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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 520 KB, 2048x1024, 64547917_678752265887340_1048121029819367424_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12516160 No.12516160 [Reply] [Original]

knife thread?

Just picked up this bad boy yesterday. What's /ck/ using?

>> No.12516175

Fast food wrapers mostly

>> No.12516177


>> No.12516188

hell yeah brother, McDouble, McChicken and a double cheese?

>> No.12516202

Why did you post that very same image on Facebook? Is it autism?

>> No.12516213

That's a nice one, man. I really like the pattern.
I use a victorinox butchers knife and tomato knife. My bread knife is Carl Schmidt Sohn. Im currently in the market for a new pairing knife and chefs knife. The ones I use currently are good enough, but they have really soft steel. They were given to me in a set by my parents when I first went to university. They did have black paint on to begin with but that began to flake into food so I sanded that of pretty promptly. Do you have any recommendations for a chefs knife or pairing knife?

>> No.12516219

>Do you have any recommendations for a chefs knife or pairing knife?

Style? - western / Japanese

Steel? - stainless / carbon / carbon clad in stainless

Handle? - western / hybrid / Japanese (d-shaped, round, or octagonal)

Grip? pinch / handle

Length? 165mm / 180mm / 210mm / 240 / 270mm

Use cases?

Care? whetstones / honing / paid service


>> No.12516601


>> No.12516820

I prefer stainless for convenience
I pinch
I prefer 210mm
>Use cases?
Cutting all kinds of foods in a kitchen. Needs to be as versatile as possible
I hone before use and grind with a whetstone maybe twice a year
As for pairing knife I don't really care too much, I just want to know if anyone has one they like.

>> No.12516889
File: 2.19 MB, 2000x1500, RDT_20190609_2301027014734225582625375_resize_6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My go-to right now. Getting an even angle on the CCK is a lot harder than I expected. For some reason the natural curve of a chef's knife is easier to stay consistent on.

>> No.12516918

not gonna lie that looks pretty sweet

>> No.12516928
File: 3.68 MB, 2500x1875, IMG_20190620_160059_resize_75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's all of them actually, with some better lighting.

>> No.12516964

What steel is that? MC63?

>> No.12516968
File: 1.68 MB, 2614x3619, 7857E82D-ED69-4FAA-A2F4-78D9FCDBFD25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted this in another knife thread a few weeks ago. I’m starting to build a collection of higher quality knives, pic related are the 3 I have so far. I had another Chef knife and paring knife that were stolen before purchasing the two on the left/center (which I only got because they were on sale, they’re not nearly as nice as the previous two were). The one on the right was a gift, passed on from my aunt.

Anyway, Chef night to the left is Miyabi Hibana, paring knife is Miyabi Koh, and Idk what the one on the right is, it’s probably as old as I am.

>> No.12516984
File: 1.68 MB, 3814x2371, 3E86B154-027D-4D96-A8A8-7CA896116A30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s the paring knife that got stolen, what a fucking gem. Light as a feather and slicing through tough vegetables was like slicing through butter it was so sharp yet so strong. I’m still pissed beyond belief about losing it.

>> No.12517027


That sucks. How'd it get stolen?

>> No.12517030

for cooking or for killing?

>> No.12517032

not gonna lie that pattern is a print
t. owner of that knife where the pattern is completely faded

>> No.12517086

Brother left the back door unlocked and the back gate wide open without thinking. A thief came into our house mid-morning while I was asleep upstairs and stole ALL of my shit off the kitchen table - my North Face coat which contained my wallet, $150 headphones, and house keys, then a couple of textbooks, and my knife kit with $700 worth of kitchen supplies including the knives. He then went and spent my entire paycheck at Champ’s, probably got himself some nice Air Jordans. Fucking asshole. I’m a wagecuck making $13.50 per hour so you can imagine how long it took to save up for that shit.

>> No.12517099


Feckin ouch. Sorry bud.

