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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12531749 No.12531749 [Reply] [Original]

Are there really people on here that dont drink soda?

>> No.12531763
File: 81 KB, 1920x1200, Dammit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12531773


>> No.12531776

Go home nigga

>> No.12531782

Yeah, I gradually reduced my soda intake until dropping it entirely. I find it disgustingly sweet now and hate the carbonation.

>> No.12531788

I don't like the taste, it's too sweet

>> No.12531797

Does non soda juice expire faster than soda pop?
It's the summer, I want to know which ones fare better in the heat.

>> No.12531799

same. i was drinking 5 or 6 cans per day. stopped cold turkey. over a 12 month period, i lost 60lbs. recently drank a coke and couldn't finish it. i can't believe how sweet it is.

>> No.12531803

Yes, adults. As you should be because it's a prerequisite for posting on 4chan.

>> No.12531843

Same thing happened with cookies or cake. And the aftertaste is worse than the actual taste as I eat those things. Never had much of a sweet tooth but my decreasing apprecistion for sweet stuff kind of coincided with me getting into coffee, not sure if it's just a coincidence or there is some kind of causal relation to it though.

>> No.12531868

not sure if there's any correlation. i drank coffee when i was drinking cokes. it was all about the caffeine. i still drink 1 small cup of coffee per day. i enjoy a piece of chocolate once in a blue moon.

>> No.12532060
File: 41 KB, 680x500, 1554238410915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What compels a man to repost this thread for years on end with the same starting picture?

>> No.12532072

Other than maybe the occasional based ginger ale, I couldn't imagine unironically drinking soda all the time. For me, it's water, tea, and club soda!

>> No.12532088
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>> No.12532094

delete this

>> No.12532103


it's just that good

>> No.12532133

>What compels a man to repost this thread for years on end with the same starting picture?
I don't know, it's really fucking annoying. Same as that stupid cunt who keeps on posting the "do you feed your pet fruit" thread with the cat eating a watermelon, or that schizophrenic idiot who kept spamming the same picture of a girl chewing into a raw steak with the filename zerocarbqt.jpg. Or the "is there anything she can't do" chicken poster.
I really hope there's an afterlife and their ironic punishments in Hell involve someone repetitively yelling the same stupid meme phrases while slamming their head into the same meme picture taped to a desk they're chained down in front of, over and over again for all eternity

>> No.12532165

Don't like the carbonisation, the bubble make my nose burn every time I burp. Don't like alcohol for the same reason.

>> No.12532168


>> No.12532170

A refreshing glass of water is always much better. If I want something sweet then I'll get fruit juice. It has more flavor, is better for me and doesn't have annoying carbonation.

>> No.12532188

I was down 45lbs in october (with my weight at the time being 180lbs) from not drinking soda/low carb. Then my girlfriend broke up with me and I started binge eating these microwave pot pies with coke and now I ballooned back up to 205lbs. end me /ck/

>> No.12532189

>annoying carbonation
How is carbonation annoying? It's a mellow pleasant sensation that also helps with digestion.

>> No.12532192

I have a root beer or cream soda once a year, maybe.

>> No.12532195

One can of soda has an insane amount of sugar.

>> No.12532203

I don't find it mellow at all. I don't like that it prickles my mouth. It's not smooth and it's genuinely unpleasant

>> No.12532221

You must have the most sensitive mouth in the world. Never even considered carbonation as an irritant possible before reading your posts here.
Do you also not eat spicy foods and don't smoke?

>> No.12532230

>tfw your tap water belongs to the best in the world

feels good man

>> No.12532249

I didn't say it was an irritant. It's not like it's hurting my mouth or anything. It's just not a pleasant sensation and detracts from the experience.

>> No.12532299

Irritation doesn't need to hurt. Itches are irritating and don't hurt.

>> No.12532333

PS: Do you find the underwater jets in hot tubs unpleasant too?
Just kind of blows my mind someone like you exists since I'm the complete opposite and really enjoy bubbling sensations like those.

>> No.12532348

that's a totally different kind of sensation. in a hot tub it's really soft, not tiny little prickles like with carbonation. not to mention on is inside my mouth, where it's really sensitive, and one is just on my legs. totally different feeling.

just to give you an idea, I don't even hate carbonation too much, but popping candy makes me want to die. I just hate anything like that in my mouth/throat

>> No.12532357


>500 empty calories of beetus with every meal.

