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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12556838 No.12556838 [Reply] [Original]

does /ck/ wash meat before cooking it?

>> No.12556845

No, little bones are delicious you idiot fuck.

>> No.12556848

I beat my meat instead

>> No.12556849

I’m not black

>> No.12556930

Of course you don't?
I am :)

>> No.12556961

I have done it when it smells a bit off but otherwise no.

>> No.12557410

No, shit is stupid and just spreads bacteria all over your sink and counter area

>> No.12557414

I have a brain, so no

>> No.12557429

It's something black and Chinese people do so they can claim they're more hygienic than whites. There is an actual reason to do it though if you buy your meat from some kind of open air market. But those don't exist in the west.

>> No.12557437

I've never done it before

>> No.12557518

No one here even washes their penis, what makes you think they'd wash food?

>> No.12557545

>Any surface bacteria that survives a 425 °F oven deserves to live

>> No.12557551

Well yeah, it'll get infected if I don't. But the cheese is worth is sometimes, a good 2 weeks produces a nice amount, scoop it up and put it in a container in the fridge, good on toast.

>> No.12557576

nope. All that slimy shit adds to the gravy.

>> No.12557779

You think those workers in the West never drop food on the floor? You think there's 0 chance of them touching something dirty then handling the food? You think they're gonna bother to sanitize those food after?

>> No.12557809

>He thinks running water over a piece of meat somehow sterilizes it to any meaningful extent

>doesnt question the existence of soap though
Stop giving the pol tards ammunition for their retarded race IQ threads.

>> No.12557830

only blacks and other various low IQ creatures do this

>> No.12557836

I’m Mexican and never do this shit kek any bacteria living on food will burn to death in an oven

>> No.12557841

Basketball Americans do

>> No.12557868

Anything you need to wash off with water will be visible so you can just visually inspect it. Anything you can't see with the naked eye will die to the heat and water isn't going to get it off

>> No.12557871

>sanitize those food after
How WOULD you properly sanitize food after dropping it on the fucking floor, exactly?

If you said ANYTHING other than "you don't, you throw it in the fucking garbage" then turn in your food handler card right the fuck now.

>> No.12557873

No, only niggers and hillbillies do that shit

>> No.12557887

Not him, but at home I just make sure the kitchen floor is clean af, so if i drop something it isnt picking up years worth of shit.
Obviously wont work in most fast food/restaurant kitchens

>> No.12557892

i just throw whatever the fuck in the crock pot and let nature do its work

>> No.12557902

>the kitchen floor is clean af
Spoiler alert for you bubble boys and Howie Mandels out there: Your kitchen floor is NOT clean af.

>> No.12557906
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For a few laughs search "white people wash meat" on twitter

>> No.12557909

I don't even like food and cooking, I just use this board for shitposting.

>> No.12557914

Same except I do like food and cooking and I don't shitpost.

>> No.12557915

Maybe not in your sense of clean, but I doubt the miniscule shit I get in my stomach after eating something that fell on the floor will do anything to me at all.
You are probably just to damn afraid of bacteria. Dont forget, its always on you! nothing is clean!

>> No.12557927

That's an assumption. Perhaps you have 20/20 eyesight and can see very tiny things very clearly but I don't.
I would wash it with water. Then wash it again with something acidic (vinegar, lemon, lime). Then scald with boiling water for at least a couple of time. Then can cook as normal.
Only western idiots brain washed by capitalist corporations would throw away good food instead of washing it like a normal person. You think people in history during hard times just throw away food because they dropped it on the floor? How sheltered are you?

>> No.12557943

I have never heard of asians washing their meat. Only nigs do this dumb shit.

>> No.12557952

>How sheltered are you?
How sheltered are YOU to insinuate that we live in hard times, or pull that "starving kids in Africa could have eaten that" bullshit fallacy?
Stop dropping your fucking food on the floor, butterfingers.

>> No.12557960

>I have it well, so you must also
Most of the world dont have it perfect, and I wont just throw away a whole potato/steak/whatever just cause It touched the floor.

>> No.12557961

In 2 posts you showed yourself up to be the unthinking lazy western idiot you are. You're a disgrace to the white race. Hell you're just a disgrace altogether.

>> No.12557968

Because I worked in a halfway decent restaurant where they had us throw floor food out instead of actually serving it to people?
It did a pretty good job of training me to not drop my fucking food like a retard, especially after getting yelled at by the suckup bitch queen assistant manager for the umpteenth time.
You sound like you could use a little discipline yourself, your explanation of how you'd "sanitize" food sounds too thought-out to be off the cuff.
I wonder what your guests thought when they tasted food that had clearly been dipped in vinegar and then fucking boiled?