>> No.12517113
File: 205 KB, 900x793, kiwi-chef-knife-large2_4c6adcd5ab71ea23a1d4fcbc59afe603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought some kiwi brand knives for like $3 because I'm too lazy to fix the handle on my wusthof. They're pretty good

>> No.12517315

Nice Knife

>> No.12517657
File: 685 KB, 1210x1613, Knivesiown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went full chelsea tiegen

I bought the set plus the crazy serrated sanktou

They are actually real good. I've had it for 5 months now and still going stronk

>> No.12517689
File: 157 KB, 640x857, incredibly-sharp-kiwi-knives-from-thailand-30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me its Kiwi Brand Knives

>> No.12517704

Not that Anon, but I've had the same Whopper wrapper in my backpack for almost 7 months now

>> No.12517709

Japanese knives are for weeaboos who think they're being cool

>> No.12517726

It's called renters insurance, you fucking retard. It's your fault you lost all that value because you didn't take even the most basic step to protect your assets. God damn you kids are stupid

>> No.12517755

>file claim
>heath,car and renters insurance go up for the rest of your life costing tens of thousands of dollars

>> No.12517776

Yep, it sucks that some people have zero morals and think it's okay to just take shit from people instead of working for it themselves.

My Dad had a $5,000 deductible on his homeowners insurance, you ass. I tried digging up every receipt I could possibly find to try and get anything back only to find that out.

>> No.12517778

>t. doesn't understand property insurance

Your insurance rates do not go up for things you weren't at fault for. Like a cracked windshield on your vehicle, or a your stuff stolen or weather damage. They may go up for a whole state at a time when costs inflate for repairs on insured items, but you won't be penalized because some nigger stole your stuff.

Educate yourself, faggot.

>> No.12517787

Then your dad is just as dumb as you. High deductible always screws you in the end. Your family is a failure. Congrats

>> No.12517804

Complete and utter bs. If you file a claim you'll be very lucky if they don't just flat out cancel your ass. The US is literally corporations run amok, nowadays. Stop toadying up to them.

>> No.12517831

Why make things up? You have to have over 3 property claims in the last 3 years for an insurance company to legally drop your property insurance. Brainlets think insurance is a scam because they can't think critically. The NAIC dictates a shit ton of rules to protect those who buy insurance. You're falling for memes

>> No.12518135

>neighbor has no prior claims in 10 years
>pipes freeze and he sustains significant water damage
>files claim
>company pays and cancels him in a couple months
Ok insurance shill, go sell a policy to some gullible millennial, ok?

>> No.12518196

I'm sorry but that's not a true story. I'm citing regulations you can actually look up from the NAIC. Personal anecdote doesn't mean anything, especially when you make it up because you have no point. Sorry, kid. Better luck next time

>> No.12518423

Got some JA Henckles Twin desu.

>> No.12519015

nice knife collection anon, sucks about the paring knife though.

these look nice anon, what brand?

Is it hard maintaining miyabis?




that pattern is made by 65 layers of steel folded around a steel core. No idea what you're talking about.

I have a ja henkles santoku and I use it every day and I like it.

>> No.12519043
File: 2.06 MB, 1644x1837, 20190101_011351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/k/ fag posting I just use this as my general use knife around the house

>> No.12519413
File: 52 KB, 1800x387, 8-in-chef-knife-red-stamina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cop or not?

>> No.12519452

>full bolster

>> No.12519470


who the fuck doesn't want a full tang?

>> No.12519487

bolster =/= tang

>> No.12519496


i know dipshit, a bolster is better than an entire tang. what is your problem with a bolster? It's a fat tang.

>> No.12519634
File: 12 KB, 656x478, knife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine spending all that money on tools you're ignorant about.

This bad boy right here. Unironic. I've used them before. I'm going to get this and a Rada wheel sharpener. It'll last forever and two swipes of the knife will be razor sharp every time.

>> No.12519659
File: 9 KB, 474x474, 1473508933927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12519732

Do you have a belt sander so you can get rid of that crazy protruding heel on the serrated knife? That looks awful and must create a giant hollow spot on a cutting board.

>> No.12519744

Like you have never made a mistake or forgotten something. You sound like a real cockholster.

>> No.12519760

Using this for a chef knife must suck.

