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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12538255 No.12538255 [Reply] [Original]

yo /ck/ - is this knife sharpener worth getting or is it crap? or should I spend more and get an electric?

>> No.12538346

There's a lot of factors that go into what would or wouldn't be "worth getting" for you. Just asking really doesn't address any of them.

>> No.12538546

They're all shit, get a $20 1000 grit stone and practice for a bit. Starting with a knife that's already sharp helps, just follow the angles it already has.

>> No.12538954


Carbide pull-through sharpeners are terrible for your knives and should be avoided.

The answer is always to buy a set of stones and learn to do it by hand.

>> No.12539011

I like my Spyderco sharpmaker.

>> No.12540322
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Any pull through or electric knife sharpener is useless garbage. The only people who like them are people who have never used a sharp knife before and dont know any better.

Its like training wheels on a bike, its foolproof and it works but you'll be doing a shit job. Take the wheels off and learn how to do it properly.

This cheap, no name diamond stone is a really good starting point. diamond stones sharpen agressively and leave a toothy edge which cuts into food really well. Watch some youtube videos and learn how to use one of these. Youll also want a honing steel, the diamond stones put an edge onto the knife. And the honing steel maintains that edge untill it needs a new one

>> No.12540390

Don't get a stone. You'll fucking round every blade you touch. None of you assholes can learn to use a stone. Get a rotary grinder, a piece of leather and some green buffing compound. Rub the shit out of your blade on the leather to take off the burr. It'll be fine. Don't get a fucking stone.

>> No.12540394


Any asshole that uses a "honing" steel, whether steel or ceramic, uses dull knives. That shit is an excuse. It straightens a shitty burr.

>> No.12540399

me too but I don't know how to use it despite watching the videos and trying to read the instructions

>> No.12540402
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You can learn how to use whetstones, but you spend a lot of energy doing it before you're good. It hurts the wrist after about 10 blades. You get arthritis. Or, you get a shitty diamond rotary device and get a blade that will shave your arm hair in the end and you can do as many blades as you want without injuring yourself.

>> No.12540436

I've tried using stones, and they work well once you've practiced, but they're time consuming and a pain in the ass. It hasn't arrived yet, but I ordered a sort of mini belt sander knife sharpening tool (the Ken Onion by Work Sharp). I was waffling between getting that and a proper benchtop belt sander, but decided I'd rather get the smaller thing for now.

>> No.12540445

Bullshit, it maintains the edge on softer steels which will deform just from general use. two swipes every time you use it and your blade can go for years without needing another edge (as long as you dont do anything stupid with it)

and a ceramic rod is an entirely different tool, its just a stone in stick form, used to touch up the edge by removing material

>> No.12540472


A Steel ruins a real edge. My edges cut through tomato like it was water. You put a fucking steel on that and scar the living shit out of it. I use razor edges with a microburr. Nothing more than 400 grit. But it is perfectly cut. So you can get through a tomato and also cut anything else without worrying about turning the burr with a steel.

>> No.12540478

The work sharp is actually pretty well reguarded, i dont think youll need anything bigger than that.

Paper wheel systems are another thing to check out if youve got a bench grinder. They put amazing edges on blades with no effort at all

>> No.12540517
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>I enjoy eating fragments of steel the post
A steels purpose is to remove the burr because it can't and won't stay straight, all that will happen is the edge will keep bending until it fucking curls over and your "edge" is wider than the tang of the blade.

But of course you didn't know this as mummy won't let you use the adult tools in the kitchen and the nearest you've been to cooking is heating up tendies in a microwave.

>> No.12540520

i think it depends on what you're sharpening. My jap knives all get mirror polished edges and are only touched up with a strop, obviously a honing steel goes nowhere near them.

My victorinox hasnt been on a stone for years, it gets a swipe on the steel before i use it and the toothy edge can easily make paper thin slices on tomato. You cant tell me they dull knives when in my experience they do an excellent job of maintaining a great edge on softer knives

>> No.12540914

When I worked in a chicken factory we used industrial-grade carbide pull-through sharpeners all the time and it did a good enough job to keep slicing through whole chickens just fine. We didn't exactly have time to stop and sharpen properly. We also had a steel rods to help and knives were professionally sharpened every night.

