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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 47 KB, 650x433, focused_236015618-stock-photo-young-women-friends-enjoying-brunch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12515020 No.12515020 [Reply] [Original]

When will this stale meme finally end?

>> No.12515027

Around 11:30, because then really it's lunch.

>> No.12515029

never you hyperretard

>> No.12515032

Why do you care? It's not like you have anyone in your life trying to get you to go.

>> No.12515039

Normies love brunch. They get together and chat about the weekend on a Sunday. Usually there are also deals on booze, like endless bloody mary's they can poison themselves with.

I used to be a waiter and worked brunch, it was the worst. In an otherwise nice restaurant, it brought in the worst people: rude, drunk, cheap. We had a beautiful looking buffet, but I also can't understand why anyone would want to pay top dollar to eat off a buffet rather than have table service direct from kitchen.

>> No.12515045

Nice blog post. We value your opinion.

>> No.12515052

Girls just want an excuse to day drink

>> No.12515065

>sleeping in and having a later breakfast on the weekend
Why do ordinary things make you so upset?

>> No.12515072

Brunch is for middle class people who want to feel high class

>> No.12515084

But why? Shouldn’t they be going to church on Sunday mornings instead?

>> No.12515094

have you been to a church lately? it's fucking empty dude.

>> No.12515100

Nobody does that anymore gramps

>> No.12515106

>going to church in 2019

I guess it's nice that all the stupid people congregate so they're easier to pick out

>> No.12515108

>going to church on Sunday mornings
Why? Do they serve mimosas or something?

>> No.12515114

The concept of brunch has existed since around 1900. It's not a meme. It's a popular meal time especially on the weekend. You're clearly a miserable person. Why not just worry about yourself instead of obsessing over what food is and isn't a meme? People have different eating preferences and some like to be social. Just kill yourself, my man. You're a waste a space

>> No.12515117


>> No.12515118

Yeah, actually. Only old people go, not a single young person. What the fuck gives?

>t. Catholic living in DC

>> No.12515123
File: 58 KB, 598x733, 646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw go to a small church of ~70 people, <5 are aged under 50.
But they cook, and cook well. Like janny's, for free.

>> No.12515125

Because we'd rather be doing something interesting/fun/fulfilling/meaningful

>> No.12515130

I really need to go to church. At least God forgives

>> No.12515131

How is day drinking in the morning with a bunch of other yuppie faggots meaningful?

>> No.12515132

What is going to happen to these churches once the old people die off? It's donation funded right?

>> No.12515135

Maybe you should just stop being a piece of shit. You don't need church for that

>> No.12515136

Catholic churches have a lot of money

>> No.12515141

So they'll just keep funding these empty shells that no one cares about?

>> No.12515143

Going to church is free. I'm sure you have never been

>> No.12515145

How is socializing with your close friends over good food not meaningful? Jesus, you are one sad fuck. I'm sorry you're so alone

>> No.12515148

God cares.

>> No.12515149

There is this thing called a soul, you probably don't have one.

>> No.12515152

>going to church is free

Until they guilt you out of money every week. The biggest money scheme in history isn't free in the end. I went to church for the first sixteen years of my life. Sixteen years of Saturday's I'll never get back. Nice assumption tho

>> No.12515154

>Until they guilt you out of money every week.
You don't have to give them money

>> No.12515157

Do you have any proof that your soul exists?

>> No.12515159

Report this 16 year old. He is underage

>> No.12515162

I'm not a fedora tipper even if I don't go to church or believe in a god, I just don't really care either way, but what does this have to do with my soul? Why fund something that is empty?

>> No.12515164

>finding meaning and fulfillment in hedonism

>> No.12515165


>> No.12515169

They'll get it from you one way or another. That's what churches were created for.

>> No.12515170

If you don't care you don't have a soul

>> No.12515173



"Not again! Just got another invitation to ANOTHER brunch event. Ugh."

"'Ugh'? Brunch is delightful! Why would someone possibly complain about an invitation to brunch?"