>> No.12519764

Nice. Looks like it is really ground thin at the edge, not so easy to find anymore nowadays

>> No.12519783
File: 78 KB, 1800x387, 1561096517902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You dont know what you are talking about

>> No.12519836

No, I haven't. Thanks

>> No.12519892

>friend has bad luck with his car
>mirror broken by vandal, files claim
>broken windshield, files claim
>door dented in parking lot, files claim
>insurance company drops his ass, won't insure him anymore

>> No.12519914

That's not the full story. That's not how insurance works. Your buddy has a fuck ton of prior at fault claims if they dropped him

>> No.12519959
File: 139 KB, 1000x1000, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just get the Victorinox 20cm chef knife (make sure its the broad bladed one like pic related, they make a similar one with a skinnier profile) and for the paring knife, go victorinox again, literally like $5 and they're great. I hate to sound like a Victorinox fanboy but they really are fantastic knives on a budget.

Also check out the Mercer 8inch chef knife. Its only a little bit more than the victorinox and it has the more standard forged and integral bolster design.

>> No.12519986

They're great little knives. I've got the nakiri style one and i put a really coarse diamond stone edge on mine and it slices through tough things like tomato skin better than any of my finely polished japanese knives

>> No.12520003


No shit, idiot. That's what I said. A bolster is better than a full tang blade. Jesus christ, you fucking people.

>> No.12520004

Handle it in person if you can. i bought mine online and probably wouldnt have if i had played with it in person. Had to spend a bit of time sanding down sharp corners, Bolster is a pain in the ass too.

Over all quite a nice knife though, i pull it out when im in the mood. i would hate to be stuck with it as my only knife though

>> No.12520017

Literally wtf are you talking about?

Go back and learn what a bolster is, and what a tang is, and learn why a bolster extending all the way to the blade is a horrible design

Then come back to us

>> No.12520047
File: 85 KB, 1150x1150, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a bolster is better than a full tang blade

A knife with an integral forged bolster is also a full tang blade (apart from some very rare exceptions)

He's not saying bolsters are bad, he's saying bolsters which extend down to the bottom of the blade are bad, they serve no purpose other than to look ugly and stop you from being able to sharpen properly. They're a relic from the past when our ancestors had brain damage and thought they were a good idea.

What you want is a hollow ground bolster which fits your fingers perfectly and which blends in leaving the bare blade at the bottom like pic related

>> No.12520071


a bolster is a base for the oh fuck why am I even talking to some stupid cunt. You're like talking to grass.

>> No.12520128

Please do go on, id love to hear what you're about to say.

You're the one trying to argue with everyone here about some very simple, well known concepts like bolsters and tangs despite apparently not knowing what they are at all

>> No.12520147

Dude....settle down, you're making an ass of yourself. You're misunderstanding what some of these terms mean.

"Full bolster" means a bolster which extends all the way down to the heel of the blade. No one is talking about the tang here other than you

>> No.12520154


you fucking people.

>> No.12520155
File: 35 KB, 1200x900, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posted in other thread but it died.

Anyone have any experience with this bad boy? Just ordered it, ive been after a german style chef knife for a while but couldnt justify the price of a wusthof or henkles.

>> No.12520163

Mercer is what they gave us as first year culinary students. Take from that what you will (I still use my Mercer utility knife at work).

>> No.12520270

I was thinking of going that route anyway. Thanks for the advice about the broad blade.

>> No.12520355

Hey bros,

I am a College Student thats trying to work on my resume working for Cutco as a sales rep.

We sell probably some of the best cutlery in the states.

Basically long story short if you would like to learn more about Cutco and ask me about it or you were already planning on purchasing Cutco, please use me as a referral and ill just give you back my commission money (10% of the price you bought).

If you dont like the knives or you dont think my money will arrive, you can just request a return at full within 15 days so its all good.

Id really appreciate it if you could at least give it a check for me please.

