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12521146 No.12521146 [Reply] [Original]

>For almost a decade, the mysterious theft of a reservation book from the top London restaurant where Gordon Ramsay made his name has baffled the culinary world.

>An unidentified man pulled up outside the Aubergine restaurant on a scooter, dived in, snatched the book - in the days before computerised bookings, a serious act of sabotage - and bolted.

>Ramsay, then head chef, pointed the finger at his mentor turned nemesis, Marco Pierre White, who, he believed, wanted to depose him and take over the Michelin starred Chelsea restaurant.

>The person behind the 1998 robbery was never identified. Until now. "It was me," Ramsay has admitted. "I nicked it. I blamed Marco. Because I knew that would fuck him and that it would call off the dogs ... I still have the book in a safe at home."

>He arranged for the biker to steal it, he explained. "It was my one stroke of genius, fucking someone over without his knowing that I was the one who done it. And the [restaurant owners] cutting Marco off and wanting to get closer to me, kissing my ass ... You always eat that fucking revenge when it's cold, don't you? Trust me, this was stone cold."

>> No.12521160 [DELETED] 

Fucking kek

>> No.12521163

Isn't this the same nigger that showed up to Marco's wedding with a camera crew?

>> No.12521165

proof or fake and gay

>> No.12521168

Do with this information what you will

>> No.12521196
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I can't wait for the 300 replies of retards not understanding that Marco literally made Ramsay into his nemesis by treating him like a relentless cunt and telling him, continually, that he would never surpass him when he straight-up has.

If you're not retarded and have paid attention to what he and Ramsay have said about each other you'll understand that Marco never wanted Ramsay to be anything more than his underling, his goon who would work under the Pierre White brand and slave away for his restauranteur master while Marco got to do the celebrity bollocks, much like John Sargent did for Ramsay before he made a name for himself (which, unlike Pierre White, Ramsay encouraged).

Marco actively sabotaged and kowtowed Gordon at every fucking turn and took every chance he could to upstage him, and Gordon straight up outplayed and backstabbed him so fucking hard that it made Marco leave the kitchen. Which, if you ask me, is fantastic because it shows that even the most relentless, pissant little fucker will collapse if you put enough pressure on their bollocks.

>> No.12521214

>Food celebrity drama shit

Get the fuck off my board. NOW!

>> No.12521215

Knorr Stock Pot. Hot.
Knorr Cubed Stock. In.

>> No.12521221

Go to bed, Gordon

>> No.12521228

Fuck off, it's only six. I haven't even put the kids to bed yet and I wouldn't be posting this late anyway so it's not me you baldy fudgepacker.

>> No.12521234

its recorded, on video im not gonna do your research for you you cuck

>> No.12521371

HOLY based

>> No.12521637

John who? Sounds like his name still isn't shit.

>> No.12521756

I worked for both in their 3 Michelin stars..
Marco is the best.
I ended up working like 5 years for him..
And it s always been well known in the industry than Gordon stole the reservation book..

>> No.12521758

Shut up you fat old man.

>> No.12521832

This kind of attitude is a perfect example of why the west is rotten to the core nowadays. An absolute cesspool of no ethical code whatsoever.

>> No.12521852

>japan is run by yakuza
>korea is run by shaman cults
>shithole countries are only known for human trafficking and segregated tourist spots

>> No.12521868

Marco said it best in the response interview

>But I've always said ambition is one of the most dangerous preoccupations in the world.

The truth is, marco lived in gordons head rent free. He didnt need to do anything to marco, but the act itself helped gordon mentally separate himself from him. Wanna know what I know? Gordon loved marco. Like gay love. Nigga was gay.

>> No.12521994

Don't transfer your issues on me old fat bald man

>> No.12522062

t. gordon

t. marco

>> No.12522087

I fucked Ramsay in a New Orleans, gas-station bathroom back in 98

>> No.12522119
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this sounds like a fairy tale for line cooks in every kitchen. yea it's bullshit but i want to be tucked into bed by Christine McConnel and have her read fairy tales about egotistical chefs who get what they deserve.

>> No.12522151


>> No.12522166

That's nothing I know a 3* chef who committed suicide because of some rumors dispersed in the press by a food critic that he would lose one.

>> No.12522190

>That wanker took my reservation book so he could gain control of my restaurant
That's NOT how businesses work Gordon. Just go yell at people on TV again.

