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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12510475 No.12510475[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>You don't tip? What the fuck is wrong with you? These waiters have 5 kids and no pot to piss in. Don't you realize taking orders and carrying food in a platter is the hardest back breaking work out there. Even though they make more money in tips than they do with their wage due to nazi shaming tactics, they are still entitled a 20% from you. That's right give up that 20% percent so they waitress has an extra coke line to do.

>> No.12510484

>t. Amerifags

>> No.12510485


>> No.12510492

You seem to be the racist, as is very common with your types. I simply don't give a shit about your fucking nations and don't want to visit them.
If you want to call me racist for disagreeing with you then you must have been shillary supporters since that's the best that they can do.
Are you still seething in your closets because Trump beat your annointed one?

>> No.12510497

I shouldn’t be expected to pay the server’s wage when I go to restaurants. That’s the managers job

>> No.12510501

t. Cokehead waitress

>> No.12510507

We get it you don’t participate in society you’re too smart for all that stupid shit. This is a new and unique thread idea that’s never been considered until now

>> No.12510510

well yeah, waitresses serve coke

>> No.12510511

Sometimes I wish I lived in America so I could say this every time. "If you want more pay, talk to your manager." I would write it right there on the bill. It would feel good to be making that stand for a cause. I wouldn't be able to eat in the same place twice, of course, but so what? I rarely do anyway.

>> No.12510518

I just don’t tip. It’s up to them to figure out why and to ask for a living wage.

>> No.12510602

>friend's gf was a waitress
>always bragging about her tips
>we go out
>i don't tip
>friend's gf makes a scene in the restaurant
It sucked just standing there being all shoulders, she's not even my friend. She's my friend's girl though so i just let her have her little outburst. She could make up for me not tipping with her tips

>> No.12510609

>These waiters have 5 kids and no pot to piss in.
Yet it seems like they all have no problem affording their drug habits.

>> No.12510616

Hide all pepe/wojack threads

>> No.12510618

If you’re being serious I want you to be honest with me.
1. Are you a nigger?
2. Why didn’t you have a relationship with your father?

>> No.12510626

So when will the mods delete >greentext, pepe/wojack OP images on sight

>> No.12510646

If I was a nigger I'd have been making a scene too. Why do you choose to be a waitress when it's common knowledge that you don't get paid like everyone else? It's not my fault that it's unfair, but I don't just give money to people for no fucking reason. I don't get paid extra every time I complete a task at my job

>> No.12510659

tipping is bad and should be abolished but you're stupid

>> No.12510676
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you're paying their wage regardless when you spend money at the restaurant, wouldn't you rather have the option to pay them what you feel they earn on how hard they worked...never mind i forgot you're autistic and can't handle social situations.

>> No.12510768

>same amount of labour moving wine bottle A and wine bottle B as they're the same size and weight
>waiters think they deserve more money for carrying wine bottle B because it cost the costumer more

Shit like this is why I don't support tipping culture. I also like how the percentage you tip keeps going up. When I was a kid 15-18% was considered good. Now I see waiters arguing for it to go up to 25%

>> No.12510784

I just don’t eat out at places that encourage tips anymore. The people in the back work 3 times as hard and rarely if ever see tips

>> No.12511002
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>Always pay tip on my card so server can't just pocket it, and has to pool it with the other servers.

>> No.12511013

hey, that's smart!

>> No.12511019

You tip because it's a hard job. Other jobs don't get tips because they're easy jobs. End of discussion.

>> No.12511031

I worked as a buser at 4 star restaurant.
We'd share our tips with the kitchen and even the dishwasher.
Place made good money and had high paying cliente too. So I assume thats the only reason we did that though.

>> No.12511033

You sound mad, did someone hurt you recently?

>> No.12511038

>You tip because it's a hard job.
People tip delivery drivers and that shits easy now that GPS is commonplace.
Hell even barbers and beauticians get tips.

>> No.12511046

Yeah I starved to d
You tip the delivery guy for being fast with your food. You tip the barber for getting your hair exactly how you want it.

>> No.12511047

I only tip older women. Kids can fuck off.

>> No.12511051

>You tip the delivery guy for being fast with your food
You tip him so he doesn't tamper with your food.

>> No.12511053

>m-maybe if I give her a big tip she'll be my loving mommy gf!
Grow up and have sex.

