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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 62 KB, 800x450, bonappetit_gourmet-makes-pastry-chef-attempts-to-make-gourmet-starbursts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12522885 No.12522885 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck is wrong with this bitch? She has an unbelievably cushy job in New York City and gets stressed out and mad like a child after working on ANYTHING for three days. After that she just HAS to stop, it's IMPOSSIBLE for her to continue. You're fucking around with sugar, you should not be stressed. It's painful how every video devolves into the other people there comforting her like she's a little girl throwing a tantrum. Why are women like this?

>> No.12522892

Not to mention how a literal pastry chef is apparently too incompetent to temper chocolate. I did that shit back in highschool.

>> No.12523000

>What the fuck is wrong with this bitch?
I've got this figured out.
remember sometime back she left BA but her videos kept coming
so she asked for her job back and BA said yes.
but they didn't tell her that they are going to try to ruin her while keeping her on.
they know how bad these attempts on "make gourmet" go and laugh it up I'm sure.
it makes her look bad
and it might be detrimental for her career after BA
I bet she hates her job but likes the coworkers and the "views". but is miserable inside

>> No.12523040

>dude homemade starbursts

its literally taffy

>> No.12523042

damn you never find neurotic jewish women in NYC

>> No.12523046
File: 1.32 MB, 245x184, 1559840994039.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I saw the video was forty minutes long, I knew at least half the run time was going to be this frumpy bitch moaning about how difficult it is to make fucking taffy. Thanks for confirming suspicions

>> No.12523063

>so she asked for her job back and BA said yes.
She was already hired at another place, obviously she left BA to take that job
Which means that BA asked for her back

>> No.12523089 [DELETED] 

>You're fucking around with sugar, you should not be stressed
She has a deadline. It's a job. They condense 20-30 hours of video down to a 30 min video for you to watch. Yeah wake up at 6 am, get to work, and then play with sugar all day as it does the complete opposite of what you want. And you have to measure everything, and document and play nice for the camera. Do that for 8+ hours for 3 days straight and see if you complain. Everyone's job is easy to the people who don't work it. It's one thing to autistically salt your cutting board at home and think "i can be a celebrity chef for a living". It's another to do that shit in a studio kitchen with editors anticipating results.

>> No.12523095

what place was she working between BA?
she might have realized the new job sucks and went crawling back to BA
the reason I believe what I think is going on is because she doesn't hardly do anything else except "makes gourmet" videos while the others do stuff that looks appetizing

>> No.12523105

>i've never eaten starburst before in my life i swear!

>> No.12523107

an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
they wouldn't have so much trouble if they did even a rudimentary bit of research on the thing they're making.

>> No.12523113

It's because she won't get paid if she doesn't

>> No.12523118

Is this really that weird? I've never eaten a starburst either, nor a bunch of other candy

>> No.12523121

>She has a deadline
from what she said in the new video, she doesn't
she said this is the 3rd day, but the second day was 9 days ago.

>> No.12523122

In the start of the video she's immediately stressed because she can't just guess how to do it. Then she takes a break and promises to study books and read up on it, then ends up not doing that, fucks up, takes a week long break, fucks up again, complains, and calls it done.

>> No.12523125

>Is this really that weird? I've never eaten a starburst either, nor a bunch of other candy
are you gay too

>> No.12523136

yeah but what does that have to do with not stuffing your fat face whenever you see sugar in front of you?

>> No.12523137

It's what fat people say when they try to pretend they aren't fat. Then they sneak home and wolf down an entire bag of fun sized snickers.

>> No.12523138

reality television is basically scripted

most youtube shit is the same

did you just fall off tehbannanner truck

>> No.12523148

It's because these videos are all sponsored and the idea is she fucks up so the viewer thinks "Oh wow the real candy sure is a lot better, fuck I want some right now". They spend a lot of time in the video talking in detail about how the real thing makes you salivate, how much tastier it is etc. These are ads for whatever they're trying to copy.

>> No.12523149 [DELETED] 

Hey you guys ever wonder if maybe it's edited and played up for some fleeting bit of reality TV suspense? The whole point is to watch her struggle to make something, not to just watch a recipe on how to make shit. It wouldn't be "pastry chef attempts" if it was just about handing you a recipe. I bet you guys think Brad turns it on 24/7 too.

>> No.12523154

I'm not gay and I'm not sure I've bought starburst myself. but I have had them more than a few times in my life.
gays are just a strange group

>> No.12523158

Only god fearing heteros eat sugar, fag.