>> No.12522227

goddamn anon, you have no idea how bad 'ethics' are in the East

>> No.12522250

Bernard loiseau?

>> No.12522510
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>that he would never surpass him
He didn't; that's the point
MPW completely flipped the book on what being a chef and cooking in the UK meant, before selling out so hard that no-one would ever accuse him of being slack. Ramsey on the other hand is best known for being a shouty cunt with two really very good restaurants (neither of which he spends all that much time at)
this is a truly sad story, but there was a lot more to it than just some rumours - I know a chap who was a commis there at the time and he put it down to a great deal of pressure from owners and his being unwell mentally

>> No.12522511
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>i dont have any proof but i still want you to believe my baseless claim

>> No.12522671

>we're just as bad as they are but we pretend to hold a sputtering torch of ethics
Wew lad.

>> No.12522929

quit watching so much animu, retard

>> No.12522939

What does any of that have to do with anime, literal retard

>> No.12523036
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I'm happy Gordon won.
All Marco has left is a chain of really shit steakhouses in the UK (seriously, look at the reviews), a string of divorces, lawsuits, and
>Knorr stockpots
Gordon's still doing pretty fucking well.
If you watch him on his UK shows, he's actually a pretty nice down to earth dude.
Marco just comes across as an arrogant cunt, desu.

>> No.12523188

He's hanging onto that hair for dear life

>> No.12523204

It's just a scottish hairline. It recedes there early and then stays there for their entire life, so it's a mixed bag

>> No.12523221

>I claim to be smart but I cannot bother to open a new tab and fuck around on Google.
I am not even the guy you replied to but you are a fucking nigger regardless of your race or gender. Kill yourself.

>> No.12523292

>elite restaurant owners fucking each other out of shekels is as bad as constant human trafficking, arranging marriages between old men and little girls, bus fulls of grown men raping boys, thinking that eating and/or fucking babies cures AIDS, """honor""" killings and rapings, acid attacks, failed-states openly run by organized crime and terrorist organizations, organizing terrorist attacks when women try to go to school instead of stay home and get raped, and trying to hid it all to protect "face" but still failing constantly
Sure, bud. The West is just as bad as third world shitholes in the East. Everything like this happens openly in the West and is defended as "cultural differences". Sure. It really is just horrible here how we pretend to be better while acting exactly the same.

>> No.12523314

He's 52 years old.
He looks pretty good for his age desu.
And that's not a bad hairline for 52. Doubt he'll ever go bald.

>> No.12523344
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Yeah, I'm half Scottish and I've got similar hair. My dad hasn't gone bald (67yrs) and I'm 28 with very little recession (just some temple thinning).

>> No.12523346
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>further proving my point

>> No.12523352

Meant to respond to you

>> No.12523353

>Literally zero source
>Nobody gives a shit

>> No.12523358

You never had a point you newfaggot garbage. DIE the most painful death you can muster. Low self awareness piece of shit.

>> No.12523369

seems like reading comprehension isnt your strong suit

>> No.12523412

My reading comprehension is lightyears ahead of yours. You might as well not even be a person. Call your parents up and tell them they should have aborted you.

>> No.12523601


>> No.12523658
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According to Marco's wiki :
White once made Gordon Ramsay cry when Ramsay worked for him in Harveys early in Ramsay's career. "I don't recall what he'd done wrong but I yelled at him and he lost it. Gordon crouched down in the corner of the kitchen, buried his head in his hands and started sobbing."[14]

>> No.12523688
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So since OP is a fag i looked into it, and this is real. He admitted it in an interview with the New Yorker - in 2007


The story was then picked up by pretty much everyone else. MPW threatened legal action against Gordon over the theft after the interview, as well as a libel suit for accusing him of the theft, but I don't think anything ever came of it.

Here's some other fun Gordon Ramsay antics:

>He trademarked the Spotted Pig in the U.K. in an attempt to prevent April Bloomfield, Ken Friedman, and one-time rival Mario Batali from opening a location across the pond. He surrendered the trademark, but only after public pressure.
>Sold Frozen Dinners at one of his restaraunts
>entered into a partnership with Laurier, never fucking actually showed up, and then sued the restaraunt when they dropped his name from the signage
>Faked problems at a Kitchen Nightmares restaraunt, publically blamed said faked problems on the manager, and got him fired
>got sloshed and drove his BMW the wrong way down a street, got a DUI, never went to court
>nigga don't pay his bills

>> No.12523698


>> No.12523713

holy shit he’s so based

>> No.12523716

And some stuff you might actually LIKE him for depending how you are so inclined...