>> No.12540926 [DELETED] 

Look, its fucking simple, ok? You just buy a whetstone, with 200 grit, 300 grit, 400 grit, 500 grit, 700 grit, 1000 grit, 1500 grit, and 2000 grit. Ok? Then submerge it in water at 10 degrees, 30 degrees, 50 degrees, 70 degrees, 100 degrees (All in American degrees, of course). Then let it soak for 20 minutes, or 4 hours, or 3 days, or 20 years. Ok? THEN, take your knife, and hold it at 10 degrees, or 30 degrees, or 50 degrees, or 475 degrees, and just gently bruuuuussshhh against the stone, ok? Just like you're making love to a woman. You DO know what that's like, right? OK, but this won't work with certain metals, and will fuck up ceramic, ok? So make sure you have the right kind of knife to do this. Make sure you do at least 20 strokes, but not more than 20, but probably ideally should do 40 but don't exceed 30. Then flip it over and do the same on the other side. After 20 minutes, or 8 hours, or 3 days, or 20 years, it's done, but now it needs to go on a leather strop. You do have one of those, right? Essentially, follow the previously listed directions without the soaking.

And you're done!

>> No.12540931

Im guessing these were industrial grade knives that cost like $10 though, where excessive wear doesnt matter.

You wouldnt want to do that on your nice knives

>> No.12540942

Nigger it takes like 10 minutes out of your time every few months. If you've got time to cook then youve got time to sharpen your knives

>> No.12540949

How many chickens were you going through where you required pull throughs, steels and a sharpen every day?

>> No.12541052

The best of both worlds is the Lansky system which uses whetstones but maintains the proper angle for you which no matter what these tards say here, is extremely difficult to do and requires countless hours of practice.

>> No.12541109

>extremely difficult

Yeah nah, maybe on pocket knives with a combination of straight and heavily curved or recurved sections

Cooking knives are the easiest knives out there to sharpen, especially if they have no bolster and have only a slightly curved blade.

Find your angle by feel, lock your wrist in place and away you go.

Maintaining a consistent angle is only hard when you're new to sharpening and dont really have a tecnique down yet

>> No.12541115

>Muh steels.
Enjoy fucked up blades when your steel removes your blades metals.

>> No.12541307

>t. noknives britcuck
retard, honing steels really do work to keep a properly sharpened knife razor sharp for a long time in between sharpenings.

>> No.12541315


There's _nothing_ razor sharp about a blade that has a steel dragged across it. All you're doing is straightening an already dull burr.

>> No.12541322

no, you're straightening out a still razor sharp edge that has been bent or curved from use.

>> No.12541324

>There's _nothing_ razor sharp about a blade that has a stone dragged across it
see how retarded you sound

>> No.12541339


Good luck with that, guys. Fucking kids.

>> No.12541354
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You dipshits fundamentally misunderstand sharpening, don't you? You think cutting on a cutting board is less detrimental to an edge than taring a piece of rounded steel across it? Good luck with cutting your fingers off trying to slice a tomato.

>> No.12541363

Fuck you, get a 30$ fixed angle grinder and stop asking bullshit

>> No.12541372

There are diffferent types of steels. A typical butcher's steel like the ones that come with most knife sets has very sharp and deep groves. If you use one of those on a typical soft german steel knife with a rolled apex it will tear off the rolled bits and create a horrible jagged saw edge that gives you the impression if sharpness for a short while. Those steels essentially work like files, as you can see by looking at all the worn out fucked up butcher knives that know nothing but those steels.

If you have a knife with a really sharp apex (from a stone) that has just been rolled you can gently straighten the apex with a smooth/polished or microgrooved steel without tearing it to shit.

>> No.12541378
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This, never going back to stones.
But a nice wetstone next to the knife has a special touch

>> No.12541391


>> No.12541392


Or buy a sharpener that takes 30 seconds to resharpen the blade properly with as much time as it takes to get your blade dildo out of the drawer. Depends on if you cook every day or not.

>> No.12541815

Wait a minute. Does your retarded ass think the steel is dragged along the cutting surface of the blade?