>> No.12523159

Chris isn't gay, he's a family man.

>> No.12523162

>maybe it's edited and played up for some fleeting bit of reality TV suspense?
really that is a thought that never crossed my mind. I did notice that when she said getting cherries this time of year. so this must of been going on months ago

>> No.12523164

he's a flaming faggot
bi is gay

>> No.12523166

What do you mean edited? She fails, she loses, it's not like she's panicking and then suddenly succeeding. She gets frustrated and tired right away and just says she'll go with the next batch regardless of how good or close it is. Every fucking episode. There isn't a single episode where she actually wants to commit to the whole premise of her sideshow.

>> No.12523172

Is that the same thing as a taunnenbaum?

>> No.12523175

I don't know why you're so insistent, he talks about his wife. He has literally had more sex with women than you have.

>> No.12523209 [DELETED] 

I mean edited as in video is edited, cut, timed to for a certain pace and rhythm. Just because it's not Hell's Kitchen levels of obvious doesn't mean it's not happening. You think they only film for 10 mins a day? The narrative is chosen by the editors. What to keep, what to throw out. If they add in 20 mins of her complaining but leave out the several hours of her being bubbly, then that would alter your perception, right? But I think that's just your problem, she's not bubbly enough for you. Which is fine, but stop acting like you're some connoisseur of youtube video content because you can't waifu the star.

>> No.12523211

>I don't know why you're so insistent
yes you do, I already said, he's flaming
I don't care how many women he fucks. but it's obvious he loves other guys dicks

>> No.12523225

I AM a connoisseur of youtube video content, and I say she's shit! That's FINAL.

>> No.12523233

>There isn't a single episode where she actually wants to commit to the whole premise of her sideshow
this is why I think BA has it out for her and there is no way she enjoys the series

>> No.12523277

It isn't taffy. It's similar to taffy.

>> No.12523397

Why is everyone say she’s stressed? She’s literally laughing 3/4ths of the video.

>> No.12523402 [DELETED] 

Most of /ck/ has only watched one of her videos and think everyone is like that one. Which is why people still repeat the "she said she doesn't like junk food again" meme.

>> No.12523403

What do you mean? Every single time she just stops at some point because she's too tired and frustrated to continue.

>> No.12523418
File: 583 KB, 473x678, dontcry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why is everyone say she’s stressed
there is only two anons mentioning stress. but it probably has to do with the failed attempts on most of her videos

>> No.12523422

It's obviously a fake laugh because she's nervous and anxious.

>> No.12523441

media is for the audience not the maker

>> No.12523465

It's a TV show you fucking idiot

>> No.12523480

>New York City

We're all miserable here

>> No.12523493


probably because your pizza sucks.

>> No.12523580

theyre all in nj and have been since 1968.

rents cheaper.

>> No.12523591

>It's a job.
yeah, she gets paid very well to do this, its not charity work. she wants to cry, let her work fast food or at walmart or something.
>Hey you guys ever wonder if maybe it's edited and played up for some fleeting bit of reality TV suspense?
no, these idiots are just that incompetent.

>> No.12523592

bro what's open right now im fucking starving and all the vegan places are closed... was thinking of going to vinnies in williamsburg but its an hour drive im in westchester

>> No.12523595

>he talks about his wife.
so his gay spouse is the female in the relationship then.

>> No.12523975

Only worthwhile post here. More companies are teaming up for cross promotional ads disguised as media than ever before. It's sickening.

>> No.12524028

Yea she just gives up every episode it's kind of annoying, it's what she's famous for take your time or at least copy a remake recipe from youtube for fuck sake

>> No.12524092

This kid did a better job than her


>> No.12524097

that's why I only trust my fellow anons on 4chan™! It's anonymous and edgy, so you know there's no "ebil corporate shills" haha. And for only 19.99 a year, you too can be an exclusive 4chan Gold member!

>> No.12524214


Holy hell I want to fuck her so badly.

>> No.12524367

this but unironically

>> No.12524466

Yeah it is weird actually. That means you either declined every offer, don't have a family, or were indoctrinated. Even health nuts I know have eaten candy at least once in their lives.

>> No.12524693
File: 404 KB, 620x413, D2hPmoGWkAAiDCz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow its true!!! He has all the stereotypes and he even used to work in the fashion industry, that is surprising. Cute family, God bless.

>> No.12524823

But isn't her goal always to make an end product that's better than what's being sold on the shelves?

