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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 164 KB, 1200x900, 1200px-A_small_cup_of_coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12515895 No.12515895 [Reply] [Original]

Is coffee actually enjoyable to drink or is it just a Reddit-tier aesthetic that numales use to try and fill the void in their lives? I currently drink Monster® but am looking for alternate sources of caffeine.

>> No.12515900

If you get good beans and brew it properly, it can be quite enjoyable.

>> No.12515905

Any suggestions? My only exposure to coffee has been Starbucks and all of it is consistently terrible.

>> No.12515927
File: 63 KB, 1292x969, soycof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

coffee is fine
drink it how you want, dont make a fucking spectacle of it
aka dont be a soy about it
buy a coffeemaker
kurig or 1 cup brewers are fine, you dont have to use k cups, buy a reusable filter or buy a regular one with paper filters
get whatever coffee's on sale until you find one you like
>literally fuck what anyone else says

>> No.12515932

Try single origin from different places in the world. I prefer south american coffees.
Try and get fresh-er roasted beans.
French press is a pretty cheap/easy way to start brewing at home.

>> No.12515965

Espresso and espresso drinks are badass, just dont be a fucking prick and showcase your $6 coffee to Instagram. Otherwise go crazy, I work in a coffee shop and drink 10-14 shots a day (since its free)

>> No.12515974

come back when youre 18 kid

>> No.12515980

starbucks is actually not that bad despite what elitists will try to tell you. my favorite place to pick up coffee is mcdonalds, which is surprisingly good and $1 for a large. i recommend buying medium/light roast beans and doing pour over but i understand that not everyone wants to take the time and spend money on the equipment. so just find a local """""hipster""""" coffeeshop that roasts their own and get a bag of that and use a cheap coffeemaker. for best flavor grind beans at home

>> No.12515990

yeah mcdonalds coffee is actually better than every other fast food place that i've tried, including supposed coffee specialists like dunkin

>> No.12515994

I just use it as a pick me up if I'm feeling tired. I eat a teaspoon of instant coffee granules and wash it down with some water. Job done.

>> No.12516081

ive got a pick you up right here bud
*chokeslams you until spinal fluid leaks out of your ears*

>> No.12516172
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Buy good beans, grind them yourself, use a perc, and drink it espresso. Tastes like chocolate but richer.

>> No.12516176

>use a perc

>> No.12516197


look, i like my bialetti as much as the next guy, but you're retarded if you call that coffee "espresso".

>> No.12516199

I used to be addicted to coffee. I drank 5 shots of espresso as a normal dose. I fucked up one day and had around 4 cups of coffee and then downed a preworkout after before my workout and midway had a massive panic attack from having almost 800mg of caffeine. I havent drank a cup in almost a year. Energy levels are nearly the same being off of it. Probably wont go back.

>> No.12516235
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Filter > Lungo >>>>> Espresso > Ristretto

>> No.12516252

i'm in Vietnam and looking to buy coffee gifts but i don't know shit about coffee cuz I don't drink it but it's a pretty big thing here, they grow a lot locally. Robusta or Arabica or Moka? What roast level?

>> No.12516255


>> No.12516257

there is absolutely no way that is healthy
enjoy your future colonoscopy

>> No.12516258

percocet is a far superior energy source than caffeine

>> No.12516474

>tfw I'm italian and every single morning i drink perfectly brewed god tier coffee that americans will never have the plesaure to taste
yeah, I'm thinking I'm lucky

>> No.12516486

Nespresso, Keurig, or traditional coffee Brewer ? Can't decide

>> No.12516494

>Is coffee actually enjoyable to drink or is it just a Reddit-tier aesthetic that numales use to try and fill the void in their lives?
coffee helps me poop regularly.
I drink decaff, btw, so it's not the caffeine. there is something special about coffee.

>> No.12516498 [DELETED] 
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>If you get good beans and brew it properly, it can be quite enjoyable.

