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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12544168 No.12544168 [Reply] [Original]

Any food quirks? I know a man, he does not eat hot food. All of his meals he leaves to sit for about ten to twenty minutes.

>> No.12544193

>I know a man, he does not eat hot food. All of his meals he leaves to sit for about ten to twenty minutes.

Is... is this the start of a riddle?

>> No.12545673

I don't eat any seafood. I think it's fucking gross. Always have.

>> No.12546061

A friend of mine had a player during a tabletop rpg convention.
The guy brought a cake (forêt noire) for himself. And as he ate part of it, he would keep on chewing then not swallow. He just spit it back out in handkerchiefs.

>> No.12546980

When I eat pepperoni pizza I like to pick off all the pepperoni and eat it separately, being very careful to separate it from the cheese so the pizza underneath isn't ruined

>> No.12546983

Yeah, I like to eat my wife’s creampie after my bull is finished with her.

>> No.12546995

I like to finish all aspects of my meal at the same time, having some of each component in each bite. if possible, I'm not weird about it

>> No.12547005

I eat my sandwiches crust first to ensure the perfect center bite at the end.

>> No.12547013

the sphinx

>> No.12547027


>> No.12547046

I like to save my favorite thing for last when I eat. I like to end the meal on a good note. This apparently drove my ex crazy as he didn't understand why I'd not want to eat the best thing first. I had no answer for him.

>> No.12547056

That's more of a food preference than a quirk

>> No.12547062

I do the same thing, if I'm going to be left with an after taste I want it to be the best tasting thing.

>> No.12547074

Only one I can think of is in a packet of Tangfastic Haribo, I always leave all the fizzy cola bottles and cherries till last and mix them together to make sour cherry cola.

>> No.12547249

If I know I'm going to have leftovers and that I'm going to eat it within the next day, I'll put it in a sealed container but I wont refrigerate it.

>> No.12547254

when I was a kid I would always disassemble sandwiches and burgers and shit and eat the pieces one by one. havent done it since but it makes me wonder what the fuck I was doing back then.

>> No.12547284

...why not? thats unsanitary

>> No.12547291

probably just understimulated

>> No.12547307

Do you know me? I prefer everything but kebabs cold.

>> No.12547313

Get ready for some mild autism
I don't like (HATE) how the center stays cold in the microwave unless I stir it. My containers are usually at max capacity so it's a pain to stir and I don't want to use another dish just to stir food that's already made. I figure one day isn't long enough for any leftovers to go bad and since everything is room temperature, the food reheats a lot easier. Pizza, pasta, cooked meats, vegetables, pretty much anything.
Of course I'd rather not leave any leftovers since I only eat one huge meal a day and food is better fresh, but if we simply made too much, this is what I do.

>> No.12547334

some things you can just microwave to an even temperature anyway. like pizza, you can't stir a pizza, you just microwave longer

>> No.12547338


>> No.12547345

Whenever I order at a restaurant I always order last and make sure the items are different from what everybody else chose.

>> No.12547354

But then I have to wait that much longer. Longer to cook and longer to cool off to the point where I can eat it without burning myself. I should have specified, but for pizza I usually don't even microwave it. If I do, it would only be for like 30 seconds but I hate what happens to the crust when microwaved.

>> No.12547400

Always ask for two glasses of water at a restaurant.
Always cut all of my meat before eating any of it.
Always use a small fork/spoon if I can.
How much I eat in a day depends on how much I have drank.

>> No.12547492

I don't eat squid because of pic related.

>> No.12547500
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>> No.12547517

Just take it out of the fridge a few hours before you plan on eating.

>> No.12547560 [DELETED] 

While that's a good idea and I will absolutely start doing this on weekends, I'm usually at work or sleeping before I eat leftovers. From work, I'd have to further postpone my one meal by playing video games to get my mind off any hunger, and I might forget to eat all together and then I'm left with the dilemma of "Do I want to get to bed on time but hungry or stay up and eat food?". From sleeping, I'm at work more often than not so the optimal time would be to eat during lunch but that would throw off my eating schedule (usually early evening). If I try to keep my eating schedule, I would eat at home but then the food has been out for 10 hours already anyway (transportation included).
Looks like I went from mild autism to extreme.

>> No.12547575

While that's a good idea and I will absolutely start doing this on weekends, I'm usually at work or sleeping before I eat leftovers. From work, I'd have to further postpone my one meal by playing video games to get my mind off any hunger, and I might forget to eat all together (has happened multiple times in the past) and then I'm left with the dilemma of "Do I want to get to bed on time but hungry or stay up and eat food?". I usually opt to eat and then I'm miserable for the rest of the next day. From sleeping, I'm at work (1st shift) more often than not so the optimal time would be to eat during lunch but that would throw off my eating schedule (usually early-mid evening). If I try to keep my eating schedule, I would eat at home but then the food has been out for 10 hours(transportation included) already anyway.
Looks like I went from mild autism to extreme.