>tricked vegetarians into eating meat
>called Marcus Samuelsson a 'black bastard'
>actively works to keep women out of his kitchens
>got so drunk with 2 of his mates they got charged with public indecency cause of one of them pissing in a sink and the other running around pantless. Gordon was just slumped against a wall trying not to hurl
>called an austrailian journalist a lesbian pig

>> No.12523743

now that is based

>> No.12524167

>don’t transfer your issues on me
>suddenly calls anon bald
Lmao do you wear a toupee or do you pretend you’re secure

>> No.12524720


>> No.12524757

Wow, what a loser

>> No.12525960

Have sex

>> No.12527262

He started really going bald and got a hair transplant recently, funnily enough.

>> No.12528535

>and backstabbed him so fucking hard that it made Marco leave the kitchen.
at that point it became fanfic

>> No.12528544

lmao at him getting scared over fucking april bloomfield
goes to show the paradigm shift in cuisine

>> No.12528685

Please list the number of Jap postwar PMs that were not from the LDP aka the zaibatsu-bureaucrat-yakuza party

>> No.12528717

Under rated

>> No.12528917

Start a family.

>> No.12528953

marry me

>> No.12528958
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>tfw those same carrots go to the Whitehouse

>> No.12528967

Don't forget the guy cucked his boss back in the day

>> No.12529345

My nigga

>> No.12529822
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>it's real

>> No.12529842

Incorrect use of that word. Just so you know.

>> No.12529847

I bet she has a cute penis.

>> No.12529857

Let's not forget about Gordo secretly taping his daughter in her bedroom with a hidden camera.


>> No.12529858

respect level for the guy just raised a few notches

>> No.12529859

i'd probably do the same

>> No.12530672

Heh, based gordon sticks up for white beta male incels such as myself XD so base

>> No.12530721
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>> No.12530725

lets see the video

>> No.12530766

>constant human trafficking, acid attacks, busfulls of grown men raping boys, honor killings and rape gangs, terrorist attacks, failed states run by terrorist organizations and crime mobs
That's a perfect description of modern-day Britain, yes, but what does all this have to do with west vs east?

>> No.12530782

All of these guys are faggots.
If Ramsay came around me running his fucking mouth I'd no-lie stab him or hit him with a pan full of pork chops.
All celebrity chefs are cancer.

>> No.12530834

>If Ramsay came around me running his fucking mouth I'd no-lie stab him or hit him with a pan full of pork chops.
you wouldnt do shit you beta faggot loser

>> No.12530844

neither would you faggot, unless you count pissing yourself then frantically sucking his dick

>> No.12531233

You're right I probably wouldn't stab him. I'd stand him off, I have a dirtier mouth and I'm smarter and have a quicker wit so I'd crush him in an argument, and I'm psycho so my crazy eyes would back him down.
Stabbing would be on the table though and he'd know it, he'd back down.

>> No.12531309

dilate and have sex, tranny

>> No.12531389

I want to bury my face in her bosom and then smell her womb.

>> No.12531543

You mean her scrotum. That's a man, baby.

>> No.12531655


>> No.12531772

That's Gordon in drag, a wig and makeup. What a fag.

>> No.12531906

after you 40%er tranny :^)
seethe and cope

>> No.12531938

tfw it's a tender piece of elk

>> No.12531970

>a list of evil deeds from a bad human being
>"based based based" squeaks the creepy little wimps
fucking idiots

>> No.12531997

>worked for marco at his 3 star
how fucking old are you?

>> No.12532076

have sex

>> No.12532229
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>> No.12532859


>> No.12533758

Lose one what?

>> No.12534516

Imagine being this butthurt
Welcome to four channel new friend

>> No.12534539

>looking like a foot with a toupee
Ishiggy diggy doo

>> No.12534544

Wow so he's kind of a scumbag

...aaaand he's based again

>> No.12534720

And then you'd get either dragged off or shot by security like that one Brooklyn faggot

>> No.12534740

one star maybe? idk i'm guessing too

>> No.12536273


>> No.12536302

lol that was the best episode. Ramsay is billy bad-ass when he's surrounded by security and cameras.

>> No.12536304

Spill the secrets on making fried rice please, my dude.