add water

>difficult to cook

>> No.12564586

>Traditional Finnish cuisine

>> No.12564610

>I was confused because the bag literally says to steam them all at once. I don't know how to steam veggies, and I don't really know what I'd do with frozen veggies to unfreeze them properly.
nigger are you retarded
if you want to unfreeze them slowly, take em out of the freezer and put em in the fridge overnight, then cook/fry/whatever them like you would if they were fresh.
if you want to go faster, put em in a warm water bath and they'll be unfrozen within an hour

>> No.12564721

>I've had cooking schedules in the past and I can definitely whip something up, it's just been really basic. I'm just having the issue of "how do I use these veggies I've never eaten before, how do I do these flavors, how can I make these new dishes that are available with the new foods I'm eating" ect.

You experiment with flavors. Best way to start is just basic baked veggies with either dried or fresh herbs. Coat well with olive oil, s n p, maybe some garlic powder and dried basil. Bake in oven until tender.

A good way to use veggies is stir frys.

>> No.12565299
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You’re fucking retarded. But I love you anyways, so here’s my advice

> any grocery stores with the “Whole Foods” vibe, avoid like the plague
> farmers markets
> buying bulk

Ive been living on a budget for a couple years now. Make meat 10% of your diet and eat 2000 calories a day, which adds up faster than you think, and you’ll be fine

>> No.12565310

>how the fuck am i supposed to hold onto green veggies without them spoiling?
And stop speaking like a toddler

>> No.12565315

Buy frozen you twit.

>> No.12565771

>how the fuck am I supposed to keep eating healthy if vegetables are so low in calories for the price and they go bad within the week?
By buying vegetables with actual nutritional value. Make legumes, grains, nuts and tofu the cornerstones of your dishes. A small sprinkling of animal-based products can go a long way as well, but I'm guessing you're trying to go the vegan route. Nothing wrong with that, just don't be an idiot and realize you can't survive on kale alone.
>how the fuck am i supposed to hold onto green veggies without them spoiling?
By not being lazy and stupid by thinking obviously very perishable fresh produce can be stockpiled. Buy things which last longest in bulk, buy the things which last the shortest preferably on the day you tend to eat it. Like people have done for centuries by now. It'll only take a minute out of your day unless you're being an idiot about it.

>> No.12565923

Before I forget, let me say the point of the post was to say if affordability was an issue, smarter shopping and going out of your comfort zone can sometimes help. Time is a necessary part of the process. I really take joy in cooking and consider it a source of relaxation, so it's fun for me and I don't mind cooking for 30 or 40 minutes a day.

I think the only part that's unhealthy is the sodium content. For every four cups of broth I end up with, I put in two whole cups of vegetables (doesn't cancel the sodium, but hey, getting a variety of nutrients). I'm looking to move towards making my own stock soon as it is much better for you than bullion afaik. But yeah, like any food, best not to overdo it.

Sorry to hear about your fetus soup. FWIW, mine looked pretty bad at the start but it has gotten progressively better. The latest batch is always my best batch lol

Yeah, I use two pots and one skillet. I've done it all with one saucepan, but it just means you have to transfer each element to the respective container or plate as you go. I store the soup broth in one container and any leftover noodles in a second container. The eggs I was making fresh with each
bowl, but yesterday I started making "ramen eggs" where you marinate them for a day or so and they keep for four or five days (not that they'll last that long). Kind of like pickling.

Going back to the dishes, it helps if you clean as you go.

It's really not that much time every day for the benefit of having fresh food. The cooking itself is around 15-20 minutes (prep the ingredients, 5 minutes to saute, 4 minutes to make the noodles, a few minutes in the pot with the broth to blend the flavors while the eggs go for six and a half minutes. I clean as I go, so that's not bad.). I think it's perfectly worth the time for the meal for me.

Yeah, smart shopping is the cornerstone of cooking healthy. I'm still learning the basics and I look at recipes a lot for guidance or inspiration, but ye.