Here is some basic contact info, I am up yo contact you online back in anyway but i would prefer something that I could showcase the knives to you online for comparison (comparing Cutco to Wüstofs and other generic knives)

Even if you plan on purchasing just one shear or knife it will help me out greatly, thank you for reading

Here is my contact info


>> No.12520360


>> No.12520373
File: 135 KB, 1194x758, IMG_20190621_080320__01__01-1194x758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not a cooking knife since im at work but i bought this on recommendation from /k/ for like $30 and i dont think ill ever need to by another pocket knife again. This thing is the goat

>> No.12520384

Hey bud, get out of the multi level marketing game any way you can. Its not a legitimate career and you'll almost always go nowhere.

Life is much easier with an actual job that pays wages

>> No.12520390

Nothing wrong with a RAT.

There are some definite bargains in the knife world

T. Guy with far, far too many knives

>> No.12520408

Thanks man, id agree but its because the company just looks really good on resumes. I am working another job already but I want to succeed with this one to get a better resume and such becsuse many firms like seeing Cutco/Vector on your application

>> No.12520415

Lmao who the fuck told you those lies
Literally everybody knows its a scam company

>> No.12520421

Really? I wouldnt have thought that.

I guess it shows you have some salesman skills or something

>> No.12520443

i've had some double cheese burgers from mcdonalds yesterday. They actually tasted pretty good, especially considering i hadn't eaten meat in about a year.

>> No.12521510

A bolster and a full tang are two entirely different things. Sober up before you post more stupid shit and embarrass yourself even worse, angry drunk luthier guy.

>> No.12521513

It is obviously angry drunk luthier guy. Just ignore him.

>> No.12521853

>fix the handle on my whustof

They replace their knives for free baka just email them.

>> No.12521855

What the shit is that on the right?

>> No.12521890

>knives from a set
how lame and dull (no pun intended)

>> No.12521955
File: 176 KB, 2000x2000, ikea-365-paring-knife-stainless-steel__0278333_pe417921_s5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No le fixing needed

>> No.12522184

Noted, did you thin the bolster with a low grit stone or a belt sander?

>> No.12522225

I have the same paring knife. I loved it but my old dumbass roommate managed to snap the tip off

>> No.12522237

Well it actually came to me with the bolster slightly lower than the blade itself leaving a gap where i couldnt cut all the way through food. I used a rough diamond stone to grind it flat to the blade then had to sharpen the heel area again where the blade was now flat, then rounded everything off with a fine stone.

>> No.12522283

I have the 8'' version, it is an unironically pretty good knife.

>> No.12522296

I'd rather pay $3 more for the plastic handle with little grippies on it. They never seem to fail or break. Just that most people exposed to them use them dull.
I will check the Vic out tho. Seems uncomfortable.

>> No.12522338
File: 17 KB, 640x360, 1560923316146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of knife is this? Seems bad for a paring knife. Is it a peeling knife of some sort?
There's nothing to stop me slipping forward when pushing and I'm a retard so but I like the one piece philosophy. Literally nothing to break, no interface.
Better than my knives but again they slip forward if you push.
Those are way too fucking thick except for e. I like it though, nice looking functional thing.
That looks like a great knife, god I wish I had that for vegggies. Don't care about the meme-steel but the shape and proportions are fucking perfect. Big ol' handle. Sorry for your loss I'd be in mourning.
How big is it? Looks functional, blade seems too thick.

>> No.12522503

Yeah I just regularly go to rich housewives and sell them the stuff. You need to live in a community though in order to really succeed in the job because that community will give you a lot of people that are interested as well

>> No.12522585
File: 128 KB, 1000x1000, giheichefebony copy-1000x1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're probably sharpening wrong
keep it 45 degrees from parallel rather than sharpening straight on, if you know what I mean
take it up to 6k, then put some teeth on it with a good steel when you need to (gently)
I used to spend 5 mins on the 6k every morning, and it was my favourite and sharpest knife out of maybe 4k usd of the buggers
need to buy another desu
as of the moment, I'm using picrel; stays sharp after a day of 20kg veg and about 500g herbs and plenty other garnish and service; which is a first

>> No.12522982
File: 208 KB, 1920x1080, 0.5µm1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you can sharpen it

>> No.12523017


Is that clad or just a bevel?

>> No.12523170

>way too thick

Kiwi knives are thin as fuck. They're just thin sheet metal with a hollow ground edge ground in.