>> No.12516499

>he doesn't know where coffee is grown

>> No.12516501

what's your point? we are able to make use of the beans, whilst you are satisfied with drinking watery and overly sugary overpriced trash

>> No.12516504

imagine being a retard like OP my god

>> No.12516512

How do you guys drink black coffee? I always have milk and a bit of sugar in mine. I'm trying to get into black coffee, how do you guys do it?

>> No.12516517

you just get used to itm

>> No.12516722

I drink it black by liking how it tastes black. You either like it or you don't, there's not much more to it than that. It's not like someone's forcing you to drink it black.

>> No.12516767

Before drinking make sure everyone in the room knows that you're drinking it black. That helps it taste good.

>> No.12516785

Hello Vietnam Anon
Bang a Saigon hooker of questionable age and or gender for me
Don't buy robusta beans, they're the cheap shit beans everyone hates
Arabica beans are just normal quality run of the mill beans
Moka is probably some regional thing. I would pick some up to try if I was in your shoes.
Enjoy Vietnam

>> No.12516809

why dont you ask a place what kind of coffee they use? individual drip iced coffees are a big thing there

>> No.12517040

Find a local good coffee shop that isn't a chain, order a flat white or something

if they do pour overs then try that

>> No.12517045

Is this where we've come?

>> No.12517046

I love coffee. Most kinds. It's just a nice comforting familiar taste. It's kind of like beer but for when you're working.

>> No.12517049

Grind your own beans right before you use.

>> No.12517054

Look faggots, if you cannot enjoy the cheapest instant coffee, just plain and black, then you don't really like coffee and all this crap you suggest to make it palatable if further proof of that.
I'm not saying instant coffee is the most delicious, but if you cannot stomach it, you will not like the $100/g coffee grind either.

>> No.12517059


>> No.12517073

I always liked the taste.

>> No.12517079

The only thing you should keep track of is the acidity. It's the only actual thing that matters when it comes to cheap coffee grinds. Acidic coffee isn't comforting at all, at least for me.

>> No.12517868


>> No.12517879


>> No.12519115
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> shhh

>> No.12520016
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Not even a percolator. A percolator has a similar design but there is no separate chamber for the brewed coffee, it continuously recirculates the boiling water into the ground beans.
I dislike coffee made in a percolator.

>> No.12520022
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No, it's good. The every-mans drink. I'm tempted brothers, its 2 am and I'm thinking about making a cup.

>> No.12520024

Start by cutting out all sugar, and put cream in it instead of milk (because milk has sugar in it).
Then cut back on the cream.
Cheap coffee is nasty when drunk black, and the cream, milk and sugar help to mask the taste. Try a fresh ground, light roast coffee, those usually have a much less acid taste, leading to better black coffee.

>> No.12520027

Instant coffee is absolutely nasty. Imagine leaving some coffee in your cup to dry out, then scraping off the black bits at the bottom of the cup. Take the bits, wait a month or so then mix them with hot water. That's your instant coffee.

You're basically saying that if you don't like boxed mac n cheese with the powder sauce sachet, you won't like carbonara made from pancetta

>> No.12520121

It is it depends on how you drink it.
Sums it up well, I'd disagree with kurigs but I'm an autist so my opinion's invalidated

>> No.12520327

I drink it for warmth and to feel attentive.

Medium/Dark roast with a ratio of 1 teaspoon of sugar per cup of coffee, and stir. That'll give it a neutral taste which can be sweetened to personal preference! From this point, I use whole milk and pour a trickle for 3 seconds, then stir. Of course, tailer to your desire, but that's how I like it.

>> No.12520433
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I cant believe you got this many (yous) with this obvious bait, well played op.

>> No.12520558

i like keurig because i dont drink a ton of coffee. hardly ever do i have more than one cup.
so the keurig was $50 which is cheap for one, i buy a reusable filter and make one cup at a time. in my opinion it uses a tad more coffee, but ill take that over paper filters and pouring out coffee because i made too much

>> No.12520595

What's with kids saying anything they perceive as masculine or unenjoyable is nu-male? What's actually male then?