>> No.12565932

I never understood the i'm fat because i'm poor meme, just eat less, you might not be totally healthy but you can become obese from eating 2000's calories a day of anything

>> No.12565948

TrishaPaytas is funny af!

>> No.12565965
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>I never understood the i'm fat because i'm poor meme
It's just an excuse fatties try to used. Then they'll jump on over to the "it's just genetics" meme. There's no winning with those people. They'll put something out of their ass, every-time!

>> No.12565977


>> No.12565989

Frozen peas and okra can be alright.

>> No.12566026

>this will be easy
He never says this. In fact he stresses that it will be the hardest thing they have ever done but the alternative is death.

>> No.12566031

>So I've tried to make ramen but it doesn't really seem super healthy and it usually looks like a sad abortion.
Use instant. You're not going to made a decent stock at home for daily cooking. You can boil the eggs in the same saucepan as you make the ramen, or if you prefer fried eggs like me fry them in the same pan you use to saute the vegetables. It's two tops, and you really don't even need to cook all the vegetables all the time. You also don't need to wash the saucepan every time really since you're just boiling water in it. It's also convenient to just boil a dozen or so eggs and keep them in the fridge. You can use them for anything.

Think of instant ramen less as a dish on its own and more as a carb base like rice or pasta that you add things to.

>> No.12566032

I want to laugh all over her fat stupid fucking face

>> No.12566045
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>A lot of frozen veggies come in a bag that you have to steam though

>> No.12566081

A lot of poorfags work like two or three jobs just to get by in their shitty nutritional desert communities and don't have the time or energy to cook or go to a decent grocery store. As a result they subsist mostly on fast food and packaged and canned garbage with a very high calorie-to-cost ratio. A lot of them also grew up in similar conditions so they just never inherited any decent cooking knowledge at all and can't really imagine what it's like to eat decently.

Eating healthily is very cheap if you live in an area with middle-class grocery stores and have the means to use them correctly but not if you live in some hellhole where the only thing edible for miles other than liquor and cigarettes is fried chicken places and gas station convenience stores. America's cities are real pieces of work and the rural areas are worse.

>> No.12566098

Seems like you could use some help on how to handle kale, here you go.

>> No.12566128

do supermarkets in america not all sell vegetables and meat? or even just a microwave meal that contains them. And my point is even if the food you eat is full of fat and sugar you don't magically get fat unless you eat a lot of it still.
Also it takes like 15 minutes to make a stir fry, or some rice and chicken, and like 30 minutes max to make most meals if you buy pre-made sources. surely going to the fast food place and ordering it will take about the same time, and be more expensive.

>> No.12566153

based. this

>> No.12566162

There are places where there are no grocery stores for miles. These are people who have no idea what it's like to enjoy food. They just eat pathologically in a country with no culture of moderation. They don't know what stir fry is. I don't really know how to explain it to a foreigner.

>> No.12566170

This. Cabbage is wonderful if prepared right.

>> No.12566171

i just learned she was on pornhub the other day, one of the more gross faps ive had lately

>> No.12566184
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cabbages fren

>> No.12566199
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>I don't know how to steam veggies

>get steam basket
>get pot
>fill pot with an inch of water
>put basket in
>turn stove on medium
>wait until steaming
>place veggies in basket
>wait until veggies are done
Its not rocket surgery

>> No.12566212

It's literally an excuse, you can get canned or frozen vegetables and make it work. It's not ideal but it's definitely available

>> No.12566218
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>that boobjob

>> No.12566221

it baffles me most that the poorest regions live out in the country side with wide open space

>> No.12566380

Why? There haven't been any jobs there for two generations and everybody with the means to leave does.

>> No.12566384

When I was a kid I used these as toy flying saucers.

>> No.12566427

I have found that the ketogenic diet is relatively cheap. especially when you do intermittent fasting.

>> No.12566465

i guess it's because the country side is where rich boomers live in large houses and a town or city still in driving distance for smaller countries. it's the "i have escaped the rat race of the city and now I can live a nice life" zone to live in.