>> No.12524833

Pride comes before the fall. I hope Brad falls extra hard.

>> No.12524908

You shut your fucking whore mouth

>> No.12524931

She is obviously his beard.

>> No.12524939

she makes it look extremely difficult and always fails

>> No.12524958

Its almost like you shouldn't use any ideas about masculinity from a bunch of shut-ins addicted to the internet.

>> No.12524964

wow, he lost a ton of weight. always figured he was one of those people that was always just rail thin.

>> No.12524968

his wife's kids look happy

>> No.12524969
File: 311 KB, 1440x960, anthony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the problem with BA is that most of them have never actually worked in a restaurant

>> No.12524987

Same. Something about her pale skin and black dark hair and pink lipstick makes me want to cum deep in her

>> No.12524995

they make recipes for home cooks. what's the problem?

>> No.12524998

Dude look at all those poblanos

>> No.12525542

Gook moot does his own weird shit to attempt to force users to buy those stupid passes, but what exactly are you implying mate? Most half aware anons know this site is shill central and anons usually call them out. It's practically a part of the culture to be paranoid about the level of shilling that hits the different boards.

>> No.12525585

die you fucking drone

>> No.12525637

Yeah but Carla worked at a shake shack before.

>> No.12525884

One problem is that the premise of the show is confused. Is she trying just to recreate whatever it is, or is she trying to make a better, “gourmet” version of it? She should sit down with Rappaport and decide which it is before they do more of them.

>> No.12525898

They're still opal fruits to me. Fuck starburst.

>> No.12527815

Based geriatric poster

>> No.12527861

We didn't invent masculinity you fucking faggot. Chris isn't masculine.

>> No.12527869

There are candies that are just part of haloween, starbursts are top 5

>> No.12527891

Their gym video says otherwise, he was benching almost as much as Brad

>> No.12527905

Why do I want to fuck that stupid frumpy kike?

>> No.12528105

At this point I only watch her videos to see what new levels of incompetence she will sink to. Not disappointed here. She's basically Jack if he were surrounded by more talented people who could fix his mistakes to an extent

>> No.12528350

But Brad has no pride which is why people love him so much. He rolls with all the jokes people make about his accent without hamming it up, and constantly defers to people who know more than he does.

Imagine not liking brad.

>> No.12528529

Yeah...I still think he's gay.

>> No.12528547

>he used to have gyno
>basically man tits
Based that he lost the weight. Now he needs to lift to not look so small.

>> No.12528554

Fat Chris is absolutely disgusting

>> No.12528891

Honestly I find the fruity latino guy, Rick or whatever, to be the best host. Really straightforward recipes without any le quirks outside his appearance and it's good plain latin American food.

>> No.12529100

Baraghani will whip him into shape

>> No.12529155

>always fails
anon please.

>> No.12529158

Rapo is the best side character.

>> No.12529259

The only thing that proves is that he knows where the vagina is and he isn't impotent. IRL I've also met some obviously gay people that hide behind having a family

>> No.12529359

Do you think he comments on the taste of his wife's anus?

>> No.12529360

youtube needs to start banning these sorts of fags. get to teh fucking point or be banned.

>> No.12529366

Nah. It's Stanik by a country mile. He's a freak and he has more natural personality than anyone else in the office. He needs his own segment

>> No.12529499

She does the test like 18 times, with each one about 2 hours. While I agree with you, she's trying to make factory grade food. It's no surprise her chocolate always blooms and shit like that.

>> No.12529519

He does the "X ways to cook thing" videos, but they do need to let him be more crazy on camera.

>> No.12529872

Fuck off. That is the single best thing about the show.

Foodies cooking >>>> """"""restaurant"""""" people aka cokehead psychos everyday

>> No.12529894

Its very educational, starbursts are very cheap to buy and taste great too!

>> No.12530047

What a trainwreck of human being.

>> No.12530516

being gay isn't a personality trait

>> No.12530524

Her biological need to be in a kitchen is satisfied, but her body knows she's not cooking for a husband and family. She's cooking for an empty career (all careers ultimately feel empty to women)

>> No.12530555

yes it is. how dumb are you?

>> No.12530578

Everything in that picture is so pale and sickly.

>> No.12530807
File: 533 KB, 437x560, 1537823554903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best girl

>> No.12530822
File: 51 KB, 370x300, hemad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>failing in front of millions of people
I'd also be frustrated.

