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File: 37 KB, 700x467, mark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12550579 No.12550579 [Reply] [Original]

I fucking love Mark Wiens
Food vlogger #1
Say something nice about him and his food reviews

>> No.12550580


>> No.12550695

I admire the way he keeps the murders secret

>> No.12550698

Doesn’t this guy fuck kids?

>> No.12550768

Why do you think he frequents countries where they have lax laws about that kind of thing?

>> No.12550796

Can anyone stop him? Think of the children...

>> No.12551553

He's faking it and he looks dead inside.

>> No.12552711

I love his recipes

>> No.12552745

"Man smile funny and I no wike it"
-every person to ever complain about Mark

>> No.12552854

Why are hapas so fucking weird?
The guys look like this and and women are absolutely fucked in the head.
It's like nature never intended for them to happen.

>> No.12552856

>numerous people are unsettled by his mannerisms
>I will ignore the red flag it will be fine

>> No.12552860

More hapas will be born and soon society will be filled with Mark Wiens

>> No.12552868

Brett Ookamoto and Ryouto Machida are just fine.

>> No.12552882

Thats what you think but I guarantee you they take pills to control the dark thoughts

>> No.12552899

Oops, I read the post wrong, thought it was talking about looks. Carry on.

>> No.12552946

jesus fucking christ just look at him, what the fuck is his problem

>> No.12552957

I don't know if he fucks them but he definitely eats them.

>> No.12552965

Yeah. Fucking smiling and eating food. What a wacko!

>> No.12553047

His wife is pretty cute. He's sort of odd looking I guess, but he seems based compared to most youtubers who get posted here. Judging by a couple of videos.

>> No.12553188

What is the red flag? He has unique facial features? What exactly does that signify, snowflake?

>> No.12553229

Ok I think I figured this shit out.

So I always thought his mannerisms were over exaggerated but my girlfriend thinks he’s really fucking creepy.

So one day I’m watching a video where he’s in Ghana and there’s Africans dancing and shit randomly, I lean across to her and say look babe they’re dancing after a meal, wtf!
She grew up in Africa (S.A.) and she’s like yeah the Africans are like that. I tell her that Mark grew up in Africa like her (only she’s 100% white and grew up in a white community) and she was like well that explains it, he’s a happy dumb African trapped in a hapa body.

If you saw an African acting all over blown, you’d think it’s normal for them.
It’s different because mark is not African. It’s also what makes him popular.

Tl;dr mark wiens is an African tranny

>> No.12553489

so his freaky faces is the only way to let out the urge to dance after eating food without looking like an even bigger weirdo if he were to suddenly start tribal dancing like an African?

>> No.12553498

>everyone is so friendly everywhere he goes

i think people are just laughing at him, eating their slop and him faking his reactions as if he's having a massive orgasm every bite.

>> No.12553503

Most punchable face I've ever seen

>> No.12553524

I hate his face and demeanor.

>> No.12553525
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>> No.12553531
File: 696 KB, 641x573, kill this man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this guy is somewhat worse.

>> No.12553800

>the hapa stare

>> No.12553824

Maybe he cant help himself. I watched thw collab video of him and Mikey chan and he does the goofy face even when Mike isnt having such a huge reaction to the food.

>> No.12553829

It's probably guaranteed that Mark goes to those places for the same same reason George Harrison always went to Bangladesh. No age of consent laws.

>> No.12553845

damn i can get behind this

>> No.12553848


>> No.12553858

i hate him so much :c

>> No.12553923

I wish he'd die and take his viral publicity team with him. That means you, OP. Die.

>> No.12554050

that's not nice, there are genuine fans of him

>> No.12554354

Is it possible Mark is a voodoo practitioner?

>> No.12554368
File: 1.71 MB, 270x138, ffffffffffffffffffFAAAAAAAAAAAAUCK.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He looks like a pedo and makes those weird faces i want to punch his face!.

>> No.12554372

dude is a child sex traficker, gets paid in little boys and sacrifices them

>> No.12554807

He looks like the first guy to take heroin through the eyes.

>> No.12555126

why do Chinese chew with their lips like this

>> No.12555155

he's only half chinese!

>> No.12555661

There's a hapa on the Asian Boss youtube channel that looks similar to Mark in terms of face, voice and mannerisms but less creepy. Almost like a Mark Wiens minus the demonic possession

>> No.12556584

degenerate wiens bump

>> No.12557460

not just possible, but probable

>> No.12557497

fucking kids is bad enough but does he need to torture and murder them too?

>> No.12557733

Although the urges may be less strong

I wonder

>> No.12558110
File: 79 KB, 394x841, Mark nom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12558495

Fuck I lost. Good one.

>> No.12558509

Those bodies can't stay hidden forever. The truth will come out one day, Wiens.

>> No.12558533
File: 806 KB, 1024x719, 1558276481619.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the mannerism of this guy is somehow even worse, i agree
the way he "dances around"... or gesticulates, dont even know how to put it is so fucking off putting i cant watch any of his videos where he is in front of the camera even for a second
his food is nice tho

>> No.12558708

It's difficult communicating with someone who has a rudimentary grasp of english, Deng. How many years of shitposting do you have left before they'll let you see your wife and kid again?

>> No.12558994
File: 57 KB, 498x499, weind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did they?

>> No.12559001

They're like a pair of Cenobites.

>> No.12559008
File: 146 KB, 855x650, korean lady.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, but did they?