"Oh, I know. It's just..."

"C'mon, hun. Open up. Open up to me." *HUGS*

"Oh, you. It's just, it's so heavy, for one! How am I going to maintain with hollandaise everywhere? Mimosas aren't exactly health food, you know!"

"Yeah, but that's not it, is it."

"Arr -- you know me too well. Yeah, it's just too much. To be 'on' that early. Usually on weekends, and that's when I want to spend more time with you and the kids. But no, I'm with Carol or Eve or LaWanda or Sadie or James or Sue Kwan or whoever, and, yeah, it's a blast when I'm there, but it's too much. I'm tired when I leave! No, you're laughing, but it's true!"

"Oh, my poor baby. C'mere to the bedroom and I'll try to 'wake you up'..."

- An excerpt from "Situations That No One On 4CHAN Will Ever Face" because you're all repulsive and friendless. You don't have delightful friends that want your company, you don't have an understanding family, you don't have a hot spouse to listen to you. Instead you degenerates whine to each other on this godforsaken site like pathetic dogs, licking each other's snouts. So, sure, keep complaining about brunch, something that you never, ever, ever have to worry about.

>> No.12515174

Please provide it now. Thanks
>enjoying a meal with friends is hedonistic

>> No.12515175
File: 191 KB, 419x398, 1524106938407.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow you sure make me want to go to church. Can't imagine why it's empty.

>> No.12515180

No one has a soul, you delusional retard. Souls don't exist

>> No.12515185

Thats what Nietzsche meant by "God is dead"

>> No.12515186

Excellent cope, my dude.

>> No.12515189

Not an argument

>> No.12515192

It's not empty, they have free food FFS.
And it's all grandma style cooking with fats and butters and everything anti-soy.
You are the retards for missing out.

>> No.12515194

>underage whips out the misused isms
Go back to /lit/ or /sig/ or whatever other den of fedora tipping pseuds you crawled out of, faggot.

>> No.12515197

Imagine being so poor that free food is a point of attraction for you. I really pity you

>> No.12515198
File: 593 KB, 1185x1029, 1556044501793.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't even deserve to step into a church

>> No.12515203

You are trying way too hard, anon

>> No.12515204

Well that's fine because I'm not going anyway

>> No.12515211

Enjoy the eternal hellfire

>> No.12515212

Sounds like he struck a nerve

>> No.12515213
File: 17 KB, 390x310, 6B7B952A-0C3D-45AA-9880-A63AAF905E9E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you don‘t support my cult of spooks, then you don‘t have a spook inside you and you don‘t deserve to enter my spooky temples

>> No.12515215

Wealthy or not, it's still cooked by grandma's secret recipes.
Half of them are even widowed, it's win-win.

>> No.12515218
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>black people, on time or up before 11am


>> No.12515220

Correct. If you ignore God's light why would you ever go in a church?

>> No.12515221

If you could prove that heaven, hell or souls are real then I might consider going to church, but you can't. People like you have been fooled into thinking blind faith is virtuous and that's just so sad

>> No.12515223

There is a reason it's called faith. You have none. You are lost.

>> No.12515226

Except you have to be at church. So it's not worth it

>> No.12515227

>implying going out to brunch every Sunday morning to get plastered with your “friends” and then going home and sleeping but waking up in time to watch the latest episode of GOT isn’t hedonistic

Enjoy your creature comforts while you can, anon. Sooner or later that void you feel will grow ever deeper and you will be left wondering how to fill it. God provides us solace from our earthly sufferings, something man nor manmade materials can ever ameliorate.

>> No.12515230

Why is blind faith a good thing? Thanks for admitting you have no proof btw

>> No.12515235

bunch where i work goes from 11 to 2pm, the coloreds do get there later and make sure to never tip and be as rude as possible.

>> No.12515239

It's not blind, you are.

>> No.12515241

imagine getting trolled this hard

>> No.12515242

Very small price to pay for good eats.