>> No.12547600

Seek help anon

>> No.12547836

I eat fast because I hated family meals growing up

>> No.12547847

I don't eat HOT food. I have friends that just fucking inhale food as soon as its done. It is like they don't have the self control to enjoy a meal for longer than three minutes. What is the point in eating something if its so hot you can't even properly enjoy it.

>> No.12547872

i refuse to eat instant ramen without a glass or can of rc cola
something about the abrasive sweetness compliments the smooth salty spiciness

>> No.12547912

Personally, sour cherry cola sounds pretty good as a soda flavor

>> No.12548170

do americans really do this?

>> No.12548179

I have this odd habit of not being able to put food down if I'm eating with my hands, like a sandwich. So if I have a burger and fries it goes something like this:
>maybe start with some fries, eat a few
>pick up burger and begin chowing down
>even though I don't scarf food down I won't be able to put the thing back on the plate between bites
>just hold it in my hand the whole time whether I'm eating it, drinking or chatting
>usually not too long though as I do take big bites
>finish entire burger and be left with a plate full of fries that I eat slowly
Basically it ends up as a two course meal for me. And the weirdest bit is that I only do this with finger foods, if I have multiple things on a plate and a fork, I can go back and forth relatively easily.

>> No.12548199

The world should seek help from me, heh

>> No.12548207

I do this when I'm craving something sweet
I also strongly consider binging and purging often
I probably have an eating disorder

>> No.12548220

why not just get bigger containers. they are super cheap at dollar tree.

>> No.12548227

Because that's more to clean later. The idea is to have as little to clean as possible while keeping all the different forms of autism in check. Basically min-maxing with... food containers...

>> No.12548366

I do this only if I get a burger that i know is gonna fall apart if I put it down. If the burger is manageable I’m not this autistic.

>> No.12548370
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>tfw someone at your table orders what you ordered

>> No.12548527

I would buy that

>> No.12548541

I do this too!

>> No.12548548

How do you not get food poisoning?

>> No.12548839

He probably microwaves things for like 10 minutes even though it’s already room temp
It’s surprised his gut flora has even survived up until this point

>> No.12548882

I do the same thing

>> No.12548901

I don’t eat any fruit
It smells bad to me
I love vegetables, tomato, avocado

>> No.12549959
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>gut flora

>> No.12549972

Nah, I microwave it shorter than I normally would than if the food was refrigerated, never longer than 2 minutes. Jesus it's not like things get moldy in just 24 hours.

>> No.12549994

Tomato is a fruit

>> No.12549998

You start the digestion procession as soon as you put something in your mouth. You’re still taking in sugar. This is stupid, just use an artificial sweetener drink mix if you need something sweet.

>> No.12550048

I like to order a water but fill it with soda instead.

>> No.12550064
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I was lurking on that whataburger thread and ordered a chicken strips sandwich with gravy. Tasty!

>> No.12550077

Half my time spent preparing food is time spent washing my hands.
Every time I touch food I wash my hands.
Every time I slice something I wash my hands.
Wash my hands before I pick up the frying pan or take something out of the oven.
Wash my hands whenever I pick up the spatula to agitate something on the frying pan.
My water bills are expensive.

>> No.12550083

have sex

>> No.12550115

>mold is the only thing to worry about

>> No.12550163

You're not alone anon. I have no idea why I do this either

>> No.12550165

So is avocado

>> No.12550249

So is OP's post

>> No.12550268

When I was younger my Grandmother would make me eggs and bacon with soldiers along side a cup of tea.

I used to dip the pieces of bread into the cup of tea before dipping it into the egg yoke.

>> No.12550297

sigh... I do this. I hate when food is unsettled/too hot to taste, but then I for some reason started to let things sit that didn't even need to and now I do it with everything I eat. People think it's weird.

Small fork/spoon here as well

>> No.12550327

>I know a man, he does not eat hot food.
Dunno about food, but according to WHO hot drinks (>65C) cause cancer.

>> No.12550752

What else is there? When I do this, I do it in such a way that there's no condensation in the container to water down whatever's inside so I don't lose taste. If you're implying bacteria, that's what the immune system was built for.

>> No.12551016

come on they also consider playing video games a mental disability and consider being a tranny as completely healthy

>> No.12551146


>> No.12551217

Is it drumpf

>> No.12551219

I think a lot of people do this but won't admit it.