>> No.12520613

>>literally fuck what anyone else says

Best advice for coffee I've seen posted on /ck/.

>> No.12520619

>I cant believe you got this many (yous) with this obvious bait, well played op

It's not bait at all to want to switch from energy drinks to coffee you faggot.

>> No.12520634

>Look faggots, if you cannot enjoy shitty Salisbury steak TV dinners, then you don't like prime/dry aged ribeye steaks.

>> No.12520644

I'm a wage slave so I need it to function in the morning. It's the only reason I drink this diarrhea in a cup.

>> No.12520674

>diarrhea in a cup.

>> No.12521104


>> No.12521300

Lurk the Coffee general threads

>> No.12521349

Kek imagine being this retarded

>> No.12521759

I dont believe you, if you actually wanted to learn about coffee you would just fucking google it you ape.

>> No.12521824

Apes can't fucking google IDIOT

>> No.12522806

I don't put cream/milk or sugar in anything I drink, whether it's coffee, green tea, or yerba mate. But then again, I don't consume dairy at all. I think you get the true natural flavors of the plants this way and like the subtle, sometimes bitter flavors. It's like a nice wine or cigar. Anything else dilutes it and it just takes on the flavor of whatever you add. Maybe it helps that I don't really have a sweet tooth either. When I've had coffee w/ cream/sugar in the past it just tasted like straight up desert and was too weird/gross to me.

>> No.12522810


>> No.12522881
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The best coffee is made with a dripper. Enjoy it in the morning with a stack of pancakes and sausage links.

>> No.12522902
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has anyone tried coffee with cannabutter?

>> No.12522959

How is it? I've never tried any kind of edible with coffee, closest thing I've done is taking a kpin with it.

>> No.12522985

They have thc infused coffee at dispensaries. I really wanna try them next time I’m out west.


>> No.12522995

I don't see the big deal about drinking coffee black. I like it, it tastes a bit bitter which I can see how people might not enjoy, but you'd think it was kerosene the way people talk about it.

>> No.12523001

I've grown to like the taste, and not having all of the calories from milk and sugar is a nice plus.

>> No.12523028

My friend makes weed infused coconut oil and puts it in his coffee

>> No.12523080

I started drinking it because of peer pressure, but I eventually got to liking it over time. I do think that people who drink their coffee black are more sophisticated, so that probably plays a role into why I only drink it. It's good to cut back on sugar and fats, anyway.

>> No.12523540

A moka pot is a variety of percolator. They're named as such because the water percolates up to the coffee. The standard percolater and moka pot are identical here. The fact it doesn't recycle the brewed coffee through again doesn't make it not a percolator, just not that type.

>> No.12523549

Poor distribution. The bottom of the basket should all become wet throughout its entirety in the same instant.

>> No.12523818

jamaican blue mountain coffee. Honestly don't know where to find it outside of Jamaica, there is a lot of fake or "cut" bullshit so I just stock up when I'm there.

>> No.12524729

Things about coffee that are memes and soy and make you think coffee sucks:
>pre-ground coffee
>blade grinders
>cold brew (very poor extraction)

Things about coffee that make a based drink:
>proper espresso
>cappuccino, macchiato, cortado
>french press
>burr grinder

I don't want a cuck single boiler espresso maker but don't want to drop money on a commercial set up:
>get a manual espresso puller like ROK and a milk froth jug if desired
>else french press, v60

DO NOT waste money on a meme soy pod machine or basically any machine that doesn't accept fresh grounds tamped in a portafilter. And yeah, always grind beans for a cup and if you can get beans 1 week to 1 month old as this is prime time. Beans: good for 30 days, grounds: good for 30 mins.

>> No.12524768

Oh wait I forgot moka pots are based as well

>> No.12524879

It's fucking coffee. It's been drank and prized centuries and generations prior to the emergence of nu male faggots. You're probably one of those morons that thinks simply drinking hot chocolate makes you a faggot with no balls despite the soldiers in the trenches and elites centuries ago also enjoying that drink

>> No.12524886

Some instant stuff that appear appear really coarse as disgusting. Some of the instant stuff that is essentially a fine powder is okay.