>> No.12515244

So you believe in God because it's comforting? Not because you proof that God is even out there? Sounds like a major fucking cope

>> No.12515251

>taking the summer bait
>no inb4

>> No.12515252

You're avoiding questions

>> No.12515256

Oh my sweet summer child

>> No.12515258

I told you. You have no faith, what do you think that word even means?

>> No.12515260

a-anon you are aware that God is not real r-right?

>> No.12515267

Lol you've given me no good reason to have faith in something without proof. Not one single reason. Cope harder

>> No.12515271
File: 15 KB, 414x506, 1470837166651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do they serve shrimp on the barbie at brunch?

>> No.12515274

I feel sorry that you have never seen God's light. Believing in nothing is truly sad.

>> No.12515286

Still haven't given me a reason

>> No.12515290

This thread is fucking epic.

>> No.12515294

Oh, and I believe in myself

>> No.12515299

Yes, your life is clearly full of meaning and fulfillment seeing as you spend your time shitposting on anime forum and constructing incredibly elaborate and autistic strawmen about people who take breakfast slightly later on weekends. Reverse-fedora christfaggotry was already passé in 2016 and is even more so now. So once again, fuck off the cooking board and go back to your goblin cave.

>> No.12515304

fuck brunch, let's leakfast

>> No.12515312
File: 190 KB, 1080x1350, Fiona-Barron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would you like to go to brunch with us today anon?

>> No.12515314

Why do nonbelieving sinners get so asshurt whenever you tell them to go to church and repent for their heretic ways?

>> No.12515318

And who are you? You are nothing.
A reason to believe? That's on you. Faith. Go to a church they are very nice

>> No.12515321

No one read your post gay boy
Back to reality

>> No.12515334

I'm clearly not nothing since I'm posting on a Mongolian underwater-basketweaving website. Do you often have a hard time discerning who is real and who's a figment of your imagination? Seems typical of religitards

>> No.12515339

You read it.

Rent free btw

>> No.12515344

You are nothing.

>> No.12515348

How so?

>> No.12515350

Why do insipid christcuckolds get so asshurt when you tell them to go to church and keep their juvenile worldview there.

>> No.12515355

If you have to ask...

>> No.12515372

So you can't explain? It's your job to be evangelical. It says so in the bible. So please explain my nothingness so I'll see the light

>> No.12515382
File: 254 KB, 612x380, 1552091726418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12515386


>> No.12515404
File: 23 KB, 328x350, 1513352984499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just got moved off of brunch shifts after a year. feelsgoodman.

>> No.12515407

That's not an answer. I asked you to explain

>> No.12515410

Go to your nearest church and talk to a priest. You won't though

>> No.12515419

what's bad about brunch shifts?

>> No.12515422

So you can't explain. Kewl

>> No.12515429

Go to a church once. And talk to the poeple

>> No.12515435

>le based young kino tiara tipper gets cornered and exposed for a phoney larping pharisee that he is
Kek. Time to go back to /tv/eddit.

>> No.12515437

Went to church till I was 16.

>> No.12515443

Brunch is what people do after going to church

>> No.12515447

Congratulations you believe in nothing.

>> No.12515452

You have no argument and you haven't explained anything. Jesus would be disappointed that you couldn't take a moment to help someone into the light. I'll stop embarrassing you now

>> No.12515455

Brunch people generally suck but I don't deal with them too much since I'm BOH. Less time to prep and cook a nice family meal since we only have 2 hours to set up instead of like... 5. I also get to sleep in now. Woo!

>> No.12515458

I can't understand how some people would rather believe in an empty void rather than heaven. I'm glad I won't see these people when I die

>> No.12515459

I believe in Stacina the world-bearer and Chadisteros the bull.

>> No.12515470

What you want to believe in doesn't affect what really is.

>> No.12515472

You sound like a lot of fun

>> No.12515477


>> No.12515478


>> No.12515487

Part of me expected at least one actual argument against his post, but instead it's just three "cope" posts.
I'm kind of disgusted to be honest. You "people" make me want to take up jogging.

