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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12517926 No.12517926 [Reply] [Original]

For me is rainbow trout

>> No.12517930

Tilapias are underrated

>> No.12517942

Trash fish for trash people

>> No.12518134


>> No.12518144

Probably only eats salmon

>> No.12518148

If you bought that at the store go fuck yourself. A trout stamped license is twenty lousy bucks. And how the fuck is that not breaded and fried over a camp fire. Did you even eat the skin? Jesus fuck I hate you.

>> No.12518154

tilapia is basically sea chicken. there's no nutrition there other than the protein. it's fish for people who want to cook fish but are terrified of the fishy smell and taste

>> No.12518162

this isnt even his picture you fucking moron, its just a pic of trout he took off the internet. Jesus you're a fucking troglodyte

>> No.12518175
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For me it’s lemon sole, beautifully delicate flavour. I’ve still never tried Dover sole, that’s what I will get next time I am in a good seafood restaurant.

>> No.12518184

>because everyone lives in America in a freshwater fishing area


>> No.12518187

for me it's blackened pangasius, the best bog water catfish

>> No.12518190

>Assuming everyone lives in the US
>Obviously didn't cook it lmao

>> No.12518212

Sole is the best whitefish

>> No.12518251
File: 144 KB, 910x512, TUNA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tuna is the steak of the sea

>> No.12518254

God I wish I could get sea food, ANY sea food.
Living in Oklahoma blows

>> No.12518261

I love cooking my foie gras with butter burgundy sauce and foie gras, it tastes wonderful.

>> No.12518268

Shrimp, tuna and swordfish freeze well

>> No.12518274

True and frozen aint as bad as the hipsterfags make it sound

>> No.12518279

When I get my trout licence I'll enjoy fishing

>> No.12518283

cringe gay

>> No.12518284

Lol the only tuna you can get here is in a can.
You CAN get vacuum sealed individual portions of salmon but at very high prices and they are farmed so it gives you cancer or something.

>> No.12518291
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>implying you eat farm raised 'trout'

Dear god, why not just crawl into a dumpster and lick the pooled shit at the bottom?

>> No.12518295

>20$ stamp
>100s of dollars of fishing stuff
>driving to a location with trout
>Spending time to maybe catch one
>Cooking the high quality trout like shit

>> No.12518296
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I've eaten fish from a vending machine. I lived and it was ok.

>> No.12518307

The rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) is a trout and species of salmonid native to cold-water tributaries of the Pacific Ocean in Asia and North America. Not just USA

>> No.12518317
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My ex gf had a big aquarium full of these guys. She made me siphon the water out when cleaning their tank. I wonder what they taste like?

>> No.12518324

Weird that you can't even get the vacuum packed frozen stuff in grocery stores there.

>> No.12518325
File: 22 KB, 423x363, horrifying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having no desire to be outside
>being poor
>not enjoying spending time fishing with buds or the kiddo
>masking the fresh flavor with shit used to hide the funk of old fish

I feel sorry for you bro,

>> No.12518326

Did you get a taste with the siphon?

>> No.12518331

Probably like carp but worse.

>> No.12518340

Eat it raw for the real fresh flavor

>> No.12518353

No, I just dont eat Chinese sewer farm fish.

>> No.12518380
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Pussy doesn't eat sewer fish

>> No.12518391

Do I look like a fucking bear? You see me guzzling honey and hanging out with effeminate young English boys in the woods? Am I friends with a fucking pig?

Raw fish... Like that'll ever catch on.

>> No.12518402

You're right, I could never see it happening.

>> No.12518459

American sewer fish is a different story. I just dont trust foreign sewer fish

>> No.12518508
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>> No.12518700

>my ex
>made me do XYZ
Who'd she cuck you with?

>> No.12519559
File: 227 KB, 1074x832, Screenshot_20190620-233221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best fish coming thru, niggers.

Only other fish that come close are Deenz, Salmon, and Milk Fish in that order.

Tilapia/Cod fags need not apply.

>> No.12519570
File: 77 KB, 454x315, l2msadness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no halibut, no catfish, no sole

>> No.12519596

>halibut is for fags
>catfish tastes like sludge
> """sole"""
I'm an atheist faggot

>> No.12519603

I knew the faggot part but thanks for sharing your religious views.

>> No.12519615
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you're very welcome anon, I'm glad I was able to culturally enrich you

>> No.12519673


>> No.12519703

Never had snapper as I don't live in burgerstan, what's it like? What fish is it comparable to?