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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12529096 No.12529096 [Reply] [Original]

What is the one dish a girl can cook to make anon fall in love with her?

For me, it's 봇쌈

>> No.12529113

B is so clearly better
theres even a chance for the ultra rare up-shirt

>> No.12529115

cum soup

>> No.12529122

I had that once and it was really good, not gay, i just like dicks and jizz all over my face, but i'm totally straight haha

>> No.12529126

OP spelled Bosttam/Bosssam btw
What the fuck even is that

>> No.12529134
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I prefer raw.

>> No.12529139

>Not saying no homo
Fucking diseased faggot.

>> No.12529144

If a woman can roast a chicken, cook a steak, and understands how vegetables work it will tip me over the edge. So, basic cooking skills without retard level premade shit or heavy reliance on some form of pasta, I guess. Of all the whopping two women I've been involved with in my life so far, neither of them could do basic cooking. Honestly, I'm tired of being the one who always cooks.

>> No.12529147

of course I say no homo, I say it like those slanted eye fags across the pacific say "ilikuwhitemanupenisu"

Before I chug a biiig heaping serving of semen soup I always say no homo

>> No.12529167
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Whatever she makes best, as long as it's made with love.

>> No.12529199

I definitely sealed the deal with my husband when I cooked for him. I didn't have a lot of cooking experience at the time, very little actually, but I found recipes that were good buy easy to follow and would make a test batch before making it for him. It turned out I found a hobby I really enjoy and have come a long way. It's really just following directions correctly when you think about it.

>> No.12529226

Breast milk.

>> No.12529235

Thank you for learning how to cook.

>> No.12529266

It's hard for me to hear about friends and coworkers of his who are married to women that literally don't cook anything, not even pasta or grilled chicken and salad. All they do is bring home take out, order delivery, or go out to eat unless their husbands cook. I get that many women work full time, but so was I back then almost always more than 56 hours per week. You can still whip up a meal when you get home.

>> No.12529270

Meant for you.

>> No.12529271

Ita this korean pork dish. You put pork and a bunch of shit on thin sliced fermented radishes. I forgot the english name

>> No.12529282

Wtf where can i find femanons like you

>> No.12529283 [DELETED] 

I'm guessing just about anything you throbbing incel

>> No.12529286
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At this point I'd probably fall in love with a girl if she was willing to make eye contact with me, cooking be damned.

>> No.12529296
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Where do you live and what is your number. We're going to work out together, play some r6 siege, and maybe discover a new productive hobby. Lets make you into a chad

>> No.12529323

Toasted cheese sandwich. If she can make it as well as my mother she's in.

>> No.12529327

I wish I knew. The few friends I have are normie as fuck, so I mostly socialize here aside from my husband of course. He's technology illiterate though, so he thinks I'm on the "dark web" since I use the tomorrow style. No matter how many times I explain it, he still thinks I'm just being sly about it.

>> No.12529329

I've never dated a girl who could cook. Didn't really matter that much because I like doing it.

>> No.12529356

I literally don't even have a phone number, no bullshit

>> No.12529418

Pooty Tang

>> No.12529630

i make some okay ramen i guess
but you can never go wrong with breakfast foods

>> No.12529794

OBjective, true, very, very true but still objective
A accentuates the chest, and there's nothing like a nice over-the-clothes messing around. the clothe makes it all feel so dirty. so young and free-spirited-like dirty

>> No.12529798

Do you know what objective means?

>> No.12529880

like, an objective? would it make you feel better if I said subjective? i don't always care what every random anon thinks or feels but if you need someone to talk to, or someones grammar to pick on at 4am then by all means i'll be the guy but i won't be around for long because i've spoken my piece and you've heard it.

>> No.12529960

A guy named Joe finds himself in dire trouble. His business has gone bust and he's in serious financial trouble. He's so desperate he decides to ask God for help. He begins to pray...
"God, please help me. I've lost my business and if I don't get some money, I'm going to lose my house as well. Please let me win the lotto."
Lotto night comes and somebody else wins it.
Joe again prays...
"God, please let me win the lotto! I've lost my business, my house and I'm going to lose my car as well."
Lotto night comes and Joe still has no luck.
Once again, he prays...
"My God, why have you forsaken me?? I've lost my business, my house, and my car. My wife and children are starving. I don't often ask you for help and I have always been a good servant to you. PLEASE just let me win the lotto this one time so I can get my life back in order."
Suddenly there is a blinding flash of light as the heavens open and Joe is confronted by the voice of God Himself: "Joe, meet Me halfway on this. Buy a ticket.

>> No.12529970

It's difficult communicating with someone who has a rudimentary grasp of english, Deng. How many years of shitposting do you have left before they'll let you see your wife and kid again?

>> No.12529976

wet pussy

>> No.12530621

If she can toss me a salad.

>> No.12530823
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I'm going to die alone. The only women interested in me are thots after money

>> No.12530863

I like both A and B but I think there's more involved to love than just a meal. I'm okay with being alone right now. It's normal.

>> No.12531189
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>when you don't even have gold diggers interested in you because you don't have any gold

>> No.12531778

enjoy your parasites

>> No.12532059

With a bit more experience you will ve able to cook without a recipe at hand. Just try newer recipes so you keep your recipe inventory growing

>> No.12532070
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Works perfect with Taxas chicks

>> No.12532140


>> No.12532158


>> No.12532181

Oh yes by now I cook often without recipes unless it's something I'm unfamiliar with or baking related. I meant that for people who are inexperienced in cooking, all they need to do is follow a recipe properly to make a decent meal, but people are surprisingly bad at following simple instructions. I'd consider it a huge red flag if someone can't even figure out how do sauté or bake some chicken and vegetables with a side of rice or something like that.

>> No.12532214


>> No.12532224


>> No.12532288
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Any milk based dessert with self-sourced milk will do.

>> No.12533723

>OP pic

A if I am not allowed to touch
B if I am allowed to touch (easier to lift up)

>> No.12534160

yup that'll do it

>> No.12534381

Tuna patties, no innuendo.
Gotta get those gainz

>> No.12534413

I don't care. Just so long as she doesn't expect me to make a big deal about it. It's just food. Who cares?

>> No.12534427

>It's really just following directions correctly when you think about it
That's why women are awful at it

>> No.12534882
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I agree, but I think A can be good on girls with slightly smaller tits than in the picture.

>> No.12534910

god i miss my exs tits and butt

>> No.12535089

You usually get 3 chances a day. Keep learning. That goes for the rest of you homos too.

>> No.12535260

Pure laziness if you ask me.
We're not big on breakfast, so I'll usually make him a few egg over easy, two slices thick cut bacon, and some fruit unless he asks for something different. I'd love to hear ideas on making breakfast more interesting.

>> No.12535346
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Some good fucking food

>> No.12535361

so romantic

>> No.12535366
File: 65 KB, 470x676, 36AF7B5900000578-3713623-Cheeky_The_former_child_star_wore_a_swimsuit_that_flashed_a_hint-a-18_1469785790736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She hit the wall so fucking hard.

>> No.12535548

she needs to do ass flexes

>> No.12535997
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Steak, my gf is a vegetarian but she cooks me all the meat I want. As long as I clean the kitchen afterwords.

>> No.12536211

Anything as long as she cuts herself and puts her blood in it.

>> No.12536241

You just need to earn your redwings, son.