They're actually really good and only a few dollars each

>> No.12523213

>posts on 4chan
>calls anyone a failure
yeah ok dumbass

>> No.12523877

Probably gonna look for something else for now, thanks for the info man

>> No.12523894
File: 12 KB, 220x282, knife_of_choice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Longer is better, but I'll use whatever.

>> No.12523903
File: 43 KB, 470x470, john_c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indeed, brother.

>> No.12523916

... That same knife. Are you me?

>> No.12524650

180mm dojo AS with ss cladding. The gyuto. Sharpening on marble plates with 3m film.

>> No.12525255
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>> No.12525272
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>> No.12525288


Pretty sure you'd struggle to get a claim paid out if the house was left unlocked

>> No.12525683

Not him but:
>Telling them you locked the house and not having your brother kick the door in for easy claim money

Its like putting jeans and baby powder in the dryer and leaving your house. Opps fire.

>> No.12525735

Someone has been watching life of boris

>> No.12527648
File: 73 KB, 960x960, 1561147973240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HAP40 clad with some decent jap stainless - the stock bevel is weird as fuck, very thick behind the edge (it is pretty short aswell - 41mm I think), but mine is pretty seriously thinned, and my friend has a zero on his, which took a day and a half to sharp in

>> No.12527721


Word. And as far as sharpening the CCK, I'm realizing it's less the straight edge and more the height of the blade that makes it more difficult to keep a consistent angle. Smaller movements cause a greater change in sharpening angle than a shorter knife, like my Yoshikane, so you have to be extra steady.

>> No.12527855
File: 416 KB, 1944x2896, DSC_2325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just remember to keep the wrist holding the knife locked out and start with a little pressure, slowly, till you get where you wanna be, and keep those straight lines
enjoy what is (IMHO) the finest cutting tool man has as yet concieved

>> No.12528395

kiwi knives are really good for how fucking cheap they are. I have the small one at the bottom, holds an edge decently and sharpens well. Fuckin 5 bucks and the sharpest knife I have by far, makes no sense.

>> No.12528832
File: 358 KB, 2048x1536, 65194332_330545031213712_3827224157507026944_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the work knives.

>> No.12528839

this edge is pretty but it's way too thick

>> No.12528997


I was also thinking that. Maybe it's an asymmetrical bevel and is much thinner on the other side?

>> No.12529784

Pretty sure thats not a chef knife, hes just showing off his sharpening skills

Looks like a Buck 119 to me

>> No.12529805

Grab the one at the top, its fucking amazing for chopping veggies and is like $8

I prefer it over my expensive Jap knives

>> No.12530022

love the damascus pattern on that

>> No.12530289
File: 938 KB, 5312x2988, aaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its my handmade knife for EDC when a muslim needs some cutting help. Its just to show a nice edge. Its able to shave after cutting pic related but its unable to cut a fucking onion :3 Cutting soft tissue like meat is perfect. So it failed my /ck/ test. I love that knife steel

>> No.12530323

>Hand made knife

Show us lad

>> No.12530342
File: 892 KB, 3913x2569, sssa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im making 2 more in august. Showing you some handmade chef knifes if i can.
If someone needs help with sharpening to razor sharp for less than 50$ ask

>> No.12530355
File: 98 KB, 942x1413, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice job. What steel is it?

Heres one of mine, O1 tool steel.

>> No.12530356

1095 at 61HRC
Thats what I call a knife ! Do you want to make a mirrow finish in the future?
Im making the 2 with SB1/Niolox. Cant wait for it

>> No.12530437
File: 288 KB, 1365x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im a bit more of a satin finish guy, which is lucky because ive done mirror polishes before and hated all the hand sanding.

This was all done with hand tools, in future im hoping to get a proper workshop setup where ill be able to do some really professional jobs.

Heres the knife next to its brother who died during heat treat. R.I.P

>> No.12530482

You should finish the broken one. Im using that kind of broken knifes for cutting hard ham or pork belly. And try to find a good and cheap company for H.T. , its better to enjoy the knife with optimal steel quality

>> No.12531077

yeah finish the left one. The British pay through the nose for stab proof knives.

>> No.12531320

Ordered, thanks anon