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12548654 No.12548654[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that 51% of ozone depleting emissions come from the animal agriculture industry.

>> No.12548664

but I fish in rivers

>> No.12548676

Haha it's funny because that's not really god tweeting it's some liberal atheist faggot trying to act morally superior lmao

>> No.12548679
File: 354 KB, 1798x1056, AF6DE091-EFDC-421D-A983-6E0B383A2826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I explained le joke xD

>> No.12548683

>David Adam Javerbaum (born 1971) is an American comedy writer. Javerbaum has won 13 Emmy Awards in his career, 11 of which he received for his work on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. He runs the popular Twitter account @TheTweetOfGod, an account known for its anti-established-religion tweets.
>David Javerbaum

>> No.12548684

Haha you're a teenager posting memes thinking that you're part of a secret club

>> No.12548685

Daily reminder that the same people who claimed the ozone layer would be gone by the 90s killing us all today claim the global temperature will irreparably rise killing us all in a decade.

>> No.12548686

>teach a chink to fish

>> No.12548694

what about the salad industry
roundup in the soil isn't much better by comparison. just be sustainable and it'll be alright.

>> No.12548697

every time

>> No.12548700

I thought I was on ck?

>> No.12548708

Wait so that’s not really God saying that faggy stuff and it’s some filthy kike mocking the religion of my people?

>> No.12548709

/pol/‘s Reddit colony was banned so we’re going to see an influx of posts owning the libs for a while

>> No.12548719
File: 337 KB, 900x1200, ytle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ayo who gives a fuck none of this shit matters like whatever

>> No.12548726

That's a bit different.

We banned most of the CFCs (the gases that caused the destruction of the ozone layer to begin with), we limited other ozone-destroying emissions, and now scientists do indeed claim that it'll be mostly repaied by 2030 (but not fully repaired until a fuck-off long amount of time, but the important part is that it's not reducing).

We haven't really reduced CO2 emissions to a significant degree yet. Whether we get there by carbon capture, reducing them period, or somehow manage to create a system to urn CO2 back into fuel (some researchers are looking into that) doesn't matter, so as long as more than physiologically inevitable can be done.

>> No.12548730

>not a filthy kike
Ummm hunnnyyyyyy...

>> No.12548740

Oh yeah individuals fishing recreationally or even as a major food source are definitely what's destroying marine ecosystems. Couldn't be industrial fishing and the fucking chinks, no sir. Literally vacuuming up masses of fish and dragging miles long long lines and enormous nets catching everything in the entire fucking world ocean absolutely isn't it, just individual dudes fishing.

Fucking leftist faggots.

>> No.12548741

its funny because i always hear uber liberals complain about fisherman but nobody talks about conserving the ocean more than us. I pick up >100 yards of fishing line and multiple articles of trash every time I go fishing. I observe bag limits and use smart tackle so as to reduce my impact. What the fuck have they done for the ocean?

>> No.12548749

To add on to this industrial scale agriculture is just as fucking bad if not worse. You know that absolutely enormous dead zone off Louisiana in the Gulf of Mexico? Guess what caused it? FUCKING AGRICULTURE.
God damn agricultural run off into the Mississippi down into the gulf creating massive algae blooms due to the nitrogen and other fertilizers which deplete all the oxygen in the water and kill fucking everything. But yeah man fucking salads and veganism are totally like the answer man fuck those evil nazi omnivores! Yay dead zones and destroyed stream and river ecosystems and sil destruction from monocultures and deforestation and so on, that shit's jsut like gravy maaaaaan.

>> No.12548751

Posted on twitter about how much they care, you know, actual problem fixing. Fish murdering piece of shit.

>> No.12548767

Haha, it’s funny, you’re an incel who weighs 300 pounds and is handicapped enough to be religious and vote Trump, lol

>> No.12548768

You're a fucking retard

Ozone disappears over the poles during winter because the perpetual darkness means there's no sunlight to generate it. Sunlight is necessary to create ozone in the atmosphere

All that bullshit about CFCS killing the ozone was exactly the same as the modern global warming shills

>> No.12548778

>the ozone disappears in “the winter” which explains its global degradation year round
It’s amazing how far science has gotten to teach an orangutan how to type English

>> No.12548784

if you care so much about impact reduction you could try not fishing

>> No.12548788

To accomplish fucking what, you twat?

At this point the only fridges and spray cans using CFCs are basically things you could easily sell into an antiques stores. Almsot every single country on Earth passed legislation against them and successfully shifted them out.

Just because greenhouse emissions are much harder to limit doesn't meant that everything else was THAT hard.

>> No.12548794

Christ, sorry, meant for >>12548768

>> No.12548795

Except CFCs did cause the hole in the ozone and when they were banned the hole did go away until relatively recently it "mysteriously" came back and people realized China DGAF and is using massive amounts of CFCs. It's literally science and I'm literally a scientist.

>> No.12548806

Leftists inherently critique industrial actors. Also fishing as a major fold source leads to industrial fishing. What do you think they do with all that fish? Don't give me only asians do it either because western industrial fishing has already destroyed many fish colonies and marone ecosystems in the ocean. No ones saying its one fisherman you fucking retard.

>> No.12548811

Over half of ocean plastic is fishing nets.

>> No.12548813

Do you think I'm constantly eating whatever I catch every time I go fishing? It relaxes me, I sometimes fish in disgusting water so I wouldn't eat the majority of the fish I catch, for legal or health reasons. If anything, I could kill the invasive species I catch but I don't have the heart to toss them on the ground.

>> No.12548832
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climate change is a liberal doomsday cult

>> No.12548865

Over half of your diet is man cum

>> No.12548881

Daily reminder that I don’t care

>> No.12548883

Good. I can't fucking wait for the world to end.

>> No.12548936

>China building whole fucking fleets of pirate vessels.
>China creating super processing vessels that process several times the whole world's legal limit of a certain fish per year.
>China illegally fishing in bays in South America and attacking their coast guard.
Nah man, other people do some things too and we should be looking at that I guess.

>> No.12548941
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if the majority of fish you catch aren't worth catching, perhaps you could consider

not fishing

>> No.12548948

I wish I had a fish right in front of me right now I'd stab it in the fucking face and flush it down the toilet so nobody can have it

>> No.12548954

>im miserable so everybody should die
heh. look at this simp.

>> No.12548963

Now that's what I call based