>> No.12511055

>You tip him so he doesn't tamper with your food.
That doesn't really make sense unless you're a repeat customer and getting the same drivers though.

>> No.12511057

>I only tip the retards who think waiting tables is a long term career over struggling college students

Critical thinking there einstein

>> No.12511064

He doesnt know how much you've tipped until after you get your pizza, are you retarded?
Hes probably some lazy fatass who orders a large dominos pie every night of the week but never tips because he thinks he's better than everyone else

>> No.12511066

All these new delivery apps means you'll likely never see the same delivery driver twice. I write "cash tip" in the notes and just sign for my food and leave them empty handed.

>> No.12511068

Pizza places will make note in their computer system if you don’t tip, or if you complain a lot, or are an asshole

>> No.12511076

You're a retard.

>> No.12511079

>Pizza places will make note in their computer system if you don’t tip, or if you complain a lot, or are an asshole
Damnnit can anything stop big pizza?

>> No.12511083

Have. Sex. Incel.

>> No.12511096

very cute. lad :^)

>> No.12511107

Seething incel is seething

>> No.12511112

retarded lad is retarded :^)

>> No.12511116

Did you have sex yet?

>> No.12511120

ask your mom retard :^)

>> No.12511129

Ok I asked, she says you're an incel.

>> No.12511147

she told me you jerk off and cry to sleep every night :^)

>> No.12511153

What part of "have sex" don't you understand? Don't make me tell you again.

>> No.12511161

you wut now m8? :^)

>> No.12511167

I btfod an incel. What did you do, m8? It wasn't sex I bet.

>> No.12511175

you retarded, lad :^)

>> No.12511180
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>opinion I don't like

>> No.12511195


>> No.12511199

>t. got btfod
lewd :^)

>> No.12511202

At least I'm not some no sex incel. Im gonna write you a prescription bro. 20 mg of pussy taken intra-genitally.

>> No.12511216

ur englush suckie suckie lad wew :^)

>> No.12511222

Maybe if you got some sucky sucky you wouldn't be such a seething copelord.

>> No.12511230

Next time you do this, try saying "keep the change" before closing the door. It's hilarious.

>> No.12511231

y u mad lad :^)

>> No.12511254


>> No.12511318

Working in the kitchen is way fucking harder, and they don't get tips. The greedy cunt servers don't even tip them out, and half the reason servers get good tips is based on the quality of the food.

>> No.12511461

This has always been funny to me.
>Gee, this food is awesome, my compliments to the chef! I'm going to leave a big tip for the guy who took my order, brought it to me, and refilled my beverage.

>order the cheapest thing on the menu, like a $10 burger
>server brings it to me on a plate, he gets a 20% tip, or $4
>order the most expensive single entree, say an $80 surf and turf all on one plate
>server brings it to me on one plate, gets a 20% tip, or $16
Should just be a flat server fee for the number of plates and refills. Or, you know, have the owner actually factor in server wages, and get rid of tipping altogether, but that won't happen.

>> No.12511468

Here are my thoughts as a FOH employee at an upscale casual restaurant in the western US.

Serving isn't really "hard" like kitchen work is, nor is it highly skilled. However, it takes a certain level of social awareness and finesse, that is not extremely common and is probably becoming less so due to the autism epidemic.

They have to kiss ass yet also act playful to make guests feel like their asses deserve to be both kissed and spanked lightly, which activates the arousal centers leading the guest to tip more highly. Most servers are faking it, they are jaded and talk shit behind closed doors, I would say about 70% of them are just emotionally numb. They have to deal with an entire spectrum of potential interactions ranging from outright hostility, aggressive flirting, to total detachment. It may seem strange to us on /ck/ who are there for the food/drink, but people go into restaurants for all sorts of reasons and with all sorts of attitudes.

>> No.12511469
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This thread again

>> No.12511471

Wait staff will fight against it until we stop supporting the racket.

>> No.12511477
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>20% of 10 is 4

>> No.12511488

Is that why these idiots cry about their dad tipping so much when he takes them to dinner? Because they are retarded?

>> No.12511616

go back

>> No.12511621
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>> No.12511635
File: 65 KB, 1068x601, gigachad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>me? I always tip at least 25%. if the service is great, I tip 50%