>> No.12524957
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>hot milk and coffee is a meme and soy
>hot frothy milk and coffee is based

>> No.12525012

I genuinely like the taste of coffee with milk.
Wasn't a huge fan of black coffee at first but I made an effort to cut out as much sugar from my diet as possible and got used to it
The caffeine high is the most enjoyable part anyway

>> No.12525032


I heard that McDonalds bought an old Starbucks supplier. and yaeh McDonalds coffee is surprisingly ok.

>> No.12525049

I love coffee. If you down nothing but highly sweetened energy drinks then you'll probably hate it at first, but you'll need to allow you taste buds to become acclimated to it. Perhaps you'll never like it and you'll go back to Monster, which is fine, I guess.

>> No.12525054

Based retard

>> No.12525055

I bought an original monster yesterday and literally threw up half a can in because it was so sweet. My stomach isn't used to it, I guess.

>> No.12525065

He's right though. Lattes are disgusting, who wants that much milk? But a dry cappuccino makes my cock hard

>> No.12525071

latte with an extra shot isn't bad, but I agree would much prefer a cappuccino

>> No.12525075

>dry liquid
what did he mean by this?

>> No.12525076

>I don't like it therefore it's soy
pretty much the entire posterbase of that tired wojak for dumb and inarticulate autists

>> No.12525078
File: 10 KB, 300x168, 1561053919856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coffee is literally burnt soy beans
>pic related is you

>> No.12525342

>I need help I don't know what I should like what if I like something and the 4chan website calls me Reddit
Stop being an insecure faggot

>> No.12525428

milk drinker detected. fag

>> No.12525477

what the. what is floating in that coffee?

>> No.12525488

Black coffee is disgusting and so is craft beer.

>> No.12525493

A dry cappuccino means that the milk has been foamed more than a regular cappuccino, silly anon.

>> No.12525499

Yeah, simple filter coffee is great. Don't listen to the people who claim you need to grind beans from jupiter and filter it through diamonds to get a good cup.

>> No.12525510

This is stupid. Just by a dripper coffee machine for 50 euro or something. Works fine.

>> No.12525550

I'll give you my frothy milk, anon.

>> No.12525554

No, it's not. The beans are roasted, burning them is a fucking up of the process.
Go have some soda now, fat faggot.

>> No.12525560

>I don't like it so it is disgusting.
You're basically what >>12522995 describes. Insecure faggot.

>> No.12525561

it's good if you have it without milk

>> No.12525625

>Don't listen to the people who claim you need to grind beans from jupiter and filter it through diamonds to get a good cup.
How DARE people want quality coffee!?

>> No.12525629

I drink green (unroasted) coffee.
Tastes whack (think boiled peanut water), but I've started to like it more than roasted coffee.

>> No.12525946

They use the old Tim hortons supplier, which is why Tim hortons is also shit now (also the donuts suck too).

>> No.12525992

>I currently drink Monster® but am looking for alternate sources of caffeine.
coffee is THE goto for a caffeinated drink. Your only other option really is caffeine pills. Been there done that but coffee for some reason works the best.

>> No.12525995

Fuck the memes, just get some simple Folgers. You can't go wrong with arabica beans.

>> No.12526006

Its the oils that does the poop trick.

>> No.12526015

>am looking for alternate sources of caffeine
How about try adopting a healthy lifestyle and getting enough rest and don't become dependent on caffeine, you fucking mong.

>> No.12526028

8 years in the marines made me take my coffee however i could get it. Now it's just a habit

>> No.12526047


>> No.12526094

What makes you think he is or will be dependent on caffeine? What makes you think drinking coffee is antithetical to a healthy lifestyle?

>> No.12526782


>> No.12526923

You realize a cappuccino is a late right? You are just changing the ratio, and only by half a shot on the espresso.

>> No.12527571

>if it's frothy it's based