>> No.12532402

what exactly is an empty calorie?

>> No.12532408

A calorie that isn't accompanied by nutriments

>> No.12532427


I'm not the guy you originally replied to, but I don't like carbonation, either. I never have. It's just an annoying sensation that gets in the way of enjoying the taste. Maybe this is because my family never had soda in the house growing up, so I'm not "used to it" -- I don't know.

>> No.12532434

yup, exact same story here

>> No.12532472
File: 8 KB, 184x184, w7wfwqhxm7uz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've posted this before. As i've said before, i dislike the taste of soda, therefore i do not drink it

>> No.12532511

Well, I believe you but you're all fucking crazy. You might as well tell me you don't like sunshine or kung fu movies.

>> No.12532527

I make sure to order it at restaurants so I'm not judged for drinking free water

>> No.12532534
File: 399 KB, 608x676, ccbda211d353cc10cabbcbb63b391f61-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bruh moment

>> No.12532552


>> No.12532555

sometimes i'll take a swig from the 2liters my dad still buys. instead of soda now i drink sparkling water, and i'm feeling particularly spend-happy i'll buy some coke 0 which for all intents and purposes is a cola flavored sparkling water

>> No.12532560
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>> No.12532570

Yeah, I get that you're gay and also into anime and manga. I'm asking what your "bruh moment" post is about.

>> No.12532581
File: 459 KB, 700x987, 1552723607688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man you just keep coming with these bruh moments huh

>> No.12532587

Are you shocked that someone DOES like carbonation? Help a retard out here, anon.

>> No.12532589

I'm just being a retard, you retard. I wasn't really replying to anything specific

>> No.12532590


>> No.12532594
File: 54 KB, 626x444, glass-water-macro-shot_53876-32234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Five years next year. I had a small sample of cola a year ago without knowing it and it made me jittery. I'm trying to cut out junk food and candy, swapping the latter with sweet potatoes, going on two years now.

>> No.12532599

You just randomly picked a post you had no opinion on so you could write "bruh moment" and start spamming homosexual cartoon images?

>> No.12532604

the jokes write themselves

by adding me on discord uwu

>> No.12532623

Well that's pretty inconsiderate. People here are just trying to discuss food and cooking topics in peace. It's fine if homosexual cartoons are what you're into, but why intentionally use them to try to hurt other people by annoying them? Some people here likely just found out not too long ago how a loved one passed away, or were laid off recently from the job they'd been supporting themselves with for years. Everyone's going through a difficult journey being alive. It's better not just for them but for yourself as well to recognize this and treat people kindly.

>> No.12532629


>> No.12532633

I'm not sure if you're joking

>> No.12532709
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>> No.12532738


lmao, its gotta be a talent to open your mouth that wide

>> No.12532752

I agree. They deserve to go to hell.

>> No.12532762

why do you think he has a world record certificate in the pic you mong

go look at the image and you'll kick yourself for not realizing the nintendo switch box is photoshopped in

>> No.12532819

Not all alcohol is carbonated

>> No.12533074
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>> No.12534387


>> No.12534483

I treat soda like a dessert, but it has to be a “higher-end” soda made with cane sugar. So maybe a few times a month Ill buy a bottle of Virgils or Maine Root

>> No.12534488
File: 18 KB, 255x325, 357lu9e1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12534698

Drinking soda feels like trying to drink foam. It fucking sucks.

>> No.12534704

i drink a combination of yerba mate, kombucha, and my own urine

>> No.12534749

>Paul Bearer
Ahh shit I literally just got it

>> No.12534751

moot created 4chan when he was underage.

>> No.12534752

How would a hoofed animal use a saw?

>> No.12534957

those are all me btw

>> No.12535412
File: 38 KB, 1000x700, 553159973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop with these threads
dont drink sugar and drink water or you'll be diagnosed with diabetes

>> No.12535670

I only drink Diet Dr Pepper, but I drink a lot of it

>> No.12535684

same. id just eat a bag of sugar if i wanted that much sweet.
a bottle of soda from pepsicoke is literally 1/5 sugar by volume.

>> No.12535723

I love visiting /ck/ because you guys have the highest quality autists. You have the OP's who apparently remake this thread endlessly and then you get amazing responses like this. I'll go back to lurking so I don't spoil the board but please keep this shit up.

>> No.12536810

I had to quit, diet soda is very addicting.