>> No.12541825

Whatever you do don't do the stupid stone autismo this board promotes

>> No.12541828

I haven't sharpened my knife in months. still cuts fine. I think a very sharp knife is too dangerous to have around anyway.

>> No.12541845
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>carbide knife shredder

How many times do we have to teach you this lesson, old man?

>> No.12541854

A dull knife will cut you worse than a sharp knife.

>> No.12541893

>30 seconds to resharpen the blade properly
except it wont be sharpened properly. Have you ever seen the edge of a knife that has been sharpened by one of those drag through sharpeners under a microscope? It is a thing of horror, I can tell you.

>> No.12542093

Holy fuck you are legitimately fucking retarded
Anon you are so fucking stupid that you came to shit up a decent thread based on shit you fucking imagined
And shit, you're so fucking stupid that instead of thinking 'hey, maybe these guys know something I don't, or maybe what I thought was right was wrong', you kept going with the faggot air of superiority your fat shitposting body requires for you to not kill yourself
Fucking end it already anon

>> No.12542360
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We'd debone 5 chickens a minute in specific parts.
P1 does left wings & breast,
P2 does right wing & breast,
P3 does tendies.
The carcasses were on a teflon cone on a moving chain like on this pic.
It's pretty much like this but with proper hygiene and safety since I'm in Canada.

>> No.12542384

It was more like this, except faster. 5 chickens a minute, we'd move to the next station every 30m, 8h a day.
Sorry for the promo video, it's the best I could find.

>> No.12542415

>instead of thinking 'hey, maybe these guys know something I don't, or maybe what I thought was right was wrong', you kept going with the faggot air of superiority your fat shitposting body requires for you to not kill yourself
extremely common on 4chan.
I thought it was fun when i was younger but the older I get the more obnoxious i find this attitude.

>> No.12543836

I just take my knives to my local market once a year to get sharpened and use a quality steel to keep them honed.

>> No.12545129


I appreciate your pissed off rigor. But you're just fucking stupidly wrong. I've been around tool steel and cutlery steel my entire life. You just don't fucking know what you're talking about.

But I love that you're so pissed off to try to pretend you do.

>> No.12545155
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If you want to break your wrists, buy something like this piece of shit and learn what firm but limber means. Otherwise get a mechanical sharpener and a strop.

>> No.12545186


Where'd you go, pissy? Want to tell me how to sharpen a chisel or a gouge on an 1850 rpm grinder without ruining the temper? How about a plane on an oilstone.

I need you to teach me.

>> No.12545231


Yeah, I figured you stupid fucking kids went to bed. It's about that time.

>> No.12545247
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I just received my Harbor Freight™ Central Machinery® 1 In. X 30 In. Belt Sander in the mail today. Just sharpened my first knife with it and it came out amazing!

>> No.12545265


YES!. Belt sanders reduce the heat by being slower and more distributive. Just make sure you never see blue on your edge, that's how you detemper your blade.

>> No.12545267


after the band sander.. well you should use a 400 grit band sander at the end, but after than make sure you strop it.

>> No.12545286

jesus christ how horrifying

>> No.12545311
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I tried a similar pull through sharpener but it was cheap and only didn't have multiple steps. Is this one any better? I really need to sharpen my knife soon. Should I just get a stone?

>> No.12545328


Never use those. NEVER. Jesus christ. If you want a blade that looks like a W, use this. I don't know.. just never use that.

>> No.12545352
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Get a shitbox chefs choice diamond grinder.

>> No.12545359
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>not setting your knife to wumbo
I'll just get a stone then I guess. Even the reviews for it say it doesn't work as well as a stone.

>> No.12545370


I don't understand tardspeak. Are you guys legitmately crippled?

>> No.12545378


If so, I'm sorry.

>> No.12545386


It was just a reference to this since you said it'll make the knife look like a W. Calm down, spaz.

>> No.12545393


Well, that's mature.

>> No.12545397


You really aren't embarrassed, are you?

>> No.12545399

>i'm so mature because i easily get upset over nothing and call people crippled retards

>> No.12545412


keep getting cramps, I guess.

>> No.12545421


I'm sorry, I know you're just some kidiot. Can I offer you a recipe or meal?