The amounts of envy of her success in this thread are through the roof. Don't like her? How about not watching her videos? By now you faggots know what to expect. Yet I read the same complaints every time a BA video is released.

>> No.12530835

literally who

>> No.12530840

its called acting you moron

>> No.12530841

ripping on her is fun. do you actually take shit on 4chan seriously? lmaoing@ your life

>> No.12530846

Just hire a prostitute and fuck someone already

>> No.12530851

Man /ck/ has turned to shit over the last few months. What is happening. All the women must have left.

>> No.12530852

god i just want her to sit on my face so bad, i would give anything to have 30 minutes to worship her asshole

>> No.12530857

have sex

>> No.12530890

>over the last few months

>> No.12530918

I hate her with a passion

>> No.12530920

i'm convinced she's actually just the janitor and they pretend she's contributing.

>> No.12530942
File: 6 KB, 250x250, 1488373367512s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


so no Meth at BA?

>> No.12530999

>You're fucking around with sugar, you should not be stressed.
Why do people who don't actually cook anything beyond mac n cheese and chicken nuggets post on /ck/?

>> No.12531103

The lack of rigor is a serious problem for her. She never mentions how long she pulls it for, and I'm sure that was wildly different in every batch. She doesn't take into account that refrigeration might affect the texture. And in every video she makes multiple changes between attempts which obscures the thing that actually causes the change. Dumb

>> No.12531114

Bruh same.

>> No.12531395

the concept for the show isnt bad shes just literally pants on head retarded i think

>> No.12531489

>And in every video she makes multiple changes between attempts which obscures the thing that actually causes the change.
to be fair, she would need hundreds of batches in some cases
changing 3 ingredients in 5 varying amounts (much less/less/same/more/much more) means you'd have to make 3^5 - 243 batches to get all the combinations and that's assuming she wouldn't do a single mistake

>> No.12531510

Its just acting. The whole thing is scripted. "oh its so hard im gonna give up" is just supposed to add to the narrative of the whole challenge ostensibly being super hard.

>> No.12532030

>not seeing any entertainment in cokehead psychos
live a little

>> No.12532079

Molly worked fine dining

>> No.12532280

Which is why the whole 1 person - 4 days format is retarded. Give her a month and a work crew or more budget for research, like in the pizza dough video. It's obvious that unless the component are relatively obvious she can't cook up a better version that quickly.

>> No.12532370

And catering for movies

>> No.12532469
File: 121 KB, 1462x2046, bw24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>homemade = gourmet

>> No.12532540

'go 'za #1!

>> No.12532543

Are poblanos that big?

>> No.12532584

her vids get like 4x as many views as their other generic recipe videos. they obviously begged her to come back. her videos kept coming after she "quit" because they have to edit them together and even after that they have a backlog and don't release more than one video per day so nobody's shit gets buried

>> No.12532615
File: 142 KB, 900x1200, DOX-JrwUMAAJMbm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this episode was a complete downer. usually she has a rough time and there is some catharsis when with the support of her coworkers she makes it work in the end. this narrative arc is the only reason people like her vids, people don't actually give a shit about the recipe or else they'd just make a recipe video out of it.

but for this ep, by like the second day she was saying shit like "even if this doesn't turn out well, this is my last attempt". maybe its because she didn't have a "how it's made" youtube vid at the beginning to tell her exactly what to do. I didn't think they actually followed those that closely based on previous vids, but given how her mood seemed to completely change after that and she never really seemed to recover, I'm thinking that phase is actually critical.

>> No.12532985

No, she's normally trying to up the quality of the ingredients. She fully admitted that this one wasn't even gourmet, it was basically just a huge failure

>> No.12534866

The problem isn't making taffy, the problem is making taffy with a similar consistency to Starbursts. I think that's why she encounters so many problems, she tries way to hard to replicate junk food that's just a shitty version of something better.

>> No.12534906

t. I'd let Brad cuck my wife.

Actually tho hes got a good personality.

>> No.12535661

Nobody asks her for mathematical rigor. She just needs to keep track and be more efficient. Like after identifying potential culprits of not good enough make 2-3 smaller batches with a tweaked variable. If strong effect, pick the best result and tweak another variable. Don't mess up trivial stuff along the way, like she messed up the tempered chocolate on Twixes because instead of covering them in small batches she poured on all of them at once and had no chance to tweak the amount of chocolate or make the swirls without ruining the temper.
I know, it's a woman, lower chance of reliable analytical thinking but she supposedly graduated Harvard and some fancy schools. She knows Pavlov's reflex, something I thought was common knowledge only in Eastern Europe and post-USSR states. She gets most of French pronunciation ok. She's not dumb, she's just incompetent.