>> No.12557971


I throw most of my food away. It literaly dosn't matter.

>> No.12557977

End yourself, your life dont matter.

>> No.12557985

Restaurant is not the same as home cooking.
Of course I didn't just make it up. I do it all the times even if I myself haven't dropped the food. I don't trust the people in the market/supermarket to be as careful as I am.
I hope I would have the wisdom to only invite people who would be grateful for a meal they didn't have to pay or worked for. My house is not a restaurant so they would be wise not to expect restaurant flavour.
Again you showed yourself up to be just a stupid lazy drone worker. Not to mention ungrateful. I pity you.

>> No.12557989

>niggers feel the need to sanitize AND burn their meat "because of germs"
>niggers will eat ass and post about it constantly on social media
Really makes you fucking think.

>> No.12557995

Yikes. Let's unpack this.

You are seething right now.


>> No.12557996

>My house is not a restaurant so they would be wise not to expect restaurant flavour.
Usually when I can't fix a car, I don't offer to fix a car.
So since you can't cook, don't offer to cook for people.
No one needs to be grateful to you for your incompetence or failure. I wager they'd be more grateful if you'd admit you're a shit cook with sponge for brains and suggest takeout.

>> No.12558011

Maybe I can't fix the car up to be a supercar but I can get it running. That's good enough.
Oh and I can cook quite well thank you. Not that you'll ever get to taste it.
Lol I didn't mean grateful to me you moron. Grateful to the animals that not only died and lived through hell so you could have food on the table. Jesus christ you are stupid.

>> No.12558022

>this isn't a time to use greentext

>> No.12558024

Animals are not sentient. They are bundles of nerves waiting to die.

>> No.12558031

>acknowledging race and IQ is bad because reasons

>> No.12558033

That's quite enough. I can feel my IQ dropping just being near you. Bye.

>> No.12558066

>Yikes. Let's unpack this.

>You are seething right now.

Do you work at buzzfeed?

>> No.12558071

If he did he wouldn't have been posting it ironically.

>> No.12558074



>> No.12558081

>t. upset

>> No.12558087

Not sure.. Is that the name of your step mother's cum gargling shop? No offense..

>> No.12558118

i do only if i defrost fish, as it's a little smelly or slimy sometimes. not a big deal if i don't but its easier to pat them dry and sear

>> No.12558161

only whites do this, spices kill all the bacteria from the surface and cooking/preserving the meat makes it edible.

>> No.12558163

creating retarded threads all over this site full of pseuds and inaccuracies is self evidently bad

>> No.12558164

you can always clean your kitchen

>> No.12558195

its objectively a waste of time so no

>> No.12558223

I don't know why you're getting so pissy but you seem to have no concept of antiseptic technique and how micro-organisms grow. As far as actually sanitizing the meat, that's the entire purpose of cooking. Rinsing it off with water will remove any sort of dirt or debris that will cause impurities in taste but you're not actually sanitizing the food any further by doing any of the stuff you described. If there's no visible debris on the meat though, there's no point to washing it off other than maybe peace of mind because it's not going to affect the flavor or make it less sanitary to eat so long as you cook the meat to a high enough temperature.

>> No.12558234

Also, just washing anything with water is not really that great for sanitization in the first place. Unless you are washing your meat with soap, you aren’t cleaning the meat that well anyway.

>> No.12558241

The only meat I wash is saline solution-treated chicken. Otherwise it's slimy. I don't wash air-chilled chicken.
Oh, and I wash pre-packaged raw corned beef, because I don't want it cooking in that funky red slimey brine solution.

>> No.12558248

>you seem to have no concept of antiseptic technique and how micro-organisms grow.
That's because I'm not a scientist.
>As far as actually sanitizing the meat, that's the entire purpose of cooking.
Cooking has more purposes than simply sanitation.
>Rinsing it off with water will remove any sort of dirt or debris that will cause impurities in taste
Good but not enough.
>but you're not actually sanitizing the food any further by doing any of the stuff you described.
Acidity removes unwanted smell and taste in meat that's not of the highest quality. Perhaps meat that's been kept for too long. So will parboiling it.
>If there's no visible debris on the meat though, there's no point to washing it off other than maybe peace of mind because it's not going to affect the flavor or make it less sanitary to eat so long as you cook the meat to a high enough temperature.
Washing with water only won't affect flavour but washing with a lemon will. And peace of mind is good.