>> No.12515491

The people there are so bad!

>> No.12515492

what's bad about them? rude meanies?

>> No.12515495

You don't really get to choose what you believe, it's just what makes sense to you. You can say you believe you go to blowjob heaven when you die but belief isn't the subscription box you seem to think it is.

>> No.12515496
File: 201 KB, 500x373, black people.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12515498

Sorry, I guess it doesn't really come out properly in text form.
I was referring to the way wine moms eating unhealthily like to say "I'm so bad!" between wine jokes.

>> No.12515502


>> No.12515505

you sound like a qt :o)

>> No.12515510

Aw shucks

>> No.12515514

Nah, brunch goes from like 11-3.

>> No.12515517

>wine moms
Never knew they had a name. Those glassy-eyed gals....

>> No.12515523

have sex

>> No.12515529

Everyone deserves church.

>> No.12515531

>Never visits /lit/, is unaware of correct use of "isms"
He used it in a way descriptive of the post he was replying to. What is the issue? How does this imply he is underaged? Are you, ironically enough, the psued on account of not understanding basic "isms"?
>Inb4 autist
Yeah I know

>> No.12515538

you first

>> No.12515566

What an incel reply

>> No.12515573

ok incel

>> No.12515593

*tips menorah*

>> No.12515599

Never saw such a high concentration of roastiness in such a short post

>> No.12515607

>people eating food at mid morning is a meme
I think it's time you took a break from 4chan

>> No.12515617

Just be a full atheist, faggot. You clearly don't believe in any sort of heaven or hell or else you'd fucking care a lot where your soul ends up. So just admit you're an atheist.

>> No.12515618

Samefagging isn‘t helping, summery embryo.

>> No.12515624

He literally said he doesn‘t believe in god.

>> No.12515630

If it's not blind then you have evidence, in which case it's no longer called "faith"

>> No.12515652

t. literally believes whatever would be pleasant if it were true

>> No.12515666

nibba, brunch is more about the type of food that the exact time, it can go from 10h30 to 15h.

>> No.12515670

>going to church

>> No.12515680

>finding meaning and fulfillment in asceticism
you sweet summer child

>> No.12515689

>wasting his life over imaginary friend
Wait for me, I'll head to the store real quick to get a fedora, so I can tip it to you

>> No.12515699

god I wish

>> No.12515712

I guess I am, I just don't get that worked up about it or try to convert others to being non-believers or tell them their god is stupid or whatever.

>> No.12516024

Not a response.
Furthermore, devolving to "summerfag" whenever someone says something you don't like seems to be a shitty way it respond to anything. Not samefagging, either, but screenshots can be doctored anyways. Sorry if it disrupts your echo chamber to realize that multiple people can disagree with you.

>> No.12516034

>doubling down on your painfully obvious samefagging
Peak summer.

>> No.12516046

For the sake of argument we can say I'm a dirty samefag. Do you have an actual response to any of the questions posited in my first (second, I guess) post?

>> No.12516082

>I used to be a waiter and worked brunch, it was the worst. In an otherwise nice restaurant, it brought in the worst people: rude, drunk, cheap.
I feel this. I serve and manage at a place that does brunch 10-2 on weekends.
There's never more niggers in the building than during brunch. I love the idea of brunch - late morning, no commitment meal, acceptable day drinking, get yourself something a little fancy, whatever.

But I just hate niggers. Any special or event that brings in niggers is just bad for business because it makes the good waiters quit.

You won't see anyone or anything when you die because you will be dead and your sensory input organs and your brain which had once interpreted the input, will all be burned ash in a hospital waste bin while your empty, chemical-filled carcass rots miles and miles away.

>> No.12516100

It's almost like getting fucked in the ass by a man in a dress repels non 4channelers

>> No.12516106

Why do normalfags put the blame on the Church and not the actual faggots themselves?