>> No.12566782

I’m just trying to eat more plants, not really go vegan or vegetarian but like >>12565299 said eating less meat is a strategy when you’re trying to spend less.

>By not being lazy and stupid by thinking obviously very perishable fresh produce can be stockpiled. Buy things which last longest in bulk, buy the things which last the shortest preferably on the day you tend to eat it.

So I’m seriously supposed to go out to the store twice a week for one food item if I’m eating a serving of leafy greens a day and it only lasts 3 days? That seems so silly.

>> No.12567078

>freneculating to ``women'' of the third dimension
Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.12567237

have fun choosing between drinking your home-made electrolyte replacement supplement that tastes like piss or spending tons of money on electrolyte replacement supplements/powders/drinks

>> No.12567266

We have places like that too but if it's within convenient driving distance of big cities I wouldn't really call it the countryside. Most retired boomers prefer to live in the suburbs though. Living out in the sticks gets boring and depressing after a while

>> No.12567296

Ways to save your produce------
1. Save the stuff that's wilty and limp that you don't want to eat in a plastic bag in the freezer. Make a veggie stock once the bag is full.
2. Freeze it if you don't plan on eating it fresh.
3. Clean it, dry it, wrap it up tightly in plastic wrap when storing to keep it fresher longer.
Ways to save shekels on veggies.......................
1. Buy bulk sized bags of frozen veggies and use them for sides, soups and stews.
2. Buy canned veggies when they're on sale and use them on a rainy day or weekend meal.
3. Only buy fresh produce in season or on sale.

I mastered the art of using frozen veggies supplemented by fresh in season shit and some cheapy veggies like spring onion. Then I started making enough cash to stick with fresh. Then I started growing my own.

>> No.12568557

>eating less meat is a strategy when you’re trying to spend less.
Meat in general, yes. But eggs and dairy are very cheap for the nutrients they give. A few boiled eggs or milk-based porridge can go a long way in filling up your daily calories.

Even so, you can buy meat as long as you're a bit clever. A whole chicken is significantly cheaper than prepackaged cuts and can last you for weeks if you own a freezer. Buy it on a Saturday and spend Sunday carving it up and making stock out of the carcass.

>So I’m seriously supposed to go out to the store twice a week for one food item if I’m eating a serving of leafy greens a day and it only lasts 3 days? That seems so silly.
It's not silly, it's just the way the world works. Dead plants decay just like you would if you were dead. You're going to have to consume it relatively quickly unless someone puts the work in to preserve it. Green grocers and large fresh produce sections in supermarkets exist for a reason, people have to stock up on them more often than not. Again, you only have to do it like two or three times a week, a few minutes at a time. This isn't a gargantuan effort by any metric and is easier than it ever was before.

>> No.12568651

Store them right and they will last for weeks, tomatoes room temp, peppers and salad warm compartment of the fridge, beans everywhere, time in the fridge. Read the labels, it says if its room temp or +8C or colder. :D

>> No.12568866
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throw em in the freezer you utter moron

>> No.12568877

Listen to this anon. Stir Fries are easy, cheap, don't really require a recipe, and you can experiment with the veggies you put in. A good place to start is bellpeppers and onions. Eventually you can add in stuff like eggplant, brocolli, etc. You can also mix in meat if you're not interested in going full vegan. Try out some different spices until you make something you really enjoy.

>> No.12568895

>I was confused because the bag literally says to steam them all at once.
If you're going to steam all of them at once then you leave them in the bag. Otherwise you break up what you want then close the bag back up with a clothespin, binder clip, paperclip, etc. Steam it from frozen in a saucepan with a steamer basket and a little water. You can do the same in the microwave, except in a covered bowl for 3-4 minutes. I used to use plastic wrap, but I use a silicone pad now. You could just cover the bowl with a plate too.

Bro, your parents fucked up.

>> No.12569081

>The way to be healthy is to spend more money