>> No.12558275

No shit, especially poultry. Only thing you shouldn’t is an aged steak.

>> No.12558281

unless there's visible dirt or something on it then any bacteria that's on the surface of the meat should be killed if you cook it properly. it's only a problem if you're a retard who eats raw meat.

>> No.12558342
File: 11 KB, 300x100, PttLozo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Saw you on the front page.
>Don't come to this board much
>Spend too much time here when I do

Only when I'm suspicious of it but can't tell nor can my "backup nose" which is a person I'm cooking for. I keep the water and smell that and even taste it on my fingers if I really cannot tell. I find that helps if you can't get the proper whiff on the meat but that's me. I never wash meat unless I intend to cook it immediately. Washed meat spoils faster. You really don't want to do this with store bought monoxide meat because its more difficult to discern it's quality already.

Anyway those are my two bits thrown in. I'm leaving before you magnificent cunts rope me back to this board I honestly like too much.

>> No.12559058

You're not supposed to do that, it won't kill any bacteria on the surface (that's what the actual COOKING part is for) and it's just going to spread bacteria around your sink and kitchen, not to mention that wet meat doesn't sear correctly and you actually want the surface vey dry to encourage the malliard reaction to occur faster.

>> No.12559246

Just change it to /ck/ - Food because Jesus Christ this is just embarrassing

>> No.12561019

>That's because I'm not a scientist.
You don't need to be a scientist to properly use the word sanitize, and understanding what it means to sanitize food. You could have avoided all these arguments you've had with people by just posting what you posted in this post instead of rambling like an incoherent retard.

>> No.12562064

I don't mind arguing. Perhaps I'm wrong and could learn something. Food is my interest not English or biology. I'm sure if you weren't a moron you would read my posts and know what I was saying without checking a dictionary or text book. I don't care to argue semantics.
Do you actually have anything of value to say regarding the washing of meat and whether or not it should be done? Don't bother if you're just going to post what sanitizing means in a dictionary.

>> No.12562089

shut the fuck up you faggot baby

>> No.12562099

No because the fucking reason of cooking is to kill bacteria.

>> No.12563492

you're about to put that chicken on a ripping hot cast iron skillet aren't you? Now, I'm no high-falutin city boy, but I do believe that chicken cooked to the internal temperature recommended by the FDA will be perfectly safe to eat provided that it isn't fetid, green, rancid, odoriferous, toxic slime before you put it in the skillet.

tldr; don't wash your chicken lol

>> No.12563520

me too! what technique you use?

>> No.12563530

Honestly only if I buy from the Chinese. I know this niggas be dropping it on the floor and shit. That's why it's so cheap.

>> No.12563549

>people who didn't pay attention enough in high school bio trying to tell me about germs

>> No.12563557

A cut like that? No.
Something like a heart or a whole bird? Yes.
I rinse those out because of clotted blood and possible stumps of leftover organs etc.
Since I don't run the tap at full blast I don't spread germs everywhere in doing so. In fact, I probably spray more fluids around when I cut up a chicken than I do while washing it.

>> No.12563562

I don't wash ground meat, beef.
I do rinse chicken and fish.

>> No.12563575


>> No.12563578

It's not literally about the food going to Africa, retard. It's about being grateful for having food when they don't, and expressing that gratefulness by not being needlessly wasteful.

Washing the meat doesn't remove bacteria, but it can remove slime, blood clots, bone fragments etc. and it can be done without spraying blood all over the counter. Just dipping it in a bowl of cold water can get rid most of the crap with zero contamination.

>> No.12563580

>I throw most of my food away

And then you brag about it. How about you buy less fucking food you braindamaged homo, and then enjoy the free fucking money? Imbecile

>> No.12563585

So I can kill you when you're sleeping, or knocked out? Good to know.

>> No.12563689
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>> No.12563751

washing the meat is debatable, I personally never do it as a cook. But washing it, washing it again with some acid, and then parboiling it is just retarded. Cooking the meat is enough. If the meat you are going to cook smells bad just throw it away

>> No.12563897

CDC says dont wash it, all it does is spread the germs around.

I trust the CDC a lot more than the mouth breathers here.

