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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12550040 No.12550040 [Reply] [Original]

Post 'em

>> No.12550045

You can fix a hole in your engine with ramen noodles

>> No.12550047

If you slowly add oil to egg white while it is being briskly whisked, the oil incorporates into the egg white and becomes an interesting kind of sauce you can use on anything.

>> No.12550049

stick your hand in boiling water to clean off any germs

>> No.12550056

you can open a window on a windy day to cool down your food faster

>> No.12550060
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>> No.12550069

Fucking mayo

>> No.12550070


I'm not taking the piss, but none of those things look weird, for America. Is that the joke?

>> No.12550072

I can't even tell if you're joking or not.
There's too much fucking irony on this site now.

>> No.12550092
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>Egg white

>> No.12550097

If you add a splash of cream to a burre blanc sauce it stabilizes and won't break on you even on high heat

>> No.12550114

you aren't whisking hard enough

>> No.12550144

you can add lecithin pills to an oil/vinegar/herb solution to emulsify into a quick and easy vinaigrette

>> No.12550212

you can close a window on a windy day to anger the goddess of wind

>> No.12550352
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>HEH you fell right into my trap anon what you dont realize is that we are behind so many levels of irony and you will never know what we really think because we are too insecure to tell ya haha you retard
i fucking hate this shit

>> No.12550357

Then go to a forum where people have identities to uphold.

>> No.12550363

no then they would know who i truly am
anonimity is this taiwanese art forum's biggest strength and weakness.

>> No.12550370

Oh say can you see

>> No.12550494

These are all clearly fake you dumbass bongs

>> No.12550506

I ate a peanutbutter and jelly sandwich last week. I really didn't like it. Peanutbutter and chocolate was okay though.

>> No.12550557

Peanutbutter and doritos

>> No.12550615
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>> No.12550767
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>> No.12551407

>Not just using a bit of mustard

>> No.12551468


>dipping Oreos I milk is iconic
>dip them in orange juice and it's "clearly fake"

How the fuck am I supposed to know what infantile shit you lards are going to do next?

>> No.12551483

>food hacks
Is this the food and cooking subreddit?

>> No.12551497

add a cup of water to boiling oil to cool it down quickly.

>> No.12551496

Yes, most mayonnaise is made with both the white and the yolk.

>> No.12551500
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>> No.12551507

what is this? finger/toenails?

>> No.12551508
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>> No.12551548

Listen, here's the secret you fucking tranny. Look at every argument from a logical view point. If their argument is retarded/designed to evoke an emotional response, don't respond, it's that simple!

>> No.12551763

I think it's hashbrowns in a shitty waffle iron.

>> No.12551785

Doritos in pbj is based af have been doing it since I was a kid. Adds a great crunch. God I love Doritos

>> No.12551798

She might be ratchet but let me get it straight I would literally eat that anus

>> No.12552941

Please be ironic.

>> No.12552948

Yeah, people should never try being funny on 4chan and always be 100% sincere. Dumb faggot

>> No.12552978

As memey as it is, peanutbutter and gerkins (but the small entire gerkins in vinegar, not the dill pickled ones or the presliced ones, the crunch is very important) is the only sandwich I like that has peanutbutter in it.

>> No.12553005


Please help me anons, I can't make mayo for shit. I use the whole egg, I add the oil in drips, I put my whisking machine to absolute max speed for 20 minutes and it just stays liquid. I've tried cheating with mustard, I've tried vinegar, still nothing. How do people actually make this fucking meme sauce because it sure as hell isn't just whisking egg and oil together like you liars claim.

>> No.12553219

But the yolk is the important part because it's an emulsifier.

>> No.12553231

Uhh using rice as a tampon

>> No.12553241

Your machine is probably garbage. Use a whisk

>> No.12553309

Get an immersion blender.

>> No.12553606

Soy sauce and vanilla ice cream, might try this.

>> No.12553700

Frosted flakes grilled cheese doesn't sound bad for some reason

>> No.12555398

The really expensive super thick balsamic vinegar is supposed to be amazing on ice cream.

>> No.12555698

Those are breasts, and they look like vaginas.
Are you just saying you always eat the chicken's anus, or is this not some sort of brag?

>> No.12555954

Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be idiots will eventually be flooded by actual idiots who mistakenly believe that they're in good company.

Of course, /ck/ specifically and 4chan as a whole are about five or six years into the flood already.

>> No.12555981

you've obviously never been to /n/.

>> No.12556808

Why would I care if they're actual idiots or not? Do I start taking their comments seriously just because they might have meant them seriously? It's still a good laugh, mate.

>> No.12556823

PB&J sucks, but real talk.
Does anyone else put chips inside their sandwiches? It just saves a step when eating

>> No.12556858

I put fries in my burgers, is that considered putting chips inside a sandwich?

>> No.12556894

it's not though. At all.