>> No.12551247

Cold soda gives me painful hiccups, every single time, have since I was little. Room-temperature pop tastes fine, so that's how I drink it, when I do drink soda that is.

>> No.12551270
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>> No.12551449

I eat them in even portions, gives more dopamine hits
also have sex and dilate

>> No.12551550

I never realized this was the reason my brother scarfed his food down growing up. After he left, i started too bc my dad never shuts the fuck up.
Even now when I go over for dinner, i still put my head down and eat as fast as possible. Doesnt help that my dads the loudest chewer ive ever met in my life, even with his mouth shut.

>> No.12551846

This is a food quirks thread not a mental disability thread anon.

>> No.12551861
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Sometimes it’s too hot!
Sometimes it’s too cold!
Sometimes it’s just right!

>> No.12552039

I refuse to eat any kind of beans

>> No.12552097

What are some good beans to go with noodles?

>> No.12552105

Why would you ask someone who just said they don't eat beans for a bean recommendation?

>> No.12552106


>> No.12552116

I'm asking other people. He made me think of beans though. He's the bean man. He makes me think about beans. I reply to the bean man because that's who you reply to when you have questions about beans.

>> No.12552118

Err Lentils.

Lentils are small, and good. very unobtrusive.

>> No.12552274

I can only eat my fried potatoes with cold milk as a drink. Anything else to drink doesnt fit.

>> No.12552334


>> No.12552823

im a paranoic fuck so i dont like when friend or family cook for me , because i know how dirty their home is or how they dont respect the kitchen.
Yet i let some random teenager make me a burger at a mcdonalds or any fast food place.

I think it is because i can see the guy and i know its being regulated by some other dudes that makes them pay a bill if everything isnt clean.

>> No.12552837

Based. He's much less likely to suffer from oral cancers, and exercising his will power will improve his strength, delayed gratification ftw.

>> No.12553552

i eat the sides first before the main "dish" when eating out.

>> No.12553617

If there is anything "sweet" to eat in the meal, i always eat it first. For example, in old boxed lunches there would be a single chocolate chip cookie. I would eat it before touching anything else.
I find something sweet makes me hungrier and makes me want more. I then proceed to eat the least favorite of the meal so i can finish it while thinking it is going to be something delicious.

>> No.12554664

I like my toast burnt and cold. Delicious!

>> No.12554727

I’m a total pansy who hates getting his hands dirty and almost constantly interrupt my meals to wash them. This naturally makes cooking food a longer task than it needs to be because I am autisitic about cleanliness

Same, it makes the yucky stuff more palatable to me because I know I’ll be rewarded with some good food for my trouble

>> No.12554737

Shit nigga, I go in the opposite direction and just microwave my leftovers until they’re magma hot. I’d rather burn my mouth than eat something you anticipate is warm and it turns out to be cold, that shit awakens my lizard brain to go full chimpanzee rage mode

>> No.12554810

Two glasses of water here too. I drink a lot of water, never thought it was too weird

I use hard liquor to cure indigestion. Always worked well for me, after a heavy meal I slam back a shot and a half, and within five minutes my stomach is in working order again

>> No.12555096


>> No.12555103

I used to do the exact opposite. I used to start at one thing, finish it, spin the plate and move on to the next thing. My ex and her family used to roast me about it. I’ve since evolved

>> No.12555285

that's super normal in all slavic, germanic and nordic countries. french and italians use wine instead, but with every meal.

>> No.12555298

I don't eat any excessively hot food either. My mouth is extremely sensitive and something just off the grill or what not will burn my tongue like you wouldnt believe.

>> No.12555334

Guess I'm the only one, then.

>> No.12556102

Use the power setting on your microwave, dummy. 4 or 5 mins at 60 or 70 then resting for 2 minutes will have you set

>> No.12556246
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If I’m eating a Little Debbie I like to pick it apart. If it’s a Strawberry Shortcake Roll ( https://www.amazon.com/Little-Debbie-Strawberry-Shortcake-6-Count/dp/B001TK7WPG ) I like to unroll the roll, lick the creamy jelly from the moist shortcake and then break up the shortcake into smaller pieces. I normally discard the shortcake or feed it to my pup.

>> No.12556868

fuck off goldie locks

>> No.12556970

Think you ever felt like people were threatening your food when you were longer? like, if you put it down for too long someone else would snatch it up? Sounds to me like a defensive urge.

>> No.12557044

i throw pizzas in the fridge because i prefer them cold
i put sambal and worcestershire sauce on them as condiments

>> No.12557745

I eat one thing at a time. For example, all of the steak and then all of the taters then the asparagus. I don't know if that's weird.

>> No.12558921


ecoli, for one

>> No.12560090

Your what?

>> No.12560111

>small fork/spoon
are you a child?