>> No.12563908

>buying meat that's been sitting so long you have to wash it
haha wait what

>> No.12563915

Yes, the State wouldn't lie to you or make up rules that are needlessly strict to make sure some retard doesn't powerwash a raw chicken and spreads half-inch fragments all over his section 8 housing.
It's been said already; rinsing certain cuts in a bowl of cold water to get rid of slime, blood, and bits of internal fat and organs is perfectly reasonable. Washing your meat does not remove bacteria, but it removes gunk and bone fragments and if you're not being a fucking idiot about it you're not tossing droplets around any more than you do when you cut or fry the meat.

>> No.12563917

i knew a lady who would wash her chicken in her sink all the time.
>touch raw chicken
>touch faucet
>spread chicken juice all around sink
>touch faucet to turn off
>deal with chicken
>go to wash hands
>soap and scrub hands
>turn faucet off while there is still chicken juice on it....
>dont realize because your hands are wet

While there is nothing wring with rinsing your meat if its old; absolutely you increase your cross contamination chances ten fold.

>> No.12563923
File: 3.40 MB, 4160x3120, 20190629_151010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not gonna lie I didnt know this was a stereotype until I saw this on /ck/ one day i just thought everyone did it. Pic related is me

>> No.12564452

>not eating ass
what are you, a faggot?

>> No.12564480

I didn't know our melanin inclined friends washing their meat was a stereotype.
I'm a whitey but the only meat I wash is raw chicken.

>> No.12564488

>Spread raw meat juices all over your sink and appliances
>It's hygenic :)))))
Only niggers and gooks do it because they're too stupid to think.

>> No.12564497

I use flashlight

>> No.12564777

Ironically enough eating your partners ass, after they wash it and as long as they dont have any diseases is pretty sanitary.
It's because your gut flora, after being with someone long enough, picks up your partners. Thats what most fecal sickness comes from, when the other person isn't sick at least.
There's risk with all sex everytime, but it's pretty safe under the right conditions.
Not the stupid niggers follow any sagety guidelines. If they did they wouldnt have aids.

>> No.12564795

Yes, but I only just started. I didn't for years, but I learned my gf does it, and I figure it can't possibly hurt anything, so why not

>> No.12564825

All my family from native reservation in North Dakota does this

>> No.12564861

water isn't clean, nigger

>> No.12564892

Why is it so ubiquitous amongst the black community?

>> No.12564895

what is, then?

>> No.12564908

a carrier for various chemicals and organisms

>> No.12566135

>rinsing with water "sanitizes" food

wew lad

>> No.12566375

No. Cooking wad primarily for sterilization, taste was a bonus.

>> No.12567121

190 proof Everclear, at least when it comes to germs.

>> No.12567176
File: 40 KB, 600x600, 3396BEF1-2DC6-46B7-BFB0-21614095CB00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this whole time I’ve been washing all my meat with vinegar. damn do I feel retarded reading through this thread.

>> No.12567522

Only chicken mainly because our chicken is dirty as fuck

>> No.12567551
File: 103 KB, 220x318, 1555101402865.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha you are poor~.

>> No.12567564

Careful there boy, theres some science coming out your mouth.

>> No.12569033

Chinks definitely do it. Watch Wang Gang's cooking videos. I heard it's to get rid of excess blood and associated gamey flavour, which is more of an issue with freshly butchered meat. Still seems a bit redundant to me, given how they cook it in a shit ton of strong fragrant spices, oils, wines and what have you.

>> No.12569046

Meat in my country has warnings on it NOT to wash it as it spreads bacteria all over the place. You don’t need to wash it anyway, all bacteria will be killed during cooking.

>> No.12569054

>lmao dumb westerners are overhygenic
>that's why I go full overkill and boil the fuck out of my meat if it gets some dust on it
People who throw perfectly good food away because they think it suddenly turned into poison are retards, but you're in the same exact category for sharing the same dipshit mentality about germs, regardless of how you deal with it. Just wash whatever shit got on it when it fell and proceed as you would've done. The average cooking process is still going to kill all bacteria, there's no need for excessive extra cooking as if it somehow compensates.

>> No.12569090


>> No.12569100

I just do what my mom says which was something like if the bugs can survive the heat or I cook the shit wrong then it deserves to kill me.

>> No.12569276

keep eating that instant ramen fuckboy, hope your fork didn't get bacteria from the sink

>> No.12569290

gross, please leave

>> No.12570084

>if you buy your meat from some kind of open air market. But those don't exist in the west
bloody yanks

>> No.12570119

You are fucking retarded

>> No.12570202

Yes, gets rid of all the small bone fractures.

>> No.12570240