>> No.12516134

When those leeches all get jobs and can’t sit around getting drunk every morning

>> No.12516140

>spoonfeed me why my painfully infantile strawman is wrong
How about you take some time and think it through yourself instead of samefagging?

>> No.12516141
File: 112 KB, 683x1024, 0359e770fd6a5a008e5b13ee3403ccf0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one on the far right is Japanese shemale pornstar Miran.

>> No.12516147

It's not because the girl in OP pic has a hand tattoo.

>> No.12516170

>knowing about tranny pornstars, Japanese ones no less

>> No.12516174

kid rapists exist inside and outside of the church. inside the church however they are protected for PR reasons and the people who are victimized are de facto retarded cucks you can pressure by claiming to be a gate keeper to heaven/hell.
I think normalfags blame both, but touchy -- ahem -- sensitive church goers only take offense and notice of the institutional attacks.

>> No.12516247
File: 242 KB, 1685x1123, 82165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been exclusively ejaculating to shemale porn for the past 4 years now. Miran is only noteworthy because >she appears in many western productions as well.
Some of the ones I can remember off the top of my head are as follows: Bailey Jay (qt years ago, now fat), Alexa Scout (not fat yet), Chanel Santini (fake tits are more obvious when >she was well known flat before), Sienna Grace (probably got srs, quit porn I believe), Sue Lightning (quit porn, cuter than most trannies even in unflattering angles), Dominic Presley (quit porn I'd imagine, been at it for years), Venus Lux (incredibly famous for years, but I refuse to watch any of the newer vids in case >she's hit the wall), Natalie Mars (transitioned at 30, quite impressive I'd say), Vicats (Shemale/Female lesbian duo, probably the only female I masturbate to on a frequent basis), Daisy Taylor (new to the scene, a bit too masculine for my liking especially with the new haircut), Ella Hollywood (also new and looks feminine, but the deep voice is a boner killer), Korra del Rio (nice looking, but as they always say: don't stick your dick in crazy), Sarina Valentina (like real life genderswapping, had so many surgeries there's about as much human inside it as a sex doll), Kimber James (a total bimbo, shame about the pseudo-vagina), Jessy Dubai (just another generic shemale, I remember this one due to a collab with Sarina Valentina).
This is all I remember right now. The only ones I purposely left out are the generic Latin American trannies or those Thai Ladyboys with names serving only as a way to identify one video from another.

>> No.12516263
File: 147 KB, 768x768, 1551626229924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are a hyperdegenerate and mentally ill psycho

>> No.12516272

I disagree with the Jewish monopoly on global media too, but it's not my fault that I consume shemale porn to the same extent as a junkie consuming heroin.

>> No.12516298

You must never have been married, let alone in a relationship to have made that post and thought this would look somewhat close to a real life scenario.

>> No.12516304


>> No.12516318
File: 28 KB, 396x396, 4DA3A7CE-02A6-4838-A4EF-6243D477BEC4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12516323

I'm no fan of brunch or church, but brunch is definitely the lesser of the two evils.

>> No.12516329
File: 56 KB, 645x729, 1559733618835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Based "stream of insults as an argument" poster
Thanks for not engaging.

>> No.12516334

What about going to church, leaving your kid to do the kid's activities after mass, having brunch, and then coming back to pick your kids up :)

>> No.12516345

Both brunch and church are scams to separate you from your money, but at least with brunch you get something in return.

>> No.12516388

>cringy seething brainlet
Can‘t say the same to you.

>> No.12516392

it's great tho??


>> No.12516394

have sex.

>> No.12516396

Brunch is just an excuse for women to daydrink

>> No.12516403

>go to church in the morning
>go to brunch after getting out
it's not rocket science m8, I honestly wouldn't be surprised if brunch became popular precisely BECAUSE of sunday morning church. Not that anyone goes to church anymore, but still.

>> No.12516451

That is the only reason it exists, yes. People would go to early morning service then have Sunday brunch afterwards.

>> No.12516510

>this is the kind of anon who tells you God isn’t real

Honestly, dude, seek help through Christ. You are all kinds of fucked up.