>> No.12545429


One of my best

Piri piri Chicken

2 tbsp McCormicks piri piri blend
3 tbsp Olive oil
1 tsp Herbes de Provence (thyme or Italian blend may work)
2 tbsp White wine vinegar
1 tsp Salt
4 Garlic Cloves minced/finely chopped


Liquid Macarico piri piri hot sauce to taste (approx. 2tsp)

mix well

Use Jacques Pepin recipe for application instructions and cooking.

>> No.12545435
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>my best
>Jacques Pepin recipe
so it's not yours

>> No.12545440


Talk to comedians. We all borrow. Also make sure you cut the breast bone when you spatchcock the chicken. So it spreads out.

>> No.12545447


It's not his recipe, go watch. He knows how to prep a bird. That's it.

>> No.12545454

>He knows how to prep a bird. That's it.
he probably knows more than that

>> No.12545458


Where'd you go, puppy?

>> No.12545461


It's Jacque Pepin, dipshit. How can he not?

>> No.12545537

Man, how did you cope doing the exact same thing over and over? I think i would have gone crazy after a day

>> No.12545549

What belts are you using? See if you can get a cloth belt and load it up with some polishing compound, this will put an amazing edge on it

>> No.12545559

I have an assortment from 120 to 1000. I just used the 600 and 1000. I'm thinking about getting a leather strip

>> No.12545572

Get a stone and a strop and learn how to use them. its much more versatile and youll get better results than if you take a shortcut with a pull through.

>> No.12545574

600 and 1000 is perfect actually. A leather belt will take it up to the next level

>> No.12545945


>> No.12546053
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I have a Chosera 800 and Rika 5k that get the job done well.

>> No.12546060

is this why they had you moving to the next station every 30m? so you were doing something different? i imagine they wanted to avoid people getting into too much of a zoned out robotic flow, i can imagine how with knives that could involve injuries especially considering its literally knife work 100% of the time. still though how the fuck did you manage plus the stench of raw chicken all day

>> No.12546097

Watching that first video, i can easily see someone deboning their hand after 5 hours of repetitive action

>> No.12546108

A pull-through sharpener is okay to restore a thoroughly blunt knife to a state where it can be honed.

You should never allow your knife to reach that state and so shouldn't need such a sharpener, but you can restore knives destroyed by some morons to working condition that way.

>> No.12546115

Tbh yeah you're right, a totally fucked blade would benefit from a quick edge being set into it, to then be sharpened properly

>> No.12546153

that made me shudder thinking about that dull ass knife covered in disgusting mexican chicken germs filleting your hand open right between your thumb and index and depositing a big nasty load of salmonella into your blood stream only to be dealt with by one of the worst healthcare systems in the world and probably honestly being told to clean it up and finish your shift beforehand

>> No.12546641

I’m planning on getting one that comes with white compound

>> No.12546817


Now do that with 10 blades and tell me how your arms feel.

>> No.12547609
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We'd move after 30m to prevent repeated fatigue mostly. Also we had a chainmail glove to protect our off hand.
There's a few jobs off the line too, in total we had 6 different positions so it wasn't always knife work, plus we had toilet breaks (one by one), full breaks and lunch/dinner. The jobs were:
-Chicken hooker (put carcasses on the line) x1
-left side deboning and right side deboning (alternating with N pairs depending on the amount of people on the line)
-tendies cutter x2
-tendies remover x1
-wing separator on a different machine (no knives involved) x2
-Simple cleaning and misc task like replacing chipped knifes, picking up fallen pieces of chicken, moving boxes, etc. x2
Of course on top of that other employees were doing shipping, cleaning, packaging and such but there weren't on the rotation.

The place was kept at 3c/37f and was well aerated so there was barely any smell and you'd quickly get used to it. If anythign it was worse when we'd do batches of marinades. It was also entirely cleaned with hot chlorinated water twice a day to prevent any buildup.

It wasn't that bad of a job really, once used to it you can easily talk with the people next to you or you could order ear protectors with headphones and listen to the radio or to your music. See pic. Also 5/min was the regular speed but anyone with some experience could easily do 7/8, with the veterans able to do half the line by themselves.