>> No.12535672

Same, if there's more than 3 seconds of her in any video it's an automatic dislike.

>> No.12535681

Yeah an actual "gourmet starbust" would just be taffy with top shelf ingredients.

Trying to replicate stuff that's usually a result of cheap ingredients and industrial processing is probably hard.

>> No.12535683

Not only that but Starburst and most snack food companies put billions into developing their snacks
The easiest ones should technically be the ones that are just chocolate covered candy, but she STILL doesn't know how to temper chocolate after a year of doing it

>> No.12535695

Does she not know how or just hate it?

>> No.12536335

Pastry chefs are twats.

>> No.12536364

5 towns represent!

>> No.12536392

It's true

>> No.12536559

She quit and now works freelance for BA to do that series only.

>> No.12536585


You are completely right. But its kinda entertaining to watch her breakdown..

But anyways, she is cancer. Block her channel.

>> No.12536603

She was originally. Her title was something like kitchen attendant and you would see her washing the dishes. Now she’s a junior writer or whatever.

>> No.12536655

I think she took over Brad's job as kitchen manager which was just a glorified name for keeping supplies stocked

>> No.12536753

I don't believe that
this year there has been baking school, cast iron pizza, birthday cake, swirled sesame cake, and the videos with all the BA crew doing stuff together (making perfect)
>they obviously begged her to come back
it's not obvious to me, she gets a bunch more views because she's the best looking BA girl.
when I was looking for her other videos in the above reply, I notice her videos are the only ones I watch

>> No.12537012

If you guys hate BA videos so much, why do you watch all of them?

>> No.12537025

To remember why I hate them, down to the smallest detail that I hate.

>> No.12537036

I downloaded "video blocker" app in my chrome just to block channels like her.

>> No.12537043

That's really sad.

>> No.12537064
File: 64 KB, 800x450, bonappetit_from-the-test-kitchen-andy-makes-bolognese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The video where Andy had to make bolognese while still drunk from the night before was pretty entertaining.

>> No.12537073

eater channel is not that bad... I've mean, comparing to their website.

but they kike and ditch nick though

>> No.12537077


>> No.12537628
File: 110 KB, 1280x720, gape newell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12537946

sad thread

>> No.12538103

>Brad & Vinny >>>>>>>> everyone else
Nothing comes close to early It's Alive, prove me wrong.

>> No.12538971

I saw some article of hers recently, she's basically freelance that only does videos, none of the magazine work anymore.

>> No.12539248
File: 3.71 MB, 287x320, clairelazilygivesanoldfashioned.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because she isn't giving me handy!!


>> No.12539747

EASILY the worst holy fuck. He's like a textbook snivelling weasel, I hate him. As the other anon said it's Amiel. Runner up is Delaney but ONLY in It's Alive because Brad thinks that they're nemeses.

>> No.12539763

To be fair it's an important job and there is some weird shit to procure for that kitchen.

>> No.12539801

I lost all respect for her once she said she didn't know how to fucking temper chocolate. It's not hard at all. Aren't you a goddamn pastry chef?

>> No.12539802

Bitch don't look away. Look me in the eyes. Frown all you fucking want, It makes the cream frothier.

>> No.12539814
File: 2.83 MB, 3041x899, claire yearbook.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'll just leave this here for y'all

>> No.12539820

um coco chanel was a nazi....

>> No.12539821

I would have secretly harbored such a powerful crush for her my lack of hope for consummation would have traumatized me for life.

>> No.12539826

Modest Proposal video when?

>> No.12539856

Fuck we need pics of her in those shorts immediately

>> No.12539862

This guy fucks

>> No.12539903

It's a remind of how bad this candy shit is and how it's filled with garbage that it takes a trained chef all that effort to recreate with real ingredients.

>> No.12539921

But all it does is make me want the featured candy

>> No.12539955

I have a big thing for smart girls too. I was offered a full ride to a tiny kinda shit state school but I went to the best school I could get into because I wanted to get my rocks off

>> No.12539970

a jewish delicacy they say

>> No.12540050

based. and did you succeed?

>> No.12540386

I want to CREAM Claire

>> No.12540406

40 minutes later, she's still frowning, stressed out, and your dick looks like a half-price sweet potato and she calls Brad in to finish you off

>> No.12540567

>t. Jeb