>> No.12516544


>> No.12516548

that's what you are yes.

>> No.12516552

have sex.

>> No.12516555

post body.

>> No.12516564

there is no evidence that christ existed, let alone that he was a holy sacrifice to appease mankind's moral injuries against himself

>> No.12516568

kys incel.

>> No.12516576

have sex.

>> No.12516578
File: 20 KB, 262x372, 1560823473905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a load of this nerd. You gonna wear a trilby and ride a horse there lmaooo

>> No.12516586

Do people eat breakfast, brunch, and lunch?
Or do they substitute breakfast or lunch with brunch?

>> No.12516594


>> No.12516600

Shut the fuck up moron

>> No.12516604


>> No.12516608

have sex.

>> No.12516613

post body.

>> No.12516615


>> No.12516620

You seem upset

>> No.12516624

You seem neutral

>> No.12516630

You seem happy

>> No.12516635


>> No.12516637

>traps are literally gay
>masturbating to traps makes you gay
>you hate God and religion because you are gay

Just be honest about your reasoning, anon.

>> No.12516664

incorrect. I want to help people not waste their lives and money tithing to pedophile conmen.

>> No.12516665

Screaming, unattended yuppie kids and cool wine aunts that chug bloody marys, mostly.

>> No.12516718

>to pedophile conmen

You mean homosexuals?

>> No.12516719

girls get raped by preachers too, it's just not as funny

>> No.12517164


>> No.12517181

Did you missclick?
No, you're just a retard, 24 hour clock is 15:00 you dumbass.

>> No.12517395

Sure baited our summerfriends m8.
Have a warm, Christian (you).

>> No.12517613

Anyone claiming to be Christian on this website must be trolling

>> No.12518543
File: 654 KB, 499x370, 0E4BA32D-5AB0-472C-ABE7-86CFF7A232C3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Browsing >4channel and being religious aren’t mutually exclusive, anon.

>> No.12518575

Never, as long as bored housewives can continue using it as excuse to get drunk off bloody marys and mimosas.

>> No.12518593

Whenever people stop paying $6 for orange juice with watered down champagne aka mimosas, which is unlikely anytime soon

>> No.12518909


fuck you

>> No.12519296

People have realized that Christianity is a hoax perpetrated by Saul of Tarsus using a schizophrenic Jew and his enablers as raw material.

>> No.12519305

Hopefully they'll shut down

>> No.12519317

Same way the Roman Empire ended its days. Fitting for the Church to end the same way.

>> No.12519353

>Korra del Rio
Tell me more please, outside of the "tranny is a mental illnes hurrdurr"

>> No.12519442

you sound mad, did someone hurt you?

>> No.12519468

Jesus wouldn't want you browsing this website

>> No.12519480

Brunch is exclusively for unemployed people? I hope you know how stupid that sounds

>> No.12519543

nah, it's for gays and women.

>> No.12519771

Going to brunch after church is usually the highlight of my week

>> No.12519785

boomer detected

>> No.12519793

No just lonely

>> No.12519795

>wow like what if we woke up later than usual on a Sunday and, get this, we also drink orange juice and champagne like we're higher powered executives or actors on our lazy day off haha

>> No.12519810

>only rich people go to restaurants and drink alcohol

>> No.12519812

>going to church
really? how can that help loneliness? there are so many more eventful things you can do beside that.

>> No.12519857

I want a cute black girlfriend to take for brunch

>> No.12520274

Why are women so fucking simple?

>> No.12520283

Korra del Rio just looks a bit insane.

>> No.12520291

Fuck off faggot, you done got yourself SAVAGED.
Have se... brunch, losers
I’ll be having brunch with my wife tomorrow. Not with drink though, booze is for PM.

>> No.12520315

Why do you LARP as a christian purist?
Oh right, you're American, my apologies

>> No.12520332

>Not with drink though,

Then it's not brunch, retard. It's just a late breakfast with your fat lazy wife.

>> No.12520399

It would be pretty embarrassing when she tries to steal the silverware

>> No.12520402

I'll eat breakfast for dinner, but never for breakfast

>> No.12520411

Based. Breakfast is the best meal of the day, just not in the morning.

>> No.12520419

have sex

>> No.12520524

Okay, now this is epic.

>> No.12520979

how? why do you got to be embarrassed for someone else doing their own actions.

>> No.12521024

It's kind of like if you go out and your mates are being disrespectful in a restaurant by being too loud, I feel embarrassed and somewhat responsible. If I took a colored person to eat and they stole silverware or other items from the restaurant, I'd feel bad and partially to blame. I mean just like I'd not bring drunk friends to a nice place, you don't bring a colored person someplace where there is something tempting them to steal.

>> No.12521033


>> No.12521037

Is this projection?

>> No.12521050

Everyone ITT is going to hell btw

>> No.12521051

that's how you're taught to act. you got to learn how to step out of that. you dont have to be embarrassed for another retarded human being. my friends act out all the time and I just laugh at the fact. each human represents oneself, that's how I think it should be.

>> No.12521063

you sound mad, did someone hurt you recently?

>> No.12521068

The only one hurt is Jesus, because he gave up his life for this...

>> No.12521072

Brunch is fun when you wake up late on sunday, and want some egg sandwich and some little extra such as desserts and the likes. Brunches served in “hyped up” restaurants are fucking awful though, especially here in Europe.
>2 pieces of toast, one soft boiled egg, one piece of ham, and a glass of orange juice
>that would be 24 euros sir
Fucking yuropoors discovering such concept without any idea how it is properly done.

>> No.12521077

hey bro, if you were hurt recently you can talk about it and I and jesus will listen.

>> No.12521272

>his post
if i put that much effort into a troll post and didn't get any bites i would be just as embarassed as you

>> No.12521407

When women aren’t allowed to day drink without their husbands or children around.

Meaning is an illusion, a trick of the mind. There is no higher purpose for anything, so you might as well do what makes you happy.

>> No.12521414

Yes it is, and they will go away. You already see it happening.
In places with state support for churches like England, France, Sweden and Italy, it will take an act of the legislatures to defund the churches.

>> No.12521443

brunch is classist, elitist and horribly undemocratic.

>> No.12521448

Implying good food is served for brunch. If you're nursing a hangover at brunch, how do you think the kitchen is feeling?

>> No.12521640

>sitting through a single hour’s worth of songs and a feel good message drawn from pop psychology
>costs nothing, they feed you, and you make contacts to help you in other areas of life.

>> No.12521755

They can.
And when they do, it is delicious.

>she asks
>of a regular on 4chan
>who promptly runs away in a fit of atheistic and antisocial terror

>> No.12521806
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>> No.12521821

Of you are familiar with entitled military wives, think of hundreds of them, with their kids, all gathered together in your restaurant.
Now make them drunk.

>> No.12521841

>go to the casinos on sunday mid-morning in the south and see the dressed up blacks and whitetrash just out of their evangelical charnel houses crowding the brunch buffet
You need to get out more, child.

>> No.12521849

I call it brunch when I'm taking way too long to make breakfast.

>> No.12521929

I only see my friends a few times a year and don't know too many people with the same interests as me. Lots of decent people in church though.

>> No.12521933

Not all brunches are equal

>> No.12521958

based and wholesomepilled

>> No.12522192

I thought brunch was just eating breakfast options at lunch time

>> No.12522574
File: 63 KB, 480x506, 1560647474995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool wine aunts love mimosas at brunch.

>> No.12522683

How does a fucking food board manage to be worse than /pol/ and /s4s/ combined?

>> No.12522709


>> No.12522916

You need to unironically have sex and have friends to enjoy brunch

>> No.12522947

best post on /ck/ right now

>> No.12523048

you buying?

>> No.12523140

Those of a truly higher caste sleep in to lunchtime.